by Klaus Totzek
May 23, 2000
PlanetaryMysteries Website
A simple translation
from German to English
One day in summer 1994, I accidentally got a book in my hands,
written by the author Johannes von Buttlar, about the FACE on MARS.
My first opinion was, that this is nonsense, quiet impossible. But
when I saw the first picture of that FACE, I changed my opinion
because it was of such an anatomical perfection that it could not
have been formed naturally.
My ideas of the connection between EARTH
and MARS originated out from the following considerations:
1. In Cydonia there not only is
existing the FACE - like structure, but others too.
2. The regularity in their geometry indicates to an artificial
origination. The structures in their totality seem to give a
message to their observer.
3. The works Richard C. Hoagland and Dr. Mark Carlotto have
proved that in my eyes. So we have to clarify who the builders
were and what were the reasons of their origination. There are
three theories about that. One is, that a former mankind must
have built the structures. The hypothesis which is following out
from this is, that mankind must be older than we believe today.
Hoagland in his book "The Monuments on MARS" supposed that there
was a connection between EARTH and MARS in past of mankind.
4. Because there are pyramids on EARTH and appear to be on MARS
as well; it could be possible that both sets of pyramids
originate from the same source. This was the first indication to
the connection between Giza and Cydonia.
5. The second and probably the most important one came from the orientalist
Zecharia Sitchin. In his book "The 12th. Planet" he
has written about, that the Sumerians have known about the
existence of all the planets inside the solar system. Their
names always described real properties of the planets, which
were confirmed by our spacecrafts today. When the names of, for
example, the outer planets are correct descriptions of their
real properties, so the names of MARS as A.PIN (=there, where to
set a correct course) and LACH.MU =(God of destruction) must be
correct too.
6. So I studied the monuments to find any indications to prove
these names. One of the results is that it is possible to
calculate the orbit data of planet EARTH with the help of the
monuments of Cydonia.
7. The Sumerian Epic of Creation and the Egyptian myth of OSIRIS
are nearly complete identical. Both they are describing the same
story of the origination of the solar system and the mankind in
connection with the destruction of a former planet which became
a risk for EARTH and MARS.
8. Out of this follows, that the Egyptian God HORUS is identical
with planet MARS. And that means, that all the Gods inside of
the myth are celestial bodies. In the same way as in the Epic of
Creation. So this myth describes a very special cosmical event.
9. So it was possible to equate the structures of Cydonia with
the Gods of this myths. The alignments and the distances of all
the structures makes it possible to interpret the structures as
a pictorial representation of the cosmical event what is
described by the myth of OSIRIS: The fight between HORUS = MARS
and SETH = D & M PYRAMID. And the origination of the FLAMING EYE
OF HORUS therefrom.
10. Ancient Egyptian texts speak about the Pyramids of Giza as
models of the most important parts of heaven and simultaneous
they have a reference above their names to both the most
important actors of the myth of OSIRIS. These are HORUS and
SETH. Out from the combination of that and the idea, that HORUS
and MARS are celestial bodies whereby HORUS is MARS the
connection between EARTH and MARS originates from. In addition
to that I found out, that the combination of all the original
measurements of the Pyramids of Giza are an exact image of the
polar circumferences of EARTH and MARS. One of the results for
the model of MARS especially is circumference of 40,87°
latitude, the position of the D & M. So the Pyramids are a giant
indication to find the 40,87° latitude on planet MARS.
Embedded in both Ancient Sumerian
and Ancient Egyptian mythology is the "tale" of a stray comet
that destroys a planet.
The Ancient Sumerians have the
Legend MARDUK and TIAMAT and the Ancient Egyptians have
and SETH.
TIAMAT / OSIRIS are the names for
the former planet between MARS and JUPITER. MARDUK / SETH is the
comet described by these ancient legends that destroyed on
impact TIAMAT / OSIRIS, the ancient planet of our solar system.
Billions of years ago, a former
planet we call TIAMAT / OSIRIS was completely destroyed by the
comet = MARDUK / SETH. The fragments of the shattered planet
TIAMAT / OSIRIS along with comet MARDUK / SETH crossed the
orbits of the inner planets i n cyclical periods. There presence
became a great danger to the remaining planets of our solar
system. In a time, after millions of years, the remaining
fragments of planet TIAMAT, together with fragments of SETH
smashed down onto MARS = HORUS / A.PIN (The reference word A.PIN
is according to Zecharia Sitchin, one of the two ancient
Sumerian names for planet MARS. The name A.PIN means: THE PLACE,
So parts of MARS were thrown out,
off the planet, by the shock-waves of this impact.
These parts of HORUS became the
"Flaming Eye of Horus".
Then, 60 to 65 million. of years ago
these fragments smashed down onto EARTH and destroyed the first
of mankind. But not all. Some of them escaped to planet MARS.
There they built up the Monuments as
a giant pictorial representation of this event.
As a gigantic warning to mankind.
500,000 years ago the humans from
planet MARS returned to the survivors of the mankind of planet
EARTH as the "Gods falling down from the heaven" , known as the
Anunnaki. As Gods they told the humans from EARTH about the
events in the past. But packed into myths.
They formed a new mankind, as a lot
of world myths say.
Then about 12.500 years ago another
cosmical catastrophe must have happened. Either more fragments
of planet TIAMAT or probably fragments of "The Flaming Eye" of
HORUS smashed down onto EARTH.
This one was the mechanism of the
great flood in our past. In that time the the Pyramids of Giza
must have been built as a sign to the monuments on planet MARS
and a marker of the year the world has been originated new after
the destruction by the great flood.
So the Pyramids became the Horoscope
of the Birth of the World and simultaneous to that they are
alignment to the Pyramids on MARS, which are speaking from the
first catastrophe 60 - 65 millions of years before. Both the
Monuments on EARTH and on MARS are written in the same cosmical
signpost. Out of that the connection between MARS and EARTH is
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