Start of interview
Kerry: Last time we were here visiting you, we didn't get an
interview at the time. But you were doing a video called
Kokopelli, and you had just come from down south, near Palm
Springs, at a conference.
Richard: Joshua Tree.
Kerry: Exactly. You had given a speech about your findings about
what's going on.
Richard: That was a four day conference with a lot of other
Kerry: David Wilcock was there.
Richard: David was there. David’s friend was there.
Sean David
Morton was there. One of my lunar researchers Steve Troy was there,
Ken Johnston was there.
Kerry: I really wanted to be there, but was not able to be
there, but we were fascinated to find out that Richard Hoagland
was now investigating what is happening to the planet as we
enter these uncharted waters of the future, going from now -
2008, we're right on the verge - to 2012 and beyond.
We understood that you had some evidence that you were working
on, and I think that David Wilcock has actually helped you write
an article on your website, called
Interplanetary Day After
Tomorrow, that begins to document the changes that are happening
on other planets, not just on our own Earth, in terms of the
heating up of the planets, and the changes.
What we wanted to talk to you about is: What did you find?
Richard: The way I came to it, and what knits these two
apparently disconnected subjects together: what has NASA been
doing all these years that it hasn't wanted to tell us, and what
is coming in
2012, turns out to have a very critical important
Remember, I started out looking at a set of Martian ruins...
even if NASA said they weren't ruins, just a trick of light and
shadow. As part of that work published in The Monuments of Mars,
and reiterated in great detail in Chapter 2 of Dark Mission, we
tripped over this physics - this physics that we're not supposed
to know.
I was told the other night, by an intel source on the phone, and
this is an exact quote - it's so striking and so important that
I get this right, because it exemplifies what's been going on
behind the scenes for all these years in terms of them telling
us the truth:
I was told that they would rather give up a major American city
to nuclear terrorism, than give up this physics.
This is the physics of antigravity, so-called free energy, even
consciousness and life itself. It's all bound up with the fact
that physics, a hundred and some years ago, when Maxwell was
writing his equations and the modern foundations for
electromagnetic theory were being laid in England, took a
radical wrong turn.
In hindsight now, as I back-engineered this - and we talk about
this in Chapter 2 - it wasn't a wrong turn done by people who
were misled, who were making mistakes, or didn't know what they
were doing. It was a conscious suborning of the truth. It was
done by people manipulating science and scientists by
controlling the journals, by creating the peer review process,
by basically eliminating unwanted papers, by attacking character
assassination of scientists who were not following the straight
and narrow.
A conscious herding of the scientific community, away from
technologies and a fundamental understanding of physics that
would liberate all human kind. In other words, control.
Remember, I'm back-engineering this by looking at a set of ruins
on another planet. Looking at some geometry, and through
exquisitely interesting steps, that I won't bore you with now
because they are in both books, realizing that we had laid out
on the surface of another planet, an entire physics, a window to
a whole new way of looking at the world, of looking at reality,
of what really controls all the stuff up to and including our
technology that we take so for granted and think works one way
and in facts works on slightly and sometimes major different
So with that as backdrop, as I started looking at the ruins on
Mars, and then I expanded my search to look at the ruins on the
Moon, and these little shards of glass, and the confirmations
that in fact it is all real, all this stuff that I've been
saying all these years, that NASA is hiding.
Then the question arose: if we're looking at ancient
civilizations on these planets that are no longer there... what
happened? I mean, if they had this almost magical godlike power,
why aren't they still there? Why are we as their last surviving
descendants, in the model that they are us, and we are them, why
are we in such an awful condition, fighting over each other over
a few drops of oil, when the universe around us could provide
limitless energy, to build the staggering scale of stuff that we
find right next door on the moon?
Something must have happened.
That got me into thinking: we know from terrestrial history that
life does not go on, that there in fact are bad things that
happen. They happen to people, they happen to cities, nations,
and civilizations. Things happen, ebb and flow. Like in
Shakespeare, the seven ages of man. Beginning, the middle, and
the end.
So, if this stuff, no matter how amazing the guys were that did
this, if this could come to an end, and it look like it came to,
in many cases, a catastrophic end... if you look at
the stuff on
Mars, it's obvious that there was a huge planetary catastrophe
that swept this away, and buried it under miles of mud and
sediments, and it's been eroding.
We're seeing the traces of buildings peaking out from
underneath. Even the Russians talk in some of their literature
about buried cities under the sands of Mars. In their mainstream
scientific literature.
So you look at all this, and I say to myself: could this happen
here again?
Could everything we see around us - New York, skyscrapers, the
extraordinary technology that went into Apollo, all of this
stuff that we take for granted, that we are on this unending
Victorian march into the future - could it in fact at some point
come to an end? Could we, currently, go through some cataclysm,
like these guys [on Mars] obviously went through? Because
they're no longer here.
That got me looking at things like ancient records.
There are
some amazing things
in Egypt that I can show you - that I
actually have in this database - that really prove that we're
not the first.

There's this eerie parallel between the face on Mars, and the
faces of the iconic pharaohs in Egypt, up to and including that
headdress which was called a Manes. It had stripes.
If you look at some of the early versions of the Viking imagery
of the face on Mars, it’s got lateral stripes on both sides of
the platform on which the face is lying. That told me that there
was potentially an Egyptian connection.
Then you fast forward the film and you get into people like
Vladimir Avinsky, who's a Russian researcher, who completely
separately, in 1984, published in Soviet Life magazine a
chronology of his investigation of Cydonia, and he wound up
calling the face on Mars 'The Martian Sphinx'.
More fast forward on the film.
As part of my research when Errol
Torun came on board the investigation, we realized one day that
there was exquisite mathematical linkage between the physical
placement of the ruins on Mars and the physical placement of the
ruins in Egypt. In fact, if I remember this correctly, the
Cosine of one was equivalent to the Sine of another.
The odds of that happening are 7000 to 1. In other words, each
special place in the Sphinx and pyramids, on two separate
planets, knew the other's location, to one part in 7000. And
that’s just not in the cards. As George Noory says, ‘I don’t
believe in coincidence’. George is right: this cannot be
The more you delve into Egyptian history and Egyptian
hieroglyphics, architecture, all of the stuff Egyptian, which by
the way is what the Masons are basing there stuff on, you find
this incredible subliminal connection to Mars. When I’m looking
at a departed civilization on another planet, where I have no
ground truth, if I can on this planet, find linkages where I
might have ground truth, that makes me pay attention.
The bottom line: there appeared to be, both in the mythos and in
the architecture, math and geometry, at all levels, some
profound deep connection between the monuments of Mars and the
monuments of Earth, specifically in Egypt. What I call in
Monuments in Mars the terrestrial connection.
You can go into the books and read all about it. It's documented
with pictures and equations and all that. However, that got me
looking and really paying attention to a few little blips that
in Egypt, there may in fact be current records, a hint of a
former high tech civilization, which in the model might have
either gone to Mars, and built the stuff we were seeing.
Although now, I don’t think that’s the case. There's too much
stuff there. Or in fact have been, not back-engineered, but the
civilization on Mars, that we see in ruins, could have sent
refugees of colonists or whatever to Earth, and then you would
have an independent development where they would develop high
civilization and you might see on Earth the record of that
ancestry reflected in the monuments.
One case in particular was of what we see on screen. This is
Abydos, which by the way is a very critical planet in the whole
Stargate mythology around the very popular television show.
raises the question: what do those folks know, and when did they
known it? This is
What’s striking is that this is the temple of Seti I, who was one of the renaissance pharaohs.
He was in the
middle part of Egyptian history, about 1,500 years ago. He was a
renaissance guy. He was basically looking back to the beginning
of his culture, his civilizations, and he had the power and the
money and the ability to order his guys to basically find the
good stuff, and build monuments affirming what great guys those
old original founders of Egyptian culture, were.
He built this temple at Abydos. The thing that’s striking to me
is when you look at the facade of this, what does it look like
to you? It looks to me modern. It doesn’t look ancient.
In fact,
it looks really modern. It looks like a big massive five sided
building, on the other side of the Potomac, called the Pentagon.

If you look at the Pentagon at ground level, it looks like this.
Including the columns, which are made out of concrete. These are
made out of stone. When you go inside, that’s where the real
surprise is, because inside, up on the lintels, one in
particular, that are holding up the roof, you see this amazing
frieze of what looks initially like hieroglyphs but in fact
appear to be high-tech stuff.
Here’s a helicopter, here’s a
tank, an obvious antigravity spacecraft with a tail.

Here's a
land-speeder... I mean, this looks exactly like Luke’s
land-speeder from Star Wars, all right?
You’ve also got some other things that look more like
iconography. Maybe letters, maybe some kind of hieroglyphics.
They don’t look Egyptian. And what I did was to simply lay out
the comparisons. Right here.
Now, anybody who looks at this says, Oh my God, you mean the
Egyptians had battle tanks and Cobra helicopters? No, that’s not
what we’re saying.
What I'm saying is that here's the Abrams
tank compared to the tank here.
What I'm saying is that this
ancient culture, spearheaded by Seti I, looking back through his
own sacred record, his own sacred texts, his documentation of
what is called in Egyptian the first time, which is a chronicle
of some extraordinary era that occurred before then-contemporary
Egyptian civilization.
He was memorializing the amazing guys
that did and could build and preserve this stuff.

And so what I think what Seti was doing - Seti I - was he was
basically building a museum to memorialize the technology from
the time that came before - from the first time.
The Shemsu Hor,
the followers of Horus, who were this lineal priesthood that
kept track. If you look at
Manetho's chronology, his calendar,
you see these enormous blocks of time that conventional
Egyptologists dismiss as silly, or misidentification of lunar
cycles for years and stuff like that. But you’re talking periods
of time that equal like ten, twenty thirty thousand years in a
If you run that whole clock backwards, this period of
time could in fact have been contemporaneous with whoever built
what we’re seeing on Mars.
And the anchoring piece of real science is that when you look at
the Giza Plateau, when you look at the pyramids form the top
down. Look at Bauval and Hancock’s reconstruction of the stars
and the belt of Orion mimic the pyramid placement of Giza. Look
at how those pyramids are aligned almost, but not exactly, on
due North.
If you take a very simple clock, the plate tectonics in standard
geology, and you unwind that clock of the plate rotation of
Africa, due to the physics of the planet underneath Giza, it
turns out that the architecture of the Giza Plateau and the time
frame for whoever built Cydonia is exactly the same: a quarter
of a million years.
Which means we’re looking at an incredible
civilization that came and is now gone.
Kerry: Are we talking about Atlantis?
Richard: Metaphorically, yes. In other words, if you read Plato,
the actually story of
Atlantis, I think scholars - and this is
my personal opinion - have been too narrowly focused on one
place, one island, one night, one catastrophe. Plato was
listening to the Priests from Egypt. He got all his stuff on
Atlantis from the guys that did this stuff. He was talking about
an era, about a civilization and culture, not one little bit of
land, where a bunch of guys did something really wacky and were
beaten down by the gods.
Atlantis is a concept, not a place. Atlantis, to me, is the time
that came before, which may have included guys who could go to
and from the Moon, to and from Mars. Lay out all the stuff all
over the other planets' moons that we have found with great,
great effort through the NASA database. And which is waiting to
be confirmed by some honest space program that will give us all
the truth some day.
Leading then, back to the inevitable question, if all this stuff
once existed and now is all gone, what happened to all of it?
The answer in the physics, is that the physics can go wrong. It
can go horribly wrong. It can go wrong on a solar system scale.
That’s why we're seeing Mars in terrible, terrible ruin. That’s why
we’re seeing ruins, not skyscrapers, that you can recognize
instantly on the Moon. Another question has to be: can it happen
Which then moves our attention sideways, to the Mayan calendar,
because the Mayans, one of those ancient cultures,
contemporaneous with the guys that were memorializing this
stuff, they have right in there own texts:
There will be a date and time when this will all go away, and
something brand new will be reborn.
Is that just metaphor? Does it apply to consciousness, a new way
of looking at the world? Is it new age airy-fairy, we are all
going to love each other some day? Or, does it relate to the
possibility that in this physics there is a set of ticking time
bombs to where if we don’t take this knowledge, this physics and
technology, all the secret classified black ops stuff they’ve
been sitting on for fifty years, if not far longer, that we will
be in deep doo-doo, when the day of reckoning,
December 21st
2012, arrives, and we are totally unprepared for what may
The politics is 99% perception. To my mind, there are two
questions here.
One is: what’s really going to happen? I’m
working with Enterprise and researchers like Joseph Farrell and
others, to try and figure out the physics.
The other track is political. What do they, the controllers, who
have kept us from knowing our real history, what do they think
is going to happen, and what are they doing to get ready, and
not telling any of the rest of us?
There is a physics. We're actually picking up some very
hyperdimensional, or torsion indications, which are
aligning in the galaxy, which happens once every 26,000 years,
has an effect, a real physical effect. The question is, how
We also have evidence that the in-crowd,
the Rockefellers,
the diamond guys,
the Bilderbergers, all those groups, that they
know something - or more accurately, they think they know
something, and they have been taking steps for the last 100
years to get ready.
What’s really interesting to me - and this was so cool when I
figured it out, and I was able to lay it out at the Joshua Tree
conference, which is not the first place that I’ve been laying
this out. I’ve done several conferences now under almost like
focus groups, to see how people would stand up and salute when
they saw this data.
When Columbus sailed the ocean in 1492, one of the things he
brought back was stuff from the Mayan calendar, Mayan Codices.
We were told they were burned, right? Wrong! I think they were
sequestered in
the Vatican archive. Who in the right mind is
going to destroy information? Forget the fact that they are not
religious, that they're into saving their own skins, that
they're looking for edges on society and politics and
populations, and it's all about control.
The cover story is, of course if they're burned, nobody can look
at them any more - so you can look at them in secret. So I think
all these codices that the scholars missed, they went back to
the Vatican.
The reason I know this, cause the only way this could have
worked out is that in 1582, when a German scholar was set up by
Pope Gregory to head a council to reform the calendar. The
seasons had gotten out of sequence with Easter and Christmas,
and the resurrection of Christ and all that. You can’t have
Christmas in July, and that was what was going on.
So the
calendar had to be reformed from the old Julian calendar. So
Gregory sets Clavius, who is the German mathematician genius, to
head this panel, this ‘presidential committee’, if you want to
think of it in those terms, to basically recommend changes in
the calendar.
When all's said and done, they came out with a calendar which
readjusted the dates, the seasons, the times, brought everything
back in sync. It’s called the Gregorian calendar. We live under
it now. It took a while for it to percolate through various
parts of Christendom and parts of the world that were not
Christian at that time. In 1583 it was set ahead 11 days.
If you look at the synchronization of the Mayan calendar and the
Gregorian calendar, this very crucial date of 2012, according to
the US Naval observatory, you can go on to their website -
Google is your friend - and you will find that the magic moment,
the Mayan moment when the world changes, doesn’t end - but
changes - radically, is December 21st, 2012, at 11:11 am.
Universal Time.
There's no way that can be accidental, because 11:11 is a code
for the physics that we’ve decoded from the monuments of Mars.
That’s a long story that we don’t have time to get into now, but
it’s on the Enterprise website, it’s in the books. The point is:
there's no way that Clavius could have done this unless he
either had an independent source of knowledge that was much more
I’ve had a mathematics professor who was the head of the
department at Fairleigh Dickinson University actually write on
the record that he could not figure out how Clavius did this.
It’s too damn precise. So my supposition is that it was the
secret codices brought back by Columbus et al, sequestered in
the Vatican, with the Mayan Calendar, where they were able to
adjust the Gregorian calendar so it would come out at 11:11 AM,
the morning of the 21st,
Kerry: What happens?
Richard: I was afraid you’d ask me that. I don’t know.
Kerry: Are you working on that?
Richard: I’m working on it, of course. It’s a work in progress.
I don’t know. I’m not going to sit here and tell you what I
don’t know. I can tell you what I suspect.
Because the implications are so serious, and the amount of
effort being spent by the bad guys is so great, I strongly infer
that it’s not going to be a good hair day for a lot of people. I
cannot take that to the bank yet.
There are various ways that this could be changed, radically.
One way is if the guys in the black ops community, who are
playing with their secret toys, spaceships and secret space
program, going to and from, looting the Moon, finding the
libraries, doing God knows what they are doing out there.
they suddenly realize that this technology is actually
applicable to entire worlds, that there is a physics here that
can literally take control of the planet, and prevent bad things
from happening... that would be really cool.
The thing that would get us in the end is if there is a real
problem coming, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.
Fortunately, based on all kinds of evidence, including the folks
that you guys talk to all the time, everybody inside knows all
this stuff. It’s just us peons outside that are not supposed to
know it. Which means that nothing has to be invented. All there
has to be, is redirected from over here, whatever they are doing
with it, to over there, which is the planetary problem.
Our job is to get people on the inside to realize they don’t
have a ticket out of here. That they’re caught with all the rest
of us. We're all in it together because the lie has been
different at every level. Even if they have been told they have
a ticket out, they probably don’t. Do they have families and
aunts and uncles and dogs and cats and mortgages and all that
They will be here when whatever is coming in 2012, based
on a physics that I can document, is here.
Kerry: We have a scientist who was talking to us very briefly
for a moment. He came out and he said there are going to be
three events between now [end of 2007] and 2012. He's a well
regarded scientist, someone you would know, and perhaps you've
been talking to him. We don’t know, we can’t name him.
He says one is a
CME, a Corona Mass Ejection from the sun.
Bill: The second is a magnetic pole reversal. And then finally a
pole shift. He said that then these events begin in 2009, and
culminate in 2012. He wouldn’t tell us any more because he said
he was constrained by a national security clearance and we were
the first people he had spoken to outside of the national
security community for the last seven years.
Kerry: He paid us a compliment, he sent us an e-mail, and we got
into a small dialog. Now we're being approached by all kinds of
people, some from black ops, with secrets to tell, as well as
remote viewers, etc. They've all got information about what may
be coming down the pike between now and 2012.
We just went to Russia and interviewed
Boriska, the child with
past life recall of a life on Mars, who started talking at the
age of seven, and we're going to be releasing that interview
fairly soon. Boriska is basically saying Moscow is going to be
inundated by water in a very-matter-of-fact tone, and that it’s
going to happen in 2009. He doesn’t know at this age of 11, why
or how - he just knows it's going to happen.
We're getting all kinds of evidence. There's evidence of
underground bases, of preparation to put groups of people in
safe places, and let the rest of the people, about two-thirds of
the population, just wing it and basically go by the wayside.
Richard: That’s probably a very large underestimate.
Kerry: We don’t like to believe that this is going to happen, or
that some cataclysm so massive is going to hit the Earth in such
a way that these events are going to cause total destruction and
the end of human lives.
Richard: It’s not the end of human life, it’s
the end of this
cycle of civilization. We will go on, the human race will go on.
If past evidence is accurate, which it is, there will be a new
cycle, a new set of cultures and civilizations, and we will be
the myths of their minds and scribes, and they will someday
develop space flight, and they will go to the Moon. They will
have people that will keep the truth from them, and the cycle
perpetuates ad nauseam, unless we stop it here.
The name of the game, all of us who are looking at this from
various facets, is we all need to combine our forces, resources,
our knowledge base and goodwill, and most of all enlist you guys
out there, and change the script. The tools are there. I now
know the tools are there, no matter what is coming, it can be
dealt with, because the physics is so extraordinary. The problem
is political and spiritual will.
There's a small group that want us in a worst case scenario, to
all go away. So they are not solving, they are not lifting a
finger. In fact, they are perpetuating the illusion, the lie
being different at every level, that there's nothing that can be
done. In my research there is an extraordinary amount that can
be done.
It can be stopped, it can be changed. The first way that you
conquer an enemy - and to them we are the enemy - is you make
them conquer themselves. You make them give up and want to stop
fighting. You tell them it’s hopeless.
Remember the guys in Star Trek, the Borg?
Fighting them is
futile - resistance is futile. Well, it’s not. That is another
level of the lie.
Kerry: What kind of physics or technology are you talking about?
Are you talking about time travel? It’s hyper-dimensional
physics, I’m sure. What is it that you see as the solution? I
know that you’ve been working with David Wilcock, and he has a
very positive attitude towards the future. Is his positive
attitude coming because of research you guys have done together,
or because he has some of the same sources that you have?
Richard: It’s a bit of both. The reason I got intrigued with
Wilcock is because he was independently coming up with the same
stuff we were coming up with, and I love independent
confirmation. It’s the life’s blood of real science, when
somebody separate, that you never talk to, presents you with a
database and my God, it looks kind of like your database, and
you never talk to each other. And that’s how Wilcock and I got
together. We've worked together. We've developed joint
information sources and we have done some publications to try
and get the word out.
In terms of what to do, I’m not certain that even the best and
the brightest of the in-crowd knows what’s really going to
happen. I’ve found so many instances where they're working off
these old texts and ancient documents, and they obviously
haven’t a clue about the real physics behind it.
They could literally spending all this money, in the trillions.
They could be building their huge underground cities like in the
Urals and Russia. They could be doing their seed bank which they
are doing up in Norway. I mean it’s all there - you can see what
they are doing to get ready. But suppose they are being misled.
Suppose they aren’t reading the physics correctly because they
don’t know there is a physics.
It’s so compartmentalized that the guys who are working in
physics, developing these neat spaceships or the energy sources,
they're not talking to the political folks who are making these
other decisions. Remember, it’s secret - they would rather give
up a major American city than release the secret of the physics,
because if they do that, they totally lose control.
Their paradigm, their whole reason for existing, is all about
They can’t go there, they can’t say,
"Maybe we’re wrong,
maybe we haven’t read this right".
No one has called me up on
the phone lately from deep inside and said, "Hey, Hoagland, what
do you think's really going to happen?" (Unless you guys work
for them, in which case it's a very elegant technique.)
The point is that you have to go by the numbers, and the numbers
tell me, at this point, two very important things. One is, it’s
not a date. It’s not going to happen at the stroke of midnight
on December 21st 2012, or 11:11 AM.
That’s part of the
synchronized ritual. That’s a reinforcement that this is really
based on the physics because the code is 11:11. 11:11 is
actually - I'll tell you the answer, then you can go and
back-engineer how we actually get there.
11:11 is the code for
19.5, which is the key geometry of the upwelling physics of
every planet in the solar system. So that tells... it’s like the
swastika, it’s like another version of imprinting something,
that this is really physics based. Hyper-dimensional physics
There are two tracks of using this physics to avert what is to
come. If there's something bad coming, one is technology. I
strongly suspect that
HAARP in fact is one of the positive
technologies protected by all the stupid lies all around it. The
worst case scenario, the mind control, bombarding people with
rays, no, it’s to protect what HAARP's real purpose is - to try
and work with plasmas in the ionosphere. Plasmas are key to
controlling torsion waves, and torsion waves are a 3D etheric
manifestation of the
hyper-dimensional physics in this
You have a huge multi-gigawatt transmitter working with plasmas
upstairs at the poles. Now, we find the Russians are very
interested in both poles.
They’ve sent an expedition to the
North Pole, Putin did something very curious this summer, and
they also sent a not-so-secret intelligence guy, in charge of
their intelligence activities to the South Pole. What was that
all about? It’s because the poles are the secret to the
controlling the Earth if it wants to flip over.
Someone, somewhere, is actually working on a technology to
prevent the worst case scenario. That’s good news. They live
here. That means at least one group isn’t going to leave Dodge.
They're actually working to solve the problem, and I can point
to some other cute aspects of HAARP that we don’t have time to
get into - but they're on the web and in Dark Mission.
They are so amazingly cool, affirming that some group actually
is looking to solve the problem for all of us. That’s only with
the technology we can see. We don’t know what’s going on behind
the scenes that we're not seeing, that’s classified.
As I told one neocon some years ago, when I was having this
discussion with him - and it was really amusing because this is
somebody that lives, he’s a very high level banker... follow the
money - he lives right next to George Bush down in Houston. He's
obviously intimately involved in that set of conversations.
I laid out exactly at this point, which was several years ago,
what I thought might happen - and he looked at me and said:
you realize, Hoagland, that you’ll get no credit for this."
I said "What!?"
He said, "This has to be done in secret. No-one
could ever know."
I said, "Go do it. To hell with credit, just
go do it."
So things are being done.
We don’t have to know what’s
happening, we don’t need to know the details. We just need to
know that someone's looking out for you.
There is a component -
remember it’s a fiefdom, they're all at war with each other -
and there's some component that says "Holy Cow, my wife doesn’t
a ticket, maybe I should do something for the planet because
she’s going to be stuck here."
The other track - which actually is the more interesting track
to me, and it’s been slowly coming up - is the consciousness
track. Art and George and I have been doing these consciousness
experiments on Coast to Coast AM, for years. We've demonstrated
that there really is some indefinable invisible ability of a
mass of people focusing on the same objective, to affect 3D
In part, I'm sitting here because of that focused technology,
from Art with the Coast audience. When I had the heart attack
back in 1999, over the longer term, for that critical first week
or so when Art was focusing people’s consciousness on me, there
was a difference. I really believe that intervention in that
critical first few days really was critical in getting me over
that crisis, and then Robin’s long term supplements and all the
other things she had me doing ultimately wound up with me having
not one problem, sitting here in perfect health, ten years after
that event.
I got to thinking, for obviously personal reasons: what if we
could harness that technology, that invisible mind connection to
work on this same problem.
We’ve been discussing quietly with
George how we would set up some more controlled experiments, and
there was one recently, they had put up a countdown clock, and
George had his audience focus on it, and sure enough Princeton EGGs, these random number generators that have been set up under
the consciousness project at Princeton University, actually
showed an effect, on time and on schedule, when people at a
certain time of day were focusing on the experiment.
Suppose we were to lay out in some large media format - in
theater, on television specials, this is the problem as we have
determined it. These are the windows of vulnerability where
intervention would be useful. Then we give people simply the
database that this have worked over here. It can also work over
In the process, we democratically empower ordinary folk, all
over the world, to collectively put aside their differences. We
focus together as a collective human family to solve potentially
the greatest problem in the history of the human family in this
iteration of the world. Suppose it works.
That’s our challenge,
and that’s why I’m doing what I do. That’s why I wrote the book.
Kerry: That’s very impressive. In a sense,
Ingo Swann was able
to affect with his mind, this thing, with the help of SRI...
Richard: The magnetometer experiments. He actually fiddled with
it and confused the hell out of them.
Kerry: It was supposed to be impossible.
Richard: It’s torsion. It’s all about torsion waves. The
Russians, back when they were the Soviets, have 50 years of a
database showing this is a real physics - which again has been
suppressed in the western world. I’m trying to bring these two
cultures together.
Isn’t it interesting that we’ve had so much positive response to
our Washington DC National Press Club press conference. We had
four Russian networks show up. We had a Russian network show up
in this living room, and sit here with me and the screen showing
some of this stuff which is going to be beamed on NTV - which is
the largest commercial Russian television network - to 120
million Russians in the next few days.
If we can build bridges between two cultures that have a
database that shows this is real science, real physics, this
cannot be suppressed provided ordinary folks forget the
authorities who have been lying to them and they listen to the
folks that are trying to get them to see elements of the truth.
They have to do their own homework. You can’t sit and listen to
me, and believe me. You should not – but you have the net. You
have Google, Google is your friend.
You can now cross-correlate from so many source that you will
get a gestalt that most of what I’m telling you is in fact
verifiable and therefore real - and if that’s true, you can’t
sit there on the couch watching television any longer.
You’ve got to get up and do something... because 2012 is coming.
Kerry: Thank you very much, Richard Hoagland. This has been
really fabulous. Camelot thanks you, and we hope to return to
interview you and Farrell, and continue the story.