
by John Lash
24 July 2010
MetaHistory Website
Post full moon, 2010 shift of
Svatantrya Ma, Vajrayogini:
the mother
of human genius.
"The dakini is the memory of the body." Demchog Tantra
In his 1943 novel Magister Ludi (Master of the Game), written over
ten years and published at one of the darkest moments in the 20th
century, Herman Hesse pictured a utopian spiritual community called
Castalia overseen by a caste of enlightened teachers or masters - so
named for their mastery of the "glass bead game."
Although he is
vague and elusive on the nature, procedure, and rules for this game, Hesse suggests that it is a kind of intellectual-spiritual exercise
that allows its adepts to see and perhaps command all the
permutations of the human spirit in art, literature, music and
mathematics, culture, spirituality, and even history.
The glass bead
game is the "game of life" considered from the lofty intellectual
viewpoint of "Swiss neutrality," the viewpoint that Hesse assumed,
relative to life and art alike.
The Latin title Magister Ludi contains the possessive form of the
word ludus, "game, play."
This word generates the rarely used
adjective ludic, "playful, of the nature of a game." Years ago I
suggested the term mystico-ludic for an exercise or experiment like
the famous bead game of Castalia, but not merely intellectual.
an experiment would have two prevailing features or guiding
it would be playful in its premises and its procedures,
and it would involve first-hand experimental mysticism undertaken by
independent individuals whose experiences could be compared,
contrasted, verified, aligned, refined, and integrated within the
framework of the game.
The Terma of Gaia Awakening is the open-source format for such a mystico-ludic experiment, unique in the way it is grounded
immediately and sensuously in the living presence of Gaia, the
planetary animal mother. In one sense, it is a game WITH the planet,
invented by the human species. In another sense, more profoundly, it
is her game WITH the human species.
Either way, it is a reciprocal
and interactive game.
Terma Time
In what might be regarded as an arrogant act of self-attribution, I
call myself a
terton and, more specifically, the
Maine terton.
latter designation is a playful pun: I am from Maine in the USA and
I am the main terton, the initializing agent of the Terma of Gaia
Awakening. Please note that I am not the sole terton to be
associated with this terma, but the main one in the sense of being
the first to discover and disclose it, but not its exclusive agent
nor the last terton to develop it. The main terton or inaugurator
defines the terma that originates in the human mindstream, not in
his mind alone.
Such is my claim.
In Apparitions of the Self (Princeton University Press, 1998), a
critical biographical study of the Nyingma terton Jigme Lingpa
(1729-1798), Janet Gyatso extensively discusses the problems of
authenticity faced by tertons ("treasure discoverers") in Tibetan
"Treasure discovers"... have been producing treasure texts in Tibet
since the end of the 10th Century. Regarded with skepticism in the
more conservative schools of Tibetan Buddhism, the discoverers tend
to be charismatic teachers who attract many disciples, posing
sometimes significant competition to other lineages.
Jigme Lingpa, whose own celebrity is in no small part attributed to
the astonishing line of previous incarnations that he "remembered"
in the course of his life, is, however, an example of a tulku whose
recognition was largely self-conferred and was not tied to a
particular monastic institution. Jigma Lingpa invokes additional features of his life and
personality, engaging in a labyrinthine logic that will implicate
the entire autobiographical project that is in progress...
I analyze
the complex "duet" that ensues between Treasure prophecy and
autobiography (as well as) note the intricate concatenation of signs
that is at work. It reflects a continuing tension in the secret
autobiographies between Jigme Lingpa's intimations that he is a
Treasure discoverer and his awareness of having to prove the
authenticity of his destiny. In other words, he is worried about
fooling himself.
I could cite many more passages from Gyatso with a comparison of the
two JLs, but I will leave that precarious exercise to another day.
Similarities between the two JLs are as striking as the
differences - in all I reckon about thirty distinct items, right down
to particular details of personal style like the wearing of a
top-knot. Suffice it to say that, although my status as a terton is
also self-conferred, I am under no compulsion to prove the
authenticity of my destiny to anyone.
However, I have a
responsibility to provide criteria for assessing the authenticity of
the Terma I have discovered, and will do so in due time.

The Nyingma JL
One of the characteristics of a terma is its time-release
Products come with a pull-date or expiration date, and termas come with a release-date or activation date. Such is the
traditional situation, at least. Tibetans consider the source or
author of all termas to be the master shaman and teacher, Padma
Sambhava. Guru Rinpoche ("precious teacher" as he is called
honorifically) was a great wizard said to have lived in India and
Tibet in the 8th and 9th centuries CE.
The traditional date of his
arrival in Tibet is 747 AD, although this is disputed by various
schools and sects.
As the stories goes, PS and his consort Yeshe
Tsogyal used their power of heightened concentration to implant
wisdom treasures in the landscape around Tibet or in the human
mindstream, the subconscious - hence the term, "mind treasures," dgongs gter.
Note that the Tibetan root ter matches the Latin root terra,
"earth." And the suffix -ma (also found in the word lama, "midwife")
matches the Indo-European root ma, "mothering, nourishing, from the
source," found in maya, mantra, mantrika, and other words of
technical import in Hindu Tantra.
Timing is everything in "the Tibetan Treasure tradition of channeled
authorial voices," as it is called by Gyatso and Germano (Tantra in
Practice, Princeton University Press, 2000: "Longchenpa and the
Possession of the Dakinis").
Traditionally, each wisdom treasure was
preprogrammed for discovery by a particular person, usually a close
disciple of PS during his 8th-9th century lifetime. Thus,
reincarnation plays a central role in the terma lineage: the
reincarnated disciple of PS inherits a terma intended for him to
discover in the future at a particular time when that terma ripens,
when it is ready to be revealed. Termas have this unique property, a
time-release value.
They are implanted at a certain moment and ripen
at a later moment. The terton predestined to do so discovers the
ripened terma at the precise moment it can be revealed, taught, and
disseminated for the liberation of all sentient beings. So the story
The Terma of Gaia Awakening represents a novel departure from this
story, consistent with its foundations but divergent in other ways,
concerning timing, endowment, authentication, and dissemination, or
Allow me to briefly cover these four elements:
Timing: The Terma of Gaia Awakening appears without the precedent
condition of having been implanted. It is as it were a novel and
spontaneous eruption of the "divinely arising dakini wisdom" - the
active, existentially vivid presence of silent mind cognitive
lucidity within the ordinary mindstream, the proof of embodied
Traditional terms are implanted or hidden at a moment
in the past, to be discovered at a moment in the future. By
contrast, the time register of the Terma of Gaia Awakening runs from
the present to the future. It's time-release properties are
different: they propagate from this moment forward toward a set date
in the future, the year 2216, the end of Kali Yuga.
In short, the Terma of Gaia Awakening is scaled to the last two
centuries of
Kali Yuga, spanning nine generations of 30 years each:
1945 - 2215.
It is imperative to recognize that this Terma
originates in the moment it is revealed, right now. It is a novel
eruption without precedent, having not been implanted at a previous
moment in the past, and not dependent upon a time-release dynamic
that would set its discovery (i.e., activation) to a later time. I
cannot emphasize too strongly this point.
You may well ask yourself
if you have the wits for the notion of global enlightenment event
without precedent, not the mention the desire or disposition to
conceive such a thing.
Do ask yourself that question.

The Dark Time of Kali is an era of terminal degeneration for the
human species,
but also the moment of innocence refound.
In the
spiritual warfare of this era, children stand on the front line,
prime targets of mind control, sexual abuse, and intra-species
The entire species faces the risk of turning into clones,
behavioral zombies
condemned to delusion and enslavement from birth,
the Matrix Trilogy shows.
Sexualization of the young is the
breakpoint in the Dark Time,
for the inborn power of innocence and
imagination in each person has liberating potential for humanity at
Kali looks for naked innocence in the hearts of those who
would become warriors for Gaia.
(Image suggestive of Kali Yuga from
artist not attributed. I do not
endorse this site.)
Divine Endowment
The Terma of Gaia Awakening is endowed in a particular
person, first, and then in a group extending through nine
generations, and in both cases no precedent of lineage or
reincarnational situation is required. It is a totally free
endowment, dependent solely upon the faculties to receive and
sustain it.
No connection with a sacred lineage or teacher in time
past is required.
The endowment involves a group dynamic composed of
individuals who became teachers to each other and those who would
enter the mystico-ludic experiment framed and proposed by this
unique Terma, and elaborated by the teachers, who are
self-designated participating tertons.
There are nine features of authentication of this Terma. Authentication is rigorous and exact. The Terma of Gaia
Awakening is not an "anything goes" proposition.
The Terma of Gaia Awakening is an open-source,
serial, group-generated terma with a duration of 208 years from
October 2008 when it was initialized by the Maine terton, the living
Now you may ask, What is the source of the Terma of Gaia Awakening?
If not Padma Sambhava or another exalted spiritual agency, or some
otherworldly emission source such as light-beings in
the Pleiades,
who or what is at its origin?
The answer is simple:
the source of
the Terma of Gaia Awakening is Gaia herself, the planetary animal
Terma is her endowment to the human species. It is the
unique teaching generated as Gaia awakens in the lucid dream of her
quasi-historical identity-reflex - that is to say, her identity
reflected in human imagination through the historical construct of
linear time since around 1760 AD.
Technically, this emergent node of self-awareness of the planetary
entelechy may be called her identical node.
Specifically, this unique
identical node is channel 18 of the Shakti Cluster, the console of
telluric frequencies for the full-spectrum broadcast of Gaian
intelligence in the subliminal mind-stream of the human species. The
name she answers to is thus attached uniquely to channel 18, though
Gaia transmits and communicates through all 18 channels of the
console. All the frequencies of the console are hers.
Obviously, the Terma of Gaia Awakening is a modernist,
self-referential phenomenon: it presents what it requires to be
realized for its presentation to self-actualize.
Ponder that
proposition carefully.
As the gaming board of the mystico-ludic
experimentation proposed in this Terma, the Shakti Cluster cannot be
beat. You can only join it or ignore it. Its self-referentiality is
totally integral so that no discrete element of the experiment can
be selected out of the ensemble and co-opted. You understand the
entire experiment or not, and you take on the entire experiment or
not. The "program" cannot be disassembled or dissembled, faked,
fragmented, or subverted.
Such is my instruction.
The Terma of Gaia Awakening is the fulfillment - the proof, if you
will - of the veracity of the vision story of the Pagan Mysteries, the
sacred narrative of Sophia. In that vision story, Sophia is the name
given to the divine presence of the planet earth before it becomes
the material, sensuous earth. Before Sophia morphs into the earth,
and before one discrete strain of humanity emerges on the earth, the Aeon endows pre-terrestrial humanity with a specific faculty, the
luminous epinoia.
As explained in
Or Ever the Earth Was,
The fact of the sacredness of the earth depends on the faculty to
engage it, the cognitive capacity to know Gaia with insight and
The myth itself asserts that the Divine Sophia gave
humanity the gift of imagination, “the luminous epinoia,” so that
humans could participate in Her Story via creative or imaginal
“The luminous epinoia was endowed in humanity, for this is the one
power that was to awaken its thinking”
(NHLE 117.21.)
The sacred myth of Sophia is interactive and transhistorical.
heresy condemned by the Church Fathers is not, and never was, a mere
matter of academic argument. It is a flashpoint for imaginative
engagement. The repression of the Divine Feminine is a fact of
history, and it is also part of Sophia's mythic biography. The
powers ranged against human imagination are clearly described in the
According to the Gnostics,
Sophia's redemption depends on
humanity's empathy with Her story, the unique myth that describes
the goddess who existed “or ever the earth was.”
In the Mysteries,
Sophia was the name for what we today call Gaia, but before Gaia
became the sensuous, inhabitable earth.
The Terma of Gaia Awakening is a call to imaginative engagement, a
unique call among all such options conceivable to the human mind.
venture to say that the attraction of the call would hinge
decisively on the individual capacity to recognize this uniqueness.
Who would not want to be intimately involved and passionately
engaged with something unique in the world - if only you could see
that it is that unique! Perceiving how it is unique, you will almost
certainly want to be engaged with this Terma.
Short of that
perception, you will be disinterested or put off.
Participation in the Terma of Gaia Awakening is self-selection event
dependent upon the individual faculty to recognize and embrace
novelty. This point exemplifies one of the numerous fail-safe
properties of the Terma.
Nevertheless, the introduction to this Terma is now accessible to
everyone on the planet.
Turn away from it and you may find yourself
stranded in the collective dream of a doomed species with no
direction, no purpose, no unitive identity, and no sense of its true
desire, disconnected from the planetary body of desire and the
all-sustaining life-force of the earth.
Turn toward it and you might
find that you feel like you have fallen in love with someone who has
your complete and total dedication, love surpassing anything you can
hold for parents or children, equivalent only to the love you can
feel for your own body.
The object of such love is Gaia-Sophia, of
whom I can say this:
To know the planetary animal mother is to love her supremely. To
love her is to want to be with her all the time, and never turn away
from gazing upon her face, embracing her body, feeling her breath in
your lungs. To know who you love supremely ignites the desire to be
in intimate physical contact with her body at every moment, and to
do so you cannot live in a city. Once immersed in her natural
beauty, how could you ever want to be elsewhere?
With that said, please note my disclaimer:
The Maine terton does not
claim that the Terma of Gaia Awakening is the sole and exclusive
expression for humanity of the endowment of the luminous epinoia.
child's drawing posted on the fridge can be equally that, and
various other creative acts can as well, but certainly not
everything that passes for creativity and art, especially in the
music and entertainment business.
But he does claim that this Terma
is the framework for the most timely, playful, effective and
intimate expressions of that divine endowment, of which the Terma is
both the evidence and agency.
"Doing Nines"
There are NINE components in the Terma of Gaia Awakening:
The secret dakini name of Gaia-Sophia, the name she answers to:
Vajravilasi, "flirtatious thunder-bolt"
The first,
second, and third instructions, preparing the attitude
of the participant
The rite of
the VOW, framed in by the review invocation
The vision story of the Mysteries, Gaia's
cosmic biography
The operational format of the Shakti Cluster, in three sub-sets:
The lunar cycles, mensual frequencies of the Shakti Cluster. TIME
The theater of elements (Anima Mundi) of the Shakti Cluster.
The Vajra Star or central pentad of the Shakti Cluster. SENSATION
The approach to the Organic Light, the primary substance body of
That's it.
You are looking here at the entire format of the Terma,
but of course the contents of each component would have to be
described in more detail to satisfy you, right?
As this essay is
merely an overview, I would have to present the nine components with
some explanatory discourse in a companion essay, in development:
The Terma of Gaia Awakening In Practice - A Mystico-Ludic Experiment in
Nine Parts.

Image by
Susan Boulet,
typical of thousands of representations of
in a dreaming or half-awakening state to be found on the
Human imagination spontaneously recognizes the presence of
in countless feminine divinities and earth goddesses, of
But the Terma of Gaia Awakening presents the opportunity
direct interactivity with the specific form of
the Sacred Feminine
awakening to itself at this moment in historical time.
Hence the
importance of Gaia's "identical node,"
the dream persona with the
name she will answer to.
In closing, let me add a further point of clarification.
To the
What is Planetary Tantra?
The answer is:
The practice of the
Terma of Gaia Awakening, its application and
The factor of nine has always been central to goddess worship and
ritual, witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan magic, and everything that touches
on the mystery of the Sacred Feminine.
I have recovered the vision
story of Gaia-Sophia and restored it in nine episodes. There are
nine emanations of Kali in the Shakti Cluster and 2 X 9 or 18
components in the entire console of telluric dakini frequencies.
From chapter 8 of Not in His Image:
The Goddess dreamed humanity out of the cosmic plenitude, the
Pleroma, and plunged from the cosmic center, turning herself into
the very world where we could become what she imagines.
Owing to her
presence in this world divinity can blossom in human spores, the
pollen of the flowering Godhead. The optimal human future is
dreaming Sophia.
We are not the only species in the biosphere, of course, and not the
supreme or superior one by any means.
All other species are also
intimately involved with Gaia, but in quite different ways than we
are because humanity is deeply and uniquely implicated in both the
primal attraction that elicited Sophia’s plunge from the Pleroma,
and the aberration that resulted from it.
The story says that cosmic
measures are underway to assist Sophia with the ordering of her
world and compensate for the risk of aberration posed by the
Apocryphon of John describes the specific act of Pleromic intervention (episode 8) and Sophia’s response to it in
close detail:
"When the invisible spirit of the Originator had consented, the
divine force poured over her from the whole Pleroma of Generators,
the divine Aeons.
For it was not her consort alone who came to her
assistance, but through the Christos the entire Pleroma came so that
she might correct her deficiency.
And she was elevated to above the
realm of her offspring, the Lord Archon, that she might be in the
ninth until she has corrected her deficiency".
(II, 1, 14. 5–10).
In Mystery language, the Ninth is code for the earth as an organic
planetary body distinct from the inorganic planetary system, called
the Hebdomad or the Seventh.
In many mythologies throughout the
world nine is the number of the Goddess. Three times three is the
preeminent signature of feminine divinity.
In The White Goddess,
Graves says,
“The Triple Muse is woman in her divine character: the
poet’s enchantress, the only theme of his songs.”
Those who acknowledge and engage the unique mystico-ludic experiment
framed in the Terma of Gaia Awakening - the telestai of now and
tomorrow, aimed in their personal lives by the vision story of the
earth goddess - would come to call the practice of Planetary Tantra
"doing nines."
For them, the future is now. For them, there is no
humanity ahead on this planet except as they imagine it. But imagine
it WITH her, in the frame and continuity of the Sophianic vision,
the sacred narrative of the telestic Mysteries.
There can be no
planetary shift, no decisive empowerment of the good-hearted part of
humanity against intra-species predators, without the intimate
connection to Gaia-Sophia that comes through the Terma of Gaia
The sacred narrative (factor 4) contained in this Terma
is the ultimate survival myth for the human species.
Such is my