by Ed Komarek
October-November 2008
ExopoliticsBlogSpot Website
Part 1
October/ 27/2008
I believe that the single most important obstacle to UFO/ET
disclosure are global entrenched business interests working in
concert with global intelligence and military interests.
D. Eisenhower called this kind of cooperation and collusion
between global and national military and business interests the
Military Industrial Complex (MIC).
He warned in the 1950's that the
MIC was a grave threat to constitutional government and democracy.
Control over the UFO/ET cover-up and the exploitation of
extraterrestrial technologies began in the hands of government and
military officials through a working group called
MJ 12, but according to
whistle-blowers global entrenched business interests engineered a
purge during the Nixon administration that resulting in the
privatization of both the cover-up and the exploitation of
extraterrestrial technologies and knowledge.
A major selling point seems to have been that a quasi-private global
corporation could better keep the UFO/ET awareness secret while at
the same time exploiting extraterrestrial technologies for the
benefit of American and European government security and economic
The problem seems to be that it has been impossible for
factionalized governments to adequately oversee such a vast global
unified autocratic enterprise resulting in this nameless Corporation
X turning the tables on government control and oversight.
I would be the first to say that I could be wrong about the nature,
size and influence of Corporation X and that I could be
misinterpreting statements by
Ben Rich and others that seem to
indicate to me that we are dealing with standard corporate
For instance, when Ben Rich say's that since the Nixon
purge in the 1960's UFO/ET matters are now under the control of
private enterprise and a international board of directors I think of
corporate structure.
I would be the first to admit that I only have a very vague
understanding of something that is indeed very complex. Still we
have to start someplace. Maybe we have something here like
the British East India Company.
This company had a charter from the British Crown that gave it a
global monopoly and it fought its own wars with its own armies and
even controlled territory around the globe in its heyday. The East
India Company also had a powerful national lobby and great control
over the British political process. It has also been suggested to me
by one individual that Corporation X could be a conglomerate of
colluding corporations operating like the Health Industry.
Still another individual brought up the
concept of overall control through a social network integrated in
part by a
Interlocking Directorate.
I think what we have is a multi-trillion dollar corporation that has
become so powerful that it has become a law into itself and can
dictate to not only the American and European governments that
created it, but to most other governments around the globe and the
UN as well.
Corporation X's real name could be something like
Alien Resource Research & Development Corporation (ARRDC)
or perhaps more simply Alien Resource Development Corporation
(ARDC). A more generic title could be, Space Resource
Research & Development Corporation (SRRDC)
I would suspect that this Corporation X is structured similar to
quasi-private Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac but much larger and
extremely secretive.
Of course Corporation X would dwarf
Fannie Mae
and Freddy Mac by perhaps 10s of trillions of dollars and its
limited oversight would be by more than one government as well. One
also has to wonder if this Corporation X could be vulnerable to
severe economic crisis like Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae
and so be subject to a covert meltdown. I certainly hope so.
Because of the huge sums of money that Corporation X makes and has
at its disposal it seems to have been able to buy control over
classified elements of global government militaries and intelligence
agencies, private corporations, and criminal organizations making
these organizations subsidiaries to the Corporation.
In the United
States the Air Force and Army collect the ET hardware with the CIA
as the middle man responsible for maintaining security and flow of
the hardware to private defense and industrial corporations.
We can see references to this sort of activity in
Corso's Book,
The Day After Roswell.
Corso spent
a lot of time and effort attempting to evade the CIA in the
Army's limited effort to distribute small amounts of Roswell debris
to industrial and defense corporations. It is obvious from Corso's
book that it was the CIA rather than the military who were in
primary control over this activity.
I believe that control over this hugely profitable
collection-exploitation process is accomplished through the buying
of military and intelligence community cooperation and the
Corporation acting as the sole general contractor distributing ET
technology and contracts to cooperating private defense and
industrial corporations. If you don't cooperate you don't get fed.
Much documentation as to the early stages of the UFO/ET cover-up has
been leaked or declassified which has been of apparent benefit to
UFO investigators. I say apparent because the evidence suggests to
me that the release of these early documents seems to have served a
more deceptive secret agenda meant to divert attention away from the
current organizational structure of the cover-up and exploitation of
ET technologies.
This is a very important point that seems to have been overlooked by
UFO/ET investigators both in the public domain and in the military.
We in public, government and the military cannot target and remove
obstacles to UFO/ET disclosure if we can't understand the nature of
the adversary attacking us or the strategies employed against us by
the adversary.
Naturally, the reader will ask, where is the evidence to support
this speculation?
I think the most important pieces of evidence
comes from the testimony of Dr. Ben Rich the past head to
Lockheed's Skunk Works.
Ben stated before his death,
"1. There are 2 types of UFOs - the
ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash
retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and
until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that
information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was
handled by an international board of directors in the private
7. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told.
He believed they could not handle the truth - ever. Only in the
last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the
"international corporate board of directors" dealing with the
"Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal
freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence
off-world visitors themselves. "
Further collaborating evidence comes
from Whistle-blower Bill Uhouse. In this early report Bill
was called Jrod but later the ET he worked with was called the Jrod.
Bill Uhouse states,
"Understanding how this social
structure works is like trying to understand the internal
relationships of a tight-knit family in some Asian culture."
"If any area seems dubious, he asks his boss about it, who says
either "Okay" or "Let's hold off on that a while." For example,
his boss said it was okay to mention Nixon as the founder of the
satellite government, because "Nixon is dead." Playing by the
rules is very simple for Jarod. He is not working from any rule
book or security classification system."
"Jarod says the satellite government lives by its own laws,
completely separate from the conventional government except for
an interface with the military. It is not controlled by any
other agency, so it does not have to obey the security
regulations of other agencies.
The fact that Jarod is allowed to
speak does seem to imply permission from a higher level than the
supervisor, but perhaps a word from management, without any
paperwork, is all it takes to make something secret or not
secret. Security could be both more intrusive than in any
conventional defense program and more informal to those who are
used to the structure. Consider the special circumstances....
This agency was separated from the rest of the government over
40 years ago. Thus, it would have had an opportunity to evolve
in its own way, adapting to the unique requirements of the
subject matter."
"The organization is largely composed of older men who have
worked with each other for decades. A worker's supervisor and
his security officer are assigned to him for life."
"The organization is extremely hierarchical, especially given
the needs of compartmentalization. A worker reports only to his
immediate supervisor, and direct contacts with members of other
departments and higher management are rare."
Additional collaborating evidence that
got me on the trail of Corporation X came when a personal contact
told me that he had contacted Warner Robins Air Force Base and
showed a piece of a alleged crashed extraterrestrial craft to very
interested representatives of the military and civilian defense
contractors on base.
They were obviously working closely
together. This got me to thinking about how this working together
between private enterprise and government could be organized at it
relates to ET technology. I also have other civilian and military
sources that have explained to me how the military has been
relegated to operating as gopher to the MIC and Corporation X.
There is now evidence that
military leaders and diplomats are now
waking up to the fact that they are being manipulated by entrenched
business interests to the detriment of overall society and relations with various extraterrestrial races.
In fact as the military UFO/ET Working Group has attempted to push
disclosure they have come under attack by unknown parties and are
presently attempting to discover the source of such attacks.
It is my supposition that the tracing of
these attacks both in the public and governmental domains will
eventually lead to Corporation X.
We need to know the name of
Corporation X.
Where is the Corporation headquartered?
Who are the shareholders?
How many and who is on the board
of directors?
Who are the Chairman, President,
Vice Presidents?
How does Corporation X maintain
security and plug leaks?
How does it employ private
contractor mercenary armies to be used as death squads,
black bag operators for the intimidation of public, military
and private officials that are pro-disclosure?
Is their a mechanism for
oversight by governments and how effective is his oversight?
Those of us in the civilian community
and in the military that desire UFO/ET disclosure should make it a
very high priority to work together to further identify, lock on and
target anti-disclosure Corporation X.
I believe Corporation X is out of
control and its activities not only threaten public and democratic
constitutional control but the whole of humanity and the global
environment. I would appreciate it if other researchers forward on
to me any evidence they might have in reference to Corporation X for
use in a second follow up article.
This is a work in progress.
Part 2
I received feedback from my friends and
associates in the UFO/ET field after the first article on Targeting
Corporation X was published.
As I stated the first article was a
work in progress. In this second article my thinking has jelled and
I may have found a simple elegant way that Corporation X if it
exists could be organized.
At the very least I have a viable
hypothesis that other researchers and investigators may be able to
verify or disprove over time.
Sometimes evidence exists right in front
of us but without some kind of insight we are unable to process the
evidence or know where to go for verification.
A lawyer friend and associate suggested a mental exercise to assist
insight into the nature of Corporation X. He suggested I start at
the UFO crash site and follow the debris trail from crash retrieval
team to military base to corporate research and development centers.
There would seem to be two exploitable resource trails.
One would be from crash collections and
the other from cooperating secret trade agreements with at least one
alien race. In the latter case the evidence suggests that technology
and alien assistance is traded for biological access and
exploitation of human genetic material and fetuses as part of an
alien research project of hybridization and infiltration into earth
human society.
Could this be a modern alien version of
the old slave trade?
When I followed both these trails they ended at private corporate
research and development centers. The debris trail then turned into
a paper trail that when followed traces to
special access programs, (SAP’s)
and then to an overall corporate subcontract with Corporation X at
each subcontracting corporation. At this point I had a Eureka
It would seem that the most efficient and simple organizational
structure for Corporation X is as I had suggested in my previous
article is one of general contractor to all other private and public
corporations as well as to agencies of government.
Corporation X must have a charter,
monopoly and a multi-government oversight board controlled by
several key western governments including the United States.
would be similar to the charter the British gave to the British West
India Company but in this case Corporation X does not manage an
empire directly but rather secretly and indirectly by contracting
out the work to large and small subcontracting independent
In this case a relatively small, tight knit, secretive general
contractor, Corporation X, could control a huge massive and
complicated enterprise with a small headquarters and staff made up
of accountants, lawyers and inspectors. The Corporation’s job would
be to manage the subcontractor contracts to insure that the
Corporation gets its proper percentage of the profit, that the
subcontractor attends to security, and that the subcontracting
corporation is efficient.
A subcontracting corporation could have
multiple special access programs (SAP’s), all under one prime
subcontract with Corporation X.
Under this scheme the subcontracting corporations are placed in a
subservient role and forced to compete with each other for
contracts. This would not be all that different that a criminal
enterprise in which the enterprise allows the business owner to
remain in independent control of the business but must pay a fee and
allow access to its books by the criminal enterprise in order to
stay in business.
This kind of contracting arraignment
would also have some characteristics of a cartel in that Corporation
X has a monopoly on the alien resource and can fix the price and
manage the resource as does an oil cartel.
Corporation X can contract out the R&D (Research and
Development), security, its own government
lobby, the management of the resource etc. so as to focus
exclusively on the management and enforcement of contracts. It might
also assist in providing capital though it’s banking networks to
finance the private contractor’s SAP contracts as well.
In this manner a small international
board of directors could control a huge multi-trillion dollar
enterprise for the benefit of the share holders of the corporation.
I could be that the shareholders are the large United States and
European banks that are in turn controlled by wealthy powerful
families in Europe and the United States.
Such massive organization structure with a relatively small
controlling corporation would be a very efficient and secure way to
exploit alien technologies. The tradeoff would be that it would be
very difficult for governments to oversee and control such a
powerful enterprise operating in extreme secrecy and the danger is
that the organization could turn the tables on oversight by
governments and so function in such a way that would not be in the
public interest.
The consequences related to privatization of the exploitation of
alien resources could be extremely serious for the rest of society.
For instance the emphasis on profit might create a policy imbalance
so as to submerge other policy making elements of government
involved in ET diplomacy. These other elements like the military UFO
Working Group don’t seem to have a powerful lobby behind them to
push their interests.
This emphasis on corporate profit and pressure for an indiscriminate
military shoot-down policy could greatly endanger the pubic interest
by discouraging potential ethical ET allies and encouraging societal
interactions with less ethical extraterrestrial races. In fact if
there was a slowdown in the technology flowing through the ET
technology pipeline this could throw Corporation X and its
subcontracting corporations into crisis with so many corporate
mouths now to be fed.
Another serious consequence of this kind of corporate organizational
structure was suggested to me by a friend who used to work in
corporate America.
She suggested that such a corporation
would be interested in managing the resource for maximum profit
potential. This could be a large contributing factor as to the
progress or lack thereof in which the global economy could be
switched away from fossil fuels into clean alien energy technology.
I would expect there is a heated tug of war between global corporate
special interest groups in this regard that would involve the
There could even be fallout related to
overall disclosure in this regard.
Another consequence of this kind of corporate organizational
structure detrimental to the public interest would be extreme
compartmentalization that would be good for security but very bad
for policy makers attempting to oversee this endeavor. Along with
the deliberate compartmentalization and secrecy involved with the
SAP’s would be the addition level of secrecy associated with the
nature of the corporate structure itself?
Most corporations by nature are
extremely secretive knowing knowledge is power.
I am told this is especially true for
R&D corporations.
Even another unintended consequence of privatization and lack of
oversight would be a Wild West kind of law and order rife with
criminal activity. Some criminal activity would even be necessary,
for instance the falsification of patents and severe illegal
security procedures.
If anybody gets caught in illegal or
unconstitutional activity then the subcontracting corporation will
receive the blame not Corporation X.
My lawyer friend and associate suggested that Corporation X might
have a name and a public headquarters because that could be
necessary for doing business. I would expect that because of its
small size it could keep a low profile and be hidden in plain sight
unless one is well informed enough to know where to look and
interact with it. Now that we have an idea of what to look for
perhaps we too will be able to discover Corporation X’s name and
One friend suggested New York City as a possible home for
Corporation X.
This might make sense because even though European
allies seem to be involved, the United States seems to have the most
influence over the process of exploitation of alien technologies
through the large number of powerful global corporations
headquartered in the United States.
So it is possible that Corporation X
is headquartered in the United States for reasons of convenience.