Billy’s first sightings of this phenomena began when he was a small
boy of five with his father when they lived in Bulach on the German
border. That happened on June 2, 1942. It was only a sighting, but
he knew then that this whole thing was different, though he was
unaware at that young age that he had accepted an “arrangement”
before his birth. His was a chosen destiny of contacts which was to
give him no peace in this life.
From then on he could often see “traveling stars” when he looked up,
mostly at night but sometimes in daylight too. He distinguished
these from the others because these were sometimes larger and
sometimes smaller, and these stars made abrupt turns, flew zig-zag
patterns, and they sometimes just stopped in space. Remember there
were no satellites in those days.
Then in late Autumn of the same year, Meier saw a bigger ball-shaped
flying object traveling at slow speed.
It slowed more and began to slowly descend. gently it came down, its
metallic spherical shape clearly visible. Then, all of a sudden, it
just disappeared without making any noise.
The sightings became more frequent until he began to hear a voice in
his head and saw pictures. In November that same year, shortly
before his 6th birthday, he saw a pear-shaped object suddenly drop
from the sky, and settle gently on the meadow grass in a woods near
their home town of Bulach. An old man took him into the ship and
high above Earth, then brought him back to the same meadow and let
him out. The ship then shot up vertically at high speed until out of
More sightings and communications continued until his 7th birthday
on 3 February 1944, when the voice became more personal and told him
to work hard from now on as he would be given knowledge in this
manner. The speaker identified himself as SFATH, the old man who had
taken him aboard the pear-shaped machine earlier.
Six months later, in the Summer of 1944, Sfath returned in the
silver pear-shaped flying object and picked him up again for a four
hour session on his destiny and thatof his world in his lifetime. A
helmet appliance with many wire leads attached was used for this
inculcation process.
He was able to see and hear overwhelming things and was imparted a
great deal of knowledge and told of events to come, much of which he
did not understand at the time. Meier was returned to the pick-up
site and the ship disappeared straight up at high speed until it was
out of sight.
Only a few hours after that experience a new voice began to speak to
him telepathically. This one was young, strong, and full of energy.
It was female and told Meier he could call her ASKET, and that she
would be his contact now.
Asket communicated with him regularly from then on, and imparted
more phenomenal knowledge, and then guided his destiny to give him
certain experiences in the next few years to temper him for what was
to come. It was she who made it possible for him to travel his
world, and it was she who led him into and through his trials and
many tests to give him the experiences he would need.
Asket told Meier that her origin was in what she called
the DAL
Universe, incredibly a counterpart Universe to this of our reality.
She said that our universe existed because of hers and hers because
of ours.
We were related in some way because the two separate Universes had a
common origin, and that each existed because of the other and if one
ceased to exist, the other would likewise cease to be. There were
other universes involved also which further complicated the
situation. An oversimplification would be to consider one an
anti-matter counterpart of the other.
This concept is not entirely unheard of, and has been treated
extensively in science fiction. Even orthodox science is recently
discovering anti-matter and opposite realities.
Fritjoff Capra discussed the scientific basis for these opposing
realities extensively in his Tao of Physics, and showed that matter
equations simply do not work out without taking into account the
opposite or anti-matter aspect.
The Feinman diagrams used to explain particle reactions in high
energy physics demonstrate this process well, and they are found to
be completely reversible. When matter is theoretically annihilated
in an acceleration chamber, same of it is only changed into its
opposite aspect and disappears from our reality into that other.
Balance is maintained by an exchange of energy in the form of heat
or light.
After a UFO experience many years ago,
Anthony Seratites, a Dow
Chemical engineer, was suddenly awakened to a new concept of matter
and energy, being shown, way back then, that there is no ultimate
particle in physics as it was being taught, that what appears to be
protons, electrons, gluons, muons, quarks, neutrinos, etc., and all
their invisible to us anti-particles, are nothing more than photon
quanta organized in different ways.
The photon quanta are not visible until they become organized into
something, and they can just as easily become organized into an
anti-something from our point of view. He visualized a photon quanta
as part of a wave. It had vector and curvature, curl, or spin. He
discovered that the vector could be reversed by simply inverting the
curve, or the curve could be reversed by turning it over at 90
degrees to the other axis. In either case, its accumulation into
matter was the same but now opposite or anti-matter.
Seratites’ diagram of an electron alone had same 228 parts. He spent
years developing his concepts and diagramed many atoms in a book
titled The Structual Nature of Matter and then went on to diagram
more atoms and same molecules in another volume called The Universal Feld law and
The Universal Law of Creation of Mass and Energy both
by Anthony D. Seratites.
What he learned was that matter can be instantly converted to
anti-matter by simply inverting the quanta, which changes its
direction of spin, and that they mutually repel each other and do
not seek to cancel out. The anti-matter world is no more rare than
the matter world, as they are one and the same in different aspect.
There is as much anti-matter as there is matter and they balance.
Seratites is best known as the inventor of Seran-wrap, the thinnest,
lightest, strongest, and most vapor resistant of all films up to
that time, and it was a product of his new ideas about chemistry
coming out of his new physics. He may someday be recognized as the
father of the renaissance in physics.
He was not alone in these new concepts though.
Wilbert B. Smith, B.A,
M.A., former head of the Canadian Department of Transport’s
Magnet, entertained similar ideas as he developed what he called his
Quadrature Concept, which was published after his death in 1962 The
New Science, authored by him.
He too found that there is no ultimate physical particle; that all
is the result of awareness within the creative consciousness. Simply
awareness in the Tempic Field of the Creative Consciousness produces
vector and curl. That vector and curl is equivalent to a photon
quantum, which is the result of awareness impinging on the Tempic
Field of the All.
Simultaneous with the action of vector and curl comes the reaction
of vector and curl energies in the opposite directions, resulting in
opposite manifestation maintaining the balance in the all. The
ultimate result in the physical world is observed as matter and
He also concluded that nothing more than awareness impinging on the
Tempic Field of the All Consciousness was the actual first cause,
and the origin of the photon and ultimately matter. Matter is
nothing else than the final stages of thought manifest, with energy
someplace in between.
Wilbert B. Smith became a
UFO contactee in 1954 and carried on
extensive dialogues with the extraterrestrial friends visiting him.
It was from these dialogues that he evolved his Ouadrature Concept
to explain the then unknowns in physics, and came up with ideas very
similar to those of Seratites but expressed in different terms, in
which the anti-matter reality was the essential balancing part.
Then in 1960, before Asket picked Meier up in Switzerland, a South
African electrician, Edward F. White, began to have contact with
extraterrestrials who told him they came from an anti-matter or
counterpart universe.
When they learned to navigate the polarity barrier between the two
universes, they were amazed to discover our life and existence,
similar to theirs, in opposite reality, and over time established
contact across the barrier and learned to navigate and explore their
antimatter counterpart—our phenomenal universe.
They also learned to communicate across the barrier and maintained
contact with the Earth man by electromagnetic means, which they
carried on for over 25 years. During that time, over 1,000 hours of
verbal dialogue was recorded on audio tape and preserved. These
experiences are reported in a 305 page illustrated book
UFO Contact
From Planet Koldas:
A Cosmic Dialogue by Carl Van Vlierden
But Eduard Meier knew nothing of this at the time of his contacts
with the DALs who claimed a counterpart universe origin. All he knew
was that Asket was telling him that her DAL Universe was the
opposite of ours, and that her people had learned to navigate what
she called the “Time Barrier” time in this sense being the kind of
vibrations or kind of reality in which they normally existed.
She explained that her native counterpart was much like ours,
but that the heavens and luminaries were all different, however
they were of the same cumulative mass and energy. Once they
learned to safely cross the barrier between the two
universes-which co-exist in time and space - they learned to
navigate and explore ours as well as theirs and they learned
much and constantly transmitted information to their home
The DALs
discovered the Pleiadians before Earth and learned to get
along with and to work compatibly with them, who were already freely
traveling in space. The DALs shared their technology with the
Pleiadians which then allowed creatures of our universe to visit the
DAL Universe in Pleiadian ships.
The DALs
discovered Earth through the Pleiadians and their interests
here. Sfath was a Pleiadian who handed Meier over to Asket for
development and preparation for a future Pleiadian plan. The DALs
had an active Earth project going on at that time. Meier was picked
back up in a Pleiadian mission in January 1975 with the renewed
overt contact with him some time after the last of his preparation
by Asket.
Upon establishing telepathic contact with
Meier, Asket took over his
education and preparation where Sfath had left off. It was she who
led him through a series of adventures designed to toughen him for
the adversity to come.
It was she who led him through Africa and the experiences in the
French Foreign Legion, the Desert Caravans, the slavers,
revolutionaries and bootleggers; into the hands of the pirates of
the Arabian Sea, and across the Indian Ocean as a sailor with the
freighters to the sub-continent of India.
It was Asket who by subtle influence guided
Meier through most of
the religions of Europe, Africa and Asia, joining them one by one in
turn in his own search for a belief system acceptable to him.
Unknown to
Meier consciously then was Asket’s subsequent statements
to him, also later confirmed by Semjase in the Pleiadian contacts,
that he was once an IHWH, a Pleiadian expeditionary to Earth, with
one of the several earlier occupations of this planet by ancestors
of the Pleiadians. He at that earlier time enjoyed his superior
status and the obedience of and exploitation of the primitive Earth
His activities at that earlier time brought him subsequently into
Earth incarnation as one of the Terrestrial primitives experiencing
the oppressed side of the exploitation, but in his soul he knew the
other side as well, even in those ancient days, and he inspired
rebellion against the oppressors and a movement toward awareness of
The Creation as the underlying source of being for all (within which
even the IHWH had their limits).
He became a leader of this silent rebellion, and his name then is
recognized today as one of the prophets of the Old Testament. He
incarnated again later as another to continue the work, and even
again after that, more than once, for the same purpose, including
his present Mission , now an Earth man.
He was often guided in his activities, over the centuries. by those
seeking to help the Pleiadians correct their mistakes, which in
present time took the form of the DAL extradimensionals, and Asket
in person.
This is why in Asket’s preparation program (for this mission) he was
led through all of the world’s great religions, one after another,
to learn them thoroughly. This is another reason why he was led away
from formal education at a young age. It was reduce the contamintion
of concepts by the orthodox Earth level and beluef systems. He was
severely tested, physically and mentally, to toughen him for the
trials of this mission.
He actually experienced most of the principal Earth religions today,
from the inside, all of which, according to his information, are
descended from the less than benevolent Pleiadian extraterrestrials
of that ancient past.
This is one reason for Meier’s harsh challenges to the
fundamentalist beliefs, much of which we have edited out of our
version of the Pleiadian Contact Notes, but which may be read in
their original German language by those so interested.
We are pretty sure that this information will not be well received,
because the entrenched orthodox beliefs are still here, though now
being exploited by Earth men for their own gain. Knowing this and
revealing it has become a great danger to our contactee and many of
those associated with him.
Because of these previous contacts with
the DAL extradimensionals
and his awakened awareness, Eduard Meier was not entirely surprised
when the contacts with Semjase and her team - reformed IHWHs -
began, although it came earlier than expected.
This is also another reason, and the real one, why these contacts
could not be expanded to include just any other Earth humans, or be
transferred to somebody else. There are however, others, like Eduard
Meier, who are here doing similar things for similar reasons, but
their missions are equally impossible to transfer to another.
Eduard Meier has been given adequate proof of the validity of all
these things, but he is not permitted to use it to persuade any
other human being against his own will.
Meier’s primary instrument of validity is the collection of certain
photographs of the extraterrestrial spacecraft which will never be
duplicated. We may add here that there are photographs which have
also been prepared as an “escape”, if and when that should become
“We are not permitted to point them out as it violates the free will
chocies we all have. It is for that reason that all positive and
indisputable proof has been withheld by the extraterrestrials
themselves. When anything that might become proveable came into the
hands of Meier it was taken by the Pleiadians. It is all about free
will choices.”

Meier also has freedom of choice in how he treats this whole
thing. He is not bound in any way and may get out any time by
an act of will, but, they warn, if he does, it is forever... a step
that he hesitates to take because so much of his past is bound up
in this.