by Gregg Prescott
October 16, 2013
in5d Website
For the past week or longer, there has
been a strange, glowing UFO in the horizon of the western sky and
according to
SkEye and
Stellarium, there are no stars or planets in
that area.
If you are looking at the western sky in the early evening, you will
see Arcturus glowing as well as Venus. You will also see a light to
the left of Arcturus that is not defined by either SkEye or
You will see this bright light in the early evening in the western
SkEye is a free app for your cell phone that maps out the sky for
you. With this app, you can see every known star, planet and

Similar to Venus, this light is not seen very high above the
ecliptic plane of earth's orbit.
While zooming in on it with my Canon 35x Powershot, the light would
change from red to green to white. Even with a tripod, I had
difficulty zooming in and focusing in on it but I will continue
trying to get empirical video and photos of this anomaly.
My particular sighting came from the Gulf Coast of Florida but this
sighting has also been reported from coast to coast in the United
States as well as all around the world.
From New York City,
"I noticed a star of unusual
brightness. It seemed to be flickering from red, to blue to
green to white."

From Virginia,
"Incredible. I live in Virginia
Beach and work in Norfolk. I've been noticing this object for
about a month now, I just shrugged it off as Venus.
I tried using Google Sky on my phone
but no label came up for it - and I still convinced myself that
its Venus and that my phone must just be buggy. I'm weirded out
now and still can't fathom this being a strange planetary
From Massachusetts:
"I'm in Massachusetts and I saw it
Wednesday evening. The strange thing is, there were no other
stars in the sky, none. My husband tried to convince me that it
was Venus, but I don't think so. It was too big, too bright and
like I said, there was not a single other star to be seen."
From North Carolina:
"I live on the foothills of the blue
ridge Mts... near Boone NC and I have been watching this
'object' for a year. I remember last year on the way back from
Charlotte my son noticed it after I had been watching it for a
while. It has gotten allot brighter."
From England:
"Finally I find someone else who can
see it. I see it also and when I looked in my telescope it made
me feel ill. Its weird looks like a cell or germ it flickers red
and blue. It changes shape and when I look I get this creepy
feeling like it knows I'm watching. I'm in northeast England and
it becomes visible just after sunset."

From Spain,
"we were traveling north on the
Alicante-Valencia highway, close to Denia. It was after sunset
and we were surprised to see a very bright star (the brightest
star one can see in the sky) that pulsated with different
From Brazil,
"First, I thought that it could be
Jupiter, and then I tried to see it better using a telescope.
I didn’t see the moons of Jupiter
that normally appear when you are using the telescope, and I
realized that the strange object was emitting light of its own,
and not reflecting the light of the sun as a planet does.
I enlarged the image several times
using the telescope, and I realized that the object, although
very bright, was rather small. The next day, using the
Stellarium computer program, I realized that there was no object
showing in the location that I saw."
In Japan, a witness saw a ‘mysterious
luminary object’ from their window in the western sky above the
‘It was emitting light, shining
brightly, changing colours, green, yellow, red and so on. It was
moving vertically, up and down, while spinning.’
From New Zealand,
"I was walking down the stairs to my
car when I saw this really bright star shining. It kept changing
colours from red to green in the western sky."
From Scotland,
"During a recent trip to Italy, at
the Pedra e Cupa campsite in Budoni, Sardinia, at 5am on
Saturday 4 July a bright star was clearly seen in the western
region of the sky and was the only star visible in the sky at
this time. Was it the ‘star’?"
From Canada,
"I see it to from Ottawa, Canada,
here it more active around 20:30 pm, it flickers like crazy and
the top part grows white then reduces to red weird star..."
Speculation has inferred that this could
possibly be a very large comet or possibly an extraterrestrial
mothership. It may even possibly be Hercolubus or Nibiru.
Muñoz Ferrada is a world-renown astronomer who
recently stated that Hercolubus will be making a visit near our
At this point in time, it is unsure of
the angle and trajectory of Hercolubus but it is said to have
wiped out Atlantis and had caused
the "great flood" in many religious texts.
If this light is a starship or mothership, it is of massive
proportions for it to be bright enough to be seen with the naked
I took the following video on the
evening of October 16, 2013 looking toward the western sky from the
Gulf Of Mexico in Florida:
Carlos Muñoz Ferrada
The Comet-Planet
- ISON, Planet X, Nibiru
August 2013
Sinais2012 Website
Carlos Muñoz Ferrada (1909-2001), Chilean astronomer who already spoke
of planet
Hercolubus (Planet X)
in 1940.
You need to know that scientists talk about the planet Hercolubus
(Planet X) or Red Planet. The first of these was the Chilean astronomer Carlos Muñoz Ferrada.
He began to speak about Hercolubus in 1940, that is to say, 43 years before the
famous article on Planet X, appeared in the American newspaper The
Washington Post in 1983.

It is very remarkable that Carlos Muñoz
Ferrada speaks of a gigantic planet-comet, planet because it has the
mass of a planet and comet because it has the elliptical orbit of a
Remember the Mayan prophecies; according
to Fernando Malkún the sixth Mayan prophecy tells of the
arrival of a comet that will endanger the very existence of man.
I made a French adaptation of a text of the magazine "El Florecer
Aureo" (in French The Golden Blossom), No. 15, entitled
Monographic on Hercolubus - Planet intruder.
I put my personal opinions brackets's
first new "not informal" on Hercolubus. Regardless of what the
different theories, more or less "scientific" does not say on new
astronomical discoveries, we are interested, too, investigate the
"esoteric" information to deepen about Hercolubus.
Early news approaches of an intruder
planet in our solar system, made by the self-taught astronomer from
Chilean Carlos Muñoz Ferrada (died in October 2001 at the age of 92
On 11 June 1940 he announced to the
world the existence of this planet he called "Planet-Comet" because
it has the mass of a planet with the orbit of a comet. Mr. Muñoz
Ferrada was known in his country, in a lecture he gave to the city
of Concepción, in December 1938, at the age of 29, when he surprised
the audience with the announcement of an earthquake would be on 24
January 1939 to 23h 25, at the city of Chillán, Chile.
Nobody thought. It was considered a
dream because it is based on a theory that belongs to his
"Geodynamics". And on January 24 [32 minutes to 23 h, according to
the Spanish Wikipedia] there was an earthquake that left 30 000
Earthquake in
Chillán, Chile, January 24, 1939
His astronomical and geophysical predictions made him famous.
Later he predicted other earthquakes in
Chile such as,
the 1945 Ligua [i.e. earthquake
occurred March 28, 1965, I think the publisher was wrong
with the date]
the 1985 [i.e. earthquake
occurred March 3, 1985 in Santiago]
He also announced the trajectory
disruptions of Halley's comet, changing its speed, which occurred
when the Halley walked 36 hours of its orbital period, at 85 million
kilometers of the Sun, the shortest distance in its history.
To explain their observations and
predictions, Carlos Muñoz Ferrada developed the theory of
geodynamics, which is based on the attractions of the heavenly
bodies, large explosions in the Sun and the cycles of geophysical
With this method he predicted
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, climate change, he discovered new
planets and comets, deciphering their trajectories and other
Few people who visited Mr. Muñoz Ferrada
at his home in the quiet Villa Alemana of Viña del Mar have seen
there, in his laboratory, surrounded by strange devices developed
and designed by himself, he had a special gift:
the gift to enter into trance when
he was researching and that, in this state, he wrote and drew
what he received, and that it gave him much success as enemies
throughout his life.
Carlos Muñoz
Ferrada in his observatory Villa Alemana
Ferrada Carlos Muñoz has stated that this "Planet-Comet":
It has an elliptical orbit like
a comet and a large mass such as a planet, that is to say, a
planet with a tail
It approaches the Earth charged
with cosmic energy
Does not meet the heavenly laws
It travels between our Sun and
the Black Sun located 32 billion kilometers
This will increase to 14 million
kilometers from Earth
It will eventually enter our
solar system and will be seen at naked eye and photographed
His arrival will cause a
geophysical and human change, bringing change and
He provided us with other data in the
television and multiple media.
These data are the following:
92 km/s = speed of the planet
Hercolubus turning around the Black Sun.
76 km/s = speed of the planet
Hercolubus when it revolves around the Sun in the Solar
300 km/s = speed of the planet
Hercolubus halfway two suns.
14,000,000 m = closest to the
Earth in the path of the planet Hercolubus Point.
32,000,000,000 m = distance from
the Sun Black Earth.
0.003382378 s = Distance in
light years from the Earth to the Sun Black.
385,000 m = Distance of the Moon
to the Earth.
300 000 km/s = speed of light.
9,460,800,000,000 m = distance
traveled by light in one year.
If the planet-comet is 14
million kilometers [of the earth], then it is equivalent to
36.36 the distance of the Moon to the Earth.
Apparently it is not enough to prevent
We transcribe an extract of
the report
sent by Carlos Muñoz Ferrada to Brian Marsden of the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (specialists comets),
Cambridge, Boston, Massachusetts [I made a literal translation
respecting the style of the author]:
"And at the same time, the
undersigned has included calculations, illustrations, sidereal
positions, he has also calculated, and he has already expressed
June 11, 1940, the slow penetration of the solar system, a new
and brilliant cosmic mass approaches the Earth, a huge
'Comet-Planet' (it has an elliptical orbit like a comet and a
large mass such as a planet), strong vibrations, heavy, large
electromagnetic field as three times that at the speed planet
Jupiter, high, it is vertical [literal translation] in the earth
elliptical and it travels in the forward direction in an
elliptical orbit in time 13 years 333.3, 133.3 centuries between
our Sun and the Black Sun a distant dying star that is 32
billion kilometers.
"This large star that is now enter a
large eccentricity of 0.99999 and an average angular movement
0.0000739 per day at the same time: 12 average angular
conjunctions [literal translation] big news and distant planets:
more X XI with its gravitational perturbations in equivalent to
a full course of 13 years equal eccentric orbits 333.3 (1 125.6
x 12) 173.9 years of Comet Planet large mass and electromagnetic
"This great star, who comes to Earth
with a uniformly accelerated rate, will soon located near the
North Pole, north of Corona Borealis, to the Little Dipper in
the equatorial sidereal coordinates with right ascension equal
to 15 hours 15 minutes and a more equal declination 67 degrees
20 minutes... northern and Thursday [Friday] August 11, 1999,
DC, that is to say, in the 15 years from 1984, this star that
will shine even in daylight, this date will be in conjunction:
Sun Comet-Earth-Moon-in 11:22 minutes Universal Time. Meanwhile,
it will be the day of the great eclipse of the sun reddish.
At this time, this mysterious planet
will be in perigee just 10,5 million kilometers from the Earth
... "
Obviously, Mr. Carlos Muñoz Ferrada
erred in this latter date.
Perhaps he was mistaken when he made
some calculations, but will still be significant all the
information. Since 1940, he passed the mysterious "Planet-Comet"...
extension of the original article (April 2012).
I decided to transcribe the final two
paragraphs of the extract from the report sent by Carlos Muñoz
Ferrada to Brian Marsden:
"The sun will rise inside the orbit
of the Earth with a satellite speed of 66 kilometers per second,
and at the same time, at that time, its perihelion only
139,100,000 km from the Sun.
"In addition, the undersigned, it is
also in the scope of probabilities, determining that this new
and attractive gigantic cosmic mass can reach straighten the
axis of the Earth with great gravity and geophysical
disturbances and even, it may affect the attraction field of our
satellite Moon. The Earth's elliptical orbit is parallel to the
Celestial Equator.
The two poles removed at the same
time, as in the days of the equinoxes of spring and autumn. "