Aloha all,
what follows are two
articles by Ed Komarek discussing the existence of
secret UFO Working Group comprising Navy admirals vis-a-vis
the UN UFO meeting. The second is a revised
version of an article sent out earlier discussing the
role of Navy admirals in these disclosures.
Investigations are still underway to confirm some of the
claims made by the original source of the Feb 12 meeting
who is still releasing information including the latest
revelations about the existence of a secret UFO Working
My own position remains
unchanged that Source A's original information is
correct based on his credibility as an active member of
the U.S. military whose ID has been independently
confirmed and has been known to me for 18 months, though
some obfuscations have been introduced about what was
actually discussed at the Feb 12 meeting.
The French source, Gilles Lorant, has gone underground
and not followed through with a radio interview with
prominent French journalist Didier de Plaige to clarify
the controversy over his professional qualifications.
However, Lorant has still not retracted his testimony
regarding the UN UFO meetings on Feb 13 and 14 despite
the controversy over his professional background.
One thing that I have been
able to independently confirm is that Lorant has been
present at high level military meetings at the French
Ministry of Defense. This helps confirm initial reports
that he did possess the kind of professional background
and military connections to be present at the UN as a
French witness/participant.
All this leads to the conclusion that the authorized
leaks on the UN meetings(s) emanated from a UFO Working
Group comprising Navy admirals, and the French Ministry
of Defense. It is very likely that these efforts are
being coordinated, and while this helps alert the public
to secret UN meetings discussing UFOs, the final goal
remains unclear.
Ed Komarek's articles help
give more information about some of the more recent
claims regarding the existence of secret UFO Working
Group behind the leaks. While Ed K. refers to it being a
U.S. Navy Working Group, according to Source A the
Working Group is an interagency entity with a number of
admirals participating.
This is consistent with
the model used in earlier 'secret' UFO Working Groups
that were interagency efforts, as described by Howard
Blum in
Out There - The Government's
Secret Quest for Extraterrestrials.
Michael Salla,
Ph.D. |
Where the Navy Leads Will the Air Force Follow?
by Ed Komarek
March 21, 2008
ExopoliticsBlogSpot Website
According to sources
leaking information to UFO/ET researchers as
to a secret UN UFO meeting recently, there exists a
United States Navy working group that is secretly pushing for full
and open disclosure of extraterrestrial reality.
This group sees,
"… a logistical 'window of
opportunity' to end over 60 years of denial during this 'lame
duck' period (of the
Bush Administration) and
before the next administration takes office; this helps to
facilitate disclosure at this time in order to put overt contact
at the forefront of future plans."
(After this article was published a
debate amongst investigators ensued as to wither the source first
said this was a Navy UFO working group. The source has since issued
a clarification and insists that the group is a inter-agency group
in which the Navy participates.)
One of the ways that this group hopes to effect disclosure is
through calculated leaks of UFO/ET related information to the
public. The question now is if the Navy takes the lead will the Air
Force, Army and Marines follow?
(For some history on this U.S. Navy UFO
working group go to the following site and scroll down to the
discussion of this in this article on the Black Budget:
What's Up With the Black Budget? - The Real
Clearly as far as the war in the Middle East is concerned many in
the armed services are becoming fed up being used by the civilian
leadership to support global entrenched economic and political
interests against the best interest of the American people. Some
of this realization and dissatisfaction with being manipulated and
used by the global elite seems to be spilling over into other areas
like the cover up of extraterrestrial reality.
This U.S. Navy UFO disclosure working group seems to be one of many
military working groups that are cropping up in countries around the
world. The most open and vocal of these seem to be those associated
with the Brazilian Air Force that is now working closely with the
Brazilian UFO community:
Brazil Releases Classified Data - Recognizes
UFO Research.
Recently Brazilian Air Force Brigadier Jose Carlos Pereira
has publicly stepped forward pushing of disclosure of all
extraterrestrial secrets. Other South American military working
groups seem to be cropping up and pushing openly for disclosure as
well. In the developed countries France’s military also seems to be
taking the lead in working openly with the UFO community:
France to Release UFO Reports.
In the United States the push for disclosure of all extraterrestrial
secrets by the American military seems to be much more timid,
hesitant and covert. Hopefully this will soon change especially if
other working groups can form in the Air Force, Army and Marines and
fall in behind the Navy’s lead. It seems to me that the
extraterrestrials are helping this process along by stepping up the
pressure on the Air Force in particular, putting it into a state of
near panic through regular airspace intrusions about the United
The resulting encounters are becoming
more obvious to citizen observer-participants on the ground armed
with video recorders documenting the action. (Some history on UFO
dogfights can be found at,
The Secret History of the UFO and,
The Tehran, Iran/F-4 Incident.)
As I have stated in other articles it would seem that the ETs are
using classic techniques and principles of non-violent political
action to bear against militaries around the world. I believe that
military and civilian leaders really have no choice but do fully
disclose if this kind of ET political pressure is maintained for any
length of time.
In addition citizen UFO activist
networks and movements are growing worldwide like the ones that I
participate in that have direct links to
friendly extraterrestrial
races. This pincher encirclement around anti-disclosure reactionary
forces seems to be doing the trick with opposition to disclosure
around the world beginning to crumble rapidly.
In the United States the pressure to disclose continues to build
from ETVs (Extraterrestrial Vehicle) intrusions into
American airspace on a daily basis combined with a growing national
and international exopolitical movement. I can only wonder what the
young pilots in these military bases are going through being exposed
to extraterrestrial reality cold turkey in a relatively short period
of time. The psychological pressure must be severe and the
controversy great in attacking a superior extraterrestrial force
that is so confident that it does not in general return hostile
fire. Maybe an anonymous report from one of those involved may yet
surface in my email box.
I expect a spill over soon into the UFO/ET community as military
personnel try to come to accommodation with the rapid exposure to
extraterrestrial reality. I hope my articles can help these good men
and women caught up in a disturbing conflict of which they know and
are told little.
These young men and women need to be
told the whole truth and not just partial truths designed to
manipulate and pressure them into hostile conflict with
extraterrestrial races.
US Navy's Admiral Fallon Linked To
UFO/ET Disclosure
by Ed Komarek
March 18, 2008
AmericanChronicle Website
There may be more to
Admiral Fallon's
resignation than meets the eye if UFO
investigators are correct.
The leaking of a
recent secret UFO UN meeting
to the public has been now tied to Admiral Fallon.
Also a top Brazilan Air
Force general has publicly come out in favor of UFO
disclosure. |

Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter
was the third director of the Central
Intelligence Agency of the United States,
serving from May 1, 1947
to October 7, 1950.
"Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly
concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule,
many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are
Admiral Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter (May 8, 1897 - June
18, 1982) First Director of the CIA, in a letter to Congress-1960.
There have been many recent developments in the area of UFO/ET
disclosure. One of several sources that leaked information to the
public on a secret UN UFO meeting has shown impressive credentials
to UFO/ET investigators. When the information was first leaked one
researcher Robert Morningstar was only allowed to state that this
individual worked under an admiral at the Pentagon.
While the furor
over the UN meeting has been going on in America, France and around
the world Brazilian Air Force generals are now pushing UFO
disclosure openly in Brazil according to UFO investigator and UFO
Magazine editor A. J. Gevaerd.
These are exciting times to be in the UFO/ET field.
The best place for the public and the
military to monitor rapid developments having to do with the UN
meeting is on the
Open Minds Discussion Board.
Many uninformed critics from around the world of this UFO meeting
have begun to fall upon their own swords and there is no way that I
can recount in this article all the twists and turns taking place
right under the noses of the brainwashed mainstream media. The
thread at Open Mindds relating to the UN meeting follows:
Source at U.N. Tells of Secret UFO Meeting
February 12, 2008
Let me begin with the apparent U.S. Navy push for UFO/ET disclosure
and I will follow with the Brazilian public initiative.
Morningstar said:
"I can only speak for myself (specifically
regarding the first meeting) and I reaffirm that I have met 3 times
with a distinguished US military officer, pilot and diplomat, to
discuss this topic and that the credentials presented to me are
"I can now tell you, and this should be of some consideration, that
as I stated this was initiated by a Navy working group. From
the first, my source made it clear to me that Admiral Fallon
was his mentor and has given tact approval behind the scenes to
advance the cause of UFO disclosure. In my
view, a smear campaign against him has been conducted (by opponents)
in a major magazine and that can be viewed as desperate "damage
control" on the part of the "US UFO 'Secret'-ariat".
This officer
has now resigned."

Admiral William Fallon
In another message Robert has the following to say;
"Our source
found the UN members (and their military reps in Europe) to be
entrenched in denial, resistant and recalcitrant against to the new
US proposal."
"Perhaps, the real purpose behind the leaking of the information on
the part of my government (and that is precisely what our account
is, a 'US Government' leak) may be designed/intended to bring strong
public pressure to bear on those United Nations representatives (and
our own) who have demonstrated themselves 'half willing' or
'unwilling' to proceed with the initiation of a process that the
United States requests."
"It appears to me that the US wants us to FORCE the UN to rethink
their policy and to cooperate with the US plan, beginning with a
proposed timetable for UFO Disclosure by 2013."
Robert Morningstar
is co-editor of UFO Digest:
In regards to the Brazilian initiative I here quote from a report by
A.J. Gevaerd.
"'All UFO secrets must be disclosed.' So says
Brazilian Air Force Brigadier Jose Carlos Pereira, one of the most
distinguished military officers in Brazil, who gave Brazilian UFO
Magazine an exclusive interview last Saturday, March 8th 2008."
"Brigadier Pereira admitted that he is a supporter of our campaign
UFOs: Freedom of Information Now, and said that 'it is time to end
all secrets about UFOs in Brazil and everywhere.'"
"Brigadier Pereira has an impressive military record. He flew all
sorts of aircraft all over the world for 40 years and was a top
authority in the Brazilian Air Force during the last two decades.
Recently he served as General Commander of Comdabra, The Brazilian
Airspace Defense Command and then President of Infraero – Brazilian
Airports Infrastructure Company. He has a direct line with the
president Lula da Silva. Brigadier Pereira was once considered the
man who had the key to the safe the UFO secrets were kept in."
Brigadier Jose Carlos Pereira states:
"All secrets must be
disclosed. There is no reason at all to keep them away from the
citizen, in the military installations. It seems that the phenomena
don't represent any kind of threat to national security nor a danger
to aviation. So that the population may learn what they contain,
especially UFO researchers. There is a favorable environment in
Brazil's military community in that this matter would be treated
openly. I will do my part, assuring my support to the UFO
researchers' movement that requests government freedom of
Okay you US Navy guys, maybe its time
for the US military to come out of the closet and bring
Admiral Fallon up to the plate to openly support UFO
disclosure as have the Brazilian military brass. Thanks for letting
us know you are watching.
The following was related as possible confirmation of this by Robert
"A couple of weeks ago, I asked our contact to try to find a way to
give us some indication of official recognition, a sign of tact
approval from the Pentagon. It seems to have come in a subtle way
yesterday, when one of my research associates found a reference to
"Is the Navy Pushing for UFO Disclosure" listed on the JCS News
website (Joint Chiefs of Staff News). When we went to the page, the
article was not immediately obvious."
"So, I typed in "Navy Pushing for UFO Disclosure" in their search
engine. Another JCS News page came up with a direct link to their
reposting of Ed Komarek's article of the same name on JCS News. This
article quote some of my comments on the nature of the problem faced
by the JCS in reversing 60 years of UFO denial in the short time
left to do so. I am very pleased by this sign of support from 'on