by Jonathan Andrews *
January 2008
ExopoliticsJournal Website
Jonathan Andrews is
a pseudonym for the author who prefers to remain
anonymous. The author is known to the Chief Editor of
the Exopolitics Journal who agreed to publishing this
article using the pseudonym due to legitimate concern
over possible retaliation against the author. |

As the exopolitical movement is gaining
momentum it may be opportune to pay attention to the occupational
hazards that come with the territory. People engaging in Exopolitics,
and especially individuals conducting citizen diplomacy with
extraterrestrials may have to be wary of possible government
responses to such initiatives. The question then also arises what
protective mechanisms citizen diplomats might use against negative
governmental responses.
In general, citizen diplomacy could be described as the whole of
unofficial contacts between people of different nations, as
differentiated from the official contacts between governmental
But more specifically, citizen diplomacy is
often used for a specific kind of informal diplomacy, in which
non-officials (academic scholars, retired civil and military
officials, public figures, and social activists) engage in dialogue,
with the aim of conflict resolution, or confidence building.[2]
In this sense, it is often referred to
as “Track II diplomacy.”
Track II diplomacy has proven useful in
situations in which official, diplomatic communications between
countries or between a government and an insurgent group have broken
down. Under these circumstances unofficial channels can often
operate more effectively, and pave the way for subsequent official
"first track" or "track one" diplomacy.[3]
As the number of contactees steadily grows over the years, so do the
initiatives by private citizens to try and establish contact with
extraterrestrials. These attempts could be seen as first steps in
the field of citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials, in that they
try to establish lines of communication, and possibly contribute to
confidence building.
But how will governments react to such private
initiatives? Should non-official galactic diplomats tread with
The issue whether individuals conducting citizen diplomacy with
extraterrestrials need to be wary of negative government responses,
is not an academic one.
On the contrary, as
Michael Salla
pointed out at the ECETI Conference in 2006, there is, indeed,
“extensive evidence that individuals
having contact or communications with extraterrestrials have
been repressed. (…) The repression of individuals and
organizations involved with extraterrestrial contact is
exemplified in numerous cases of intimidation, harassment,
physical assault or worse.” [4]
Before moving on to the different types
of negative governmental responses one might encounter, it may be
useful to address the question why the government would react
negatively to anything relating to the extraterrestrial presence.
Such reasons are outlined in a number of documents, like, e.g., the
Eisenhower Briefing Document
(hereafter EBD),[5] the
findings of
the Robertson Panel in 1953,[6]
the Brookings Report of
1961,[7] and, if authentic, the
First Annual MJ-12 Report.[8]
The main reasons all involve National
Interestingly, what is considered a threat to National Security in
most of these documents is not the UFOs and their occupants
themselves, but the possible reaction of the public to them. Indeed,
while there was concern that “the motives and ultimate intentions of
these visitors remain unknown” (EBD), the overall impression was
that the UFOs and their occupants had not displayed any hostility,
or undertaken any hostile acts.[9] Instead, the abovementioned
documents focus on:
Mass hysteria and the “need to avoid a public panic” (EBD),[10]
which were perceived as “a threat to the orderly functioning of the
protective organs of the body politic.”[11]
The possible disintegration of society. The Brookings Report, on p.
215, warns that,
“Anthropological files contain many
examples of societies sure of their place in the universe, which
have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously
unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different
life ways; others that survived such an experience usually did
so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and
Before that, the First Annual MJ-12
Report had already warned for the same thing.[13]
The possibility that foreign nations might try to abuse information
about an extraterrestrial threat for purposes of psychological
warfare. This was one of the main concerns of the Robertson Panel,
which therefore explicitly recommended in its conclusion 4,
“That the national security agencies
take immediate steps to strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of
the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery
they have unfortunately acquired.”[14]
Another reason involving National
Security has to do with the recovered technology and the
international implications thereof. We need to keep in mind that all
of this was set in motion at the beginning of the cold war. The
extraterrestrial technology was seen as a chance for the US to
secure its dominance. Indeed, the First Annual MJ-12 Report deems
that the advantages of
reconstructing the extraterrestrial
technology would be ‘incalculable.’[15]
To secure this US dominance, it was
important that other countries, and more specifically the Soviet
Union, should have no access to these extraterrestrial technologies.
For the US to ensure its dominance, information about the
extraterrestrial technology had to be kept secret.
First Annual MJ-12 Report therefore attributes the Majestic
operation, which dealt with the extraterrestrial presence, a
security qualification that exceeds that of the H-bomb
More importantly, the document explicitly states:
Domestic and Constitutional Issues: In dealing with clear violations
of civic laws and guarantees as defined under the Constitution, it
has been discussed among members of
protection of civil rights are out-weighed by the nature of the
It goes on to suggest:
One of the most difficult aspects of
controlling the perception in the public’s mind of government
attempts of denial and ignorance – is actual control of the
press. (…) it is the recommendation of the President’s Special
Panel with concurrence from MAJESTIC TWELVE, that a policy of
strict denial of the events surfacing from Roswell, N.M., and
any other incident of such caliber, be enforced.

A inter-active
program of controlled releases to the media, in such fashion to
discredit any civilian investigation, be instituted in
accordance with the previsions of the 1947 National Security
If genuine, this document explicitly
confirms a Government policy to discredit any civilian investigation
into the extraterrestrial question, based upon reasons of National
Now that we know why, we can focus our attention on what types of
negative reactions might one expect. What follows is a random
selection of documented cases.
A first possible reaction is censorship, where information about
extraterrestrials and their activities is simply ignored. James
Gilliland, e.g., by now has over 60 hours of footage documenting
interactions with extraterrestrials, yet the media refuse to pay any
attention to this.[19]
Or take, e.g., the Disclosure Press
Conference, organised by Dr. Steven Greer, in which dozens of
credible witnesses declared they had been involved in Government
projects that dealt with extraterrestrials. Jonathan Kolber
rightfully wonders why this event was largely ignored by the mass
media, and came to the conclusion that this is part of a deliberate
Apart from censorship, ridicule also is a very common response.
Jonathon Kolber’s suspicion that this part of a well-planned
strategy, is shared by others:
“Based on [the recommendations of
the Robertson Panel], a public relations committee was assembled
to reduce public interest in UFOs. Believers subscribing to such
notions were painted as foolish and irrational. This effort drew
upon the resources of renowned scientists as well as celebrities
and mass media. Even the influential Disney Corporation was
involved in the debunking effort. From this point forward
Ufology has been seen in disrepute among scholarly circles, and
UFOs have become a subject of the fringe communities.” [21]

A typical example of this, e.g., is the
recent coverage by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post of 17
September 2007, of the X-Conference, and a news conference held in
16 September 2007 at the National Press Club, by the Paradigm
Research Group.[22] Milbank presented issues out of context so that
they appeared ridiculous and the X-Conference Press Conference as
farcical (as depicted in graphic).
Citizens engaging in citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials can
also expect to be subjected to monitoring by the government.
“Finally, due to the suggestions of
the [Robertson] committee, groups studying UFOs were monitored
by government agents and spies in order to keep them from
influencing mass thinking. As late as 1976 a CIA memo was
discovered telling how the agency was still having to report on
the activities of UFO groups.”[23]
UFO researcher Nick Redfern wrote a book
on the history of government surveillance of UFO witnesses and
investigators.[24] Such monitoring can allegedly even take the form
of being monitored by remote viewers.[25]
Apart from monitoring by the government, US citizens engaging in
citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials could also face legal
actions. Relevant in this context are the Logan Act, and the
so-called Extraterrestrial Exposure Act, which could provide the
government with some precedents to base a case upon.

The purpose of the Logan Act is to prevent private citizens from
intervening / interfering in international diplomacy, by making it a
§ 953. Private correspondence with
foreign governments.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who,
without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly
commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with
any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with
intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign
government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to
any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to
defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (…)
The Logan Act does not mention
extraterrestrial relations. It says that private citizens who
interact with foreign governments outside of the official channels,
could be fined or sent to jail. Yet, it is reasonable to assume that
if the ratio legis is to prohibit United States citizens without
authority from interfering in relations between the United States
and foreign governments, then a fortiori the US Government will not
want its citizens to interfere in relations with extraterrestrial
Another legal precedent could be provided by the so-called
‘Extraterrestrial Exposure Act,’ which officially is now in
remission. This act made contact between U.S. citizens and
extra-terrestrials or their vehicles strictly illegal.
“According to a law already on the
books: (Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, adopted on July 16, 1969, before the Apollo moon
shots), anyone guilty of such contact automatically becomes a
wanted criminal to be jailed for one year and fined $5,000. The
NASA administrator is empowered to determine with or without a
hearing that a person or object has been "extraterrestrially
exposed" and impose an indeterminate quarantine under armed
guard, which could not be broken even by court order.
There is no limit placed on the number of individuals who could
thus be arbitrarily quarantined.
The definition of "extraterrestrial exposure" is left entirely
up to NASA administrator, who is thus endowed with total
dictatorial power to be exercised at his slightest caprice,
which is completely contrary to the Constitution.” [27]
Often people experience financial
sabotage and/or obstruction. Wendelle Stevens, a retired Lt Col.
from the U.S. Air Force who first witnessed UFO data while stationed
in Alaska in 1947, e.g., mentions how he was contacted by a
whistleblower who wanted to come and see him.
“He said he would get packed and get
a bus out that afternoon. I got a call about two hours later,
and he said that he had gone to the bank in order to withdraw
money for his trip and his ATM card didn't work. He tried his
Visa and Mastercard, and they didn't work. All of his sources of
money were cut off.”[28]
This, indeed, seems to be ‘standard
“Anybody who was a potential
troublemaker or whistleblower soon would discover how the CIA
used its relationship with other government agencies (such as
the IRS)... and find his or her credit rating slashed, employee
record blacklisted, bank account frozen, incoming mail opened,
and careers ruined.” [29]
Another common phenomenon is computer sabotage. Web sites like,
e.g., the one of Project Camelot,[30] which is dedicated to
whistleblower testimony, often is inaccessible due to so-called
‘dedicated denial of service’ attacks. On a public Bulletin Board
that is partly dedicated to UFO, contactee and abductee research,
several members explain how they have experienced computer and hard
disk crashes, hacking and hacking attempts.[31]
Many people describe various types of harassment and intimidation.
Dr Karla Turner [an English professor who become a specialist in
extraterrestrial abduction research] in Taken, gave the following
examples of intimidation, experienced by abductees whom she knew:
“When Amy left to drive home,
she was followed by a state patrol car who stayed inches
from her bumper or right beside her car for many miles”
“military helicopter harassment”
“phone disturbances"
"other events that seem much
more human than alien in origin” [32]
Some researchers investigating the Serpo
story – concerning an alleged exchange program between the U.S.
government and extraterrestrials from the planet Serpo - experienced
break-ins. [33]
Notorious, too, are the visits by so-called “men in black” who
often, though not always, pose as government agents. Several people
testified how they were subjected to stalking and to a “reign of
terror” by these men in black.[34]
Occasionally, people experience unlawful detainment. Mack Brazel,
e.g., who discovered the debris and reported it to the authorities
in the famous Roswell case, was unlawfully detained at an Air Force
Base for three days. [35]
Closely related to this, are the cases where people are abducted.
Karla Turner, e.g, describes a number of cases of abductees, who
after their alien abduction experiences, were subsequently abducted
by military personnel. She quotes the Leah Haley case as ‘beyond
question.’[36] This phenomenon was researched extensively by Dr.
HelmutLammer who wrote a book and several articles on it.[37]
He coined the term ‘MILABs’ (for
military abductions or military abductees) for it. Other authors on
the abduction phenomenon, like, e.g., Katharina Wilson, too,
describe cases of ‘MILABs’.[38]
During these abductions and unlawful detainments, people allegedly
are sometimes subjected to memory alterations and
indoctrination.[39] This not only happens to civilians: people who
worked for the government and held positions that involved
interactions with extraterrestrials or extraterrestrial material
often suffer the same fate.[40]
One of the more notorious (and disputed)
cases in this respect allegedly is the Dan Burisch case, involving
an alleged microbiologist who worked in a number of “deep black”
extraterrestrial related projects, as reported by Bill Hamilton.[41]
Similarly, sometimes, the intimidation and harassment involve other
methods of psychological warfare. A famous case, e.g., is the Paul
Bennewitz case that involved an electronics expert who deciphered
secret communications at an alleged extraterrestrial base.[42]
Many authors agree that Bennewitz was
deliberately ‘mentally destroyed.’ Numerous abductees report that
they are subjected to different types of Mind Control techniques,
and allegedly, they are not alone in this: in an interview,
therapist Stephanie Relfe mentions how this happened to her and her
husband, and how they even were subjected to different types of
psychic attacks.[43]
Often, people are exposed to threats of physical violence.[44] But
the worst cases involve the elimination of the subject. Indeed, if
all else fails, the Powers that Be do not hesitate to resort
to murder, as Prof. Schellhorn points out:
Death by gunshot to the head. Death
by probable poisoning. Death by probable strangulation. Deaths
possibly by implantation of deadly viruses. No one lives
forever. Yet the recent suspicious deaths of UFO investigators
Phil Schneider, Ron Johnson, Con Routine, Ann Livingston and
Karla Turner, as well as the deaths of a host of researchers in
the past, only seem to add emphasis to a reality with which many
of the more aware Ufologists are now quite familiar: not only is
UFO research potentially dangerous, but the life span of the
average serious investigator falls far short of the national
average.[45] (Emphasis added)
In the interview with Wendelle Stevens,
mentioned above, he confirms that he was contacted by a
whistleblower who claimed to have been such a hit man.[46] That such
practices exist is confirmed by several other authors:
“The CIA rarely dirties its own
hands with something as messy and jeopardizing as assassination.
Often, mercenaries and contract agents are maintained for such
actions. When the CIA does get personally involved, it tries to
make the death of the victim appear to be as much of an
'accident' as possible…” [47]
Vivienne Legg also refers to cases of
‘lethal intimidation.’[48]
The Project Camelot web site has several ‘in tribute’ pages to
people who suffered suspicious deaths.[49] In his article, Prof.
Schellhorn mentions virtually the same list of people who died in
mysterious circumstances.
The list includes:
Dr. John Badwey
Paul Bennewitz
Dr. Eugene Blass
Ron Bonds
Mae Brussell
Danny Casolaro
Dr. J. Clayton
William Cooper
Dr. Cooperson
Ruth Drown
Frank Edwards
Don Elkins
James V. Forrestal
Dr. Max Gerson
Harry Hoxsey
Morris K. Jessup
Dr. Milbank Johnson
Ron Johnson
Todd Kauppila
Jim Keith
Dr. David Kelly
John F. Kennedy
Dorothy Kilgallen
Dr. William Koch
George Lakhovsky
Ann Livingston
Brian Lynch
Dr. Eugene Mallove
Dr. James McDonald
Stanley Meyer
Dr. Wilhelm Reich
Royal Rife
Ron Rummel
Phil Schneider
Leonid Strachunsky
Jose Trias
Karla Turner
Gary Webb
as well as 25 Marconi
scientists, who all died in mysterious circumstances
between 1982-88 [50]
The examples cited above reveal who all
has been exposed to negative governmental responses, and essentially
the conclusion is that anybody involved in any way with the
extraterrestrial presence can become a target, whether they are UFO
researchers, abductees, contactees, scientists or people working for
the government
The cases quoted above also reveal that these negative governmental
responses have been going on for a very long time. Prof. G. Cope
Schellhorn refers to an article from 1971 by Otto Binder who
researched 137 cases of suspicious deaths since 1961.
Mysterious and suspicious deaths among UFO investigators are nothing
new. In 1971, the well-known author and researcher Otto Binder wrote
an article for Saga magazine's Special UFO Report titled
“Liquidation of the UFO Investigators.” Binder had researched the
deaths of "no less than 137 flying saucer researchers, writers,
scientists, and witnesses who had died in the previous 10 years,
“many under the most mysterious circumstances.”
The selected cases Binder offered were loaded with a plethora of
alleged heart attacks, suspicious cancers and what appears to be
outright examples of murder. [51]
Cases of intimidation stared well before that: Alan Bender already
had a visit from “Men in Black” in 1954.[52] And even before that,
in the Roswell case in 1947, Mack Brazel was unlawfully detained for
several days.[53]
Confronted with these negative governmental responses, what
protective mechanisms can people engaging in citizen diplomacy with
extraterrestrials come up with? Possible protective mechanisms can
play at three different levels. A first level of mechanisms could
consist of measures that are directed specifically at certain types
of responses, while a second level could consist of more general
protection mechanisms against negative responses.
Both of these, however, are not likely
to offer long-term success, as they address the symptoms (the
negative responses), rather than the cause (i.e., why the government
reacts negatively). A third level of mechanisms therefore should
look for solutions that address the cause of the negative responses.
Addressing both cause and effect is likely to offer better chances
of long-term success. Let us now have a closer look at these three
A first type of mechanisms consists of specific countermeasures to
specific responses. Censorship, e.g., is proving harder and harder
as new communication technologies emerge. The Internet offers people
a chance to disseminate information far more easily than before.
Information can be published on a web site and / or a newsletter,
posted on Bulletin Boards and in News Groups, or can be mailed in
large volumes. Multiple recipients can again distribute to multiple
It is also fairly easy to take preventive countermeasures against
different forms of computer sabotage, as there are technical
solutions available. Installing a firewall, e.g., can usually
prevent hacking and other cyber attacks. Denial of service attacks
can be prevented by combining a firewall and load distribution
One of the members of the Open Minds
Forum [a forum dedicated to discussion of Ufology, Disclosure,
Exopolitics and Paranormal studies] e.g., reported how efforts to
break into his computer failed because he had the appropriate
software installed.[54] Some measures can also be taken to reduce
the chances of financial sabotage, like reducing the number of debit
orders, and remaining in control of transactions.
But these countermeasures are directed at only some negative
responses. It is clear that direct countermeasures to specific
responses are harder in other cases. How does one, e.g., prevent
monitoring? There also seems to be little that anyone can do to
avoid abductions (without having to resort to major expenses, like,
e.g., hiring a team of body guards). Many abductees who experienced
a MILAB report that they were drugged against their will and often
unknowingly before the abduction.[55]
A second type of protective mechanisms to counter negative responses
is therefore more general in nature. Publicity, e.g., works well for
many whistleblowers. By drawing attention to themselves they prevent
negative responses because the government does not want to draw even
more attention to them, and negative responses would seem to add
credibility to their claims. Publicity has proven successful in a
majority of cases of whistleblowers, like, e.g. Bob Lazar.[56] It is
not, however, a fail proof mechanism, as some whistleblowers have
The case of John Maynard, a famous
whistleblower from the Disclosure Project, comes to mind.[57]
Maynard mysteriously dissappeared after disclosing classified
information related to extraterrestrials that he came across while
serving at the Defense Intelligence Agency. This followed his
release from a federal penitentiary after being charged in 2003 for
violating his secrecy oath.[58]
Closely related to publicity, is networking as a countermeasure,
since any negative responses are more likely to be exposed if one is
part of a network.
Another mechanism could be to use the safeguard of ‘plausible
deniability’ when spreading information, as this reduces the ‘threat
level’ of the information being spread. Last but not least, legal
insurance is probably a good idea, as often cases will be taken to
A third type of mechanisms goes directly for the root cause of the
negative responses, and addresses the “why” of these negative
governmental responses. What we are confronted with is an apparent
conflict of interests, and therefore conflict resolution techniques
can be applied. In the current circumstances it is important to try
and find a win-win outcome between contactees and national security
agencies over the dissemination of extraterrestrial related
This can be achieved by focussing on
common interests (rather than on opposing positions), as such common
interests are a key to win-win solutions.[59] This will require a
balanced and responsible approach that avoids sparking any negative
reactions. In this context, it is important to develop conflict
resolution skills, and to open lines of communication.
A first step in that direction for citizen diplomats it to send a
clear signal that they are not the enemy, and that they are not a
threat, and that, on the contrary, they are looking for a common
solution that is acceptable to all. For several problem areas where
a threat to National Security is perceived, solutions can be found.
The public can, e.g., be educated to not react with mass hysteria by
a gradual release of information.
It looks like such an acclimatization
program is in place, and citizen diplomats can play an active role
in assisting the promotion of it. Another important aspect may be to
discuss the possibility of an amnesty for those who have been
involved in the negative governmental responses. More and more
voices are publicly asking for such an amnesty,[60] and even for a
‘Truth and Reconciliation’ Commission.[61]
Similarly, solutions can be investigated
for other areas. All of those, however, are beyond the scope of the
present paper.
Negative government responses are a
reality that aspiring citizen diplomats have to take into account.
These responses can range from simple intimidation and censorship
all the way to elimination of the subject whose activities are seen
as a threat. The examples shown above indicate that such negative
responses have been going on for decades and that nobody is a priori
exempt from such responses.
The countermeasures to these negative responses that are most likely
to offer long-term chances of success are the ones that address the
root cause of the negative responses, i.e. the ones that address the
very reasons for the negative responses. By applying conflict
resolution techniques a long-term win-win solution can be
established that focuses on the common interest of all parties
We can hope that by doing so, citizen
diplomacy with ETs will follow a similar trajectory as citizen
diplomacy in international affairs where the latter was initially
resisted, then reluctantly accommodated, and now officially embraced
by the diplomatic community.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Track_II_diplomacy. Other
useful definitions of citizen diplomacy and track 2 diplomacy
can, e.g., be found at:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_diplomacy; and
Michael Salla, “ECETI Conference &
Galactic Peace Sanctuaries,” in Exopolitics Journal, vol. 1:4
(October 2006). Available online at
Briefing Document: Operation
Majestic 12. Prepared for president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower,
18 November 1952. Available online at:
The findings and recommendations of
the Robertson Panel are part of the so-called Durant Report,
which is detailed report of the Panel proceedings. Its official
name is the Report Of Scientific Advisory Panel On Unidentified
Flying Objects Convened By Office Of Scientific Intelligence,
CIA. It can be found online at
The Brookings Report, p. 215; quoted
in http://www.enterprisemission.htm/brooking.htm, which also
has scans of several pages of the original report. The full name
of the report is Proposed Studies on the Implications of
Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs.
Majestic Twelve Project - 1st Annual
Report. The authenticity of this document is disputed, where
some experts, like Wood & Wood (www.majesticdocuments.com)
think it is genuine, and others like Stanton Friedman think it
is a collage, which was copied and pasted from other documents.
Mentioned, e.g., in the findings of
the Robertson Panel.
Expressed in the EBD.
Expressed in the findings of the
Robertson Panel: conclusion 3.a.
The Brookings Report, l.c.
Majestic Twelve Project: 1st Annual
Report, p. 8.
The Durant Report, l.c.
Majestic Twelve Project: 1st Annual
Report, p. 5.
Majestic Twelve Project: 1st Annual
Report, p. 7.
Majestic Twelve Project: 1st Annual
Report, p. 8.
Majestic Twelve Project: 1st Annual
Report, p. 8.
James Gilliland, “Contact and
Jonathan Kolber, “ DEAFENING
SILENCE: Media Response to the May 9th Event and its
Implications Regarding the Truth of Disclosure,”
Dana Milbank, “There's the Red Vote,
the Blue Vote . . . and the Little Green Vote,” Washington Post,
17 Sept 2007. Online at:
Nick Redfern, On the Trail of the
Saucer Spies. A review was done by Steve Hammons: Steve Hammons,
“History of government surveillance of UFO witnesses and
investigators examined in new book,” in American Chronicle,
Contactee / abductee Jeanine Marie
Steiner describes how she was being monitored by remote viewers.
Jeanine Marie Steiner, The Masquerade Party at Secret Canyon,
self-published, Denver (CO), USA, 1998.
1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799,
codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).
“Leading Edge Research Interviews
Wendelle C. Stevens,”
Steve Mizrach, “Welcome to Spookland:
Tricks of the Trade of the CIA,”
Project Camelot website:
The website is:
A special thread on the BBS is even dedicated to ‘Government
monitoring.’ See:http://lucianarchy.proboards21.com/index.cgi?board=talk&action=display&thread=1155254404
Karla Turner, Taken, e-book version,
p. 148. Available online at http://www.karlaturner.org. Galactic Diplomacy & Negative Governmental Responses 221 Exopolitics Journal 2:3 (January 2008)
This was confirmed in private e-mail
exchanges with Bill Ryan, former web master of the web site
dedicated to the Serpo releases,
There are many documented cases
about the Men in Black. A good articles is: Anne Jablonicky,
“Men in Black: The UFO Terrorists,” in UFO Universe Magazine,
Vol.1, No.3, Nov., 1988. Available online at:
Thomas J. Carey and Donald R.
Schmitt, Witness to Roswell. Unmasking the 60-year Cover-Up, New
Page Books, 2007, p. 67-76.
Karla Turner, Taken, e-book version,
p. 148. Available online at
Helmut Lammer, “New Evidence of
Military Involvement In Abductions.” Available online at:
Katharina Wilson,
I Forgot What I Wasn't Supposed to
e-book, 2007
The abovementioned interview with
Wendelle Stevens gives examples of this, as does Steve Mirzach’s
See, e.g., the abovementioned
article by Steve Mirzach. Another interesting case where a
person’s memories were altered is described in detail in “The
Mars Record Interview,”
Bill Hamilton, “The Saga of Dan
Burisch from Beginning to End,”
Dee Finney, the mental destruction
of Paul Bennewitz, published online at
“The Mars Record Interview,”
See, e.g., the article by Anne
Jablonicky, mentioned above.
Prof. G. Cope Schellhorn, “Is
someone killing our UFO investigators,” in UFO Universe
Magazine, Fall 1997. Available online at:
Wendelle Stevens, l.c.
Steve Mirzach, a.c.
Vivienne Legg, “The UFO Conspiracy -
It's Really Down to Earth People,”
Prof. G. Cope Schellhorn, a.c.
Prof. G. Cope Schellhorn, a.c.
Anne Jablonicky, a.c.
Thomas J. Carey and Donald R.
Schmitt, Witness to Roswell. Unmasking the 60-year Cover-Up, New
Page Books, 2007, p. 67-76.
See, e.g., Katharina Wilson who
mentions about a dozen cases where she was drugged and abducted:
Katharina Wilson,
I Forgot What I Wasn't Supposed to
e-book, 2007.
George Knapp did a documentary on
Lazar for the Las Vegas TV station KLAS. More information on Bob
Lazar can be found at
At the time of writing, September
2007, John Maynard has been missing for several months. His
disappearance was reported to the UFO research community in
emails by Randy Kitchur in August 2007. In March 2003, John
Maynard was arrested for violating his National Security Oath,
but was released shortly afterwards.
Then, in 2007, he mysteriously disappeared again.
In this context, see, e.g., Roger
Fisher and William Ury, “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement
Without Giving In,”
And interesting overview is given in
Brian Hambley, “Truth Amnesty – A Higher Calling,” available
online at
One of the main advocates of such a
Truth and Reconcilliation Commission is Alfred Webre, who also
presented / defended the idea at the 2007 X-Conference. For more
information and details, see e.g.: