Chapter Three
Political Developments
"The question is not whether you are right or wrong, sir. You are
not even in the conversation."
- Dr. Carl Sagan to Dr. John
Brandenburg, regarding Brandenburg's work on Cydonia.
Throughout the 1980s, though many NASA
officials and prominent scientists
expressed interest and curiosity about the results of Hoagland's
independent research behind the scenes, the Agency's
quarter-century-long position on Cydonia - as well as the position
of its planetary scientists - was uniformly caustic.
While the
official Agency position on the reality of Cydonia was far from
encouraging, various NASA labs and facilities were often far more
open and accommodating, at times even complimentary.
Yet as interest in the Cydonia issue began to reach unprecedented
levels, NASA began to march out troops to try and quiet the unrest.
One of these was Dr. Steven Squyres, Carl Sagan's protege at
Cornell. In 1988, Hoagland and Squyres faced off in a nationally
televised debate on the extraterrestrial artifacts issue on CBS's
Nightwatch news program, hosted by Charlie Rose [Fig 3-1].
During the debate, Squyres made various erroneous claims, including
the tired "disconfirming" photos charge, the notorious assertion
that the measurements done by Hoagland and Torun had not been made
on ortho-rectified versions of the data (they had) and that Cydonia
did not meet established NASA standards for possible artificiality
(no such standards have ever been published).
Hoagland, by now
well-versed in the standard NASA diversionary tactics and
misrepresentations, out-argued Squyres on each and every issue,
until Rose finally pinned Squyres on one crucial point - he had
never actually looked at a single Viking image from Cydonia!
That effectively ended the televised debate - but it did not quell
the resistance from NASA to honestly examine the issues raised by
the independent investigation. In fact, the results of this very
public debate only seemed to harden that resistance in some quarters
of the Agency.
As recounted by Hoagland in Monuments, he was invited on no less
than five occasions by various NASA facilities to make presentations
to the Agency employees on the subject of Cydonia.
One of these
appearances, at Cleveland's NASA/Lewis (now NASA/Glenn) facility was
videotaped and eventually released as Hoagland's Mars, Vol. 1.
Critics, like Skeptical Inquirer's Gary Posner (in a vicious
personal attack published in that magazine in 2001) have, in the
intervening years, downplayed the significance of Hoagland's
appearances, claiming various individuals involved with them have
now recanted their interest in Hoagland's work. Foremost among them
is Dr. John Kleinberg, who now claims (at least according to Posner)
that Hoagland's appearances were nothing out of the ordinary.
The reality is that Hoagland's initial NASA/Lewis presentation, on
March 20, 1990, was quite significant.
Not only was the Center Auditorium filled with NASA engineers and
scientists (even to the point of overflowing to the aisles), but
special viewing rooms were set up around the complex to allow other
NASA/Lewis personnel still on the job to view the presentation via
closed-circuit NASA television.
There was even an official "charge
number" for Lewis employees who came to the Auditorium to use so
they could be compensated for the time they spent watching
Hoagland's Cydonia presentation live.
Three video cameras (and cameramen) were in place in the main Lewis
Auditorium to both broadcast the event live to all the other Center
buildings as well as to officially record it for NASA's archive.
Joyce Bergstrom, of NASA-Lewis's Public Affairs Office, had promised
to provide subsequent broadcast quality copies of the presentation
to ABC News, among others, due to requests from the media.
The night
before the presentation, Bergstrom also set up a special NASA
television interview for Hoagland - by Dr. Lynn Bondurant, director
of NASA/Lewis' Educational Programs Office.
Not only did Bondurant personally conduct the interview, he also
arranged to professionally record it for a later PBS broadcast. He
requested that Hoagland come in after hours the night before his
scheduled presentation, and proceeded to set him up in a
teleconference room - with a huge backdrop of the official
NASA/Lewis logo framed behind him, so that during the entire
interview it would appear in virtually every shot.
Now, if Hoagland was "just another normal guest," with no more
status than any other outside party that might get invited to speak
at Lewis, why would he get such red carpet treatment (and we haven't
even gotten around to mentioning the limousine service from the
airport, the executive lunch with all the senior staff, and the full
tour of NASA-Lewis before his Presentation in the afternoon ...)?
Did all of NASA/Lewis's guest speakers get brought in the night
before, to be interviewed for a PBS special with the official NASA
logo prominently featured over their shoulders?
And, if the presence
of the NASA seal behind Hoagland during that extensive interview on
his Cydonia research was not meant as a tacitly implied endorsement,
why not conduct the interview in the visitor parking lot, or some
other equally "unidentifiable" location?
Yet not only did Bondurant conduct the interview himself, from the
actual interview tape it is obvious that he had read Monuments cover
to cover.
The Director of the NASA/Lewis Education Office spent over
two and a half hours asking a series of serious, sober and highly
detailed questions, based on an obviously extensive knowledge of the
work of not only Hoagland, but of the other Mars anomalies
investigators as well.
He knew the details - some of them quite
obscure - of almost a decade of research on Cydonia carried out by
DiPietro, Molenaar, Carlotto and Torun. This hardly seems the
behavior of someone just being a genial host and having no real
interest in Hoagland's ideas or published works.
A few months after his appearance at NASA/Lewis, Hoagland was
invited again to the facility by the same Dr. Bondurant who had so
thoroughly interviewed him back in March. The intent this time was
to hold a full briefing and educational workshop for representatives
from various high schools and universities from around the country -
and even NASA Headquarters itself - on The Monuments of Mars.
Posner's article, he again tried to downplay the significance of
this invitation, claiming that it was no big deal and was "only"
attended by fifty people.
In reality, it was certainly a major event, as all the attendees
were leaders in their fields, and the Workshop came complete with
pre-printed workbooks and background references (prepared by
NASA/Lewis). Since this was a special session for educators, rather
than a general presentation for the whole facility, it was held in a
room with a capacity of about fifty because that's how many
educators from around the country were invited.
Posner actually didn't argue with any of this. He simply used a
statement by NASA/Lewis' Director of Internal Affairs, Americo F.
Forestieri (who wasn't even employed there when these events took
place) to imply that Hoagland is "stretching it a bit" by claiming
that his second appearance at NASA was a "major national NASA
education conference" at "a packed auditorium full of teachers and
scientists and engineers and educators."
He apparently bases this
solely on the fact that "only" fifty educators attended the
What's the implication?
That a conference cannot be
"major" unless more than fifty people attend it?
And if those fifty
people are top-flight educators, including from NASA Headquarters
itself, then is it too much to assume that this is a fairly major
Is Hoagland wrong or self-serving to have described it that
Yet if we use Posner's standard, which is apparently that an event
sponsored by a major NASA division is not "major" unless it is
attended by more than fifty people, then isn't Hoagland's previous
NASA/Lewis appearance, viewed by over a thousand NASA scientists and
engineers in the NASA/Lewis Main Auditorium live and shown to
literally thousands more via closed circuit television, to be
considered "major?"
It can be argued that it was Forestieri, not Posner, who made the
claim that Hoagland was "stretching it a bit."
Yet if Posner didn't
agree with Forestieri's standard, why did he use it in his article?
He clearly wanted to give the impression that Hoagland (at the
least) exaggerates the importance of his frequent invitations to
NASA/Lewis. The evidence would seem to argue to the contrary, that
it is Posner that is "stretching it a bit" to try to make something
disingenuous (on Hoagland's part) out of these events.
And, not only did Bondurant's NASA-Lewis Office of Education
officially put on this Conference, but he also used it to announce
to the assembled scientists, engineers and educators that this
session and Hoagland's previously taped appearances (from March)
were going to be part of an upcoming PBS miniseries to be called
"Hoagland's Mars."
Bondurant had evidently been planning (obviously at the behest of
his boss, Dr. Klineberg), since that initial "night before"
interview in front of the NASA/Lewis logo, to create this program.
Hoagland, along with everyone at the Conference, was surprised at
this announcement, since they hadn't been in the loop on the plans
at all.
Subsequent to Bondurant's announcement, the process of creating the
series went forward with no input from Hoagland (other than
providing some of his own Cydonia images and graphics); it was 100
percent a NASA/Lewis production and was being prepared for broadcast
on January 6, 1991. Then, less than three weeks before the scheduled
air date, on December 13, 1990, Bondurant called Hoagland with bad
Sounding (according to Hoagland) "like death warmed over," he
somberly informed Hoagland that the plug had been had pulled on the
planned "Hoagland's Mars" series, and he was to report to NASA
Headquarters in Washington, D.C. immediately with all the tapes,
scripts and graphics for the programs.
When Hoagland asked what had
happened, Bondurant told him that JPL had somehow "got wind of the
series," and had absolutely "raised hell" back at Headquarters about
Later, Hoagland confirmed as much from another long-term source
within NASA Headquarters itself. So what had happened?
The problems evidently began with something known as the original
"Enterprise Mission." In early 1990, Hoagland had begun an
educational project of his own in Washington, D.C, at Dunbar Senior
Drawing unabashedly upon the Star Trek motif of his friend
Gene Roddenberry, the U.S.S. Dunbar was designed by Hoagland and
colleagues to stimulate interest in science among the students at
this 99% black inner-city school by focusing their research on
various real space science issues and arguments within NASA - such
as the Hubble Telescope; the Magellan Venus Mission; and Mars.
prototype Dunbar experiment for a National program (located just off
Capitol Hill) was to end by tackling the thorny issues swirling
around the Face and Cydonia itself.
This educational project, with the able contributions of both
national corporations and local community volunteers (including
Keith Morgan, of ABC News, and his entire family), eventually
received a nomination for a "Point of Light" award from President
Bush's (41) own Point of Light Foundation. With the program catching
the attention of the White House itself, and after several months of
negotiating, the "U.S.S. Dunbar" got a chance to welcome its most
important visitor in October, 1990-Barbara Bush, First Lady of
United States.
Hoagland promptly sent a tape of her appearance (shot by the
students themselves) to Bondurant, and suggested it be included at
the end of his production of "Hoagland's Mars," because of the
specific references to the Washington, D.C. "Enterprise" experiment
that Bondurant had included in the "night before" interview months
However, that was when it literally "hit the fan" - It seems that
the notion of the First Lady of the United States, the wife of the
President of the United States, tacitly endorsing the notion of
artificial ruins at Cydonia by her sheer presence at a Hoagland
project, was just a bit too much for the folks at JPL.
Perhaps this is also why Klineberg's formal introduction of
Hoagland, back on March 20, was somehow mysteriously excluded from
the official NASA/ Lewis versions of the presentation video tapes
(including those that went - very late - to ABC News). The cause,
according to the Lewis technical department, was due to
"simultaneous failure of all three cameras." Miraculously, they all
came back online just in time for Hoagland to begin speaking.
In the end, Bondurant's proposed NASA-Lewis Mars series was reduced
to a single half-hour program of "talking heads," featuring a
"balanced response" from such unbiased figures as Michael Carr and
his JPL cohorts (the same ones who, according to two "inside" NASA
sources, had killed the much more extensive "Hoagland's Mars"
It had nothing to do with a "lack of technical quality," as
the NASA Headquarters' Public Affairs Office would later claim.
The point of all this is that the actual events, as described in
Monuments, and when viewed with any sort of objectivity, clearly
support Hoagland's version of the events, rather than Posner's
disingenuous characterizations. Hoagland certainly did not
exaggerate the importance of his appearances at NASA/Lewis, and
indeed it seems he was on track to a significant, official NASA
endorsement of his work until "JPL happened."
It was shortly after this series of events; Hoagland's appearances
at NASA facilities, the publication of "The Message of Cydonia," the
curious endorsement of Hoagland's work by various entities connected
with Bush Sr. that things began to turn ugly.
NASA and its various sub-agencies and facilities began to respond to
increasing public and Congressional inquires on the Cydonia question
with vitriolic rhetoric and even outright falsehoods.
When Hoagland
and Erol Torun began making inroads in the United States Congress to
make Cydonia an imaging priority for the upcoming Mars Observer
program, the response began to get harried. NASA seemed intent on
avoiding the simple testing of the Cydonia hypothesis at all costs.
Various documents were issued, seemingly using Carl Sagan's Parade
hit piece as a model, in response to letters and requests from
(among others), Representative Robert Roe, Chairman of the House
Committee on Science, Space and Technology.
Besides the
simple continuing misstatements concerning the existence of the
supposed "disconfirming" photographs of the Face, several more
extensive, formal responses were issued.
Foremost among them was an anonymous document from inside NASA
titled "Technical Review of the Monuments of Mars."
This paper began
to make the rounds of various NASA facilities and public affairs
offices and was widely circulated by the Agency to individuals and
government officials as a justification for not making re-imaging of Cydonia a priority.
Dr. Stanley McDaniel, Epistemologist and
Professor Emeritus at Sonoma State University, had this to say about
the memorandum in his book The McDaniel Report:
"This memorandum cannot be taken seriously as a responsible
scientific evaluation. It refers only to a limited selection of
claims in a single work on the subject (a popular book not intended
as a strict scientific report).
The claims that are dealt with are
taken in isolation, generally misrepresented, and the evaluations
are cursory and significantly flawed. Although the paper is
characterized as a technical review, it does not deserve the title
by any reasonable standard.
The use of it in an official
communication sent out by NASA in response to an inquiry by a United
States Congressman raises a very serious concern about the integrity
of NASA's treatment of the subject."
Eventually, McDaniel learned that Paul Lowman, a Goddard Spaceflight
Center geologist, had authored the memo. As to why Lowman didn't
have the guts to openly acknowledge his authorship, one can only
The cancellation of the "Hoagland's Mars" PBS series was the
beginning of a new and much more acrimonious relationship between
Hoagland, NASA and the independent researchers.
Presumably, this had
something to with a major new development on the horizon: NASA's
follow-up to Viking, the Mars Observer Program.
Mars Observer
Mars Observer was announced in the late 1980s as the next generation
follow-up to Viking.
The Mission would be the first new unmanned
reconnaissance of Mars in over 20 years, with a host of vastly
improved scientific instruments. However, initial specs for the
spacecraft were highly disappointing to anyone seeking a resolution
to the Cydonia issue, since the Mission was not originally designed
to include a camera.
Eventually, the Mission Planners came to their
senses, and it was decided fairly late in the game to include a
one-meter-per-pixel resolution gray-scale camera. That, however, was
where the problems actually began.
The man who would build, point and control the camera was a former
JPL employee named Dr. Michael Malin. Malin, among other interesting
affiliations, had once been part of a project to analyze the
purported UFO photographs of infamous "contactee"
Billy Meier.
that capacity, Malin, then an associate professor at Arizona State
University, had concluded that Meier's controversial photographs
were not fakes.
"I find the photographs themselves credible, they're good
photographs," he commented at the time.50
The Meier photo investigation had been organized by well-known UFO
investigator Wendelle Stevens (Lt. Col., USAF, ret.) and also
focused on similar prime cases.
From 1978-83, the person
orchestrating photo testing for Stevens was Jim Dilettoso, a long
time UFO buff himself and also the Director of Special Projects for
APRO (the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization), the leading UFO
research group of that era.
Dilettoso was something of a Renaissance man, dividing his time
between developing high-end computer processing equipment and
designing tours for the rock group the Moody Blues as a day job.
There were two primary missions for the photo testing activities:
first, develop a methodology for analysis of the photos (size,
distance, hoax, mistakes, et. al.)
second, test photos using
this process in association with recognized experts
Dilettoso went to dozens of manufacturers of image processing
equipment, including government contractors like EG&G and TRW,
government labs like the United States Geological Survey and JPL,
and certain universities that were known for their image processing
and analysis capabilities; USC and Arizona State University among
When he found someone of merit and interest that he felt might
be able to contribute to the rather atypical projects he was
directing for Stevens, he followed a very exacting protocol that
included security considerations for both sides.
All selected scientists signed non-disclosure agreements (which
later came back to haunt Stevens and Dilettoso when cynical
"skeptics" contacted some of these people to verify their
participation, and the scientists predictably denied they'd taken
part). Lee and Brit Elders of Intercep Security, a leading firm of
the time, handled the security.
The scientists that Dilettoso
recommended for the testing were fully scrutinized by Intercep
before any contact, briefing or testing could begin.
During the Voyager fly-by of Saturn, Dilettoso was at JPL as a
contractor and it was there he met Richard C. Hoagland - who was
also at the Lab working as a reporter covering the Voyager mission
for American Airlines' American Way Magazine.
There he also met Dr.
Michael Malin, the future "Principal Investigator" on the Mars
Observer camera.
Dilettoso had already visited Bob Nathan (who had helped develop
JPL's early VICAR imaging processing software)51 at JPL a few times
to have him analyze four "legitimate" Meier photos and two "control
pictures," and it was Nathan that steered him to Malin. Malin was
working at JPL at the time, but was planning a move to Arizona soon
thereafter to take a position as a professor and scientist in the
Geology Department.
After making initial contact at JPL, Dilettoso
made arrangements with Malin to meet up with him at ASU a few months
Malin was working on the study of volcanoes, earthquakes and other
landmass spectacles and his imaging work included satellite images
tiled on 3D topographic maps, and computer simulations of seismic
Stevens and Dilettoso went back to Malin's lab at ASU around 1980,
with the same four Meier photos and two controls that they had taken
to everyone else. Malin digitized them and did some preliminary
analysis while they were there, and did further study in the weeks
following. He told Dilettoso in a subsequent visit that he had spent
quite some time with the photographs.
Simply put, Malin's findings
were that he found no evidence of superimposition, or "dubbing," as
he called it. He gave them no written report, as they had not asked
for one.
They never went back to retrieve or erase the images, which
were now digitized and in Malin's system, since they thought it
would be good for him to have them and pass them around to his
colleagues, which they assumed that he did.
In 1985, Gary Kinder was writing the book Light Years, about the
Meier case investigation. Kinder interviewed Malin and included
Malin's comments that were in the (skeptical) affirmative. (Also
included were Malin's comments about Dilettoso, which were mildly
Malin reiterated that he had found no evidence of a
hoax, and he said so to Kinder, but he was not yet convinced that
the objects in the images were extraterrestrial spacecraft.
It is interesting that Malin even admitted to Kinder that he had
tested the Meier photos, let alone that he did not make a negative
comment about his findings, given his later hostility to the notion
the Cydonia artifacts. If anything, the Meier case was
significantly more "far out" than anything Hoagland ever proposed,
and unlike the Cydonia investigation, was not inherently
falsifiable. Malin later got a MacArthur grant and dropped from
sight until he reappeared on the Mars Observer project as the man
behind the camera.
There is an interesting sidebar here: over the years, Dilettoso kept
regular contact with Malin's secretary/lab assistant from ASU, who
would visit his Village Labs processing facility in Tempe, Arizona
every few months in the 1990s.
She had actually become a major
investigator in the arena of crypto-archeology, the study of
possible ancient ruin sites on Earth. She frequently dropped photos
of "artifacts" she had spotted in satellite images off to Dilettoso,
asking for his comments.
It is easy to conclude that "Barbara" likely had no real scientific
training of her own, and was being guided by Malin in these
Since Malin himself was a geologist and had no experience
in engineering or archaeology, using his secretary as a public
surrogate would enable him to become expert in the techniques
necessary to spot artifacts in the images set to be received by Mars
Observer (and later Mars Global Surveyor) without arousing suspicion
as to his true intentions regarding Cydonia. In fact, it was a
perfect cover.
Malin chose to reserve judgment on the more spectacular aspects of
Meier's story, but this early foray into such arcane territory
showed that he was at least willing to consider unusual or even
bizarre claims like Meier's.
But what the entire independent Mars
investigation community wanted to know, circa 1992, was just what
his position was on Cydonia and the Face.
Malin quickly asserted (Barbara's new hobby notwithstanding) that he
had no interest in even testing the Cydonia hypotheses by merely
targeting the formations with his new camera. In fact, he stated his
outright opposition to making even a minimal effort to rephotograph
Cydonia on numerous occasions.
Because the camera was a "nadir
pointing" device, meaning that it could not swivel or aim at
specific targets without the entire spacecraft being repositioned
(and hence using valuable fuel), Malin argued that at best he might
get "one or two" random opportunities to target a specific object
like the Face or D&M during the regular science mission.
However, as
the specs evolved, Mars Observer soon became a much more capable
mission, with additional fuel added to the Mission Plan to enable an
extension of the original two-year science acquisition phase of the
Hoagland and Dr. Stanley McDaniel began to dig into Malin's
contentions, and quickly discovered that Malin's claim of at best
"one or two" opportunities to target the Face was greatly
understated. After consulting with Mission Planners at JPL and
reviewing the technical specs, they found that there would be more
on the order of forty plus chances to target the Face during the
regular two-year science phase.
So why would Dr. Malin - if he was
honest-underestimate the imaging opportunities by a factor of
twenty? Hoagland and McDaniel smelled a rat, and they decided to try
an end run.
Hoagland and the other researchers then began to lobby NASA and
Congress to target the formations, only to make an extremely
unpleasant discovery. Neither NASA nor Congress had anything to say
about where Michael Malin had pointed his Mars Orbiter camera.
In an unprecedented move, NASA had decided to sell the rights to all
of the data collected by the Observer to Malin himself, in an
exclusive arrangement that gave Malin godlike powers over when, or
even if he decided to release any data the camera collected.
private contractor arrangement not only neatly absolved NASA from
any responsibility as to what was photographed with an instrument
and mission paid for by the taxpayers of the United States, but it
gave Malin the right to embargo data for up to half a year, if he so
This marked the first time in NASA history that data returning from
an unmanned space probe would not be seen "live," as it had all
throughout the preceding 30 plus years of Mariner, Lunar Orbiter,
Surveyor, Apollo, Viking and Voyager Missions. The logic of the
arrangement was tenuous, at best.
NASA claimed that in order to
assure that private contractors would bid on future space projects
like Mars Observer, they had to guarantee an "exclusive rights
period" to the private contractors/scientists, so that they could
write the first scientific papers from the data collected "without
unfair competition from other, non-project scientists."
Of course, it was not required in any way to grant Malin the right
to withhold some or all of the data completely, which he could,
under a clause that gave him the right to delete "artifacts" from
any or all of the images.
In essence, Malin could release a
blacked-out image, and then simply claim the image had been filled
with "artifacts." It also meant that for a period of up to six
months, he could do literally anything at all to the images, and no
one - not even NASA - would be the wiser.
Malin even moved his entire private company, "Malm Space Science
Systems" (which held the actual Mars Observer camera contract) away
from ASU in Arizona and JPL in California to San Diego (over 300
miles south of JPL in Pasadena). This effectively insulated Malin
from the Mars planetary science community.
Visitors - other
scientists within the community, or even co-investigators with Malin
on Mars Observer - were quite unlikely to "drop in" unannounced if
everyone had to drive four or five hours from JPL just to get to
Malin's offices. And, when they did get there, if they didn't get
directions beforehand, they'd be out of luck.
For some reason, Malin's company was never publicly listed on the shopping mall
marquee where his offices were (and still are) actually located.
Curiously, however, the move did put him right across the street
from one of the worlds largest "supercomputer" facilities... where
he could literally hand-carry digital imaging tapes back and
To Hoagland and the other independent researchers, this was an
untenable situation. It was anathema to Hoagland that a publicly
funded program could be subject to such an obvious sell-out of the
public's right to know, and their faith in the integrity of the
data. Instead, the total control was in the hands of a man who had
expressed outright hostility to the idea of even testing the Cydonia
So the whole issue was subject to Malin - without
oversight of any kind - having the scientific integrity not to alter
or withhold data that might make him look like a fool.
By 1992, with the September launch of Mars Observer approaching,
McDaniel entered the fray. Using various political and academic
contacts, he put pressure on NASA and JPL from several directions,
forcing them to address, on the record, just why they were not able
to target Cydonia or the Face specifically. NASA responded with
various contradictory, if not disingenuous (McDaniel's words)
arguments, including those by Dr. Malin.
At every turn, McDaniel and
Hoagland shot down the arguments, finally getting NASA Headquarters
Public Affairs' spokesman, Don Savage, to officially admit (in a
Headquarters letter) that the infamous "disconfirming photos" of the
Face never existed.52
Mars Observer was a troubled mission almost from the very beginning.
Besides the various political controversies swirling around the
question, it had a series of technical mishaps that made even casual
observers wonder if the mission was cursed, or if somebody just
didn't want it to succeed.
Then the Mission's Project Office
described Mars Observer's journey to the Red planet as
In late August 1992, during a routine inspection of the spacecraft
on the launch pad, NASA technicians discovered severe contamination,
inexplicably inside the protective shroud, consisting of "metal
filings, paint chips and assorted trash." NASA publicly speculated
that the damage was done when the spacecraft had been hastily
unplugged from an outside air-conditioner and the payload shroud
hermetically sealed, a measure actually designed to protect it from
the imminent effects of Hurricane Andrew.
But the Agency never
actually cited a specific cause for the contamination from its
(brief) investigation. With an immovable launch window looming just
weeks away, the Orbiter payload was hurriedly removed from the pad
and taken back to the payload integration clean room - for
disassembly, inspection and possible "aggressive cleaning."
It was there that Program technicians made a second, even more
disturbing discovery.
According to Mars Observer Project Manager David Evans, during the
inspection process NASA discovered the presence of an unspecified
"foreign substance" inside the spacecraft's (Malin's) camera
assembly that would have made the resultant images blurred and
virtually worthless for resolving the Cydonia issue.54
According to
Evans, since the camera was a sealed assembly, the mysterious
contamination could only have been introduced into the camera in
disassembly and check-out after it came assembled from Malin's
facility, in the JPL clean room itself.
How such a basic "mistake" could have been made, given the nearly $1
billion price tag of the Mission, is hard to fathom. Checking the
cleanliness of the camera optics is invariably the top priority for
a mission that has a visible hght camera as its primary scientific
instrument. Had this bizarre "Vaseline smearing" of the lens not
been discovered at the Cape (serendipitously, because of a
hurricane), Mars Observer would have been an embarrassment on the
scale of the original Hubble Telescope debacle.55
Fortunately, NASA
engineers at Cape Canaveral (the "honest" ones) were able to clean
the spacecraft and get it back to the pad in record time for its
September 25 launch.
Meanwhile, NASA management was no longer simply insisting that the
terms of Malin's private contract with the Agency gave him the
"right" to target or ignore Cydonia at his whim (as well as embargo
the images and legally remove "artifacts" from the data); Program
Scientist Bevan French was additionally defending the notion that
the Face and other objects were "too small" to be effectively
targeted by the Malin camera in the first place.
This was despite
the fact that there was a defined Mission objective to target the
sites of the two previous Viking Landers which, as opposed to the
mile-wide Face, were each less than 15 feet wide.
They continued to insist, in correspondence and in open debate in
various public forums, that Malin had the final say, and that they
were powerless to influence him. Beyond that, they defended the
practice of exclusivity as the only means of achieving scientific
results; despite the fact that no prior mission - manned or unmanned
- in the agency's history had utilized this private contractor
status. In the past, the taxpayers who paid for the mission had
always owned the data.
Now it seemed they were lucky to even see it.
As the launch date arrived, the political pressure was reaching a
fevered level; Hoagland was live on CNN, reminding viewers of all
this strange history even as the spacecraft lifted off. Fortunately,
the actual launch itself seemed to go off without a hitch. Then,
something truly bizarre happened: all contact was lost with Mars
Observer and its still-attached second stage rocket, for almost 90
Just twenty-four minutes into the Mission, with the spacecraft set
to fire a second-stage rocket after separating from its first stage
Titan booster and set out on its mission to Mars, all radio and
telemetry went dead. Aircraft over the Indian Ocean reported seeing
a brilliant red-orange flash - possibly the second stage firing,
possibly the spacecraft exploding - coinciding with the timing of
the critical rocket firing.
Given that the spacecraft had gone
inexplicably silent, flight controllers assumed the worst. Imagine
their relief when a little over an hour later, Mars Observer just as
suddenly and inexplicably reappeared, apparently none the worse for
So what exactly had happened during those lost eighty-five minutes?
It's impossible to know for sure, but on two subsequent attempts to
retrieve the onboard telemetry, recorded during the "missing time"
event, there was absolutely nothing to be heard.
Then, on a third
attempt -several days later - suddenly, a completely normal data
stream appeared. There was only one problem: the first two attempts
had received a carrier signal and "timing code," indicating that a
recording was made, but the tape simply contained no data.
How did the data from the missing-time episode suddenly find its way
onto a tape that had been blank only days before? It was as if
someone had erased the actual recording, then subsequently uploaded
a manufactured "nominal" data stream a few days later.
The Deep
Space Network (DSN) engineers were insistent that they hadn't simply
missed something the first two times around.
"There was no data on
that tape the first two times!" JPL's Deep Space Network manager
angrily declared.
The news media, of course, had little knowledge or understanding of
just how impossible the whole situation was, and quickly dropped the
issue. It did, however, become considerably more relevant eleven
months later.
By that time, after a relatively quiet trip to the Red Planet, Mars
Observer was nearing its goal and the debate over Cydonia was once
again gaining steam.
News stories mentioned Cydonia as a matter of
course. Buoyed by the imminent publication of Dr. McDaniel's
three-year long investigation into the Cydonia controversy, Hoagland
and the other independent researchers had been very successful in
pressuring the Agency through newly found political and media
Then, just weeks before Mars Observer's scheduled orbital
insertion burn and the delivery of McDaniel's report to both
Congress and NASA, the Agency suddenly decided to change plans.
indicated a willingness to reconsider not only its position on the
data embargo and the lack of live televised images from the Orbiter,
but also announced that they were considering a radical new science
Because the first few weeks of the planned mapping orbit period
would occur during a solar conjunction and just before the beginning
of dust storm season on Mars, there was a chance it could be months
before any pictures of Mars were returned at all, much less targeted
images of Cydonia. NASA's solution was to try a "power in" maneuver
that would place the spacecraft in a mapping orbit some twenty-one
days early.
However, in other documents and letters to Congress,
NASA inexplicably added almost as many days to the "check out" and
calibration phase upon reaching this science mapping orbit, meaning
that no useful images of the planet could be expected until after
the conjunction, at the least.
To Hoagland and McDaniel, the sudden lengthening of the unnecessary
"calibration" phase was an obvious ruse. If JPL was going to take
extra time to "calibrate" the instruments, effectively negating the
advantage of the power-in maneuver, why bother "powering in" at all?
The answer seemed simple: by powering in, NASA could buy themselves
twenty-one priceless days to secretly examine whatever Martian real
estate they wished (obviously Cydonia) without any public or media
pressure to release the data they were gathering.
Any and all of the images acquired in this time period could be
"officially" denied - since the spacecraft was simply being
"calibrated" and not really gathering science quality data at all.
Predictably, Hoagland and McDaniel raised a stink, and NASA suddenly
found itself under additional pressure from various sources to
provide live images of Cydonia. Hoagland upped the ante by
scheduling a press conference for the day that Mars Observer was
scheduled to achieve orbit around the Red Planet.
The briefing would
be held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., and would be
attended by many of the principals involved in the independent
investigation, including Dr. Mark Carlotto, Dr. Tom Van Flandern,
Dr. David Webb and architect Robert Fiertek.
And then, four days before Mars Observer was scheduled to make its
orbital burn and commence operations, McDaniel delivered his final
report simultaneously to NASA, Congress, the White House and the
media. Mars Observer mission director Bevan French got a personal,
hand-delivered copy.
The following Sunday, August 22, 1993, French
was scheduled to debate Hoagland on national TV, on ABC's Good
Morning America [Fig. 3-2]
Just as he had with Cornell's Dr. Steven Squyres, Hoagland destroyed
French in the open forum. Having been given an astonishing six
minutes, more than twice the usual time allotted for such segments,
Hoagland used the opportunity to bludgeon French's weak and
sometimes contradictory arguments.
Forced to defend an indefensible
position - that NASA should willfully allow one man to have godlike
powers over data paid for by the American taxpayers-French wilted
under the pressure. The final insult came at the end, when the
exasperated host.
Bill Ritter, finally just confronted French point
"Dr. French, why don't you just take the pictures,
immediately release them and then prove these guys wrong?"
unsurprisingly, had no real answer.
Then, at exactly 11 a.m. Eastern Time, just moments after Hoagland
had creamed French on national television, AP science reporter Lee
Siegel got a call from a JPL spokesman. The NASA rep informed him
that Mars Observer had simply disappeared, some fourteen hours
The timing of this announcement, just moments after the Mars
Observer Program Scientist had badly lost a very public nationally
televised debate with the leader of a highly critical Agency
opponent, seemed a bit too coincidental. Why hadn't French simply
admitted that the Mars Observer was lost at the top of the segment?
It is inconceivable that he, the Program Scientist, didn't know for
over fourteen hours that "his" spacecraft had been lost.
French could have saved himself a lot of heat and needless
embarrassment by simply announcing on Good Morning America that the
Mars Observer was in trouble. This would have neatly changed the
subject of the segment, and shifted any discussion of Cydonia and
artifacts to the back burner.
In hindsight, it isn't difficult to figure out what actually
happened - after other high NASA officials (and their bosses)
watched French's lame Cydonia spin control fail miserably - and on
live television - NASA went to Plan B.
They either pulled the plug
on the Mission outright - out of fear of what uncensored images of Cydonia would reveal - or NASA (remember, an official "defense
agency of the United States ...") simply took the entire Mission
The extraordinary scrutiny the agency was under at the time would
have made it nearly impossible to conduct a survey of Cydonia in
secret. Under this pressure, the most viable solution was to either
scrap the program, or come up with a way to conduct the preliminary
reconnaissance in secret - not only from general public and the
press, but from its own "honest" employees at JPL as well.
As it happened, NASA pulled off exactly that scenario, under rather
suspect circumstances.
With Mars Observer officially "lost," they
could conduct a highly detailed survey that could tell them either
how to take future "public" images to ensure minimum political
impact, or even how to whitewash the images believably.
A commission was formed to determine what had caused the spacecraft
to cease operations. Unfortunately, the investigation was doomed
from day one for one simple reason: there was no engineering
telemetry to analyze.
NASA, in another unprecedented move, had inexplicably ordered Mars
Observer to shut off its primary data stream prior to executing a
key pre orbital burn. Resultantly, there was no data at all from the
spacecraft's final few nanoseconds of existence (if indeed it had
been lost).
This is crucial, since even if a chemical fuel explosion
had taken place, it would obviously travel much slower than a speed
of light radio signal, and the spacecraft's destruction sequence
could have been recorded.
Such a recording could have been used to
reconstruct those final moments in detail and make an educated
determination as to exactly what (if anything) had gone wrong.
Instead, because NASA had violated the first rule of space travel -
you never turn off the radio - no cause for the probe's loss was
ever satisfactorily determined.
Regardless, Hoagland and the others decided to go on with their
press briefing the following Tuesday, as there was still a remote
chance that communications could be re-established.
He was also able, on short notice, to put together a placard-waving,
public demonstration against NASA's potential censorship of Cydonia.
Through the overtime efforts of long-time friend, independent Mars
investigation supporter and colleague on the West Coast, David
Laverty, they managed to pull together a reasonable gathering right
outside NASA's Mars Observer Control Center - three thousand miles
away from Washington, at JPL.
The local and national TV shots of "the people" - vocally
demonstrating against NASA's planned Cydonia secrecy, and for the
first time in the Agency's decades-long history - dominated CNN (and
other network) coverage of the "missing Mars Observer story"
throughout the remainder of the day.
Meanwhile, on the East Coast, the Press Club briefing was also being
extremely well received (for a room full of skeptical reporters...),
with Hoagland later landing various network follow-ups - including
in-studio conversations with Robin McNeil, on PBS' prestigious
McNeil/Lehrer News Hour, and a couple days later with Larry King, on
CNN's "Larry King Live."
Ultimately however, none of this changed anything, as Mars Observer
stayed permanently "disappeared."
There is a curious postscript to this mystery.
A few days after returning from Washington and the Press Club
briefing, Hoagland discovered several messages on his answering
machine. There were four especially intriguing ones - from four
separate individuals - each independently claiming to be "JPL
employees." Each had a similar story to tell: Mars Observer was
"still alive," but had been taken "black" by a cabal that was
operating inside JPL.
The anonymous voices told Hoagland that he and
McDaniel had placed "too much heat on JPL," and they (NASA) could
not risk showing the real ground truth at Cydonia "live," without
having a chance to preview what it might reveal first.
The plan,
they said, was to miraculously "find" Mars Observer some months
later and bring it back into public operation.
There was, however,
one condition: if what Hoagland and the independent researchers
suspected were down there (i.e. genuine ET artifacts) could be
reasonably confirmed, "You'll never hear from Mars Observer again,"
one of them promised.
Hoagland was never able to verify their identities, but each of the
men seemed to be unaware of the others and beyond that, each had the
technical expertise and inside knowledge of the JPL system and
facilities to be who they claimed to be.
One piece of information
later turned out to be quite interesting: one of the men claimed
that since the Deep Space Network was being used to look for Mars
Observer, JPL could not risk sending the "missing" spacecraft data
back to Earth over the conventional DSN antenna network This source
claimed that "they" would use "alternative methods" to get the data
back to Earth, without elaborating.
A few months later, another anonymous source told Hoagland that the
Hubble Space Telescope was being used to "photograph UFOs" using a
light gathering device called the "high speed photometer," and that
the (then) imminent "Hubble Repair Mission" was going to secretly
bring back a load of videotapes of the event.
Then another caller, a
couple days later, called with an even more extraordinary tale...
that Hubble was to be used in a future,
"New World Order 'laser light
display in the clouds...
to fake the Second Coming!'"
Hoagland had little faith that these reports were true, but it did
get him thinking.
If his supposed JPL sources were right, then how
could Mars Observer send surreptitiously obtained images of Cydonia
back to Earth without being detected? If the DSN was too "hot," then
could a different data transmission really be used?
After a little
digging, he realized that the spacecraft had carried a second
instrument, a laser altimeter that was the precursor to Mars Global
Surveyor's MOLA instrument.
This powerful laser could, indeed, be
used to send a data stream over a very narrow infrared beam,
literally millions of miles back to Earth, where one very special
instrument could secretly detect and relay the signal to the
appropriate "audience" on Earth: the Hubble's high-speed photometer.
Hoagland never got any proof that this was done, but there was one
more curious side bar. Months later, when STS-61 was sent up to
rendezvous with Hubble and repair the telescope's crippled optics,
the crew only brought one piece of equipment back with them when
they returned to Houston - Hubble's suddenly, curiously "obsolete,"
high-speed photometer.
All of this may seem cloak-and-daggerish, but the facts are there to
support the idea that something very fishy was going on with the
Mars Observer from the beginning.
From the inexplicable pre-launch
"sabotage" to the mysterious loss of signal for over an hour (when
an alternative set of instructions could have been uploaded to the
spacecraft unbeknownst to the regular spacecraft launch crew or
flight controllers), to the ill-conceived "power-in" deception,
followed by the bizarre behavior over the loss of the spacecraft
(withheld by the project head until minutes after he had lost a
crucial debate with Hoagland), nothing seemed normal about this
And the reality is that the question at hand - are there the remains
of an ancient, extraterrestrial civilization now visible on the
surface of Mars - is only the most crucial question in the
two-million-year history of the entire human race.
The idea that NASA, or its Pentagon handlers, might go to the
trouble and expense of fiddling with two highly visible missions
just to have a surreptitious "first crack" at the ground truth of
Cydonia only seems preposterous when taken in isolation. In the
context we are about to put it in, it becomes not only plausible,
but perhaps even imperative.
In the end, the whole Mars Observer debacle had been enough to
convince Hoagland that the "honest but stupid" model of NASA's
behavior was simply no longer tenable. He gave up any notion that
there was a logical, non-conspiratorial explanation for the Agency's
erratic and unethical behavior, and gave himself fully to the
concept of an out-and-out cover-up of the whole Cydonia question.
But he paid a price. For simply publicly admitting what any logical
person would conclude, given the same evidence, Hoagland was forever
ostracized from the independent Mars research community he played
such a major role in creating.
His decision to go it alone, in the
face of opposition from all his previous colleagues, left him with
one now-overwhelming question to confront - why had they done it?
What was so crucial, so destabilizing about Cydonia, that NASA would
take such enormous political risk?
It would take the better part of the next decade to find that
The Brookings Report
"I'm sure you're aware of the extremely grave potential for cultural
shock and social disorientation contained in the present situation,
if the facts were prematurely and suddenly made public without
adequate preparation and conditioning.
Anyway, this is the view of
the Council... there must be adequate time for a full study to be
made of the situation before any thought can be given to making a
public announcement.
Oh yes... as some of you know, the Council has
requested that formal security oaths be obtained in writing from
everyone who has any knowledge of this event..."
- Dr. Heywood
Floyd, 2001: A Space Odyssey
In mid-1993, Professor Stanley V. McDaniel was seeking additional
documentation for his then-ongoing study into NASA's new imaging and
data policy surrounding the Mars Observer program.
As we have shown,
The McDaniel Report
played a key role in pressuring NASA to abandon
its position that the principal investigator holds all data rights
from future space probes.
In the final stages of his study, McDaniel asked Richard C. Hoagland
for some assistance in locating difficult-to-find historical NASA
documents and research papers relating to its SETI (Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project. Hoagland advised McDaniel of
the long-rumored existence of an official NASA report - supposedly
commissioned by the space agency in its early years and relating to
prospective NASA censorship of SETI evidence if it was ever
At McDaniel's urging, Hoagland began actively searching for the
document, polling various contacts and eventually having a
conversation with former police detective Don Ecker.
Ecker, a
consultant to UFO Magazine, called in a couple of favors and not
only confirmed the existence of this highly controversial study -
but came up with the actual title: "Proposed Studies on the
Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs."
Hoagland then called upon another friend, Lee Clinton, who after
considerable effort tracked down an actual copy of the
several-hundred-page NASA Report in a Federal Archive in Little
Rock, Arkansas.
Clinton made several copies of the 300-page study,
and duly forwarded sets of the complete document to Hoagland, as
well as McDaniel, who featured it in his final Report as strongly
indicating a long-standing potential NASA policy of "cover-up" on
this specific issue.
The Brookings Institution was probably the world's foremost
"think-tank" of its day, and the contributors to the NASA study were
a veritable "who's who" of the leading academics of the time. MIT's
Curtis H. Barker, NASA's own Jack C. Oppenheimer, and famed
anthropologist Margaret Mead were all consulted for contributions to
the final Report.
After scouring the document, Hoagland and McDaniel found several
passages that they felt were particularly relevant - and potentially
explosive - to their recent experiences with NASA over Mars
The most stunning remarks came on page 215, where the
Report mentions the possibility that artifacts may be found by NASA
in their coming explorations:
"While face-to-face meetings with it [extraterrestrial intelligence]
will not occur within the next twenty years (unless its technology
is more advanced than ours, qualifying it to visit Earth), artifacts
left at some point in time by these life forms might possibly be
discovered through our space activities on the Moon, Mars or Venus."
Later on the same page, the document considers the implications of
such a discovery:
"Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of
their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had
to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing
different ideas and different life ways: others that survived such
an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in
values and attitudes and behavior... the consequences of such a
discovery are presently unpredictable..."
It then suggested, obviously, that further studies were needed, and
that NASA must consider the following questions:
"How might such information, under what circumstances, be presented
or withheld from the public? ...the fundamentalist (and
anti-science) sects are growing apace around the world...
For them,
the discovery of other life - rather than any other space product -
would be electrifying...
If super-intelligence is discovered, the
[social] results become quite unpredictable... of all groups,
scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the
discovery of relatively superior creatures, since these professions
are most clearly associated with mastery of nature." (p. 225)
The Report then references an obscure work by psychologist Hadley
Cantrell, titled The Invasion From Mars: A Study in the Psychology
of Panic (Princeton University Press, 1940).
The Rockefeller
Foundation under a grant to Princeton University commissioned this
little known book. Its subject was the 1938 Orson Welles War of the
Worlds broadcast (which it is estimated that more than a million
people in the northeast United States panicked over). The
implication is that the broadcast was a warfare psychology
experiment, and that America dramatically failed the test.
It isn't difficult to interpret the Brookings Report. Among its
wide-ranging analysis and conclusions are the following:
Artifacts are likely to be found by NASA on the Moon and\or Mars.
If the artifacts point to the existence of a superior
civilization, the social impact is "unpredictable."
Various negative social consequences, from "devastation" of the
scientists and engineers, to an "electrifying" rise in religious
fundamentalism, to the complete "disintegration" of society are
distinct possibilities. The War of the Worlds broadcast provides an
excellent example.
Serious consideration should be given to "withholding" such
information from the public if, in fact, artifacts are ever
So here we had the proverbial smoking gun.
Not only was NASA advised - almost from its inception - to withhold
any data that supported the reality of Cydonia or any other
discovery like it, they were told to do so for the good of human
society as a whole. Most especially, they should withhold the data
from their own rank and file engineers and scientists, since they
were the most vulnerable members of all of human society.
It didn't take a proverbial rocket scientist to conclude that NASA
took these recommendations and transformed them into policy at the
highest levels. Nor would it be surprising if the whole question of
"artifacts" were considered a national security issue - given
(again) NASA's founding charter position as "a defense agency of the
United States."
Although the document itself is fairly obscure, it has had a major
social impact.
The Brookings Report was the basis for
Arthur C.
Clarke and Stanley Kubrick's seminal film
2001: A Space Odyssey.
fact, according to a 1968 Playboy interview, Kubrick could quote
from the Report chapter and verse. In the interview, he quoted the
exact passages shown above, and declared that the whole question of
covering up the discovery of artifacts to be the central theme of
his groundbreaking film.
Critics felt that the discovery of the Brookings document didn't
really change anything. They argued that the document was too old to
be relevant.
the passages dealing with extraterrestrial artifacts were too small
a part of the overall Study, and that there was no "proof - despite
NASA's well-documented and duplicitous behavior (via McDaniel's
meticulously referenced study) - that the recommendations had ever
been implemented.
However, the notion that a forty-year-old document is "too old" to
still be relevant would come as a great surprise to constitutional
lawyers and scholars, who regularly debate and actively argue the
merits of our Founding Document - which is now over 230 years old.
As to so little of the document actually dealing with the question
of artifacts, it is true that the report is a vast, far-sweeping
overview of the future of space exploration, but that hardly makes
any one part of it irrelevant. The First Amendment to the
Constitution is only a small portion (just 45 out of 11,713 words)
of the overall document, yet no one would rationally argue against
it being the most important section of the entire manuscript.
The Brookings Report itself recommends that the key questions we
cite should be "further studied," but as yet no one has uncovered
such a formal study, even though one presumably took place.
As to
the question of the actual impact these recommendations may have
had, read on...
John F. Kennedy's "Grand NASA Plan"
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society;
and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret
societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.
We decided
long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment
of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to
justify it." - President John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961
One of the criticisms we have endured in referencing the Brookings
Report is that we can't "prove" that the document was ever
implemented, other than to continually point out NASA's conduct
which is consistent with the passages we cite.
The argument is that
there is no other evidence that it had any impact on the realpolitik
of the day. We will now argue that this is not the case, and that
Brookings may have had a great deal of influence on one of the
seminal events of the twentieth century.
As we cited in the introduction, President John F. Kennedy had made
a proposal shortly before his death that the United States and the
Soviet Union should consider merging their respective space
programs. Not only was this idea a radical one for its day given the
deep suspicions both countries held of each other, but it may have
been the last straw that ultimately got him killed.
On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin had become the first human in space
aboard a Soviet spacecraft. Six days later, NASA finally delivered a
report they had commissioned on the proposed plan for space
exploration - the aforementioned Brookings Report - to Congress. The
delivery of the Report, which had been languishing on the desk of
the NASA Administrator since November 30, 1960, suddenly had a new
Just about two weeks later, as if he was responding directly to the
calls in the Report for NASA to consider suppression of the
discovery of ET artifacts, Kennedy made a speech in which he
signaled that he intended his administration to be an open one.
took the opportunity of a speech before the American Newspaper
Publishers Association at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York City
to make the comments cited above.
His speech, titled "The President and the Press," 56 was clearly an
attempt to reach out to the assembled publishers and editors in
order to not only protect official secrets whose revelation might
harm the national security of the United States, but to also help
him in revealing secrets that were unnecessarily being kept.
opening comments, speaking of "secret societies" and the dangers of
"excessive and unwarranted concealment" of things he felt the
American people had a right to know, was an unmistakable shot across
the bow of these secret societies, and we take it as a direct
reference to the recommendations contained in the Brookings Report.
It is also very obvious from his statement that he considered these
dark forces of "concealment" to be very powerful.
Why else would he
ask for the press's help in fighting this battle?
Within a little over a month of drawing this important "line in the
sand" Kennedy addressed a Joint Session of Congress and issued his
ringing call for "landing an American on the Moon" before 1970:
"First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving
the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon
and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in
this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important
for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so
difficult or expensive to accomplish," he said on May 25, 1961 [Fig.
This sequence of events implies that his "President and the Press"
speech may have been influenced by the Brookings Report.
flight obviously sent Shockwaves through the U.S. space and security
agencies. They'd known that the Soviets were ahead in space
technology, but the U.S. wasn't even remotely close to being able to
put a man in orbit. The immediate reaction was to finally send the
report to Congress for review, as the game plan for the U.S.
The inclusion of the key phrases, about withholding any discoveries
which may point to a previous and superior presence in the solar
system, might have easily prompted Kennedy's speech just a few days
It was by then a foregone conclusion that the U.S. would
enter into a manned space race with the Soviets, but Kennedy was
practically begging the press to help him make public the
discoveries NASA might make.
Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev's son, Sergei Khrushchev (now a
senior fellow at the Watson Institute at Brown University) has
stated that after the May 25th public call to "go to the Moon,"
Kennedy then did an extraordinary thing: less than ten days later,
he secretly proposed to Khrushchev at their Vienna summit that the
United States and the Soviet Union merge their space programs to get
to the Moon together.57
Khrushchev turned Kennedy down, in part
because he didn't trust the young President after the Bay of Pigs
fiasco, and also because he feared that America might learn too many
useful technological secrets from the Russians (who were, clearly,
still ahead in "heavy lift" launch vehicles - useful in launching
nuclear weapons).
Although the offer was not made public, it's easy to imagine the
consternation it might have caused at the Congressional level if it
had leaked. Powerful congressmen, like Albert Thomas of Texas (a
close political ally of Vice President Lyndon Johnson and a staunch
anti-communist) who was Chairman of the Appropriations Committee in
the House of Representatives, might have blown their tops if they
had known about it.
Thomas quite literally controlled all of the
purse strings for the NASA budget and, along with LBJ, later got the
Manned Spacecraft Center located in his home district in Houston.
is hard to imagine him, just a few weeks after receiving the
Brookings study which called for keeping certain discoveries from
the American people, agreeing to share these same discoveries with
our Cold War enemy.
For that matter, it's hard to imagine Kennedy supporting such an
idea. He had always spoken of the space race in stirring,
idealistic, nationalistic terms:
"... Those who came before us made certain that this country rode
the first waves of the industrial revolution, the first waves of
modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this
generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the corning
age of space.
We mean to be a part of it - we mean to lead it For
the eyes of the world now look into space, to the Moon and to the
planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed
by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace.
We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of
mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and
"Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this
Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short,
our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and
security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all
require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve
them for the good of all men, and to become the world's leading
spacefaring nation."
The situation was surely made worse in 1962 by the Cuban Missile
Crisis, in which both nations stared down the barrel of nuclear
annihilation and carefully stepped back from the brink.
Far from
discouraging him, these events may have emboldened Kennedy to try
In August 1963, he met with Soviet Ambassador
Dobrinyin in
the Oval Office and once again (secretly) extended the offer. This
time, Khrushchev considered it more seriously, but ultimately
rejected it. On September 18, 1963, Kennedy then met with NASA
Director James Webb.
This is how NASA's official history describes
that meeting:
"Later on the morning of September 18, the president met briefly
with James Webb.
Kennedy told him that he was thinking of pursuing
the topic of cooperation with the Soviets as part of a broader
effort to bring the two countries closer together. [Webb would have
been unaware of Kennedy's previous two offers to Khrushchev, as they
were made in private talks with the Soviet premier.]
He asked Webb,
'Are you sufficiently in control to prevent my being undercut in
NASA if I do that?'
As Webb remembered that meeting,
'So in a sense
he didn't ask me if he should do it; he told me he thought he should
do it and wanted to do it...'
What he sought from Webb was the
assurance that there would be no further unsolicited comments from
within the space agency. Webb told the
president that he could keep things under control."
Kennedy obviously wanted to avoid criticism from inside NASA on his
new proposal.
Selling the idea to the Soviets would be hard enough,
but selling it to the American people and the Congress if there was
"dissension in the ranks" might make it near impossible. If Webb
couldn't hold discipline from inside NASA, the whole effort would
Kennedy then surprised the entire world when only two days later he
went before the United Nations General Assembly and startlingly
repeated his offer of cooperation, this time in public:
"Finally, in a field where the United States and the Soviet Union
have a special capacity - in the field of space - there is room for
new cooperation, for further joint efforts in the regulation and
exploration of space.
I include among these possibilities a joint
expedition to the Moon. Space offers no problems of sovereignty; by
resolution of this assembly, the members of the United Nations have
foresworn any claim to territorial rights in outer space or on
celestial bodies, and declared that international law and the United
Nations Charter will apply.
Why, therefore, should man's first
flight to the Moon be a matter of national competition? Why should
the United States and the Soviet Union, in preparing for such
expeditions, become involved in immense duplications of research,
construction and expenditure?
Surely we should explore whether the
scientists and astronauts of our two countries - indeed of all the
world - cannot work together in the conquest of space, sending
someday in this decade to the Moon not the representatives of a
single nation, but the representatives of all of our countries."59
It is unclear what NASA Director Webb thought of the President's
idea, but NASA insiders - as the President had feared - immediately
expressed public doubts that the technical integration problems
could be overcome.60 The Western press was also very cautious.
articles appeared resisting the idea of cooperating with a Cold War
enemy that barely a year before had pointed first strike nuclear
missiles at most of our major cities and sent our Nation to the
brink of war. The Soviet government themselves did not make any
official comment on the speech or the offer, and the Soviet press
was equally silent.
But by far, the strongest objections came from within the U.S.
Congress. One of these objections came from a predictable source -
Republican Senator
Barry Goldwater of Arizona. But, as foreshadowed earlier, another,
even stronger protest came from a close political ally of the
President and Vice President - Democratic Congressman Albert Thomas
of Texas.
Thomas made such a strong objection to the President that
Kennedy personally wrote him on September 23, 1963 (just three days
after his UN speech) to reassure him that a separate, American space
program would continue, regardless of the outcome of negotiations
with the Soviets:
"In my judgment, therefore, our renewed and
extended purpose of cooperation, so far from offering any excuse for
slackening or weakness in our space effort, is one reason the more
for moving ahead with the great program to which we have been
committed as a country for more than two years."61
Within a couple of weeks, the lack of public support, even within
the U.S., seemed to have scuttled the idea permanently, and Kennedy
began to publicly back away from his own proposal.62 Then,
strangely, the idea abruptly resurfaced.
On November 12, 1963, Kennedy was suddenly reinvigorated about it
and issued National Security Action Memorandum #271.
The memo,
titled "Cooperation With the USSR on Outer Space Matters," directed
NASA Director Webb to personally (and immediately) take the
initiative to develop a program of "substantive cooperation" with
his Soviet counterparts in accordance with Kennedy's September 20 UN
proposal. It also called for an interim report on the progress being
made by December 15, 1963, giving Webb a little over a month to get
"substantive" cooperation with the Soviets going.
There is a second, even stranger memo which has surfaced, dated the
same day.
Found by UFO document researchers Dr. Robert M. Wood and
his son Ryan Wood (author's of "Majic Eyes Only: Earth's Encounters
With Extraterrestrial Technology") the document is titled
"Classification Review of All UFO Intelligence Files Affecting
National Security" 64 and is considered by them to have a
"medium-high" (about 80%) probability of being authentic.
The memo
directs the director of the CIA to provide CIA files on "the high
threat cases" with an eye toward identifying the differences between
"bona fide" UFOs and any classified United States craft. He informs
the CIA director that he has instructed Webb to begin the
cooperative program with the Soviets (confirming the other,
authenticated memo) and that he would then like NASA to be fully
briefed on the "unknowns" so that they can presumably help with
sharing this information with the Russians.
The last line of the
memo instructs an interim progress report to be completed no later
than February 1, 1964.
Whether this second memo is genuine or not - and it certainly is
consistent with Kennedy's stated plans - what is quite clear is that
something dramatic happened between late September 1963, when
Kennedy's proposal seemed all but dead, and mid-November, when it
suddenly sprang back to life. What could have possibly occurred to
motivate Kennedy to begin an unprecedented era of cooperation with
America's Cold War enemy?
To put it simply, "Khrushchev happened."
Sergei Khrushchev, in an interview given in 1997 after his
presentation at a NASA conference in Washington, D.C. commemorating
the fortieth anniversary of Sputnik, confirmed that while initially
ignoring Kennedy's UN offer, his father Nikita changed his mind and
decided in early November 1963 to accept it.
"My father decided that
maybe he should accept (Kennedy's) offer, given the state of the
space programs of the two countries (in 1963)," Khrushchev said.65
He recalled walking with his father as they discussed the matter,
and went on to place the timing of his father's decision as about "a
week" before Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, which would date it
right around November 12-15. Later, in a 1999 PBS interview, he
repeated the claim:
"I walked with him, sometime in late October or
November, and he told me about all these things."66
We feel it is important to emphasize that
Sergei Khrushchev has a
unique perspective, if not bullet proof credibility as a first-hand
witness to this virtually unknown - but absolutely documented -
twist in space history.
He is a well-respected and acknowledged
scholar, serving at one of the most prestigious Ivy League
universities in the United States. He has no motive to "make up"
such history, as doing so would destroy all the credibility as a
scholar he has spent a lifetime building.
So what logically happened is that sometime in early- to
mid-November, Nikita Khrushchev communicated in some way that he was
willing to consider Kennedy's proposal. Kennedy responded by ramping
up the bureaucracies at his end, as reflected in the two November 12
Unfortunately, there are no declassified documents to
this point which confirm that the two men had any communication
during this period. Still it seems quite unlikely that Kennedy would
suddenly resurrect a seemingly dead policy without some hint from
Khrushchev that it would be positively received.
One event we do know that actually happened, which may have finally
tipped the balance in Khrushchev's mind: another very disappointing
Soviet space failure had recently occurred.
A Mars-bound unmanned
spacecraft code-named "Cosmos 21" failed in low Earth orbit exactly
one day (November 11) before Kennedy's sudden "Soviet Cooperation
Directive" to James Webb.
All we can say for certain is that as of November 12, 1963, John
Kennedy's "Grand Plan" to use NASA and the space program to melt the
ice of the Cold War - and to share whatever Apollo discovered on the
lunar surface with the Russians - was alive, vibrant and finally on
its way to actual inception -
And, ten days later, Kennedy was dead.
The Third Rail of Conspiracy Theories
Whenever anyone brings up that fateful day in Dallas, November 22,
1963, and includes it in any dialog on any other subject, then that
subject immediately becomes subject to scorn and ridicule. If you
bring the Kennedy assassination into the conversation, you'd better
be ready to have half the audience throw the rest of your ideas on
to the trash heap of history.
The Kennedy assassination is - to use
a common political axiom - the "third rail" of conspiracy theories.
It is for this reason that we reluctantly began to look at the
events of that morning in Dealey Plaza. We felt compelled to review
the events surrounding John F. Kennedy's murder because so much of
what we had uncovered pointed to a conspiracy to remove him from
By late 1963, Kennedy's personal popularity with the American people
had grown stronger, and his chances of re-election in 1964 looked
increasingly good.
While he was generally unpopular in the South, he
was actually more popular in Texas because of Lyndon Johnson, his
showdown with Khrushchev over Cuba, and the dollars the space
program was bringing to Texas.
So there is the specter of a young,
vigorous leader with rising popularity, who had openly declared his
intention to reveal secrets he felt the American people had a right
to know (thereby ignoring the cautions embedded in the Brookings
Report), and who just happened to be threatening to bring this
Nation's greatest enemy into the fold as an ally in our most
technologically sensitive arena - and add to that the possibility
that he was going to share "UFO secrets" with them as well.
Probably the hidden powers behind the scenes, the "secret societies"
Kennedy spoke of in "The President and the Press," were quite
willing to abide his radical ideas as long they could count on the
Russians rejecting them.
But, when Khrushchev abruptly changed his
mind, and there was a possibility that the merged space programs
might actually happen, Kennedy became far too much of a liability to
tolerate. If indeed these forces of "unwarranted concealment"
actually existed, they'd have had little choice but to eliminate him
once he started issuing orders to begin the actual transfer of
information and technology to the Soviets.
It makes little difference really whether it was a
military-intelligence cabal that decided Kennedy had to go, simply
because he was going to share our highly sensitive space secrets
with the Russians (as the NSAM #271 makes clear) or if it was
another, shadowy "secret society" that had other reasons for keeping
any space discoveries from leaking out (as we shall document later).
What matters is whether or not there is any credible evidence that
Kennedy was killed by anything other than a single lone-nut gunman.
By definition, if there was a second gunman in Dealey Plaza that
sunny fall morning, then there was a conspiracy. Period.
Let us start by saying that we have little doubt that Lee Harvey
Oswald was in Dallas that morning, that he was in the Texas School
Book Depository sixth floor window, that he certainly fired at the
President and that he may have even fired the fatal shot. That
established, what evidence exists to support the idea of a second
gunman, and therefore a true conspiracy?
In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations conducted an
exhaustive analysis of tape recordings made around the time of the
shots fired in Dealey Plaza, and concluded that they contained
evidence of two overlapping shots.
They determined that four shots
were fired, the first, second and fourth shots by Oswald, and a
third near simultaneous shot from another location. Experiments
conducted by the Committee in Dealey Plaza concluded that the third
shot came from the direction of the infamous "grassy knoll." 67
acoustic evidence has been called into question over the years, but
rebuttals and counter arguments have left the question open, despite
the official findings of the Committee.
The whole issue of a second gunman on the grassy knoll could be
settled if there was just one photograph or segment of film footage
that showed him there. Over the years, most of us have been led to
believe that no such evidence exists. As we found out, that's not
necessarily true.
In the early 1990s, the A&E cable network showed a nine-part series
called The Men Who Killed Kennedy. It focused on a wide range of
conspiracy theories and theorists, eventually concluding that
Kennedy had been taken down by a French hit squad hired by Fidel
Castro and endorsed by Nikita Khrushchev.
Later episodes placed the focus on Vice President Johnson.
None of this was too impressive to the authors, except for the story
of one (then) new witness, Gordon Arnold.
Arnold gave the A&E show
his first on-camera interview since first coming forward in the late
1980s. He claimed to have just arrived in Dallas from basic training
in the army, and while on leave in Dallas (on his way to his station
in Alaska) had decided to go down to Dealey Plaza to film what he
thought was a parade. He had no idea until he arrived that President
Kennedy was in town.
When he tried to get a vantage point on a
freeway overpass, a man in a business suit flashed a CIA ID and
ordered him out of the area. He then made his way down to the picket
fence area of the so-called grassy knoll, where he stood and waited
for the President's limo to come by.
According to Arnold's story, he was in full uniform, including his
pointed overseas army cap, and was filming using his mother's
camera, which he had borrowed for the day. As the Presidential
motorcade drove by, he suddenly felt a bullet zip past his ear very
close, and heard a shot ring out. He hit the ground as quickly as he
The next scene he described is completely bizarre.
According to Arnold, as he rolled back over amid the chaos, a man in
a Dallas police officer's uniform confronted him, kicked him and
ordered him to surrender his film. Since the officer was carrying a
rifle and pointing it at him, Arnold complied.
Arnold also noticed
three other strange things about the man: even though he was wearing
a uniform, he wore no policeman's hat, which would have been
standard issue for a Dallas police officer.
Arnold also testified
that the man's hands were dirty, and that he was crying. According
to Arnold, he walked away with the film behind the fence and off in
the direction of the railroad yard behind Dealey Plaza. He evidently
shortly met up with another man Arnold described as a "railroad
worker." Arnold was so shaken by this experience that he never
discussed it until the late 1980s.
He figured no one would believe
him anyway, since he had no proof of any of it.
But the A&E program was interested in testing Arnold's story against
known photographs of the grassy knoll area. They decided to
interview two researchers (Jack White and Gary Mack) who had done
some work on one of the few known photographs taken of the grassy
knoll area at the time of the assassination.
The photograph they
studied is known as the Mary Moorman photograph because it was taken
by a witness named Mary Moorman, who was standing on the lawn just
opposite the grassy knoll [Fig. 3-5].
Earlier in the same episode, A&E interviewed a witness who claimed
to be the "babushka lady," so named because she wore a distinctive
headscarf on that fateful day. In 1970, Beverly Oliver came forward
to say she was the babushka lady, and that she had been filming the
President when he was shot. She went on to claim that she gave her
film to FBI agent Regis Kennedy, and that it was never returned.
the A&E show, she gave an interview in which she claimed to have
heard a shot come from the grassy knoll, and when she looked up from
her camera she saw a puff of smoke in the area of the fence.
are other films which show what may be a puff of smoke coming from
the picket fence area of the grassy knoll.
In one film of the assassination, known as the "Marie Muchmore"
film, you can certainly see both the babushka lady and Mary Moorman
using their cameras at the instant the President is struck with the
fatal shot. In frame by frame analysis, you can even see the first
spray of blood from the president's fatal head wound.
This would
seem to be inconsistent with the medical evidence that dictates the
head shot came from behind [Fig. 3-4].
The Mary Moorman Photograph
In any event, when White and Mack began to enlarge and enhance
sections of the Mary Moorman photo, looking for any sign of Gordon
Arnold, they got quite a surprise.
An odd figure quickly stood out,
right near the area Arnold said he was standing.
The figure appears to be a man in uniform, with a policeman's badge
and shoulder emblem visible. His arms appear to be in a sniper's
position, elbows out, as he would be if standing behind the fence
and holding a rifle. Where the rifle should be is a bright flash of
light, reminiscent of a muzzle flash, caught in an instant on film.
In the enhancements, you can also clearly make out a receding
hairline, prominent eyebrows and the fact that while the "badgeman"
appears to be wearing a Dallas policeman's uniform; he is not
wearing a hat [Fig. 3-6].
Just like the man Gordon Arnold had described, four years before
this A&E program aired. Later enhancements revealed another figure
in the photo, just to badgeman's right. The figure is wearing an
army summertime uniform, complete with the pointed overseas cap that
Arnold said he was wearing.
There is a bright spot where the unit
pin on the hat would have been placed, and the figure seems to be
holding something in front of his face - perhaps the movie camera
Arnold had said he was using?
Oddly, the figure is also leaning to his right, as if he is just
beginning to react to the muzzle blast behind and to his left.
is also consistent with what Arnold said he did that day. Later, yet
more work revealed a third figure in the image, behind and to the
right of the badgeman, wearing a hard hat and looking off to the
frame right, as if scanning for anyone who may have been looking in
their direction.
So here, finally, was visual evidence confirming not only the
presence of a second gunman on the infamous grassy knoll - as so
many witnesses testified to - but also of a witness who gave very
specific details about both the gunman, his accomplice and his own
disposition that day. There is flatly nothing in the Moorman
enhancements which contradict Arnold's story, and assuming the
techniques are valid, every reason to conclude it is a credible
eyewitness account of a true event.
To this day, while many have
nitpicked Arnold's story (one debunker claimed it lacked credibility
because on one occasion he mentioned the policeman's "dirty
fingernails" as opposed to "dirty hands"), no one has yet repeated
and challenged the photographic enhancements.
There are other details, too numerous to mention here, which support
Arnold's story. But most compellingly, when he was shown the
"badgeman" photo for the first time (on camera) he became very
upset, teared up and said he wished he'd never brought the whole
thing up. Not exactly the reaction of a publicity seeker, in the
authors' opinion.
There are some that have pointed out a striking resemblance between
the visible facial features of the badgeman and slain Dallas police
officer J.D. Tippet.
While we find these resemblances intriguing,
we cannot say here that we endorse them. Tippet, according to the
official cannon, was killed in the line of duty by Lee Harvey Oswald
a short time after the assassination, and it is for that crime that
Oswald was originally attested in a nearby movie theater.
What we do
find interesting is if somehow Tippet, by all accounts a loyal
police office and an admirer of Kennedy, was convinced to
participate in the assassination out of some sense of higher duty to
his country, then very conveniently, both "shooters," Oswald and
Tippet, were dead within twenty-four hours of the assassination.
It might also explain why the badgeman was crying when he confronted
Gordon Arnold.
The Wink of an Eye
So, satisfied that we now had evidence of a conspiracy in Dallas,
the next question became: who was behind it?
The plans for Kennedy
to go to Texas had been made the previous spring, when Vice
President Lyndon Johnson stated that Kennedy might visit Dallas in
the summertime. It wasn't until September that a letter from Johnson
aide Jack Valenti announced the Texas campaign swing. The trip
centered around a special testimonial dinner for none other than
Congressman Albert Thomas, the man who held the NASA purse strings
and who Kennedy, by all accounts, adored.
Thomas was dying from
terminal cancer, and Kennedy was greatly relieved that he had
decided to run for re¬election and had avoided having an open seat
in Congress to contest.
Originally proposed as a one-day trip for
November 21, by October Lyndon Johnson had become involved in the
planning and a second day was added, November 22.
Kennedy was in a festive mood the evening of the 21st, pointing out
Thomas' many contributions to the space program (which he was now
about to hand over to the Russians!) and declaring him to be a good
friend [Fig. 3-7].
"Next month, when the U.S. fires the world's biggest booster,
lifting the heaviest payroll into... that is, payload..." Here the
President paused a second and grinned.
"It will be the heaviest payroll, too," he quipped. The crowd
"The firing of that shot will give us the lead in space," the
President resumed in a serious vein. "And our leadership in space
could not have been achieved without Congressman Albert Thomas. Your
old men shall dream dreams, your young men will see visions, the
Bible tells us. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Albert
Thomas is old enough to dream dreams and young enough to see
visions..." 68
Kennedy departed after his speech, followed soon by Thomas and Vice
president Johnson.
They both accompanied him to Dallas the next
morning on Air Force One.
After the shooting, Kennedy was rushed to Parkland Memorial
Hospital, but was obviously already dead. Doctors tried in vain to
revive him, and the Houston Chronicle noted that Congressman Thomas
waited outside the emergency ward until word came that Kennedy was
Vice President Johnson was whisked away to an undisclosed
location. Later that evening, once Kennedy's body was aboard Air
Force One, Johnson took the oath of office.
We've all seen the iconic photo, with a somber Johnson, his hand on
the Bible, standing next to a dazed Jacqueline Kennedy as various
aides looked on [Fig. 3-8]. One of the most prominent men in the
background is a distinguished, bow-tied gentleman who is watching
the proceedings very closely. Of course, it is Congressman Albert
What most of us have never seen is the next photo [Fig.
3-9], taken immediately after the oath was completed. In it, LBJ has
turned immediately to his right. His facial muscles appear to be
contorted into a broad smile as he makes eye contact with
Congressman Thomas.
Thomas, also smiling, returns the gesture with -
of all things - a wink. While everyone else remains somber, Thomas
and Johnson are the only two people in the picture who are smiling.
The unspoken message between the two men could not be more clear:
"We got him!"
Over the next few weeks, Johnson made a show of arguing to continue
Kennedy's plans for Soviet cooperation in space.
But in December,
Congress, led by Representative Thomas, passed a new NASA funding
bill expressly forbidding the use of NASA funds for cooperation with
Russia, or any other nation:
"No part of any appropriation made available to the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration by this act shall be used for
expenses of participating in a manned lunar landing to be carried
out jointly by the United States and any other country without
consent of the Congress."69
The same provision was repeated in
subsequent NASA appropriations, continuing until the death of
Congressman Thomas in 1966.
Keep in mind that Johnson had enormous political capital to continue
any initiative of the martyred Kennedy that he so chose in those
days and weeks following the assassination. Obviously, continuing
the space cooperation initiative wasn't much of a priority, or he
could have easily had it passed.
There are a couple of curious postscripts to this story.
By most accounts, Johnson should have still been President by 1969
when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first walked on the Moon. He was
constitutionally able to stand for re-election in 1968, but his
great unpopularity because of his mishandling of Vietnam convinced
him to forsake a second elected term and retire from public life.
You would have thought, after being the head of the space program
for so many years as Vice President and then continuing Kennedy's
vision after his death, that Johnson would have been keenly
interested in the events of July 20, 1969.
But, as reported by
presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, Johnson not only didn't
watch the Lunar Landing himself, he refused to let anyone at his
Texas ranch watch it either, and ordered all the TVs to be turned
Perhaps, in the twilight of his life, with ample time to reflect on
his own actions, the space program was no longer a source of pride
for him, but of shame.
Recently, Saint John Hunt, the surviving eldest son of E. Howard
Hunt - an infamous CIA operative actively involved with Watergate
and long-rumored to have also been a key player in the Kennedy
assassination - released a "deathbed confession tape" from his
In a story published in Rolling Stone magazine, Saint John
Hunt stated his father admitted to being one of the famous "three
tramps" in photos of Dealy Plaza taken after the assassination and
detailed specific players involved in the Kennedy assassination.
tape contains a remarkable "confirmation" in light of the completely
independent evidence presented here that, above the CIA operatives
(and contractors) who actually planned and carried out the plot to
kill Kennedy, including E. Howard Hunt himself, they were all
directed by one "top man." Lyndon Baines Johnson.
We are left to contemplate our own accusations here.
If men like
Johnson and Thomas were willing to go so far as to orchestrate the
murder of the President in order to protect the United States' own,
singular (and singularly expensive) space program, then they must
have expected to find wonders beyond imagining over the course of
their voyages.
The only question for us was what, in fact, did they find, and was
it worth the price that that the country (and History) ultimately
Chapter Three Images

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