14 February 2012
HuffingtonPost Website

Former American President Dwight D Eisenhower had three
meetings with aliens from another planet, a former US government
consultant has claimed.
The 34th President of the United States met the extraterrestrials
at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to lecturer
and author
Timothy Good.
Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organized the
showdown with the space creatures by sending out 'telepathic
The two parties finally met up on three separate occasions at the
Holloman Air Force base and there were 'many witnesses', it is
Conspiracy theorists have circulated increased rumors in recent
months that the meeting between the Commander-in-Chief and people
from another planet took place.
But the claims from Mr Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon
consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent
Speaking on Frank Skinner’s BBC2 show
Opinionated, he said aliens at the first meeting were “Nordic” in
appearance, but a deal was signed with a race called “Alien Greys”.
Mr Good said:
“Aliens have made both formal and
informal contact with thousands of people throughout the world
from all walks of life.”
Asked why the aliens don't go to somebody 'important'
like Barack
Obama, he said:
"Well, certainly I can tell you that in 1954,
President Eisenhower had three encounters, set up meetings with
aliens, which took place at certain Air Force bases including
Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico."
He added that there were "many witnesses".
Eisenhower, who was president from 1953 to 1961, is known to have
had a strong belief in life on other planets.
The former five-star general in the United States Army who commanded
the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War, was also
keen on pushing the U.S. space program.
His meeting with the cosmic life forms is said to have taken place
while officials were told that he was on vacation in Palm Springs,
California, in February 1954.
The initial meeting is supposed to have taken place with aliens who
were 'Nordic' in appearance, but the agreement was eventually
'signed' with a race called 'Alien Greys'.
Mr Good added:
"We know that up to 90 per cent of all UFO reports
can be explained in conventional terms. However, I would say
millions of people worldwide have actually seen the real thing."
According to classified documents released by the Ministry of
Defense in 2010, Winston Churchill
may have ordered a UFO sighting
to be kept secret.
The UFO was seen over the East Coast of England by an RAF
reconnaissance plane returning from a mission in France or Germany
towards the end of the war.
Churchill is said to have discussed how to deal with UFO sightings
with Eisenhower.