Hello, Richard,
The contact whom I have met with (3 times) is an American
diplomat, not a French diplomat.
Our contact is a highly decorated career US military
officer, working in the Pentagon in the Dept. of the JCS
{Joint Chief's of Staff} and is now assigned to the State
Department as a Military Liaison diplomat. He reports to
BOTH the Joint Chiefs and the State Department.
Bona fide credentials and other
documentation were presented to me for review, which I
examined and accepted as authentic and they satisfy my
concerns. I find him credible and I respect this courageous
gentleman, who in accepting this mission from top Pentagon
leaders has also accepted some great risks to fulfill his
"Why now?" you ask. What is the "precipitant cause" for this
action at this time (after 60 years of public deception)?
During the last year, pressure from foreign governments,
Britain, France, Belgium, the Washington DC National Press
Club UFO Conference in November and the Stephenville UFO
flap with the embarrassing performance of the USAF (bold
face lies) has shaken up the longstanding, official UFO
policy in the Pentagon and new people are in charge. The US
government has also been given a timetable for disclosure by
the ETs to prepare our people for open contact by 2017..."or
We first met on February 18th, '08. During our 3rd meeting
in 3 weeks (February 18th & 26th, March 3rd), I was briefed
last Monday on the results of a fact-finding mission that he
had just completed, visiting NATO HQ, European capitals and
the Middle East.
Britain, France and Italy will stand with US but their
attitude is "You go FIRST!"
But Germany, Spain, Turkey and
Saudi Arabia are adamant and hostile to the US plan to
We (Clay and Shawn Pickering and I) were asked
to notify the public and to help organize the UFO community
to put pressure on the politicians to give the military
leadership "the official orders" that they need to proceed
in a constitutional manner to disclose the ET presence.
In the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are not happy
with an archaic secrecy policy that has cost them the
respect, credibility and support of the American public over
the years and they blame the politicians (pawns of
economists, oil moguls and bankers) for that.
They want to disclose the UFO presence to restore public
confidence in our government and military, but as honorable,
constitutional officers, loyal to their oaths to support and
defend the Constitution, they will not act unilaterally,
unconstitutionally (to mutiny) at great risk to their
careers and their lives to do so.
The same applies to NATO
officers contacted during the fact-finding mission.

What's Making
the Russian Military So Anxious?
Black Triangle UFO in NASA Photo labeled "Space Junk" by NY
Times - 2/6/08
Another problem lies with the
Russians who have been chasing UFOs across Russian skies for
years. In keeping with their historic proclivity for
paranoia, the Russians suspect that the UFOs that they are
chasing over "Mother Russia" are products of advanced
American technology, intruding into their sacrosanct,
maternal airspace.
While this was true about U-2, that is not our "Space Junk"
spooking Russian skies and pilots today. Alleviating Russian
fears was one of the primary reasons for convening the
closed-door UN meeting of February 12th, to reassure the
Russians (and other countries) officially through our
military liaison diplomat that the UFOs to be seen in their
national airspace are NOT ours.
Our highest-ranking military leaders feel that the 60-year
old NSA/CIA national security paradigm (Above Top Secret)
policy is now detrimental to national security because it
has resulted (on the part of the pro-secrecy intelligence
factions) in political actions that are unconstitutional and
they are opposed to going any farther in that direction.
Therefore, they have asked us (you are included) to bring
public pressure to bear on our political leaders to give the
military orders officially to do what they need (and want)
to do, i.e. stop lying to the American public and to
disclose the reality of the alien presence(s) to the nation
and the world.
The USG is also under pressure from the aliens, themselves,
who have given it a timetable: 2013 for establishing
diplomatic relations, and 2017 for open contact before the
If disclosure is not forthcoming, the alien presence will
act unilaterally and force Disclosure on their terms, which
may take the form described by Arthur C. Clarke in
"Childhood's End," i.e. parking their Flying Saucers over
capital cities around the world.
Fear not. This action will not be anything like an
"Independence Day" attack but an unmistakable sign that
would be demonstrated over perhaps 3 other nations, for
example, New Zealand, Brazil and South Africa, or worse,
Venezuela, North Korea or another 3rd World nation, like
I told our diplomat that such an action on the part of "The
Coming Race" would demote the US in stature, diminishing our
credibility and prestige in the eyes of the world while
elevating the international status and prestige of whichever
countries they choose for this demonstration. Our diplomat
expressed the undesirable prospects of watching Caesar
Chavez of Venezuela or Kim Jung Il of North Korea
delightedly welcoming Alien ships over Caracas or Pyongyang
and boasting on the world stage (Live on CNN), using the
event as proof of the superiority of the their regimes (as
Chosen Ones) to strengthen their own fame, power and
prestige as the first allies "chosen" by the arriving
And I do mean "arriving."
For that reason, I've decided to refer to them as "The
Coming Race," borrowing
Bulwer-Litton's term for the
mythical "Vril."
Unilateral Disclosure on the part of the alien presence is
what I feel has actually been happening for the past 2 years
with open manifestations (flyovers) of Mexico, Britain,
Canada, Peru, Argentina and, of course, Stephenville, Texas
in January '08.
Few people (except Canadian UFO researcher, Don Ledger) seem
to have noticed that the UFOs seen by Steven Allen
and Ricky Sorrels over Stephenville were flying in
close proximity, just a few miles from the Bush Ranch (Texas
White House).
How far is "a few miles" when traveling at 3,000 mph (as
reported by pilot, Steven Allen)? Now we understand why the
USAF scrambled 10 F-16s to chase "something that doesn't
officially exist"...
Shades of Washington, DC July 1952!
This is what I meant by "or else" above… Disclosure is being
FORCED by the alien presence manifesting itself openly in
our skies and around the world.
I view my role (working with Clay and Shawn Pickering) as
being called upon to help prepare our own citizens (and our
allies) for Disclosure on a psychological level in order to
avoid a general panic of an Orson Wells effect and "culture
shock" when disclosure happens, whichever way "IT comes
Independent Corroboration Comes
from France
As for "independent" corroboration, a French auditor,
Gilles Lorant, who was luckily present at UN meetings on
February 13-14th has independently confirmed those
UFO-related follow-up meetings, which included a
presentation of facts by representatives of the USAF and the
National Guard.

Gilles Lorant
Gilles Lorant has identified
others who attended the UN UFO meetings of February 13th &
14th, including Srgiam Kerim of Macedonia, the
current President of the General Assembly, who chaired the

Srgiam Kerim
President of the UN General Assembly
In an interview with French
UFOlogist Gilles Bourdais in Paris on March 4th ,
'08, Mr. Lorant noted that the British representative, UK
ambassador, Sir John Sawyers and the Vatican
representative, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, were
among the 28 representatives at the UN meetings, which
discussed UFOs.

John Sawyers
UK Ambassador to

Archbishop Celestino Migliore
Vatican UN
Most significantly, Gilles
Lorant stated that the UN action was taken as a result
of calls for action made by 3 (as yet unnamed) US Senators.
My guess (simply, a suspicion) is that the motion for action
by the UN may have came from US Senators from Arizona (due
to the Phoenix UFO Incident) and from Texas (due of the
earth-shaking Stephenville sightings in January '08).
If my guess is right, at least one of our Presidential
candidates may well be concerned with this issue and
involved behind the scenes in changing the course of
history, breaking ground in new directions.
Last November in Washington, DC, I met with former-Governor
Fife Symington an ex-USAF officer, during the NPC UFO
I expressed my feelings candidly on the subjects
of official government secrecy and Disclosure to the
governor who, himself, described being an eyewitness to the
sight of a nearly mile-wide triangular UFO, flying slowly
over the capital of his state.

Symington (USAF, Ret.)
Former Governor of Arizona
Eyewitness to the Phoenix UFO
Ex-Governor Symington
spoke in agreement (with the other National Press Club
panelists from across the world) that current US government
policies of denial and disinformation must stop and that
Disclosure is advisable.
Mr. Symington explained honestly and assertively in detail,
the need for "comic relief" (dressing his aide in an ET
costume) that he felt compelled to use in order to assuage
public anxiety after the Phoenix UFO incident and the fear
of national ridicule in the media, a waste-product (my term)
of the current policy of official government secrecy.
The Phoenix incident cost
Governor Symington dearly in credibility and even more

So, as we can see, at least one
well-known Arizona politician has been lobbying public
opinion actively in calling openly and publicly for UFO
This reinforces my belief that
Senator John McCain of Arizona may be one of the
"movers and shakers" behind this UN motion.

Senator John
S. McCain (US Navy, Ret.)
As a former US Naval Aviator,
Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) is the most qualified
person among the Presidential candidates, with the
qualifications, political stature and acumen necessary to
change the current USG policy from UFO Secrecy to
Another personal contact at the UN, a member of an
officially recognized NGO (non-governmental organization),
has informed me of a "big buzz" going around amongst the UN
bureaucrats and a general excitement, as well as,
"nervousness" on the part of some, at the UN as this process
For the foregoing reasons, I have given my support to this
planned push for UFO Disclosure. I've agreed to help "prep
the public" psychologically and to act politically to bring
pressure to bear on the "politicos."
By the way, the ETs involved in this Disclosure, whom I have
dubbed "The Coming Race," are not "The Greys."
They are "Other."
This is good... We need help.
I will send you more details and information as the
situation develops.
Robert M*
New York City
March 7th, 2008