Phase Five

The Political Management of Iraq and its Ancient ET Technology

In the 2000 Presidential election campaign, George Bush jokingly responded to a question concerning the ET presence by saying that that was Richard Cheney’s area of expertise.


Cheney served as Secretary of Defense in the first Bush administration and according to the formula first used during the Eisenhower administration to determine the members of MJ-12, Cheney would have been a former active member of MJ-12, and was very likely a current member of PI-40. Bush would have been briefed at some point by Cheney and/or his father about the ET presence, and was simply deferring to the clear expertise Cheney had in the area.


Other key administration figures in the new Bush administration such as Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense during the Ford administration, also would have served on MJ-12 according to the Eisenhower era formula, and would have subsequently sat on PI-40, before finding himself elevated once more to MJ-12. Other new Bush administration officials such as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, both of whom had earlier held prominent positions in the Department of Defense, were probably briefed on the ET presence, during their tenures.

What distinguished this senior group of officials in the Bush administration with backgrounds in the Department of Defense, was their ‘hawkish’ Republican world view that espoused such novel international theories as preemptive military intervention against rogue states and creating a global defensive shield against them.


While such a theory ostensibly was focused on the threat such states posed if they possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, the knowledge these officials had concerning the ET presence, suggested that they were merely continuing the threat based assessment of the ET presence that had earlier dominated the Reagan administration.


The global defensive shield against rogue states using ballistic nuclear missiles against the US, was again a convenient cover for the true intent to be able to military intervene against ET craft anywhere on the planet. Aside from the close ties this group of Bush administration ‘hawks’ had with the Department of Defense, some of them also had extensive ties with corporate military contractors that worked on various clandestine projects concerning the ET presence.


The professional background and policies of the Bush administration ‘hawks’ suggests they formed the public head of a ‘cabal’ of senior military officials based in clandestine organizations that promoted a militaristic responses to the ET presence. [77]


Such officials would no doubt have been aware of clandestine organizations of other countries with whom they cooperated/competed with in terms of gaining maximum strategic advantage vis-à-vis the ET presence, and the strategic significance of different rogue states in the tenuous balance of power that existed on the planet between different ET factions and clandestine government organizations. A key rogue state in such a strategic struggle was Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

There is evidence that Iraq once hosted an advanced civilization that interacted extensively with ET races.


The likelihood that this interaction led to the development of technology either left behind by these ETs or based on ET technology that lay buried in the Iraqi desert has been argued to be the primary motivation for the US led military intervention in the 2003 Gulf war. [79]


Once the need to invade Iraq emerged for reasons that primarily concern the political management of the ET presence and the strategic importance of Iraq, it became important to manage this in a way that would minimize global chaos. This was especially important since clandestine organizations in the US were competing with similar organizations in France, Germany, Russia and even China that presumably already established some understanding of precisely what was available in Iraq, and its strategic significance for the global balance of power.

The influence of key ‘hawks’ in the Bush administration, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Cheney, Richard Perle and others, was likely viewed by MJ-12/PI-40 as a useful political tool for gaining access to Iraq’s strategic ET resources. This had to be managed in a way, however, that would maintain global consensus and not precipitate a conflict that could easily spiral out of control and lead to the intervention of ET races.


Like the Reagan administration before it, the more militaristic impulses of the Bush administration needed to be restrained by MJ-12/PI-40, if Iraq’s ET resources were to be gained over the objections of clandestine organizations based in France, Germany, Russia and China.

In August of 2002 when debate over a preemptive US attack was at its height, Kissinger released a significant policy statement that cautioned the Bush administration from alienating its historic allies in dealing with Iraq, and argued that,

“the notion of justified pre-emption runs counter to modern international law which sanctions the use of force in self defense only against actual rather than potential threats.” [80]

This combined with key statements from other former officials from Republican administrations, such as former Bush Snr., National Security Advisor and a likely PI-40 member, Brent Scowcroft, led to President Bush moving towards a more internationalist agenda that embraced the role of the UN. [81]


This culminated in Bush making a speech before the UN a day after the anniversary of September 11 where he emphasized the importance of confronting Saddam Hussein and the important role of the UN in playing a leading role in containing the threat posed by rogue states. [82]


Kissinger and Scowcroft represented a very visible initiative by MJ-12/PI-40 to reign in the Bush Hawks insofar as the importance of global consensus was recognized as a key ingredient for the strategic goals of militarily intervening in Iraq, removing the Saddam regime, and gaining access to whatever ET technology was hidden in Iraq. The Republican hawks within the Bush administration had been temporarily outflanked by Kissinger, other Republican moderates and MJ-12/PI-40 members.


The clandestine organizations in France, Germany and Russia therefore had more time to reach an accommodation with the Bush administration. Security Council Resolution 1441 was a triumph for Kissinger’s approach to politically managing the ET presence.

By February of 2003, it had become clear that Germany, France and Russia were maneuvering to block the US intervention. Rather than this being purely an altruistic desire to preserve global peace in the face of an unjustified US attack to destroy ‘non-existent’ weapons of mass destruction, these European states desired to keep the US out of Iraq due to the increased strategic power this would give to US based clandestine organizations.


Kissinger’s role is indicative of the strategic struggle occurring behind the scene over ET technology in Iraq, and the shifting alliances this caused. Kissinger subsequently came out with a key policy speech criticizing France and Germany as threatening the NATO alliance. [83]


His speech indicated that the time was ripe for a US military invasion. Kissinger and MJ-12/PI-40 had given the blessing for an invasion which was now inevitable.


Rather than regional devastation as was first feared, what occurred instead was a rapid collapse of the Saddam regime. US clandestine organizations had achieved their military objectives without precipitating regional and global chaos.


The passage of a new UN Security Council resolution in May 2003 by a margin of 14-0 endorsing US administration and reconstruction of post-war Iraq by the UN, marked a decisive victory for the Bush administration, and the influence of MJ-12/PI-40 in politically managing the ET presence.

What was significant in the post-conflict administration of Iraq was the speedy departure of the Pentagon appointed civil administrator, Jay Garner, and his replacement by Paul Bremer, a former State Department Ambassador at Large for Terrorism, and someone with strong connections to Kissinger, formally in charge of the civil administration of Iraq.


This indicated that the more moderate policies backed by Kissinger in dealing with the ET presence, had prevailed over the more confrontational policies of the Bush hawks. A power struggle between moderate and hawkish factions of MJ-12/PI-40 was occurring behind the scenes, and the Kissinger backed moderates had been successful.

The policies implemented by Bremer in terms of setting back the schedule for the election of an interim Iraq administration, indicate that the US is set to remain in military control of Iraq for a number of years.


Iraq’s role in terms of being a host to ancient ET technology and analyses which suggest it plays a significant role in the possible return of ET races that sponsored Iraq’s ancient Sumerian civilization, makes Iraq a significant actor in the political management of the ET question.


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Political management of the ET presence has evolved greatly since the Second World War era.


Starting initially as a process firmly controlled by Presidential administrations that exercised executive oversight, thereby making it part of the democratic process despite its secrecy and lack of congressional participation, political management evolved to the point where Presidential administrations were not fully informed of and had no executive control over many aspects of the ET presence.


This meant that the political management process had dubious constitutional validity and was controlled by a few actors who could be tied to the Rockefeller-Kissinger axis, and their respective ties to US corporations and elite foreign policy bodies such as the Council on Foreign Relations.


The US-British-Australian intervention in Iraq suggests that political management of the ET process has evolved to yet another level. Now the US and its allies are prepared to militarily intervene in others in order to gain strategic goals vis-à-vis the ET presence.


The most important of which are,

  • to maintain official secrecy of the ET presence,

  • withhold from the general public the true nature of the historic role played by ETs in ancient civilizations,

  • and to gain whatever military advantage possible from the reverse engineering of ET technology found in countries that, like Iraq, have been prominent sites hosting an ET presence.

According to whistleblowers sources, there are numerous ancient ET bases that are being increasingly discovered around the planet. [84]


Consequently, it is likely that the intervention in Iraq will set a precedent for similar interventions elsewhere across the planet for reasons that increasingly have to do with the political management of the ET presence.

The strategic thinking of organizations such as MJ-12/PI-40 is based on the perception that the best analytical minds and strategic thinkers are employed in managing the ET process, and that while this may not be acceptable from a democratic standpoint which emphases executive or congressional oversight of all government activities, it is acceptable from a national security perspective.


What can be concluded here is that the view that indeed the ‘best minds’ are in charge of the political management of the ET presence is misplaced. Information of the ET presence has been increasingly controlled and spun in a way that suggests that real decision making power has been inexorably restricted to fewer and fewer individuals who reflect conservative political philosophies typically associated with the Republican party.


While it is impossible to say exactly how many individuals exercise real influence in politically managing the ET presence, the history of the Rockefeller-Kissinger involvement and the prominent roles played by Corporate America and the Council on Foreign Relations, suggests that this influence is restricted to very few.

Eisenhower’s warning about the ‘best minds’ not being in control suggests that the elite club of ‘experts’ that dictate how the political management of the ET presence is to be conducted, are overly influenced by Corporate and elite interests sympathetic to world views associated with the military-intelligence communities.


Introducing greater transparency into all aspects of managing the ET presence will make it possible to expand the restricted circle of power and influence that controls information concerning the ET presence in a way that does indeed make it possible for the best minds to be formally in charge of politically managing the ET presence.

The erosion of executive control over the political management of the ET presence has reduced Presidents to at best, rubber stamps of MJ-12/PI-40 policies (this appeared to be the case in the Nixon, Ford, Reagan and both Bush administrations), or, at worst, to political impotence as appears to have occurred in the cases of the Carter and Clinton administrations. The policies of the present Bush administration indicate that the US presidency is reduced to little more than a vehicle for the realization of questionable policies concerning how to manage the ET presence.


When combined with the blanket of secrecy that has prevented the US Congress and the American public playing a meaningful role in the political management of the ET presence, the current situation is a profound problem for those truly committed to principles of democratic governance and liberty in the US and elsewhere on the planet.


President Eisenhower demonstrated he became all too aware of the true problem confronting the US as a nation in dealing with the ET presence – a de facto political coup by interests closely allied with Corporate America and the military-intelligence communities.


It is time that the American public understood the true nature of his warning and begin comprehensive political reforms to address the threat to liberty Eisenhower was alluding to.


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[1] I am very grateful to Elizabeth O’Rourke for her editorial assistance and suggestions in proof-reading and editing this Study.

[2] For more discussion of such a political coup, see Steven Greer, Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications (Crossing Point Publications, 1999).

[3] An online copy of Truman’s letter authorizing creation of Majestic 12 is available HERE

See Richard Dolan, UFO’s and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973 (Hampton Roads, 2002) 1-3.

[5] See “Quotations from Chairman Wolf,”  ; and Dr Neruda, Interview #1

[6] See Jim Marrs, Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us (HarperPaperbacks, 1997) 92-95; and Richard Dolan, UFO’s and the National Security State, 5-6.

[7] See Stewart Swerdlow, Montauk: The Alien Connection (Expansions Publishing Co. 2002); Preston Nichols & Peter Moon, Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity (Sky Books, 1991); Wade Gordon, The Brookhaven Connection (Sky Books, 2001).

[8] An online copy of Truman’s letter is available HERE

[9] This report can be found in Robert and Ryan Wood, The MJ-12Documents Book. The Report and book available online at

[10] See Dolan, UFOs and the National Security State, 16-35; and Marrs, Alien Agenda, 132-49.

[11] See Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell (Avon Books, 1994) Phillip

[12] For extensive discussion of these projects and their policy implications, see Dolan, UFOs and the National Security State.

[13] See Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 198-99.

[14] For discussion of events surrounding Forrestal’s ‘breakdown’ and ‘suicide’ see Dolan, UFO’s and the National Security State, 70-76.

[15] See, “Testimony of Master Sergent, Dan Morris,” Disclosure, ed., Greer, 359; and Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 198-99.

[16] See Marrs, Rule By Secrecy, 46.

[17] For discussion of the Rockefeller’s support for liberal internationalism, see Will Banyan, “Rockefeller Internationalism”, Nexus Magazine, May-June 2003, 19-22, 74. Nexus Magazine’s homepage is 

[18] See Corso, The Day After Roswell. See also a number of whistleblowers testimonies on top secret corporate military projects focused on reverse engineering ET technology in Greer, Disclosure.

[19] See Banyan, “Rockefeller Internationalism”, Nexus Magazine, 22; and Jim Marrs, Rule By Secrecy (Harper Collins, 2000) 31-38.

[20] Marrs, Rule by Secrecy, 36.

[21] See Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 207-10. See also Michael Wolfe, Catchers of Heaven: A Trilogy (Dorrance Publishing Co., 1996).

[22] Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 209-210. Another source for Kissinger’s leadership position is former Air force Colonel Steve Wilson who described Kissinger as the overseer of MJ12/PI-40. See online interview with Dr Richard Boylan, at

[23] Behold a Pale Horse, 210.

[24] For this reason, William Cooper claims that in the documents he witnessed, this body was called Majority 12. Behold a Pale Horse, 208

[25] Cooper, Beyond a Pale Horse, 208-10. For Hoover’s knowledge of ETs/UFO’s, see Marrs, Alien Agenda, 180-81.

[26] Eisenhower Presidential Departure Speech, January 1961.

[27] Stephen Greer is a leading advocate of the view that the lack of congressional/executive oversight of clandestine military projects and decision making processes, is evidence that a silent coup has occurred. See Greer, Extraterrestrial Contact.

[28] Quoted in “Testimony of Brigadier General Steven Lovekin,” in Disclosure, ed. Greer, 235.

[29] Available online at:

[31] Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 215. For further references to Kennedy’s ultimatum and documentary sources supporting that this had indeed occurred: see Linda Moulton Howe, JFK, MJ-12 and Outer Space, Available online at: 

[32] One of the strongest advocates for such a view is Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 215-20. For similar views from government/military insiders, see Linda Moulton Howe, JFK, MJ-12 and Outer Space, Available online at: 

[33] For whistleblower testimony from a military contractor on the loss of executive oversight, see “Testimony of A.H. Boeing Aerospace,” Disclosure, ed. Greer, 401.

[34] See “President Lyndon Johnson, 1963-69” at: 

[35] For Steven Greer’s description of various administrations not having this information, see Extaterrestrial Contact.

[36] Corso, The Day After After Roswell, 290. See also, “Testimony of Master Sergeant Dan Morris, US Airforce,” in Disclosure, ed., Stephen Greer, 358.

[37] As mentioned earlier, Cooper believes Kissinger was one of the two directors of PI-40. Behold A Pale Horse, 210.

[38] See Richard Dolan, UFO’s and the National Security State, 4-15. Marrs, Alien Agenda, 98-107.

[39] See Dolan, UFO’s and the National Security State, 4-15. See also “Testimony of Master Sergeant Dan Morris,” Disclosure, ed., Greer, 363.

[40] For a brief biographical summary of Kissinger, see Seymour Hersh, The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon Whitehouse (Summit Books, 1983) 25-27

[41] For evidence of the relationship between the Army’s Counterintelligence Corp and the ET presence, see the following declassified report from 22 July 1947 concerning the Roswell incident HERE

[42] See Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 207.

[43] See Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 202-04; Richard Boylan, “Official Within MJ-12 UFO-Secrecy Management Group Reveals Insider Secrets,”  ; Phil Schneider, MUFON Conference Presentation, 1995, available online at:  ; See Dr Neruda, Interview #1 ; Boylan gives a more extensive coverage of events surrounding the Treaty signing in “Extraterrestrial Base On Earth, Sanctioned By Officials Since 1954,”  ; See also Corso, The Day After Roswell, 292

[44] See Testimony of A.H. Boeing Aerospace, Disclosure, Greer, 400; Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 210.

[45] See Testimony of A.H. Boeing Aerospace, Disclosure, Greer, 400; Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 210.

[46] See Phillip Corso, The Day After Roswell, 287-95.

[47] Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, 210.

[48] See Seymour Hersh, The Price of Power, 18.

[49] For discussion of the Secret Studies Group, see Richard Boyland

[50] Seymour M. Hersh, The Price of Power.

[51] See Hersh, The Price of Power, 32-34.

[52] Hersh, The Price of Power, 36.

[53] According to former Col Steve Wilson, Kissinger was the overseer of MJ-12/PI-40. See online interview with Dr Richard Boylan, at 

[54] For Kissinger’s fondness of Bismark and realpolitik, see Kissinger, Diplomacy (Simon and Shuster, 1994). See also Kissinger, Does America Need a Foreign Policy: Toward a Diplomacy for the 21st Century (Touchstone, 2002).

[55] Both Kissinger and Bismark admired the work of the Renaissance scholar, Nicholo Machiavelli who espoused this view concerning morality in his famous work, The Prince.

[56] For a copy of Carter’s report, see Greer, ed., Disclosure, 448-50.

[57] See “Testimony of A.H. Boeing Aerospace,” in Disclosure, ed. Greer, 400-01; and “Testimony of Mr John Maynard, (ret) Defense Intelligence Agency,” in Disclosure, ed. Greer 426; and “Testimony of Phillip Corso, Jr.,” in Disclosure, ed. Greer, 469.

[58] See “Testimony of Dr Alfred Webre, Senior Policy Analyst,” in Disclosure, ed. Greer, 441-44

[59] See Study Paper #2

[60] For references to Reagan’s anti-ET rhetoric, see “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989.” Online article at:

[61] See “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989.” Online article at:

[62] For discussion of ET infiltration of clandestine organizations, see Michael Salla, “Responding to Extraterrestrial Infiltration of Clandestine Organizations Embedded in Military, Intelligence and Government Departments, Study Paper 4” May 31, 2003.

[63] For a revealing insight into the rigidity he adopted in his thinking, see his response to a CIA briefing on the Palestinian issue when he was President-elect. “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989.” Online article at:

[64] “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989.” Online article at:

[65] See “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989.” Online article at:

[66] “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989.” Online article at:
[67] “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989.” Online article at:

[68] Corso, The Day After Roswell, 291-93.

[69] See Glenn Krawczyk, “Mind Control and the New World Order,” Nexus Magazine (Feb/March 1993) excerpts available online at:

[70] See Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

[71] For analysis of factors for why the Cold War ended, see Ralph Summy and Michael Salla, ed., Why the Cold War Ended (Greenwood Press, 1995)

[72] This certainly is Stephen Greer’s view after interviewing/briefing various senior officials in the Clinton administration. Extraterrestrial Contact.

[73] Dr. Steven Greer Interview with Art Bell August 30, 2001, available online at:

[74] Available online at:

[75] “Remarks by the President and the First Lady at a the Lighting of the City Christmas Tree,” Belfast City Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland, November 1995. Published online at:

[76] For transcript of a CNN interview where Bush acknowledges Cheney’s expertise on the ET/UFO issue, go to:

[77] Michael Wolf discusses the influence of such a cabal in Catchers of Heaven, 382-83; see also his interview with Richard Boylan,

[78] See Zecharia Sitchin, The 12th Planet (Avon Books, 1976)

[79] See Michael Salla, “America’s Triumph & Europe’s Angst - The Secret Race to Control Iraq’s ET Technology,” Study Paper #2

[80] Kissinger “Calls for Policy Outline,” ABC News, Australia, August 13, 2002; "click" HERE

[81] See Brent Scowcroft, “Don't Attack Saddam: It would undermine our antiterror efforts.” Wall Street Journal, August 15, 2002 ; "click" HERE

[82] President George Bush, “Address to the United Nations General Assembly,” New York, NY September 12, 2002. "click" HERE

[83] See “Transatlantic anger” Daily Telegraph, 11/02/2003, "click" HERE

[84] See “Testimony of A.H. Boeing Aerospace,” Disclosure, 401.

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