by Victor Viggiani, B.A. M.Ed.
AmericanChronicle Website
Victor Viggiani is currently the
Director of Media Relations for Exopolitics Toronto. His
study of anomalous aerial phenomenon, research and analysis of
Extraterrestrial issues spans over 30 years.
His experience involves
UFO sightings report investigation as well as academic and radio
journalism in the field of ET Disclosure and related issues.
Victor Viggiani, B.A. M.Ed.
August 26, 2007
To: The Right Honorable Stephen Harper Prime Minister of
Dear Prime Minister Harper
Based upon an analysis of a multiple set of circumstances within
and outside of Canada, we as a nation are faced with an
unprecedented moral crisis and a decision involving the public
examination and disclosure of information of the most
extraordinary kind.
We present our concerns to you the Prime Minister of Canada, as
an elected official and, with the greatest humility and
non-partisan urgency, draw your attention to a matter that
Canadians and the rest of humanity can no longer ignore.
Four remarkable international and Canadian events have prompted
Exopolitics Toronto and the associated members of the Canadian
Exopolitics Initiative to bring this matter to your attention:
The Governments of France (March
2007) and the United Kingdom (May 2007) have decided to
release to the international scientific community previously
classified documentation on Extraterrestrial craft now
visiting Earth.
Her Excellency Governor General
of Canada Michaëlle Jean in her May 30, 2007 response
to a May 17, 2007 correspondence from Exopolitics Toronto
has suggested a specified course of action be taken by us to
communicate with the Canadian Security and Intelligence
Service to ascertain the state of concern in Ottawa
regarding the UFO/ET phenomenon in Canada.
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
the first Director of the CIA from 1947 to 1950, stated, “It
is time for the truth to be brought out… Behind the scenes,
high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about
UFOs… I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the
dangers from secrecy about Unidentified Flying Objects.”
The United Nations General
Assembly voted to approve decision 33/426, inviting U.N.
Member States "to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a
national level scientific research and investigation into
extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying
objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the
observations, research and evaluation of such activities."
As a result of these four
significant occurrences it is vital that you, our Prime Minister
and the Government of Canada, rise above the blatantly flawed
notion that UFOs are unreal, illusory or vexatious natural
phenomenon, and by following the lead of the Governor General,
the UN, France and Britain, and a former CIA Director, announce
open Parliamentary Hearings into this highly complex issue.
A New Era for Canada
Monday September 17, 2007 will be an important day for Canada.
Aside from being the first day of Parliament’s 40th Session, it
could well be the day when you stand before the people of Canada
and its elected representatives in the House of Commons to begin
a new era of openness, truth and inquiry.
It could be the day that you, as Prime Minister of Canada, one
of the most well respected nations on the planet for its
commitment to social justice and the truth, announce to
Parliament, to the people of Canada and the world of the
existence of radically new energy sources that will eliminate
the need for fossil fuels, and of the existence of technologies
capable of transforming the planet’s environmental chaos into an
era of new solutions and environmental sustainability.
You will also be able to announce that not only do these
technologies exist but they have been derived from energy and
propulsion systems of vehicles of extraterrestrial origin.
Furthermore your message to Parliament will state:
- The U.S. government – as the
major player among many – has sequestered these technologies
behind a wall of deep secrecy for over six decades.
- These technologies have been used for weaponry and other
military and national security purposes by the American
military establishment and not for a genuine response to the
planet’s spiraling environmental degradation.
You may even have to announce that
Canada has been unwittingly complicit in this secrecy. However,
Canadians are now prepared to confront and investigate the
overwhelming evidence that has been concealed by a strict code
of secrecy among many G7 countries - a secrecy code
predominantly dictated by the United States of America.
Admittedly these are frightening announcements for any leader to
make to his or her country and to the world but fortunately -
you will be speaking – the truth.
You, Prime Minister will be the first leader of a democratic
nation to come forward to conclusively declare an end to the
embargo of the truth surrounding the presence of advanced and
ethical off-world civilizations.
You will no doubt wish to conduct your own investigation among
Canadian agencies within the national security establishment,
the military, NORAD, the RCMP and CSIS during the remaining
weeks of the summer. However, before you do, please consider the
following evidence.
The Evidence
Your statements to Parliament will be based on the corroborative
testimony of expert scientific, military and corporate
witnesses, political figures and diplomats that would be
accepted as evidence in any court of law. Your information to
Parliament will also be based on documents, letters and
memoranda in the possession of the Canadian Defense Department,
NORAD and declassified American documents as well as other
international documentation.
Exopolitics Toronto and the associated members of the Canadian
Exopolitics Initiative are more than willing to share with you
and provide open access to these documents and others obtained
under the Access to Information Act from the Canadian Defense
Department. As an example, this AIA documentation clearly
indicates Canadian NORAD jets have been frequently scrambled to
chase and be easily eluded by craft of unknown origin, under
intelligent control and tracked by our own radar.
The preliminary evidential material upon which you will base
your announcement is summarized here for you and the entire
country to explore.
You will be able to
unequivocally state that during April and May of 2007, Great
Britain's Ministry of Defense indicated that it will be
releasing its UFO sighting reports to the public for
You can unequivocally state that
in March 2007 - The French National Space Agency, (CNES),
placed 1600 previously classified UFO sighting reports into
the public domain for the examination of the international
scientific community; beginning the process of full
disclosure of craft of non-Earth origin.
You will remind Canadians that
the Honourable Paul Hellyer, Canada's Defense
Minister from 1963 to 1967 under Prime Minister Lester B.
Pearson and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau,
stated publicly in September 2005 at the University of
Toronto’s Convocation Hall before the press and over 500
people, "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over
your head." Mr. Hellyer then called for a full government
investigation into this matter.
Mr. Hellyer’s statements are
based on documentation provided by
Phillip J. Corso, a
former Colonel in the US Air Force Intelligence, who had
direct contact with, and was in charge of material from
crashed extraterrestrial vehicles.
Mr. Hellyer’s statements and
Colonel Corso’s documentation are supported by a retired
American four star General as being, “true and even more…”
The first Director of the CIA
from 1947 to 1950, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
“It is time for the truth to
be brought out… Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air
Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But
through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are
led to believe the unknown flying objects are
nonsense... I urge immediate Congressional action to
reduce the dangers from secrecy about Unidentified
Flying Objects...”
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe
Aliens from Space, Major
Donald E. Keyhoe, 1975.
You can inform Canadians that in
September 2005 - Former Apollo astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary,
wrote in a foreword to Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge, by
Dr. Steven Greer,
"These revelations
underscore a long, sordid history of governmental and
media secrecy and the acquisition of technologies such
as microelectronics, anti-gravity propulsion and
zero-point, or "free" energy, from our visitors. This
massive cover-up has been going on for almost six
decades since the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in
July 1947, an event which was certainly not caused by
balloons, as alleged by the U.S. Air force. Such myths
are only accepted by the ignorant or the powerful and
their subjects."
You can also state that in May
2005 the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), entered into an
agreement with civilian researchers to release information
and jointly investigate UFO incidents.
You can share with Parliament
that in October 1998, Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
"I am an American astronaut and a trained scientist.
Because of my position people in high places confide in me.
And, as a result, I have no doubt that aliens HAVE visited
this planet. The American government and governments
throughout the world have thousands of files of UFO
sightings which cannot be explained."
You can affirm that in November
1950, Wilbert B. Smith, a Senior Radio Engineer with the
Canadian Department of Transportation wrote the now famous 3
page memoranda to his superiors after his historic trip to
Washington DC that states:
"The matter is the most
highly classified subject in the United States
Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying
saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but (a)
concentrated effort is being made by a small group
headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush. The entire matter
is considered by the United States authorities to be of
tremendous significance."
Furthermore you will be able to
show MPs and journalists an actual signed copy of the Smith
memoranda that Exopolitics Toronto can provide for you.
You will be able to confirm that
at two separate Press Conferences in October 2002 and 2003
one time Chief of Staff in the White House under President
Clinton, John Podesta, called for the release of all
government documents relevant to the extraterrestrial issue.
He did so following his tenure in the Clinton White House
after watching billionaire Laurance Rockefeller work
through the Office of Science and Technology Policy for
three years to persuade the Clinton Administration to end
the secrecy surrounding the ET issue.
“Now a former White House
chief of staff… want(s) to know what the Pentagon knows,
calling on it to release classified files about…
incidents involving unidentified flying objects, or
Podesta stated: “It is time
for the government to declassify records that are more
than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data
that will assist in determining the real nature of this
phenomenon." CNN October 22, 2002.
You can, without reservation,
state that a Canadian,
Alfred Lambremont-Webre,
while at the Stanford Research Institute, directed a
proposed Extraterrestrial Communication Study Project for
the Carter White House administration. This project was
initiated because President Carter while with 10 friends had
seen a UFO in 1969.
You will be able to show Members
of Parliament a 1947 handwritten letter by former FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover concerning his request for
“…full access to discs recovered…” by the U.S. Army. This
dated and handwritten memo is available to you.
You will be able to quote
chapter and verse from a 90 page report, AVIATION SAFETY IN
scientist that hundreds of pilot sightings each year
dominate the issue of airline passenger safety and
scientifically explains the impact of electromagnetic
effects of unidentified aerial phenomenon on electronics and
other avionics aboard passenger jets.
If you wish to do so you can
even allow MPs to listen to real-time and authentic audio
transmissions between pilots and air traffic controllers
describing, with intimate and precise detail, encounters
with intelligently controlled aerial phenomenon. Exopolitics
Toronto will freely share these audio transmissions with
your office.
Finally, you will be able to
reinforce your argument to establish public Parliamentary
Hearings on this vital matter by maintaining that if a
similarly large body of evidential and witness material
existed concerning an alleged corporate bank fraud or
irregularities in the RCMP or CSIS, Parliamentary Hearings
would be launched immediately and without hesitation to
ascertain the truth.
Your announcement will have an even
more expansive impact because the above evidential material does
not include
the Disclosure Project
testimony of over 420 corporate and military witnesses
accumulated by a leading disclosure based project in Washington
D.C. under the direction of Dr.
Steven M. Greer. Nor does
it include the many thousands of pages of civilian-scientist
research on this issue over the last 40 years. Access to this
documentation and witness testimony can be made available to
your office.
To make the above assertion even more air-tight, these 420
Disclosure witnesses have openly stated they are willing to
testify, under oath, before the U.S. Congress about their direct
encounters with crash site investigations, secret documents,
cumulative photographic evidence, radar reports and the handling
and storage of debris and bodies from crashed ET vehicles.
Jurisprudential evidence of this
quality does not get any better, especially when witnesses
possess the ranks of Brigadier Generals, Captains of ICBM Launch
facilities, Senior FAA Crash Site Investigators, astronauts,
pilots and officers with above top secret clearance.
Beyond All Oversight
One of the most distressing aspects of the secrecy surrounding
this issue is the abject absence of oversight by our elected
officials. Canadian elected officials are completely unaware of
the data, yet national security agencies and the military
closely guard it from any unwanted scrutiny.
Consider this: Fastwalker is a code word created by NORAD
to classify unidentified flying objects which approach our Earth
from space and enter our atmosphere. From a military facility
deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, USA, the US Air Force NORAD facility tracks an average of 500 of these Fastwalkers
each year. As you know, NORAD is a joint American-Canadian
operation theoretically subject to the oversight of the American
and Canadian governments. Prime Minister – how often is
Fastwalker information discussed in Cabinet?
While most ordinary Canadians are familiar with the acronym UFO,
they are totally unaware of the immense documentation, the
research and deep furtive interest in and the examination of
this matter by international military and national security
agencies such as the CIA, NSA, NRO, NASA, RCMP and CSIS. In fact
the NSA has 40 documents attesting to their interest in this
issue on its web site. The informational sequestration and the
classified activities of agencies like NORAD take place beyond
any civilian or political oversight. In other words Mr. Prime
Minister – neither you nor any of your senior Cabinet Ministers
have access to this data. This secrecy is six decades old.
This awkward reality will cause Parliament great concern. Not
only will MPs be taken aback by your message but it will
motivate them to coalesce into a non-partisan movement to get to
the root of this matter of governance usurped and democracy
Canada will have created the ideal opportunity to be the next G7
nation to come forward internationally to support the disclosure
decisions by France and Britain.
A Moral Issue
The question remains: How much longer will the Canadian
citizenry and their elected representatives continue to be
deprived of rightful oversight and remain totally uninformed of
and oblivious to the disclosure of this provocative evidential
You must now recognize that ultimately this is not a political
issue but a moral one.
The environment and the truth have endured an endless assault.
The Canadian people have been kept in the dark long enough and
have been powerlessly paying inordinately high prices for fossil
fuels that are proven carcinogens. This has resulted in an odd
While helpless, unwitting Canadians subsidize the depletion of
their own ozone layer, virtually constant smog layers in their
urban centers, endure spiraling respiratory problems, they are
lead to believe the absurd notion that growing corn to feed our
cars with ethanol is morally acceptable while our poor lack
suitable grains and protein to eat.
This conundrum exists in the clear light of unambiguous evidence
indicating that radically new technologies and virtually free
energy sources can be revealed by a full examination of the
UFO/ET phenomenon, a sequestered reality for 60 years.
Canada must extricate itself from this succession of secrecy and
complicity to empower its strong global leadership to fully
engage the truth with the French and British.
For these reasons alone, the Conservative government has a
patently moral responsibility to probe into these issues,
publicly. Not necessarily because this issue relates to national
security, energy depletion, environmental degradation or lack of
legislative oversight but because people of integrity and of
international prominence, know and speak the truth. These
individuals of prominence possess a deep inside knowledge of how
governments and military have surgically managed the UFO/ET
Prime Minister you must concede that, for any democratic
government to be unable or unwilling to discern these obvious
distinctions, is indefensible. Canada must act now.
Critical Questions Remain
It is no longer reasonable to ignore, nor is it a coincidence,
that there is a growing international acknowledgment and
agreement to release UFO/ET information as ascended to by the
United Nations and two of the world's foremost G7 democracies,
France and Britain.
Given these indisputable facts, these questions must be attended
to by the Conservative government and responses provided to the
Canadian electorate:
Will Canada, as an esteemed
member of the United Nations, act upon UN decision 33/426 to
initiate an investigation of the UFO/ET phenomenon and
Extraterrestrial life to unveil the scientific,
technological, medical, educational, social, economic and
environmental implications the Extraterrestrial matter holds
for all citizens of the planet?
What is the response of the
Canadian government to the recent French and British
disclosure events?
Will Canada join the initiatives
of France and Britain to engage and support a widespread
global dialogue and a process of international education
concerning diplomatic matters relating to advance and
ethical off-world civilizations?
Given that these off-world
civilizations possess technologies and energy sources that
allow them to engage in interstellar travel, will Canada
become a leading proponent of and advocate for a promise of
a new level of civilization with New Energy sources and
radically new industrial, medical and environmental
Will Canadian MPs actively
promote a form of international amnesty or restorative
justice to enable the hundreds of corporate, military and
national security insiders to come forward without reprisal
to divulge the truth?
How will Parliament react given
that Canadian statistics show nearly 3 million Canadians
have seen a UFO? Other survey results show that 78% of
Canadians believe we are not alone in the universe. Fifty
two percent of those surveyed believe that some of the craft
sighted are of non-Earth origin. Almost 60% of Canadians
surveyed believe that governmental/military secrecy exists
concerning the reality of unidentified aerial phenomenon. (Ufology
Research of Manitoba 1997).
Will the government under your
leadership hold open Parliamentary Hearings during the
coming session of Parliament to examine the massive
evidential material and witness testimony regarding an ET
presence? These hearings will engage full Disclosure of the
ET issue over the sequestration of information in favor of
Canadian sovereignty and independence from the USA, which
has not chosen Disclosure to date? The members of the
Canadian Exopolitics Initiative are willing to provide
broad-based national support and international communication
with witnesses and evidential material to facilitate
appropriately scheduled hearings.
Following Parliamentary Hearings
and subsequent findings and reports to the Canadian people,
will the government establish and fund for ten years, a
Canadian Institute for Exopolitical Education to provide
appropriate cultural, academic, institutional, scientific,
environmental, technological and economic transitions and
on-going analysis of the evidential material concerning the
ET matter for Canada and its international partners?
(See -
A Decade of Contact by
Alfred Lambremont Webre – Director of the Institute for
Cooperation in Space – a member of the Canadian Exopolitics
Mr. Prime Minister, Exopolitics
Toronto and the associated members of the Canadian Exopolitics
Initiative respectfully request public and unequivocal responses
to each of these eight questions. We know you recognize that
continued silence and inaction on this matter of acute
consequence are no longer options.
These fundamental questions must be addressed by the peoples’
representatives lest Canada too becomes isolated by elements of
secrecy that seek to conceal the authentic and legitimate
reality of what other nations now acknowledge as the truth.
This self-evident right of entry into legitimacy will signal the
beginning of a terrestrial rebirth that avoids the almost
certain destiny that the current environmental, militaristic and
social chaos bodes for each of us and our children.
You Stephen Harper, who finds himself the leader of one of the
most respected countries on the planet, are in a unique position
to make history as no other leader ever has.
We fully embrace your devotion to Canada, its values and its
prominence as an international leader. You are not alone as you
and our elected representatives fulfill the fiduciary
responsibilities entrusted to you by the Canadian people.
To support you in this endeavor, representatives from
Exopolitics Toronto and the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative are
willing to discuss and confidentially brief you, members of
Cabinet and your staff on these preliminary matters and the many
other related issues of extraordinary proportions.
If, on September 17, 2007 Canadians hear you begin your address
to Parliament with the words of a former Cabinet Minister the
Honorable Paul Hellyer, who sat in the chair next to you
as Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Elliot Trudeau… and
who proclaimed at the University of Toronto:
“UFOs are as real as the
airplanes that fly over your head…”, then Canadians will
know a new era for Canada has begun.
We wish you every success in
Parliament on September 17, 2007.
Prime Minister Harper, Canadians and the planet await your
Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.
Director of Media
Exopolitics Toronto
Michael J. Bird - Director
© Exopolitics Toronto August 2007