When this frequency is thrown out of balance by other energies (either natural or manmade) we can also go out of balance. Our immune systems can weaken, thus inviting any number of illnesses to enter.
NASA had to develop Earth
Pulse Generators to mimic this natural frequency in spacecraft after
finding astronauts lost tone and body mass living without the
background 7.83Hz frequency.
When these energies
become harmonized again in the environment, the human body has the
best chance of healing itself, regardless of the type of illness.
Many other researchers
have found similar results, with Dr. E. Hartman MD theorizing
that cancer is a disease of location caused by geopathic stress.
The human body is an
amazing healer and self-corrector when in harmony with the
This electromagnetic
pollution alone has a negative effect on the body, but when combined
with geopathic stress the results multiply.
I believe this has to do with the vast amount of electromagnetic pollution we are now exposed to everywhere we go, at home, work, school, shopping centers, hospitals etc.
In von Pohl's day the
cancer patients in his experiment slept over areas of high geopathic
stress for a number of years, but did not have the added factor of
electromagnetic pollution that we are constantly bombarded with
Research has found that
the part of the body affected by illness is where lines of geopathic
stress cross the bed.
I found an unbalanced water line running from the direction of the power lines through the children's bedroom. Water lines can be deep underground, but their energy vibrates up vertically high above the ground; they have been detected at the top of high-rise buildings.
To make matters worse, the children were sleeping in bunks made of tubular metal. The bed frame was attracting and enhancing the negative energy from the water line and power lines.
No wonder these kids were 'ratty' - they were being zapped constantly and not getting a rejuvenating sleep.
Their bodies had no time
to heal. I balanced the water line on the property and advised a
better suited sleeping space and to get rid of the metal bed frame.
The electrical wiring running through the wall behind your head can also be a problem. Remember to check behind the wall where your head lies as a computer, fridge or smart meter could be blasting you through the wall.
Shielding products are
available to lessen electromagnetic pollution if you can't move away
from it.
You need to spend a lot
of time in areas of geopathic stress for your immune system to
weaken, such as sleeping or at your desk at work (but as suggested
earlier, things seem to be speeding up due to the vast amount of
electronics invading our lives).
Our kids are being blasted at school with Wi-Fi (which is banned in many European schools), carrying mobile phones and working with computers on their laps. They are continually connected to the electrical grid.
Children can also absorb
higher levels of electromagnetic radiation as their skulls are
thinner and they are still growing.
Geopathic stress or electromagnetic pollution on their own can cause problems to the body, however the effect is heightened when the two are combined.
So if your child has
chronic illness, get the electrics out of the room and move the bed.
Being able to sleep and let the body rejuvenate naturally is the
best first step to recovery.
Natural lines that have been in the land for many years can become unbalanced by pollutants and changes to the area, such as mining and building. Some can extend across continents, while others are localized to a smaller area.
About 10 years ago I balanced the energies of a house belonging to a couple in their 50s. There was a long line of geopathic stress running on the property next door, but nothing in the couple's bedroom. I was surprised to hear two years ago that the woman had died of cancer.
I went back to test the area and found that the negative energy line that previously ran through the neighbor's property now ran through the couple's bedroom. In the parkland behind the property two large gum trees had been cut down the year before.
I believe this is what
caused the line of geopathic stress to move.
One client who already had three children was having trouble conceiving a fourth.
The couple had had no problems the first three times. When I tested the bed, I found that the old wooden bed head and frame was storing negative energy but the new mattress was not.
The couple had recently inherited the bed from an aunt who had been infertile. The aunt's sadness at not being able to have children had seeped into the bed frame over many years.
Once this energy was
cleared the couple conceived the following month.
So, acute illness isn't
always caused by geopathic stress or electromagnetic pollution, but
I've found they are usually the culprits in chronic pain and
The leys I most frequently encounter are personal leys sent unconsciously from one person to another. These leys can be full of emotion and tend to hit the bed and stove, thus depleting the person of nourishment and rejuvenation.
Over time these can have a debilitating effect on the body, depending on the intensity of the emotion attached to it.
One client in her 30s developed a severe case of arthritis. After three months of trying different remedies nothing had helped. I found a ley line hitting her bed and stove. It was being unconsciously sent by a lady whose cat had been put down at the vet.
My client was the vet nurse who carried the cat away and thus became the focal point of the cat owner's grief. Together we sent loving energy back down the ley to the cat owner, thus closing the ley.
The next morning the
arthritis was gone, never to return.
Make your bedroom as harmonious as possible to bring the Schumann Resonance back into balance.
Use visualization, nice
music, harmonious colors, crystals, loving energy, etc. and if you
still feel bad - move the bed...