You are invited to participate in a global experiment to manifest First
Contact with benevolent extraterrestrial races. The experiment is in
response to a request by extraterrestrials to give a 'soul based' response
to the question, "Do You Wish That We Show Up?".
The global First Contact
experiment is based on the concept of the
Isaiah Effect
popularized by the
Gregg Braden.
The key idea in the 'Isaiah Effect' is that by
visualizing a desired event and fully immersing oneself in positive emotions
of the event as though it had occurred, a powerful energetic impulse is
created that helps manifest the desired event in the concrete physical realm.
The emotions of celebration, joy, love and gratitude thus act as powerful
engines for 'thought creation'.
Due to over 50 years of secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence, and the
tremendous damage done to human societies and the biosphere by the
suppression of extraterrestrial technologies, creation of 'black budgets',
and intimidation/silencing of officials/witnesses revealing the truth, there
is an urgent need to end all secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence.
Consequently, a world wide First Contact event where extraterrestrials 'show
up' is needed to bring openness, transparency, truth and democratic decision
making to the way the extraterrestrial presence is officially managed. The
Global First Contact experiments involve a weekly visualizations,
the first of which was held on December 2, 2003, and may have produced an
government response .
To assist the visualization it is recommended that
participants hear a 21 minute online recording of whale songs at least once
before the experiment [listen]. Whales are widely regarded as a highly
intelligent telepathic species that communicates with extraterrestrial races,
and can also stimulate human telepathic abilities.
Details of the next Global Experiment are as follows:
Imagine yourself being asked by benevolent extraterrestrials the question:
"Do You Wish That We Show Up?" Say 'yes'! Then instantly imagine luminous
extraterrestrial ships appearing high over every city of the planet for a
period lasting two/three days. The ships perform light displays that
indicate universal greetings of peace, joy and fraternity.
Ships play
natural sounds such as whale songs indicating universal acknowledgement for
cetaceans as an intelligent life form that has long communicated with
extraterrestrial races. The visualization should be done in a way that
releases positive emotions such as joy, love and celebration. The
visualization can be modified in ways that best inspire individuals to
celebrate First Contact as a new era for humanity.
The visualization will be
performed at 9 pm in every time zone thereby creating an energetic wave of
consciousness that sweeps around the planet. The length of the visualization
should be between 5-10 minutes.
(local time zone)
You are invited to join the prepare4contact discussion to post any comments
regarding personal experience or to learn more about the Global First
Contact Experiment.
This Experiment is created and organized by the Prepare4contact Discussion