Dennis Crenshaw
If our world is solid as
we are told common since tells us that the "magnetic" Poles would be
where they belong – at the same spot as the "geographical" poles.
However, as we know that is not the case.
"The Magnetic Poles are not fixed spots, but are constantly
traveling onwards, executing an unknown path and apparently
completing a circle in a period of many hundreds of years. In
addition to this onward movement of a few miles a year, there is a
lesser daily oscillation".
What do Gardner and Reed, the presenters of The
Hollow Earth Theory
have to say on this subject?
"in gravitational pull it is not the geometrical position that counts.
Center, in the geometrical sense of the word, does not apply. It is
the mass that attracts. And if the great mass of the earth is in its
thick shell, it is the mass of that shell that will attract, and not
a mere geometrical point which is not in the shell but 2900 miles
away from it, as that is the approximate distance between the center
sun and the inner surface of the earth. As a matter of fact it is
the equal distribution of the force of gravity all through the
shell. When we are on the outside of the shell it is the mass of the
shell that attracts us to the surface. When we go over to the inside
of the shell the same force will still keep our feet solidly planted
on the inner side".
So, according to Gardner, it's not some action deep within our
Earth which causes gravity and the Earth's magnetism but the
rotation of the mass which makes up the crust. To understand where a
"magnetic" pole would be if the world were made-up as envisioned by
the two fathers of the Hollow Earth Theory we turn to William Reed;
" if the center of the walls of the earth is the center of gravity,
then the greatest attraction would be at the poles. [the place where
the magnetic pull would be the strongest] "must have been about
halfway around the curve, entering the introit of the earth and, if
so, was in perfect accordance with the laws of the universe that the
center of gravity is strongest at this point".
Gardner agrees with Reed. The magnetic poles would
actually form a circle around the pole-hole. Not a "moving" pole as
in the accepted theory, but a permanent "ring" around the alleged
entrance into the inner lands.
One Pole -Two Poles -Three Poles - More?
On July 19, 1947 a group of scientists left Ottawa Canada aboard a
plane with the mission of finding the exact position of the North
Magnetic Pole. Included in the tons of equipment they loaded aboard
was "a new instrument that is expected to be helpful in taking
magnetic soundings and establishing the northern magnetic field"
On August 17, 1947 The New York Times reported;
Polar Shift Confirmed. Canadian Scientists Report a Movement 200
Miles North
Ottawa, Aug. 16, 1947 – The North Magnetic Pole seems to have moved
200 miles north since the year 1909 according to the first findings
of four scientists of the Canadian Department of Mines and
Resources, who left here by air July 19 in quest of the poles
present position."
This seems to fit the accepted theory OK. No surprises here. But then
the United States Air Force tried to slide one by us. on Monday,
October 20, 1947 the following front page story was carried by The
New York Times: All Arctic Is Open To The Air Force; 2 New Poles
Found. Tests show 3 Magnetic Poles Instead of 1, With Center
on Prince Wales Island by Anthony Leviero
Washington, Oct. 19, 1947 –
"The Air Force disclosed that it had
discovered two new magnetic poles, in addition to correcting the
position of the one recognized by science the three poles constitute
an elliptical magnetic field"
Upon finding this article in the Jacksonville Florida Public
microfilm files I had to rush to a dictionary. Just as I suspected,
Webster's Seventh defined elliptical as being a "deviation of an
ellipse or a spheroid from the form of a circle or a sphere. Ellipse
is defined as "an oval". Of course, this is never talked about. As
could be expected the article goes on to state "the exact location
in latitude and longitude of these important discoveries in
terrestrial magnetism were withheld for security reasons, a
spokesman said" Under the rug!
However a little bit more of what was found out did slip through the
net. In a scientific editorial in The New York Times published on
October 21, 1947 we learn;
Magnetic Trinity
" This military study of the polar regions has unexpectedly supplied
us with new information on terrestrial magnetism. Observers of the
Royal Air Force found that the North Magnetic Poles lies 300 miles
north-northwest of its charted position. These findings have not
only been confirmed by American Army pilots but have been
supplemented with the information there are three magnetic poles in
the area 450 miles long by nearly 200 miles wide."
The Poles Explained
Is it just a coincidence that these documented findings fits exactly
the description of what the founders of the Hollow Earth Theory said
would be found? As with most of the earthly mysteries, the
"mysteries" of the poles are easily understood when looked at using
the concept of a hollow globe.
The poles do not from spot to spot and there are not three separate
poles. This is a classic example of the results of the establishment
scientists trying to "fit" the know facts to their "sacred cow" of a
theory. The actual explanation is simple. As different explorers
start over the edge of the lip into the interior lands they think
they have "discover" that the pole has moved or that they have
"found" a new magnetic pole. It's also possible that they are taking
from different areas of the circle which surrounds the pole-hole
exactly where Reed and Gardner said the magnetic field is located.
In the words of the author of the Oct.21, 1947 New York Times
scientific editorial quoted above; "We begin to understand why
explorers have reported that the Magnetic North Pole is elusive and
that it shifts its position. But is it shifting? If the three
magnetic poles remain fixed, if other poles are found, which is not
improbable, we shall have to think of an ellipse-shaped magnetic
Another scientific fact which supports the Hollow Earth Theory,
yet totally ignored by the "experts".
Master Minds of Modern Science. T.C. Bridges & H. Hessell
Tiltman. New York: The Dial Press. 1931.
A Journey To The Earth's Interior. Marshall B. Gardner. Aurora, IL. By the Author. 1920.
The Phantom of The Poles.
William Reed. New York. 1906. Reprinted 1990.
"12 To Hunt Magnetic Pole 2
Months in Arctic". The New York Times. July 20, 1947.
"Polar Shift Confirmed". The New York Times.
August 17, 1947.
Two New Poles Found. The New York Times. October 20, 1947.
Magnetic Trinity. The New York Times. October 21, 1947
Magnetic Trinity. The New York Times. October 21, 1947