Mary Magdalene’s connection to the Danites is invaluable. When we
dig into their history we find astonishing stargate imagery in the
story of their encounter with a stargate at Babylon.
The dateline is c. 600 BC. The subject is King Nebuchadnezzar, the
King of Babylon,1 who had recently conquered Jerusalem,2 flattened
its walls, stripped its Temple of all its treasure3 (presumably
including the Language of the Birds and the Ark of the Covenant),
set the city ablaze, and returned home to Babylon with the treasure
of the Temple4 and a
group of royal prisoners of war.5
Included among the captives were three wise men from the Temple, a
young man and ‘master magician’ named Daniel, and another prominent
prophet, Ezekiel, who had visions of ‘the kingdom of Heaven on
Earth’6 while imprisoned in Babylon.
King Nebuchadnezzar is probably best known as the builder of the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient
world. These gardens were built upon the seven stages of the
fantastic ziggurat of Marduk, the well known Tower of Babel, which
Nebuchadnezzar restored.
Babel originates from the word Bab-li, which in the Babylonian
language meant ‘Gate of God ’. This is our first tip-off that
Nebuchadnezzar attempted to construct a means --perhaps even a stargate -- to transcend earth life and travel the cosmos.
Nebuchadnezzar was driven to build the Hanging Gardens by his belief
that he was to emulate Sargon, c. 2,300 B.C., the great king of Akkad (now northern Iraq) --a name from which is derived the term
Akka, the name of the Creator goddess Akka and the first Semetic
language. Akka comes from the primitive linguistic root ak, meaning
great or mighty. The ak is persistently present in words which
relate to our Languedoc, or Language of Ak.
As noted, in Egypt, akh was the Pharaonic word for all aspects of
light, particularly the ‘transcendental’ light of the
The ruins of Babylon are found buried beneath the sands of Iraq
about twenty miles from modern-day Baghdad. In its glory the city of
Babylon was the greatest city in Mesopotamia --the center of the new
world order. It was a veritable playground for the gods. The
ziggurat or temple of Marduk which formed its center and the Tower
of Babel were awesome structures by any standard. The Marduk temple
housed the golden image of Bel and a strange golden table, which
combined weighed nearly fifty thousand pounds of solid gold!
Nebuchadnezzar’s Hanging Gardens must have been a spectacular,
perhaps unbelievable, sight to Daniel and the rest of the Jewish
captives, sort of like placing a war-torn Bosnian child in
Disneyland today. Growing on a huge seventy-five-foot high
artificial mountain, the Hanging Gardens could be seen for fifty
miles across the flat desert. The seven terraces held trees, vines
and flowers and were watered by a system of wells and fountains.
King Nebuchadnezzar had this wonder built for his queen who longed
to return to her mountain homeland.
One entered Babylon through the Processional Way, which led to the
famed Ishtar Gate. This enormous entranceway was covered with
brilliant blue glazed tiles on which were depicted lions, bulls and
dragons in bas-relief. These animals represented the gods of the
city, Marduk the dragon king was the most potent. Isis was the lion.
As its king, Nebuchadnezzar expanded Babylon’s fortifications, paved
her streets, and dug canals. Nebuchadnezzar was revered in his
homeland as more than just a great temple builder. He was also
revered as a wise man who surrounded himself with astrologers,
architects, magicians, sorcerers -- anyone who could help him decode
his dreams and visions, some of which were deeply troubling to him.
This made it perfectly natural for Daniel and the wise men from
Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem to be mixed in with the sages of
Surprisingly, the Jews discovered that the Babylonians possessed
long sought answers concerning their past. This is because the
Jewish and Babylonian histories emerged from the same original
source in
From the Sumerian stories the Hebrews found missing pieces to their
own Flood story and story of Creation. With a few name changes here
and there both traditions match. Most scholars now believe it was
here in Babylon during the captivity of Nebuchadnezzar that the
first five books of the Old Testament, including Daniel and Ezekiel,
were constructed (with a lot help from the original Sumerian
Most Christians are shocked to learn the stories that form the
foundation of their religion are copies of original stories that
belonged to another time, place and people.
As important as it is to realize the context in which these books
were assembled -- the captivity of their authors -- it is more
important to realize that they are a compilation of actual history,
mythology, literary devices and fond memories of a past that never
was Hebrew, but Sumerian. Separating Hebrew from Sumerian is
crucial. Why deal with second-hand copies when the originals are
more valuable and accurate?
The marriage between the Sumerian and Hebrew mythologies was a match
made in heaven. It was as if each carried the missing half to the
other’s message. This situation required that one side had to make a
deal with the devil to get what they wanted.
What both sides apparently wanted was access to the stargate.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Stargate encounter began when he acknowledged that
Daniel had immense prophetic gifts, including the ability to
interpret dreams. In chapter four of Daniel, he is asked to
interpret a dream in which Nebuchadnezzar saw:
‘a tree in the midst of the Earth, and the height thereof was great.
The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached into
heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of the Earth’.7
There was great fruit in this tree and the birds of Heaven lived in
its branches. From this tree the king saw a “watcher” and a “holy
one” from Heaven emerge.8
They told him to destroy the tree, and leave its ‘stump’ in the
This was a confusing dream to the king. But not to us.
“watchers” is the Egyptian name for “divine being” or “god”
NTR, or
neter, which means “one who watches.”10
Neter-neter land is the name
of the place in the stars where these beings dwell (along with the
Green Man or Gardener). Sumeria, another earthly land of
the An-un-naki,
was known as the land of ‘ones who watch’.
Why didn’t the watchers want Nebuchadnezzar to join them in Neter-neter land? Could it be that it was because Nebuchadnezzar was
not one of them (but Daniel was, which explains why he could
interpret their symbols)? What did they mean by leaving the ‘stump’
of the ‘tree’ in the ground?
Nebuchadnezzar wanted to know. Did this dream foretell disaster of a
project represented by the tree? If so, what is the specific project
that is in danger?
The story is told of what happens when Nebuchadnezzar sets-up an
image of gold in Babylon.11
This isn’t some ancient status symbol the king kept on his desk.
The image is a massive three score (60) cubits high and six cubits
A cubit is 18 inches, making the image 540 inches high (three score
or thirty times 18 inches high). 540 inches is 45 feet high, about
the size of a four and a half story building!
Undoubtedly, this massive structure could be seen from miles around.
In Revelation 13:11-15, the one who speaks like a dragon, “the first
beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
And he does great wonders. He makes fire come down from heaven. And
he tells the people to construct “an image to the beast, which had
been wounded by the sword, but did live.”
The person who ‘speaks like dragon’ has the power to give life to
this image, in other words to make it speak. Any “who would not
worship the image of the beast should be killed,” says Revelation.
Nubachadnezzar, on the other hand, could not make this gleaming
Golden Head speak. This was a major failure. Like the tribal leader
David, who ruled Jerusalem five hundred years before him, the king
had planned to unify his kingdom, the golden image was the unifying
force. He tried using music to get it to work. He demanded that when
the people heard the music play they were to fall down and worship
the golden image (as if this act would impress the lifeless heap).12
If they didn’t they would be tossed into a burning fiery furnace.13
Ultimately, as the story goes, along come the three wise Jews from
Babylon (friends of Daniel and Abednegor - who worked at the Temple
of Solomon).14
Unfortunately for Nebuchadnezzar, they refuse to worship the hulking
image or the god of the Babylonian king. What is more, the three
insult Nebuchadnezzar by betting the king that their god will save
them from the fiery furnace.15
Clearly, the three wise men from the Temple of Solomon possess
crucial knowledge that Nebuchadnezzar needs to make this golden
gadget work. Batteries were apparently included for Nebuchadnezzar
was successful in firing up the fiery furnace component of the
image. But beyond that he was stuck. He needed the ‘open sesame’.
What is this gadget, this golden image of which I speak? While
conquering Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar was known to have pillaged the
Temple of Solomon and removed the holy objects. Surely these would
include the Ark of the Covenant and the ultimate Secret of the
Temple: the Golden Head of God.
If it is correct to associate the Golden Pillar with the forty
five-foot ‘tree’ of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and the Ark with the
‘stump’, it now makes perfect sense why Nebuchadnezzar would wish to
involve Daniel in this project.
It was the sons of D’Anu, the people of Daniel, who had originally
brought this device to Earth. The angel who appeared to the king was
related to the Daniel. There’s no way in hell they would want
Nebuchadnezzar to enter their realm uninvited.
Once again I present the depiction of the golden Pillar of Osiris.

Osiris’ Tree of Life
As we can see, Osiris’ ladder into the heavens is a pillar atop a
platform (or ‘stump’) that resembles the Ark of the Covenant (which
the ancients said was made of gold). If this is the tree atop the
stump of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and if this is his golden image of
the beast, then what these stories relate is his attempt to open a stargate.
Osiris is the Serpent-soul who can utter the ‘open sesame’ to make
this gadget work and initiate the opening of a stargate.
We’ve all been trained to believe the devil is the Lord of Death who
will imprison and torture our souls for eternity. However, the
original Lord of Death was something completely different. He was
the gatherer of souls or ‘gardener of souls’. He shared with his
wife a magnificent Underworld was called ‘the Abysmal Womb’, the
Land of Death. He holds the key to heaven and hell, also known as
the Key of Life.
It is no coincidence that Jesus identifies himself as this figure in
the book of Revelation:
“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and
behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys (the ‘open
sesames’) of hell and heaven.”17
This womb was believed to be a place of regeneration, an ‘egg’, if
you please, where humans transformed themselves into higher beings
(of light, capable of going through the stargate).
Osiris is frequently shown sitting amidst a lake. In the
Papyrus of Ani, this is called his
Lake of Fire. The
Egyptian Book of the Dead
makes clear that it is an intermediate place between Earth and
Heaven that was guarded by none other than Thoth. Therefore, it is
likely it was located at or near the Egg of Creation (with its Great
Pyramid and Sphinx) and is related to the Tree of Life.
It also warns impure souls that attempting to cross the Lake of Fire
will result in disaster. The Lake of Fire ‘cuts away’ like a knife
(or sword) all that is impure in a soul. From the wavy lines in the
depiction in the Papyrus of Ani one gets the impression that the
Lake of Fire emits (or is) a frequency or vibration which leads to
inner transformation and the purification of the soul.
From the ancient stories it become abundantly clear, to transcend
earth life one has to cross the Lake of Fire which may appear as a
Fiery Furnace. In order to ascend into the heavens one had to
undergo a transformation. Preparing to effect this transformation
through the ‘cleansing mysteries’, as Jesus proclaimed in the
Sophia,17 was the purpose in life.
In the story from Daniel the
three wise men refuse to spill the beans to Nebuchadnezzar, what is
undoubtedly the ‘open sesame’ to open the gateway. Furious, the king
orders that the three be cast into the ‘fiery furnace’.18

The Trial of the Three Wise Men from the Temple of Solomon.
Three Wise Men are depicted rejecting the Image of Baal -- a head
atop a pillar.
From the Catacomb of Sts. Mark and Marcellian, Rome,
4th century.
As I noted, for centuries people have been taught by religious
authorities to avoid this experience at all costs. This is why the
behavior of the three wise guys is so inexplicable to me. They
seemed eager to partake of this experience! Are they idiots or
something? Is this a lost episode of The Three Stooges?
“The three men put on their coats, their hats and their other
garments, and were cast in the midst of the burning fiery furnace”
says Daniel 3:21.
“Their coats, their hats, and their other garments,” you say? This
is an immensely meaningful statement.
Why put on any clothes at all if your body is about to be translated
into a toasted marshmallow by the fiery furnace?
These garments turn out to be more than just standard-issue
lounge-wear at the Temple of Solomon or the garb of hostages in
Bayblon. That is, if they turn out to be anything like the coat, the
hat and the other garments the goddess Inanna is wearing in
Goddess with a Vase discovered at Inanna’s temple at Mari.
As we discussed, Inanna is shown wearing the Shugurra helmet (‘a
hat’) that makes her go far into the universe. As stated earlier, it
is possible this is also the “helmet of salvation” described in
Ephesians 6:17.
Inanna also wears a heavy full-length coat and other garments. This
coat is called the PALA garment.
We can now appreciate the meaning of its name. It works in
conjunction with the palladium - lined Pillar of Love.
This entire get-up is fantastically similar in description to that
described in chapter 6 of Ephesians. There, in addition to the
“helmet of salvation,” spiritual questers are encouraged to,
“put on
the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the
wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
The principalities and powers are the
angelic spiritual forces who
work as heavenly governors and messengers in the heavenly realms
(i.e. galactic beings). This is exactly the angelic level of the
An-un-naki. Apparently, some of these are harmful creatures that
seek to attach themselves to human souls. At Armageddon Jesus
promises to send his angels to sever the wicked from among the just.
And then shall cast them (both?) into the fire.20
Does the “armor of God ” uniform here described --including the
Shugurra Helmet of Salvation and the PALA coat -- simultaneously
help to sever or protect us from harmful spirits, and make the
cosmic connection with a stargate?
It appears so, for Ephesians next describes a person standing in
front of the Ark of Covenant, the soul-transportation device that
opens this fiery furnace! We know this because the person is wearing
the Breastplate of Righteousness. Their feet are “shod with
preparation for the Gospel of Peace.”
How does one have their feet ‘shod’ in preparation for the “Gospel
of Peace”? A clue is given in the story of Solomon and Saba, when
she lifts up her dress to reveal big, hairy feet. They are so ugly
Solomon comments on them. The usual interpretation is that Saba did
not shave her feet.
However, we may add another dimension to this observation by
remembering that hair-y is also a reference to the hare or the
heron. In the case of the latter, the Queen of Saba would have had
the feet of a bird. Indeed, once we know the Bird Language (acquire
our ‘bird feet’) we are prepared to know the Gospel of Peace.
Above all they take the shield of faith, the Helmet of Salvation and
the (S)word of the Spirit, which is the word of God. All of these
appear to be necessary for soul travel through the stargate to
What happens to those who don the “armor of God” getup and walk
through the fiery furnace? Where do they go?
This detail is omitted. However, after the three wise men from
Solomon’s Temple entered the fiery furnace,21
Nebuchadnezzar and all
the king’s men cautiously approached the lethal furnace. He asks
that the three men appear to him. When they do, the king (and I’m
certain all the assembled) stands utterly astonished.23 He’s
expecting nasty flame-broiled corpses. Instead, he sees the men are
in perfect condition!
“Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” asks
the baffled king.24
You sure did.
To add to the high strangeness of this event, a fourth person now
accompanies them!
However, this is not just any man.
Nebuchadnezzar believes this fourth man is an angel.
Not just any angel either.
The fourth man is like the Son of God! 25
Is this Jesus, the Son of God? Is Nebuchadnezzar telling us the
three wise men returned from their stargate travels with Jesus in
It is quite conceivable because, understandably, at this point
Nebuchadnezzar was convinced: the god of the three wise Jews is the
God. He proclaims that if anyone speaks against this God, he’ll cut
them to pieces, and their houses will be made into dunghills.26 Then
he promoted the three wise men.
It is time we look at an event that is strikingly similar to
Nebuchadnezzar’s stargate encounter: the Crucifixion.
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