by Michael Jordan
Journal of Alternative
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2000
UFOArea Website
So Much More Than
Green Cheese
Any traveler knows that if you really want to find out everything
about a particular destination, there is no substitute for a direct
However, this has not proved to be the case with our
mysterious moon. In fact, despite half a dozen visits by astronauts
between 1969 and 1972, it's fair to say that more questions have
been generated since that period than existed previously:
science journalist Earl Ubell to write in the New York Times,
"The lunar
Rosetta stone remains a mystery. The moon is more
complicated than anyone expected; it is not simply a kind of
billiard ball frozen in space and time, as many scientists
had believed. Few of the fundamental questions have been
answered, but the Apollo rocks and recordings have spawned a
score of mysteries, a few truly breath-stopping"
(Ubell, p.32)
The number of anomalies surfacing as
scientists attempt to probe the secrets of the moon's origin,
composition and relationship to Earth, can only be described as
A Harvard astronomy journal reported in 1973 that one
moon rock was found to be 5.3 billion years old, which makes it
almost a billion years older than Earth.
In addition, not only did
chemical analysis show the lunar dust in which the rocks were found
to be a billion years older than the rocks themselves, but that the
composition of the lunar rocks differed completely from the soil in
the area around them.
If dust and soil are the result of the
weathering of surrounding rock, how did this come about?
Geophysicists are at a complete loss to explain how a number of rich
refractory compounds such as titanium, usually concentrated in the
interior of a world, found their way on to the moon's surface in
large quantities.
Ubell asks the question,
"If the Earth and moon were created
at the same time, near each other, why has one body got all the
iron and the other (the moon) not much? The differences suggest
that earth and moon came into being far from each other, an idea
that stumbles over the inability of astrophysicists to explain
how exactly the moon became a satellite of the earth".
(Ubell, p.173)
Despite the late Carl Sagan's assurance
in his 1966 book
Intelligent Life in the Universe, that
"a natural
satellite cannot be a hollow object", there is amazing evidence that
the moon could indeed be hollow.
In 1969 the crew of Apollo Twelve,
in an attempt to create an artificial moonquake sent the ascent
stage of the lunar module crashing back down to the moon's surface.
To everyone's surprise the highly sensitive seismic equipment
recorded something totally unexpected. For more than one hour, the
moon continued to reverberate like a bell.
Dr Frank Press of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) commented,
"None of us have seen anything like
this on Earth. In all our experience, it is quite an
extraordinary event. That this rather small impact ... produced
a signal which lasted thirty minutes is quite beyond the range
of our experience".
(Marrs, p.6)
When Apollo Thirteen's third stage was
deliberately sent hurtling into the lunar surface by radio signal,
crashing with the impact of eleven tons of TNT, NASA claimed that
the moon, "reacted like a gong." Seismic equipment as distant as one
hundred and seventy-three kilometers from the crash site recorded
reverberations lasting for three hours and twenty minutes and travelling to a depth of thirty-five to forty kilometers.
Writer Don Wilson in
Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon, claims that one NASA scientist had admitted that the
United States government had conducted a series of experiments
(without any public announcement) to determine if the moon is
Nobel prize winning chemist Dr
Harold Urey suggested that
the reduced density of the moon was due to the fact that large areas
inside the moon were "simply a cavity" and of MIT
"the Lunar Orbiter experiments
vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field
... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might
be hollow."
The burning question that everyone would
like answered is how our moon came to be there in the first place.
It's the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary,
near-perfect orbit. Even stranger, its centre of mass is about
eighteen hundred meters closer to the Earth than its geometric
centre (which should cause it to wobble), but the moon's bulge is on
the far side of the moon, away from the earth. How did it come to be
in orbit with its precise course, altitude and speed?
Coupled with this is the 'coincidence' that the moon is just the
right distance, not to mention the right diameter, to completely
cover the sun during an eclipse, causing Isaac Asimov to comment,
"There is no
astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well,
it is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all
the planets is blessed in this fashion."
In his excellent book
Alien Agenda,
award-winning writer Jim Marrs includes this fascinating passage
from science writer William Roy Sheldon:
"It is important to remember that
something had to put the moon at or near its present circular
pattern around the earth. Just as an Apollo spacecraft circling
the Earth every ninety minutes, while one hundred and sixty
kilometers high, has to have a velocity of roughly twenty-nine
thousand kilometers per hour to stay in orbit, so something has
to give the moon the precisely required velocity for its weight
and altitude.
The point - and it is one seldom noted in
considering the origin of the moon - is that it is extremely
unlikely that any object would just stumble into the right
combination of factors required to stay in orbit. 'Something'
had to put the moon at its altitude, on its course and at its
speed. The question is: what was that something?".
(Sheldon, 1970, p.58)
Two Russian scientists, Michael Vasin
and Alexander Shcherbakov advanced an amazing theory in relation to
the origin of the moon, in an article published in the Soviet
journal Sputnik, in 1970.
In the article entitled,
'Is the Moon the
Creation of Alien Intelligence?' they theorize that the moon is not
a completely natural world but a planetoid that was hollowed out by
the technology of intelligent beings who directed it through the
cosmos and placed it in precise orbit around the earth.
In their
extraordinary article the Soviet scientists wrote:
"Abandoning the traditional paths of
'common sense', we have plunged into what may at first seem to
be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy. But the more minutely we
go into all the information gathered by man about the moon, the
more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to rule
out our supposition. Not only that, but many things so far
considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of
this new hypothesis".
(Marrs, p.10).
In support of this idea, writer Don
Wilson in
Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon, appeals to scientists to
re-examine the theory in keeping with new information supplied by
the Apollo missions, adding,
themselves are continuing to uncover bewildering and baffling
scientific facts that indicate that the moon is not what it
seems, but a world that may not be entirely natural"
(Wilson, p.11).
Having examined and rejected a number of
theories, modern science now tends to be leaning towards the same
process that gave a multi-moon system to the outer planets, as a
theory for the origin of our moon.
The problem with this line of
reasoning is that it does not explain why instead of a collection of
smaller moons, an Earth that is too small has finished up with a
moon that is too large.
According to
Zecharia Sitchin in
Genesis Revisited (1990), some
answers are provided if we go back to Sumerian cosmogony. The
assertion here is that the Moon originated not as a satellite of
Earth but of the much larger planet, Tiamat, which they placed
beyond Mars, which would qualify her as an outer planet. The
Sumerian cosmogony describes an unstable solar system caused by
emerging gravitational forces disturbing the planetary balance and
causing moons to grow disproportionately.
Using as his source the poetic words of
the Enuma Elish, Sitchin
wrote in
The 12th Planet,
"the new planets 'surged back and
forth'; they got too close to each other ['banded together'];
they interfered with Tiamat's orbit; they got too close to her
'belly'; their 'ways' [orbits] 'were troublesome': their
gravitational pull was 'overbearing' [excessive, disregarding
the others' orbits]."
(Sitchin, 1978, p124).
Amazingly, the eminent scientist George Wetherill, writing in
Science in 1985, uses words, according to
"that are astoundingly similar to
those of the Enuma Elish. He speaks of 'lots of brothers and
sisters' moving about, colliding with each other, affecting each
others orbits and very existence. He uses the same word
('battle') as the Sumerian narrative to describe the conflict
between these 'brothers and sisters' "
(Sitchin, 1978, p.125).
According to this ancient cosmogony, one
of the eleven moons of Tiamat did grow to an unusual size as a
result of the instability of the newly formed solar system.
This moon 'Kingu' proved to be increasingly disruptive to the other
planets, particularly when Kingu was raised to the status of a full
She gave him a Tablet of
Destinies, fastened it on his breast.… Kingu was elevated, had received a heavenly rank.
Sitchin states that,
"in the ensuing Celestial Battle... Tiamat was split in two; one half was shattered; the other half,
accompanied by Kingu, was thrust into a new orbit to become the
Earth and its Moon."
(Sitchin, 1978, p.127)
For hundreds of years observers
including Plato, Eratosthenes and Aristarchus have reported the
appearance of mysterious lunar transient phenomena.
In the early
nineteenth century Sir John Herschel in England saw unidentified
lights on the moon during an eclipse and noted that some of the
lights appeared to be moving above the moon. Other astronomers of
the period reported seeing geometrical patterns of lights that
resembled city streets.
On July 29, 1953, John O'Neill observed
a nineteen kilometer long 'bridge' straddling the crater Mare Crisium. Following the report of his discovery to the
Association of
Lunar and Planetary Observers, he was subjected to verbal attack
from a number of astronomers.
However just one month later, famous
British astronomer Dr H. Wilkins verified his sighting. Since that
time other equally strange objects have been photographed on the
lunar surface.
'The Shard' an obelisk shaped object
discovered in 1968, towers nearly two and a half kilometers above
the Ukert area of the moon's surface, and another feature, 'The
Tower', is an amazing spire that rises more than eight kilometers
from the Sinus Medii region. Dr Bruce Cornet, a geologist and
paleontologist, who submitted these photographs to laboratory study
commented, "No known natural process can explain such structures."
As far as the Apollo missions are concerned, rumors have circulated
for years about what the astronauts are reported to have witnessed
on the lunar surface.
Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO
Cover-up, Timothy Good stated that former NASA Chief of
Communications Systems Maurice Chatelain, claimed that astronaut
Neil Armstrong viewed two UFOs resting on the rim of a crater.
"The encounter was
common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until
Soviet scientist Dr Vladimir Azahzha, a
physics and mathematics professor, has stated,
"Neil Armstrong
relayed the message to Mission Control that two large,
mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near
the moon module, but his message was censored by NASA."
(Good, p.381)
In general the astronauts, nearly all
military officers controlled by security regulations, have
maintained a united front. However, there have been exceptions.
Dr Edgar Mitchell on the Oprah Winfrey Show of July 19, 1992, suggested
that all information regarding UFOs had not been released, adding,
"I do believe that there is a lot
more known about extraterrestrial investigation than is
available to the public right now (and) has been for a long
time... It's a long long story, it goes back to World War II
when all of that happened, and is highly classified stuff."
(Good, p.206).
Colonel Gordon Cooper, in a letter to a
meeting of the United Nations in 1978, to discuss UFOs, stated,
"I believe that these
extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this
planet from other planets, which are obviously a little more
advanced than we are here on Earth."
Any interested person looking back at
the objectives stated by NASA at the beginning of the Apollo Lunar
Program would have to wonder what went wrong. Why did the missions
come to a complete halt after Apollo Seventeen?
Many members of the
public and most scientists queried the end of the moon missions,
when more questions than answers were being generated by the
"It's like buying a Rolls-Royce and
then not driving it because you want to save money on gasoline",
complained Dr Thomas Gold, professor of astronomy at Cornell
(Ubell, p.66).
Jim Marrs in Alien Agenda writes that
moon researcher George Leonard observed that prior to the lunar
landings there was much media speculation on the profitable aspects
of a colony and mining operations on the moon.
All such talk ended
abruptly after the Apollo missions were cancelled.
"We put enough billions into the [US
Space program] to pull all the major cities of America out of
debt, and then some. And after the successful Ranger, Surveyor,
Orbiter and Apollo flights, we dropped manned lunar exploration
like a hot potato", he noted.
(Marrs, p.25)
Does this mean then, the end of manned
lunar exploration? In an attempt to find some answers to this
question, let us shift our attention to PSI research and,
specifically, to the mental process that makes possible the
perception of details from distant locations, bridging the normal
constraints of time and space, namely
Remote Viewing (RV).
A recent
book by perhaps the most highly regarded and experienced remote
Ingo Swann, entitled "Penetration – The Question of
Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy,"
provides yet another dimension
of speculation to the lunar question.
Were it not for
Swann's long and
distinguished career as perhaps the father of RV, as a remote viewer
for US military intelligence, as well as his involvement as a
renowned PSI researcher, instructor and writer, then there would be
no hesitation in completely omitting his strange claims from this
In 1975, two years after the Pioneer space-probe had revealed the
high level of accuracy of the information about Jupiter that
had previously obtained by RV, he received a call from Washington,
DC, telling him that it was very urgent that he come to Washington
himself to meet a Mr Axelrod.
This led to a chain of events that can
only be described as bizarre, including a long journey under strict
supervision by twin guards, by car, helicopter and elevator, wearing
a hood to ensure no likelihood of place recognition, concluding in
an underground facility.
Here he meets the mysterious Mr Axelrod,
who is completely familiar with Swann's work at the Stanford
Research Institute, and who persuades Swann, in return for a
thousand dollars a day, to undertake an RV mission that is so secret
that it exists without any paper trail. A condition of his
employment is that he agrees not to reveal any details of his
assignment for at least ten years, having been assured that after
that time the mission would have 'disappeared'.
After a period of time during which Swann and Mr Axelrod discuss the
protocols of RV, the latter finally gets to the purpose of the
mission. Ingo Swann's task is to RV a specific section of the moon.
Swann reflects,
"I had no idea what Mr
Axelrod wanted. Maybe they, whoever THEY were, were looking for
places to build moon-bases. Maybe THEY had lost a secret
spacecraft or something along those lines."
(Swann, p.45).
At his initial RV session, Swann
realizes that his coordinates are for the far side of the moon.
views whitish sand with some sort of repeated pattern like rows of
large tractor treads on the sand and becomes a little confused when
he senses something like an atmosphere. At this point he is given
another set of coordinates and, finding himself in an entirely
different site, believes that he is back on Earth.
So he apologizes,
has a break and then tries again using the same coordinates as
before, only to find he is seeing the same thing:
" 'I am in a place which is sort of
down like in a crater I suppose. There is a strange green haze
like a light of some kind. Beyond that, all around is dark
though. I am wondering where the light is coming from...' I
jolted to a stop again. After a moment Axel prodded. 'Yes, what
else?' 'Well you won't like this, I guess. I see or at least
think I see, well... some actual lights... sort of like lights
at football arenas, high up, banks of them ... up on towers of
some kind.'
Axel stared at me for a moment. He
was NOT smiling. 'Well I see lights! But how can they be on the
Moon?'... There was no answer forthcoming from Axel. I pressed
onwards. 'Have the Russians built a moon-base or something? Is
that what I'm supposed to remote view?' Again no answer. 'How
high are the light towers?' Axel interrupted... I swallowed
'Well if I compare it to something I am familiar with in New
York, about as high as the Secretariat building at the United
Nations - which has thirty-nine floors in it.' Axel narrows his
lips. 'You can see that then?' 'Am I, then, to assume this stuff
IS on the Moon? If so, this is more than a moon-base isn't it
Axel?' Again no answer. So I continued: 'But this stuff is big.
Does NASA or the Soviet space program have the
capabilities of getting such large stuff on to the moon?'
As I talked myself through all this,
a certain glimmer began to dawn in the recesses of my mental
darkness. I suddenly stopped speaking. I stared incredulously at
Axel. 'You mean 'am I to assume this stuff is' not OURS! Not
made on Earth?' Axel raised his eyebrows, trying to grin. 'Quite
a surprise, isn't it?' he said."
(Swann, p 50).
After many more lunar 'visits', Ingo
Swann finds towers, lights, machinery and strange looking buildings,
"a lot of domes of various sizes,
round things like small saucers with windows. These were stored
next to crater sides, sometimes in caves, sometimes in what
looked like airfield hangars... I found long tube-like things,
machinery-tractor-like things going up and down hills ...
obelisks which had no apparent function.
There were large
platforms on domes, large cross-like structures. Holes being dug
into crater walls and floors obviously having to do with some
kind of mining or earth-moving operations."
(Swann, p.56).
Finally he sees some kind of entities or
humanoids busy working in a dark lime-green fog who start talking
excitedly and gesticulating in his direction.
He writes,
"Immediately I felt like running
away and hiding which I guess I psychically did, since I 'lost'
sight of this particular imaging.
"I think they have
spotted me Axel…"
Axel said in a calm, low voice, so
low I hardly heard it at first.
"Please quickly come
away from that place."
My eyes were wide as understanding
drained in.
"You already know they are psychic,
don't you?"
Axel raised his eyebrows and gave a
deep sigh. And, at that point, he abruptly closed his folders.
"I think we had
better end our work here."
(Swann, p.57)
Ecker, Don. (1995) The Long Saga
of Lunar Anomalies. UFO 10, No.2.
Good, Timothy. (1989) Above Top
Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up.
London: Grafton Books. Huneeus,
Antonio. Fate, Vol. 48, No.7.
Leonard, George. (1977) Somebody
Else is on the Moon. New York: Pocket Book.
Marrs, Jim. (1997) Alien Agenda.
London: Harper Collins.
Sagan, Carl. (1966) Intelligent
Life In the Universe. New York: Mass Paperback.
Sheldon, William. (1970) Winning
the Moon. New York: Little Brown.
Sitchin, Z. (1978) The 12th
Planet. NY: Avon Books.
Sitchin, Z. (1990) Genesis
Revisited. NY: Avon.
Swann, Ingo. (1998)
Rapid City, South Dakota: Ingo Swann Books.
Wilson, Don. (1979) Secrets of
Our Spaceship Moon. New York: Dell.
Ubell, Earl. (1972) The Moon is
More of a Mystery than Ever. New York Times Magazine.