by Jason Koebler
November 14, 2020
VICE Website

Images altered by author.
NASA & Department of Energy
physicist says
he can
scientifically prove that
two Martian
civilizations were annihilated
by nuclear
As far as we can
tell, Mars is a desolate-looking desert, with no obvious life.
Sure, there may
still be microbes there, but I think it's safe to say that there is
not an advanced civilization living on the Red Planet.
But was it
always that way?
Did Mars once
host a bustling civilization, one that perhaps was capable of
nuclear warfare?
Let's check in with
some conspiracy theorists to find out.
I'm going to let
Andrew, a
guy who runs the UFO Sightings Cape Town YouTube page, set the
"There are
literally hundreds of building ruins in a few of NASA's
panoramic images. What has happened on Mars? Was it a Nuclear
WAR, or perhaps Asteroid hits?
The fact of the
matter is, that there are many pockets of living humanoids all
over Mars," he wrote on a YouTube video showcasing some of these
"building ruins."
Let's just put this
out there.
This is one of the
fringiest of fringe conspiracy theories out there.
Andrew is
probably just a wee bit off his rocker, but he didn't randomly make
up the idea that there was civilization on Mars and that it could
have died in a nuclear WAR.

For that, let's
take a look at an excerpt from
Did Spacemen Colonize the Earth?, a book published by
Robin Collyns in 1976.
Earlier in the
following passage, Collyns argues that there certainly were nuclear
explosions on Mars.
"It is
difficult to imagine a nuclear explosion on Mars that was not
deliberately caused," Collyns writes.
"It is very
likely that the explosion was made for some constructional
purpose. Thus, the [nuclear observations] can serve as one of
the proofs in the favor of existence of rational life on mars."
Pseudoscience and
wild conjecture are fun, but
John Brandenburg, a plasma
physicist who got his degree from UC Davis and who has seemingly had
a relatively normal, distinguished career for a scientist, has
staked his reputation on his theory that Martian life was, perhaps
purposefully, destroyed with nukes.
"Was Mars murdered?"
he muses in a book (Life
and Death on Mars - The New Mars Synthesis) about the

In an oddly
disconcerting interview with "Supreme Master Television," a
thoroughly bizarre station run by the
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association cult, Brandenburg
notes that,
Mars had two
ancient humanoid civilizations,
...which had a level of technology similar to that
of the
ancient Egyptians.
What happened to
those Martians? Nukes, he says.
"Two great
disasters happened on Mars," he told Supreme Master TV, pointing
to Utopia on a map.
"One here, and
then an asteroid impact happened here, and Cydonia was right in
between them. That's puzzling. Why would so many bad things
happen in one area of mars that just so happened to have
archaeology on it?"
That was back in
Since then,
Brandenburg has decided that both disasters were nukes, and possibly
"natural" nuclear explosions that could have been caused by some
cosmic weirdness like an asteroid hitting radioactive material or
something like that.
Today, however, he
has upped the ante.
This weekend, he's
going to present
new research at a meeting of the American Physical Society that
he says proves that there were indeed nuclear explosions on Mars and
that they are consistent with nuclear bomb "airbursts," meaning that
there's no possible way these were natural.
He said in a
statement emailed to me that the evidence he's found is,
with mixed fusion-fission explosions."
It's worth noting that the other
sessions at the meeting appear to have
university researchers from all around the world presenting
experimental particle physics results and things of that nature, so
I have to say that Brandenburg's research (which certainly does not
appear to be peer-reviewed) appearing alongside that is pretty

Here's his case,
set to be published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astrophysics,
a journal that just published a study about the
Big Bang being a
"The high
concentration of Xenon-129 atmosphere, the evidence from
Krypton-80 and the detected pattern of excess abundance of
Uranium and Thorium on Mars surface, relative to Mars
meteorites, first seen by the Russians and now confirmed by the
Mars Odyssey Spacecraft Gamma Ray Spectrometer.
mean that the
surface of Mars was apparently the site of massive radiological
events, which created large amounts of signature isotopes and
covered the surface with a thin layer of radioactive debris
enriched in certain elements relative to its subsurface rocks.
This pattern of
phenomenon can be explained as due to two large anomalous
nuclear explosions on Mars in the past."
Evidence of a Massive Thermonuclear Explosion
on Mars in the Past

So, there's the theory...
Reading that, it's possible, until you
get to the last line, to think that hey, here's a scientist who
thinks something weird happened on Mars - the idea of there being a
naturally occurring nuclear explosion on a planet that has
radioactive elements on it
hasn't been completely ruled out by NASA, after all.
But then, well, he is presenting
published, quasi-scientific research suggesting that these were
anomalous and not natural.
If that's not clear enough, maybe the
description and title of his upcoming book
Death on Mars - The Discovery of a Planetary Nuclear Massacre
will drive it home.
Or we can just read
the conclusion to his paper, a preprint version of which he shared
with me.
"Given the
large amount of nuclear isotopes in Mars atmosphere resembling
those from hydrogen bomb tests on Earth, Mars may present an
example of civilization wiped out by a nuclear attack from
space," he wrote.
"It is possible
the Fermi Paradox means that our interstellar neighborhood
contains forces hostile to young, noisy, civilizations such as
ourselves," he added.
"Such hostile
forces could range from things as alien as AI (Artificial
Intelligence) 'with a grudge' against flesh and blood, as in the
movie Terminator, all the way to things as sadly
familiar to us as a mindless humanoid bureaucrat like Governor
Tarkin in Star Wars, eager to destroy planet
Alderaan as an example to other worlds."
It is of course
worth noting that no high profile scientists have given any credence
at all to this theory.
To gauge whether
Brandenburg's thoughts have gained any traction with conspiracy
theorists, I hunted around for their reactions to his earlier
Here's what I came
seen the evidence presented by Dr. Brandenburg, I feel
certain that we need to actively plan for a possible defense
against whoever perpetrated the assault on Mars.
In fact, as
Space Command has access to
all the data that he (and this family) have, as well as all
the other pertinent data that exists out there, I'd be
amazed to learn that our preparations have not been underway
for a very long time."
Ross Holcomb,
Mysterious Universe comment:
"There are
other possibilities as well.
Consider a
very high tech civilization where a few folks mis-applied
high energy technology and it got out of hand, causing a
sever explosion and catastrophe a couple of million years
Perhaps a
similar thing occurred on earth about 13,000 ya resulting in
a cataclysmic event sinking Atlantis and energetically
causing the Bermuda Triangle (and other anomalies) to
It may not
have been "nuclear" and may not have been used in warfare."
Above Top Secret Forums:
"I think if
it was a weapon, it was something much more powerful than
nuclear bombs. Something more advanced than what we have
Above Top Secret Forums:
"I believe
that after a nuclear war broke out on Mars.
surviving Martian race emigrated to the Earth, building the
Pyramids and Sphinx to represent the features on mars so
that when we were intelligent enough we might discover that
there was once a thriving powerful E.T race on mars."
So, there you have
Were ancient
Martians blown up by other aliens?
certainly not, but if we are similarly destroyed, at least one
dude will be able to say "told you so"...