by Michael E. Salla, PhD
April 11, 2005
Exopolitics Website
In the past couple of months that I’ve been posting on the UFO
Updates list it’s become clear that many researchers have great
difficulty in acknowledging the legitimacy of an exopolitical
approach that uses social science criteria for analyzing UFO/ETH
data from witnesses, whistleblowers, contactees, etc. For many on
this list, the bottom line is hard evidence as the primary criterion
for any methodology that qualifies as a rigorous scientific approach
to UFO research. Those who diminish the important of hard evidence
are criticized as going outside the scientific paradigm and attract
pejoratives such ’true believers’, ’pseudo scientists’, ’conspiracy
theorists’, ’sloppy’, ’Scullys’, etc. So is hard evidence the
primary basis for a rigorous scientific approach to UFO research?
It would certainly appear to be the case if we base a rigorous
scientific method on the natural observations of Aristotle, the
parsimonious methodology advocated by William of Occam, the
empirical research of David Hume, or the research methodology of
James Maxwell. This ’scientific methodology’ was appropriated by
Allen Hynek in his,
The UFO Experience: A Scientific Enquiry. Yet
there is the annoying problem for those advocating a rigorous
scientific method based on hard evidence. That is obviously the
cover up of the UFO phenomenon and the corollary that some national
security agencies are tampering with or removing the hard evidence.
From what I have seen there is widespread agreement on UFO updates
that national security agencies are engaged in a cover-up based on
national security considerations. Scholarship on the Roswell crash
demonstrates that a crash did occur, evidence was subsequently
removed, witnesses intimidated into silence, and deceptive
statements made by various national security agencies. When ’crash
retrievals’ such as Roswell are combined with
Majestic Documents
such as the
Eisenhower Briefing Document, the
Special Operations
Manual, these appear as confirmation that national security agencies
have regularly covered up evidence, intimidated witnesses,
instructed military officials to lie, put out disinformation, etc. I
have not seen serious objection on the UFO Updates list to the
proposition that national security agencies are engaged in a
political cover up concerning UFOs and the ETH. However, there
appears to be serious objection to the idea that national security
agencies tamper with or remove hard evidence. This extends to such
agencies removing the records of former employers in
black projects
in the manner alleged to have occurred for some whistleblowers.
Many UFO researchers concede that a political cover up exists, but
paradoxically contend that this does not negatively impact on their
search for sufficient hard evidence to reach definitive conclusions
about UFO/ETH hypotheses. This does not appear to be logical to me,
and appears to be more a statement of faith than a rigorous
scientific approach to the UFO phenomenon. More precisely, I am
proposing that advocates of the hard evidence approach are really
engaging in a faith based approach to UFO research.
Many UFO researchers mask their faith based approach under the
illusion that their research is based on the classical scientific
paradigm due to their emphasis on hard evidence. This emphasis on
hard evidence has a superficial resemblance to rigorous scientific
methodology advocated by Aristotle, etc., hence the illusion that
those such as Dr Hynek were engaged in a ’scientific enquiry’. At a
deeper level the emphasis on hard evidence masks a dogged denial of
the fundamental nature of the national security element that
contextualizes UFO research and the need for hard evidence.
The logic of my thesis that the ’hard evidence’ school of UFO
research is really a ’faith based’ approach is as follows. We can
start from some of the following premises.
First, the initial US Air
Force inquiry into the UFO sightings phenomenon,
Project Sign,
provided a conclusive statement confirming the ETH but this was
suppressed for national security reasons.
Second, that a crash
occurred at Roswell in 1947 and was subsequently covered up due to
the conclusive hard evidence it provided in favor of the ETH.
a number of leaked Majestic documents describe the various
committees, projects and processes set up to secretly deal with the
UFO phenomenon in the context of a possible national security
Fourth, a parallel ’national security’ system has been
created to deal with the UFO phenomenon using funds not subject to
oversight from Congressional/Legislative bodies.
The corollary of the above premises is the following. If top secret
committees set up a parallel infrastructure to deal with a national
security ’threat’ deemed too sensitive to be disclosed to the
general public or congressional officials who exercise budgetary
oversight; then the security system would be sure to eliminate,
remove or taint hard evidence, and intimidate/discredit witnesses
and whistleblowers. That this has happened can be identified in key
documents such as JANAP 146 and the work of researchers such as
Donald Keyhoe who was one of the first to rigorously explore the
political cover up in his "Flying Saucer Conspiracy". Numerous
whistleblowers who have emerged in the
Dr Greer’s Disclosure Project
assert that they indeed were instructed to lie about, and/or remove
hard evidence.
When one examines historical processes and documents associated with
the above four premises the inescapable conclusion is that seeking
’hard evidence’ in the present national security system set up in
response to visitation of ET races is really an act of faith. Those
researchers who assert the need to appropriate rigorous scientific
methods based on ’hard evidence’ are really promoting a faith based
approach to UFO Research.
The correct premise to begin framing research into the UFO
phenomenon is that a national security system has been set up to
keep the truth about the ET presence secret and to
punish/intimidate/discredit those who break ranks to reveal what
they had seen/done or provided any kind of hard evidence.
Essentially, we need to factor in the distorting role played by
national security agencies if we are to make sense of the entire UFO
phenomenon and to better appreciate how to deal with testimonies
from whistleblowers and witnesses of ETVs and/or EBEs.
If we begin with the correct premises about the national security
system set up back in the 1940s and 50s, we can better work out
what’s happening currently. To continue with the search for hard
evidence is really a faith based approach that appropriates
scientific methodology as a mask for some fallacious reasoning over
what can be conclusively determined about UFOs and the ETH. Science
uses deductive reasoning from premises that are based on an accurate
appraisal of the environment in which research is conducted. This
applies both to the physical and social sciences. The current
national security system prevents the kind of rigorous scientific
method advocated by many UFO researchers, yet these researchers
stubbornly advocate a process that does not make logical sense in
the present national security system.
We need to go beyond the myopic faith based approach to UFO
research, and unravel the nature of the national security system
that contextualizes all UFO research, and that distorts/removes hard
evidence and discredits/intimidates witnesses and whistleblowers.