by Dr. Bruce Cornet
PlenetaryMysteries Website

("The Genes of Isis"):
The First Book of Revelations |

("The Genes of Set"):
Target Earth |
Genisis (1986) was written by
David Wood, a surveyor, cartographer, and student of mystery
religions. It is about sacred geometry and ancient knowledge handed
down to us through secret societies. Geneset (1994) was
written by David Wood and Ian Campbell. It is about
the "Ice God", and contains the final message to humankind about the
cycle of comets, which brings destruction and renewal, or Zep Tepi
(First Time), as it was called by the ancient Egyptians.
Because Genisis: The First Book of Revelations was published
more than a decade ago, I present a comprehensive review and
synopsis of that book here, including pertinent quotes and
illustrations from that book. Wood’s second book with Campbell,
contains the most important information regarding the solution to
the mystery of the valley of Rennes figures in France (also known as
the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery).
"Do not believe in
what you have heard; do not believe in traditions
because they have been handed down for many
generations; do not believe anything because it is
rumored and spoken of by many; do not believe merely
because the written statements of some old sage are
produced; do not believe in conjectures; do not
believe in that as a truth to which you have become
attached by habit; do not believe merely on the
authority of your teachers and elders. After
observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason
and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and
all, then accept it and live up to it."
Gautama Buddha
(Spoken 2,600 years
Review and Synopsis
With only indirect help from esoteric societies and members of the
occult, Wood spent years researching the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau
in France. Pitting his mind and intelligence against what seemed to
be an intractible mystery that had confounded many sleuths for
centuries, slowly and piece by piece he began putting together clues
left by members or associates of the Knights Templar and the
Brotherhood of the Rose Cross. Many of the clues he found in books
and paintings from the Renaissance to the early part of this
century. He spent several years mapping sacred monuments, geographic
landmarks, and churches in the valley of Rennes with little more
success than his predecessors, who had filled many books on the
mystery and about the treasures that legend says are buried there.
His eventual success was aided by other
researchers, such as Henry Lincoln, who did a documentary on this
mystery after the book, Holy Blood and Holy Grail (by Michael Baigent,
Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln), was published in 1982.
That book created quite a controversy, and peaked his interest in
the Knights Templar, who the authors said held answers to the
mystery and legends about Jesus’ blood descendants. Then in 1984 he
had a breakthrough, which led to further discoveries and his book,
which was published in 1986. He credits advances in computer and
satellite technology with providing him the tools necessary to
accurately map the features in the valley of Rennes.
Without accurate satellite mapping
capability, he said, he would not have been able to measure
distances and angles between features accurately enough to discover
the mathematical proofs. What he discovered will confound and
frustrate even the most ardent skeptic, because of the mathematics
and precision involved to create and lay out such huge symbolic
figures over a 40 square mile area of rugged terrain in France.
These figures cannot be seen from the land nor from the air, but
only in one’s imagination or on maps where the "keystones" marking
their positions had been carefully laid out to a precision or
accuracy of several feet. And it is that precision or accuracy that
belies hidden or ancient technology lost to all but a few
gatekeepers or custodians of secret knowledge through the ages.
Certain types of knowledge are kept secret either because that
knowledge, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, would be abused
and used to control humankind for evil purposes, because it would be
challenged by conventional wisdom and overwritten or erased, or
because it was intended for a specific time and would have little
meaning before that time. But secret knowledge, the type that is
kept secret by mystery religions, has no time handle on it (e.g. "Do
not open until the year 2,001"). By its very nature, it is shared
with only the initiated who have been properly educated and
successfully tested for their loyalty and ability to keep secrets.
The knowledge kept secret by the Knights Templar, which was handed
down to them through a lineage of more ancient esoteric societies,
is of the type that contains messages for humankind and our survival
in the future. It is about a previous cycle in human evolution and a
past civilization that had reached a high level of technological
capability. In myth that civilization is called
Atlantis. But that
civilization was brought to an end by major Earth changes and global
catastrophes at the end of a solar cycle, such as those revealed in
the ancient Mayan calendar.
The overall message in Genisis and Geneset is about the
periodicity of cycles much longer than cycles of human civilization
(e.g. Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations), and about
when the next cycle might end through forecasting the future. Such
forecasting has been handed down to us in various forms. Apocalyptic
Prophecy was one way of sending a message to future generations.
Similar forecasting of End Times was encoded into the
Great Pyramids
of Egypt, and awaited the development of our sciences and
archaeology before great minds were able to recognize and decode the
messages. In order to insure that the messages survived, they were
encoded in myth and legend, and passed on from generation to
generation in secret societies that preserved lost knowledge as
sacred geometry (cf. West, 1990; Hancock, 1995; Hancock and
1996). But if that knowledge was meant for the End Times, then the
originators intended it to be revealed or made known to the world at
the appropriate time. But no one individual had the Key to that
appropriate Time.
Wrapped in myth and fiction, Apocalyptic Prophecy forecasts the end
of a cycle as if the initiator or originator knew exactly when that
time would be. No one today would put much faith in a weather
forecast, but if that forecast came from someone we thought was a
diviner inspired by God, it might be taken more seriously. And
indeed, the book of Revelation in the New Testament has been taken
very seriously by many Christians. When John wrote Revelation in
prison, he was not psychotic or delusional, because he was a channeler for an angel of
In order to understand Genisis, one has to understand that we are
not talking about ancient Egypt and the religion of the
Pharaohs. We
are talking about the occult and the way ancient knowledge has been
interpreted and modified by different mystery religions during the
last 2,000 years. Whether or not the ancient Egyptians would agree
with Wood’s interpretation of Egyptian myths and legends is not
relevant. It is what those who preserved that knowledge thought, how
they thought, and what they did with it that is relevant. An
Egyptologist would probably cringe at some of the interpretations
Wood gives Egyptian symbolism, and not think very much of his
revelations. But it is not the myth and stories used to wrap and
conceal sacred geometry that are important. It is the sacred
geometry and its mathematical proofs discovered by Wood that are
In order to understand the Knights Templar, you have to understand
Gnosticism. For those not versed in Gnostic scripture or
knowledgeable of the Gnostic texts discovered in Egypt in 1945, I
will give some background. Wood talks about
the Cathars, a Medieval
French gnostic sect that lived in the valley of Rennes, who were
nearly exterminated by Catholic soldiers and the Church during the
13th Century. It is through the Cathars that gnostic wisdom was
handed down to the Knights Templar (see The Sign and the Seal by
Graham Hancock, 1993). Early Christianity was not as singular and
uniform in doctrine as modern Christianity might lead one to
believe. There were two opposing viewpoints about Christ and
"Gnostics believe that, as God’s
son, Christ was a spirit and could not have been crucified. This
explains the Templar contempt for the crucifix, and tales of it
being trampled and spat upon in secret rites. The emblem of the
Cathars was a cord worn about the waist. Templar confessions
mention just such a cord worn during ceremonies..."
(Baddeley, 1996: 45)
Pagels’ book The Gnostic Gospels
(1979/1989) provides a very different perspective on early
"Scholars investigating the
Nag Hammadi find discovered that some of the texts tell the origin
of the human race in terms very different from the usual reading
of Genesis: the Testimony of Truth, for example, tells the story
of the Garden of Eden from the viewpoint of the serpent! Here
the serpent, long known to appear in Gnostic literature as the
principle of divine wisdom, convinces Adam and Eve to partake of
knowledge while "the Lord" threatens them with death, trying
jealously to prevent them from attaining knowledge, and
expelling them from Paradise when they achieve it. Another text,
mysteriously entitled the Thunder, Perfect Mind, offers an
extraordinary poem spoken in the voice of a feminine divine
power [Isis]:
For I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and
the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin.... I am the
barren one, and many are her sons.... I am the silence that
is incomprehensible.... I am the utterance of my name.
These diverse texts range, then, from
secret gospels, poems, and quasi-philosophic descriptions of the
origin of the universe, to myths, magic, and instructions for
mystical practice.
why have they remained virtually unknown for nearly 2,000 years?
Their suppression as banned documents and their burial on the
cliff at Nag Hammadi, it turns out, were both part of a struggle
critical for the formation of early Christianity.
The Nag Hammadi texts, and others like them, which circulated at the
beginning of the Christian era, were denounced as heresy by
orthodox Christians in the middle of the second century. We have
long known that many early followers of Christ were condemned by
other Christians as heretics, but nearly all we knew about them
came from what their opponents wrote attacking them....."
After several examples Pagels continues:
"This campaign against heresy
involved an involuntary admission of its persuasive power; yet
the bishops prevailed. By the time of the Emperor Constantine’s
conversion, when Christianity became an officially approved
religion in the fourth century, Christian bishops, previously
victimized by the police, now commanded them. Possession of
books denounced as heretical was made a criminal offense. Copies
of such books were burned and destroyed. But in Upper Egypt,
someone, possibly a monk from a nearby monastery of St. Pachomius, took the banned books and hid them from destruction -
in the jar where they remained buried for almost 1,6000 years."
Pagels, 1989: xvii-xix
Within the valley of Rennes in France
exists a puzzle laid out initially as sacred stones, stone circles,
and other artifacts of the Druids, who continued the religious
practices of the ancient Egyptians (Brotherhood of the Serpent), and
who were instructed to place these markers in precise locations.
This may have been in accordance with an ancient pagan custom of
marking places where deities had been encountered: Then Jacob awoke
from his sleep and said,
"Surely the Lord is in this place; and I
did not know it."
And he was afraid, and said,
"How awesome is this place! This is
none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of
So Jacob rose early in the morning, and
he took the stone which he had put under his head and set it up for
a pillar and poured oil on the top of it. He called the name of that
place Beth-El (which means, the house of God). Gen 28:16-19.
David Wood (Genisis, 1986) thinks, and with good reason, that there
is a strong link between the geometric figures he has revealed and
ancient Egypt. But whoever placed these markers, which have since
become sites for churches, castles, towns, and sacred or
mythological features, did so with a technology that today would
require satellite mapping to a precision of feet over a 40 square
mile, rugged mountainous terrain. Wood discovered that someone,
probably at least as far back as the 1st Dynasty of ancient Egypt
(2920-2770 B.C.E.), left to future generations of humans a message
of symbols with proofs, a message encoded in the universal language
of mathematics, a message so complex that only a society with
satellite mapping capability could accurately decipher the entire
message or puzzle.
And therein lies the Time Handle, which
would guarantee that the secrets of the valley of Rennes would not
be revealed until we had recovered technologically from the last
period of Earth catastrophes about 11,000 years ago. Wood and
Genisis are proof of that. And somehow the ancients knew that we
would not reach our current level of recovery until very near the
end of the next cycle. But how could they have known that? - unless
they had some control of events in our history which would prevent,
until the appropriate time, the rapid technological development that
we experienced in the last century. But the answer to that question
may very well lie hidden in the mystery religions and with those
initiates entrusted as gatekeepers and guardians.
Imagine someone leaving a complex series of figures, overlapping and
interlocking, with only a minimum number of markers or points on the
ground to define those figures. Imagine these figures being so large
that one could handle them only by scaling them down on a map of
manageable size. Wood was able to do this because of a computer CAD
program, enabling him to measure distances accurately to the foot,
which would have been nearly impossible by any other means, and
inconceivable using the more primitive technologies of our
recognized forefathers and ancestors. To make such figures
decipherable, the creators had to chose mathematically significant
points to define the figures, such as places on the ground located
on or near points where certain "lines" of the figures crossed. In
order to solve this puzzle you had to be a good cartographer and
surveyor, well educated in ancient religions and mythology, and a
clever mathematician who understood sacred geometry and numbers.
Even though the figures I have selected
from his book do not do justice to the ingenius work of Wood, they
will give you an idea of the significance of his revelations. Not
only did Wood uncover a connection between the myths and legends
associated with the valley of Rennes and the ancient gods and
goddesses of Egypt, but also a connection to Jesus, Mary Magdelene,
and the Virgin Mary. Aspects of this mystery were preserved first by
the Druids, then by the Cathars or Gnostics, the
Knights Templar,
and today by the Freemasons, despite attempts by the Roman Catholic
Church in the early part of the second millennium (1209-1249 C.E.)
to destroy all knowledge of or information about this mystery and
its secrets.
Below I give a synoptic interpretation of Wood’s diagrams with their
symbolic meanings. If you want to get the full scientific basis for
his interpretations, I suggest you read
Genisis by Wood (1986), and
Geneset by Wood and Campbell (1995).
The solution to the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau begins with its
church on that high plateau, and its priest, Berenger Sauniere, who
restored and transformed the church into a museum of religious art
and mysteries in the late 19th Century. The story has already been
extensively told elsewhere, notably in the best-selling book, The
Holy Blood and The Holy Grail by Baigent, Leigh, and
During the restoration, unusual documents were found hidden in a
hollow of the altar, possibly left there by the Cathari or Gnostics.
The key to deciphering one of the coded Latin texts was ultimately
found on a gravestone in the churchyard of Rennes-le-Château. When
decoded the solution was apparently meaningless. It reads:
By sleuthing Wood (1986) was able to see
a pattern to the many clues to this mystery, which led him to
recognize numbers and figures pertaining to a secret doctrine, which
had been concealed in the imagery of various famous paintings:
Plague of Azoth
Les Bergers d’Arcadie
L’Hiver (Winter) - often
referred to as The Deluge
Le Christ au lievre
the altar design of
the church at Rennes-le-Chateau, depicting Magdalene kneeling in a
cave with the persistent skull at her knees
Virgin of the Rocks,
showing the Nephthys outline and the triangular rock shape on the
northern slopes of Chateau de Blanchefort in the Rennes valley
last but not least, The Mona Lisa
Wood decoded the title MONA LISA in the
following manner:
"LISA is simply L’ISA and Godfrey Higgins tells us
quite clearly that ISA is the Eve or Isis. Under the nose of the
Roman Church he had called this painting Ra-Isis, which leaves me in
no doubt as to why she wears her knowing smile."
The persistent
references to the Black Madonna or Mary Magdalene, the demonic
statue erected by Sauniere which stands in the doorway of the church
at Rennes-le-Chateau, the rock carved into and named "the armchair
of the devil" (click image right), the isolated position and geometric construction of Poussin’s stone tomb, and clues in cryptic passages from the book,
Le Serpent Rouge, among many other clues, led Wood to realize that
he was dealing with hidden references to the Egyptian gods Ra and
Set, and goddesses Isis and Nephthys.
Through his research and understanding
of the various mystery cults and their secrets, particularly the
clues which had surfaced concerning the secrets of the Knights
Templar, he began to see an intimate link between the myths and
legends about the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt and the myths
and legends of the Bible concerning Satan and the Serpent, and the
real life characters, Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
Wood (1986: 47) states,
"The links were joining and it was
that Isis was becoming the central figure.
"Returning to Pisces in Le Serpent
Rouge, we find also a reference to the pilot or custodian of the
Ark of Noah, and the word used in the actual document is le nautonnier. This, it seems, is a direct link with the
Priory of Sion, whose highest grade is Nautonnier."
Further along on the next page Wood
"Two direct references to Isis occur in
Le Serpent Rouge under Virgo: ..... . . Two times I.S. embalming
and embalmed. Miraculous vessel of the eternal White Lady of the
and under Leo: .... . . long ago her name was ISIS,
Queen of the benevolent springs, COME TO ME ALL YOU WHO LABOUR
MAGDALENE with the celebrated vase full of healing balm. The
initiated know her to be NOTRE DAME DES CROSS.
"Later it will be seen that the ’vessel’ referred to is a clever
triple entendre relating boat, chalice and the female generative
"The second reference blatantly discloses the equation:
Thus Wood began to realize that the
mystery, which was shrouded in Biblical symbols and references, had
to do with a much greater mystery: The origins of the myths and
legends themselves. During the early stages of mapping the valley of Rennes, he identified repeating pentagonal angles between important
positions in the area around Rennes-le-Chateau, which led him
eventually to realize that he was dealing with a very large figure
laid out across the various peaks and valleys of the region, a
figure much larger than anyone had anticipated.

click image to
Through his
persistence and mapping of key sites and positions in the valley, he
ultimately revealed the diagrams of giant circles, an unusual
extended pentagram surrounded by figures that resembled an ark and a
boat , and a hexagram which was mated to the extended pentagram with
interlocking circles that enclosed both star figures. The extended
pentagram is unusual in that it preserves the star angle of 36
degrees at each point, while allowing the arms of the figure to be
of different sizes or lengths.
Wood pointed out that you will not find
such a figure in any geometry or mathematics book, and the
mathematicians he contacted were incredulous that such a geometric
figure could maintain a 36 degree angle in each arm. But Wood not
only had proved that such a figure exists, he revealed that to have
such a previously unknown and yet possible pentagram laid out in the
valley meant that someone of very high intelligence, power, and
technological capability had to have been responsible. He further
recognized that this extended pentagram symbolized the female body
with two legs, two arms, and a large (extended) head. The associated
hexagram with its six points, which was discovered later, represents
the male body with its external genitalia. The joining (mating) of
these two figures forms a composite star, which he calls the Star of
As Wood describes his discoveries in Chapter 6, The First Line:
"The Paris meridian is the original
European marker of longitudinal measurement, established around
1670. It was replaced in 1884 by the British Greenwich meridian
despite vehement opposition from the French, who made a strong
plea that if an international meridian was to be established it
should be a line based on either the Great Pyramid of Giza or
Jerusalem! Feelings ran so high that the French only finally
accepted the international verdict in favour of Greenwich as
late as 1978 - and to this day domestic maps of France still
feature their national meridian instead of Greenwich. As it
happens, the evidence this solution eventually discloses
strongly favours the French line.
"Two things then became significantly clear. Firstly the angle
of intersection between the meridian and the sunrise was 72º -
the base angle of a pentagram. Secondly, very near to this
intersection was the famous tomb depicted in Poussin’s painting
Les Bergers d’Arcadie. (click image
"What should I do next? As so often in these early stages, I
turned back to Rennes-le-Chateau. I remembered the reference to
the six colours of the rainbow under the verse for Aquarius in
Le Serpent Rouge. Was it possible, I wondered, that ’rainbow’
could in any way relate to the distance to the church of Arques
(rainbow = arc-en-ciel)?
"I decided on a simple test; I measured the line between the
churches of Rennes-le-Chateau and Arques - the sunrise line -
and divided it into six equal parts. At once I felt I had
something; the second division moving west from Arques brought
me exactly into the Paris meridian intersection. This was, of
course, impressive enough. But what further correspondences were
"I felt I could perceive a similarity in the distance between
each sixth part and the distance between Rennes-les-Bains and
Roque NÀgre. Tentatively I tested it; it fitted precisely. I
felt that special tingle of anticipation together with a sense
of conviction; this was the right path.
"With six ’manuscripts’ (or components of light) identified, I
examined the possibility of that measure having numerical
significance. I found it was ONE ENGLISH MILE!
"I scanned the area to see if there were more ’coincidences’ -
one was amazing. The distance between the sister churches of
Rennes-le-Chateau and Rennes-les-Bains was exactly three miles!
"I looked at the tomb again, I felt Poussin had to be important
to have been mentioned in the original cipher. Then I noticed
that, when extended, a line drawn from the tomb to the
intersection of the meridian and the sunrise, passed through
Rennes-les-Bains church. This was impressive to say the least,
but at the time it did not appear to make any contribution to
the solution. Extending the line further south took it close to
Le Fauteuil du Diable (Seat of the Devil or Isis) and
Mort (the dead man). Could this be the ’He who is there dead’
from the second cipher?
"My next move was either inspired or just plain lucky. I felt
sure there was something of importance on the Poussin line south
of Rennes-les-Bains and, taking my proven ’one English mile’, I
struck off that distance to the south of the church. It seemed
to be no help at all; I marked the spot and pinned the map on
the wall to try to understand how the designers would have made
the next move. When I viewed it from a distance something quite
uncanny seemed to be happening. Could this really be so? It was
2 o’clock in the morning and I was very tired - almost too tired
to believe my imagination was not playing tricks. My slotted-templet
positions seemed to be arranged round the position I had just
marked in a perfect circle. I hunted for the extensions for my
compasses which would accommodate this massive circle. With the
position near L’Homme Mort as center, I set the radius to the
church of Rennes-le-Chateau. I will never forget my surprise -
even disbelief - as the compass traced the circumference."
(Wood, 1986: 54-56).
Further along in that same chapter
Wood reveals a major discovery:
"The fact that an occult society
with sufficient funds could arrange churches in the 12th and
13th centuries to form this image over such terrain was
unbelievable enough - but how could they have anticipated the
position of the Paris meridian, which was not established until
the 1600s? "A geometric figure of these proportions threaded
through mountainous terrain to coincide with a meridian to this
degree of accuracy would require ’star-fixes’ using
sophisticated equipment. After all, meridians are not lines
painted on the ground for all to see. But quite apart from this,
we are confronted here with a chronological impossibility: when
the churches were built the meridian was not there! Or was it?
Was even this to be doubted? Had someone established a global
grid reference long before we could even imagine?
"Stunned by the magnitude of these discoveries, I returned to
the geometry. If the layout of a temple existed here, circles
and pentagonal angles would not form it. I needed right angles.
As I proceeded I was pleased to find that the eastern arm of the
north point of the pentagram formed a right angle with the line
of the sunrise. I wondered if the walls of the temple were
beginning to take shape. Try as I might I failed to find
features on the ground to support that particular right angle so
I next started a systematic search for anything which would form
90º with any other arm of the pentagram; I found nothing.
"There was no alternative but to return to the laborious task of
sifting evidence and searching for clues. I needed to recognize
another ground feature, and I eventually found it in the
illustrated sculpture on the face of the altar in the church at
Rennes-le-Chateau, one of the works commissioned by Berenger
Sauniere (illus 49 and 50). Many things interested me in this
"It may be seen in the illustration that the Magdalene kneels in
a cave, with a skull at her knees [symbolizing the skull of Baphomet?]. Outside we see a distinctive hill, and an even more
definite shape - like a ruined arch. I had seen that shape
before - but not upright. It was the shape of the rock at the
summit of the Berco Grando when viewed from above (illus 51).
The hill in the sculpture was recognizable as the Berco Petito.
I checked my diagram and there was no doubt; the line between
them, or to be more exact, between the rock outcrops on them,
was tangential to the circle, and met the western arm of the
north point of the pentagram at 90º.
"As I drew the line across the meridian I knew instinctively
that I was about to receive another shock. On the 180º of
approach my new line generated the angles of 72º and 108º. Here
was the number of the goddess Isis (18) with her mother
Nut (0)
in attendance. Dividing these two numbers by 18 analyzed their
’hidden’ meaning: the first became 4 indicating the square or
construction, the lineage of the temple walls: the second
becomes 6 the number of the sun-god Ra. The relationship between
the meridian and the temple walls burst into my mind. Longitude
marks time and so does the sun. The numbers disclosed by the
Isis factor acting on the meridian were 4 and 6 which when
multiplied give the 24 hours of the day. And Osiris was there as
well, for the 360º cycle, when divided by 24 gave his number
before he was dismembered (15)."
(Wood, 1986: 65-67).
In Chapter 11, entitled The Knights
Templar, Wood discusses the enigmatic idol called Baphomet. In an
article on the Knights Templar by Gavin Baddeley (1996), he gives
the following theories:
"As I have already suggested, most
historians now believe that the Templars were innocent of
heresy, but if they were guilty, just what was the nature of
their strange cult? Confessions make frequent reference to
worshipping a devil named Baphomet. Baphomet’s origins are
obscure, and it appears in no other Medieval demonologies. The
most obvious derivation is that Baphomet is a mispronounced ’Mahomet’, and that
the Templars had begun worshipping the
prophet of their Islamic foes.
"Odd as this sounds, it isn’t impossible, as Arabic culture at
this time was far in advance of European and, if the Templars
brought back other fragments of Islamic culture [from the
Crusades] (mathematics, architecture, medicine etc.), then why
not Eastern religion? The Order was long accused of getting too
close to their heathen enemy, and to the Christian Church the
gods and prophets of other religions were devils. So if a group
like the Templars set up an idol to their version of Mahomet
alongside the cross, then charges of devil worship are
"Another theory suggests that Baphomet is a compound of the
words ’baphe’ (baptism) and ’metis’ (wisdom) or a corruption of
the Arabic ’abufihamet’ (father of wisdom). Both theories imply
the Templars were worshipping, or at least privy to, a secret
knowledge. Several commentators believed this points to the
Templars having been gnostics (’gnosis’ meaning knowing)."
(Encounters magazine, issue 11: 45).
Wood (1986), however, gives a more
likely theory for Baphomet, which is consistent with gnostic worship
of the Mother Goddess, Sophia, also known as Isis:
"...When the Templars were disbanded, a silver head of a woman was found in a
preceptory in Paris, and it bore an inscription CAPUT LVIIIM (58m).
Henry Lincoln suggests that the M may be implying the symbol for
Virgo, the virgin, and he may well be right, for the original virgin
was Isis, Goddess of the Templars. The number 58 is less puzzling if
one remembers that five (5) is the number of the pentagram and eight
(8) is indicative of Isis. We may now complete the simple equation
which exposes her secret number:
5 X 8 = 40 = 58 - 18 ISIS
"The numbers 5 and 8 are also exhibited in the beliefs of the
’Brothers of the Rose Cross’, where the rose is constructed with
a centre of five petals, surrounded by eight petals. When the
language of the gods is revealed later, the reason for the
number 58 will be even more apparent.
"But now let us return to the huge skull
Baphomet. Could it be a
gigantic skull which would prove beyond doubt that a being of
such proportions had actually lived on this planet? Was this
truly the source, or origin, or father of the human race? Could
this be one of the secret artifacts hidden in the valley of
"Is it being implied that Baphomet is
Satan? In order to conceal
his identity, has Satan been intentionally associated with the
"Is it coincidence, once more, that simply by allocating the
numerical value of the letters in the English alphabet to the
letters of Baphomet (2 + 1 + 16 + 8 + 15 + 13 + 5 + 20) the
total is 80 (Isis and Nut)? An 8-letter word totalling 80. I
have little doubt that the final investigation of the Baphomet
skull will reveal it to be female; possibly the actual, or the
symbolic equivalent, of the skull of Isis - the Supreme feminine
intellect responsible for our elevation from animal form .
Publisher’s Note
- Immediately prior to our going to press, the
author’s findings have been substantiated by Hugh Schonfield in
The Essene Odyssy, published by Element Books (p. 164). He
showed that by applying the Hebrew Atbash code to the name
Baphomet, the name Sophia, female wisdom, is revealed.
Sophia is
equated with Isis by Plutarch."
(Wood, 1986: 123)
The Gnostic Society and Church (Ecclesia Gnostica) today has locations in Los Angeles, California; Portland,
Oregon; and Oslo, Norway. Their website is:
On that website they describe their Teachings and Doctrinal
1. There is an original and
transcendental spiritual unity which came to emanate a vast
manifestation of pluralities.
2. The manifest universe of matter and mind (psyche) was
not created by the original spiritual unity but by spiritual
beings possessing inferior powers.
3. These creators possessing inferior powers have as one
of their objectives the perpetual separation of humans from the
unity (God).
4. The human being is a composite, the outer aspect being
the handiwork of the inferior creators, while the "inner man"
has the character of a fallen spark of the ultimate divine
5. The fallen spark of transcendental holiness slumber in
their material and mental prison, their self-awareness stupefied
by forces of materiality and mind.
6. The slumbering sparks have not been abandoned by the
ultimate unity, rather there is a constant effort forthcoming
from this unity that is directed toward their awakening and
7. The awakening of the inmost divine essence in humans
is effected by salvific knowledge, called Gnosis.
8. Salvific knowledge, or Gnosis, is not brought about by
belief, or the performance of virtuous deeds, or by obedience to
commandments, for these can at best but serve as preparatory
circumstances leading toward liberating knowledge.
9. Among the helpers of the slumbering sparks a
particular position of honor and importance belongs to a
feminine emanation of the unity. The name of this emanation is
Sophia (Wisdom). She was involved in the creation of the world
and ever since remained the guide of her orphaned human
10. From the earliest times of history, messengers of
light have been sent forth from the ultimate unity. The task of
these messengers has ever been the advancement of Gnosis in the
souls of humans.
11. The greatest of these messengers in our historical
and geographical matrix was the descended Logos of God,
manifesting in Jesus Christ.
12. Jesus exercised a twofold ministry: He was a teacher,
imparting instruction concerning the way of Gnosis, and he was a
hierophant, imparting mysteries.
13. The mysteries imparted by Jesus (which are also known
as sacraments) are mighty aids toward Gnosis and have been
entrusted by him to his apostles and to their successors.
14. By way of the spiritual practice of the mysteries
(sacraments) and by a relentless and uncompromising striving for
Gnosis, humans can steadily advance toward liberation from all
confinement, material and otherwise. The ultimate objective of
this process of liberation is the achievement of salvic
knowledge and with it freedom from embodied existence and return
to the ultimate unity.
I could end the review here. Or I can
continue. What do you think? Have I already said enough? Or should I
provide further information that would entice the reader to seek
more information?
P. 88
"The [Ark of the Covenant] then was
constructed according to precise measurements which are given to
us in Exodus, Ch. XXV v 10:
And they shall make an ark of
shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length
thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, a cubit
and a half the height thereof.
"Before proceeding further I will admit there have been many
different opinions as to the number of inches in a cubit, or
even as to whether the cubit can be transcribed into exact
inch measure. Without wishing to sound cavalier on these
points, I nevertheless dismiss them by two simple
assumptions. Firstly, among those who have studied the
subject, one of the most popular values for the cubit is 18
inches (Isis) and this is supported by my own findings which
were arrived at by a completely different route. Secondly,
that an English inch is related to an Egyptian measure is
more easily understood if one can accept [that] both the
Celts and Egyptians were descendants of the same people -
possibly even the survivors of the lost continent of
Atlantis. This contention is supported by both Celtic myth
and the inexplicable fact that the Egyptian culture appears
to have been transplanted and shows little or no sign of
having developed in situ from a primitive race.
"If my assumption of the feminine principle concealed in the
temple was correct, I felt it would also be evident, albeit
hidden in the major reason for the temple being built, the
Ark of the Covenant. We will now examine the Ark in inch
measure. The length 45 inches, the height and breadth 27
inches. The perimeters are, therefore: 4 X 45 = 180 (Isis
and Nut) 4 X 27 = 108 (Isis and Nut)
"The box was then covered inside and out with gold:
And thou shalt overlay it
with pure gold, within and without thou overlay it, and
shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about. Exodus
XXV, 11.
P. 91
"It would now appear the
platform of 45 inches by 27 inches has been assumed to be a
lid, but that is certainly now what the text says. Without
any shadow of doubt we are being told of another
construction, a mercy-seat and a ’seat’ is the hieroglyph
for Isis as I have previously shown. Furthermore, ’mercy’ is
also indisputably connected with our goddess. Her
benevolence is seen in Le Serpent Rouge under Leo:
Come to me all ye who labour
and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
"In the Babylonian Tablets she
appears as Ishtar, who grieves for mankind’s destruction and
speaks out against the action of the gods in destroying Man
by the flood.
"When the Ark was grounded, the Queen of Heaven cried out:
O you gods here present, by
the lapis-lazuli round my neck I shall remember these
days as I remember the jewels of my throat; these days
shall I not forget.
"Ishtar obviously knew that
mankind was not intended to survive, for she then announced
that Enlil must not see those who did, saying:
He shall not approach this
offering, for without reflection he brought the flood,
he consigned my people to destruction.
"And what is even more
significant is the manner in which she associates herself
with the remnant of Man:
.......but are they not my
people, for I brought them forth. Now like the spawn of
fish, they float in the ocean.
"She seems to be claiming here
to have been responsible for the creation of the human race,
and those who designed the temple of Rennes-le-Château leave
us in no doubt they also believed this to be the case.
"If we return to the text it can be seen that a seat is
being constructed, not a lid. The dimensions of the seat are
the same as those of the Ark, 45 inches X 27 inches, but
there is one dimension missing, for the obvious reason that
there would be no need to instruct a carpenter as to what
height to make a seat - he would have known it. The measure
is 1 cubit or 18 inches (Isis), as are all seats.
"The perimeter measures are unbelievable:
4 lengths of 45 = 180
4 lengths of 27 = 108 (Isis)
4 lengths of 18 = 72 (Base angle of the female
and the total is 360 - the
circle. The symbol of the female generative organ is
demonstrated once again [the circle]. The message should be
clear: the Ark of the Covenant is the property of Isis and
it is clearly marked with her name (illus 66)."
Ch 24, pp. 278-286:
The Secret of Light
"There were many things which
brought me to discover the final geometric key of Rennes. It
was more like being led to a position by a symphony of
implications, any one of which could hardly be considered
tangible evidence if examined individually. The most
persistent factor which made me consider my solution
incomplete, was the absence of a geometric equivalent for
the male, or his phallus. Admittedly there was the Ass and
the fourteen stones of the inverted cross, but this was
imagery and not interacting geometry. In my previous studies
of occult geometry, I had heard that one of the keys to the
mysteries was the secret union of the pentagram and the
hexagram. I had seen dozens of attempts to achieve this, but
none of them, in my opinion, warranted serious
consideration. Supposedly if this were ever successfully
achieved, it would be immediately apparent to an adept from
the resultant figure. A figure which, in turn, would be a
great revelation.
"Almost as soon as this crossed my mind, I felt the familiar
tingle of the proximity of a truth. All those diagrams had
been constructed in circles and squares. All of them used a
pentagram which was ’contained’. I wondered how different
the geometry would be, using the extended pentagram of Rennes, based on a circle of 15 divisions. The answer was
immediately self-evident; the arc carried by the arms is
five divisions of the circle. The arms are five miles long
and the arc is six. If either the 360,000 inch or the
372,000 inch circle is used, it makes little difference -
6.1483 and 5.9499 respectively.
"Then came that flash of inspiration which is always needed
at times like these.
The arms of Satan and the
Cross of Lorraine.....
The arms of Jesus and the Cross of Lorraine.....(from
Charles P’guy La Tapisserie de Sainte GeneviÀve)
"Hence we concluded that the arms of Jesus are the arms of
Satan. Jesus was of the line of King David and Solomon whose
emblem was the hexagram and the Christians consider the
pentagram to be the symbol of Satan. The 6 points of the
hexagram are two arms, two legs, a head and a phallus.
"The geometry was becoming clear to me. The hexagram divides
the circumference into six portions and the arms support 2
portions of the circle which is precisely the same
proportions of arc as that supported by the extended
pentagram. (Two sixths and five fifteenths).
"The construction was now quite simple:
"1) Draw two circles
with the centre of the second on the circumference of
the first. This is the Vesica Piscis, a figure
representing the female organ.
"2) Join the intersections of the circumferences.
This is the cleft of the female organ which doubles for
the arms of both the hexagram of one circle and the arms
of the pentagram of the other. These are the arms of
Jesus and Satan.
"3) The result is immediately obvious; it is a
7-pointed star - Set - Satan (illus 145). But if the
arms are united in this fashion the ’head’ of the
hexagram coincides with the vulva of the female. There
was much in the secret doctrine to suggest there was
good reason for this arrangement, but this position
usually implies a similar action occurring at the
opposing axis of the hexagram. The opposite point of the
hexagram does not however coincide with the head of the
female and I decided to alter the construction to make
it do so (pecked lines in diagram). The only value I
could see in this figure was the improved ratio of the
size of the triangles representing the head and the
"The next step was to apply this
geometry to the ground in the hope that it would expose the
identity of the controlling features. This it did in a most
convincing manner. I plotted the regular equiangular
triangle and found that the north-easterly arm went through
the Pierre Dress’e (illus 146) and then directly into the
summit of the mountain of Montredon which had been the
confirmatory point fixing the north wall of the Temple. The
other arm was equally impressive; it passed through the
church of Luc-sur-Aude to the summit of Pech de Luc, forming
the perfect 60º triangle.
Once again I was alerted to the
occult significance of the names. Luc could be Lucifer -
light; and Aud in occult teaching is the union of
the Ob
(Hebrew) and the Od (Hebrew). These are the entwined
serpents of Astral Light and signified by the Caduceus (see
illus 147A). I knew another great secret was nearby. First I
needed to find the controlling circle.
"I had noticed previously that the
Château de Blanchefort
was midway between the apex and the intersection of the legs
of the pentagram. Taking Blanchefort as centre, I described
a circle and the result was surprising. Travelling clockwise
it passes through the survey beacon on the summit of Le Laplegadou, to the intersection of the pentagonal legs, to
Rennes-le-Château, to the church of Luc-sur-Aude and back to
the pentagonal apex. The triangle it had contained was a
regular 60º one, but it conformed to my interpretation of
the star union, the one which was condensed.
Then I noticed something which
was most strange. The circle had ’cut off’ the right hand of
the pentagonal arm. I recalled the words of Jesus in Matthew
V, verse 30. ’If thy right hand offends thee, cut it off’
and the Peste d’Azoth by Poussin had confirmed it. I drew a
new line from the apex of the pentagram to the severed
position and could hardly believe what I saw. It now passed
precisely through the female head rock of Toustounes. This
had to be confirmation of the interpretation. I then noticed
that the innocuous Château Blanchefort adopted a totally
different character when seen as the guardian force at the
centre of the hexagram; from here it was the beast, the
demon guardian of the first coded cipher (illus 148).
"Next with the same centre at Blanchefort I increased the
radius to accommodate the regular triangle, the result was
certainly impressive. This circle passed through la Berco
Petito, the Château of Couiza, Pech de Luc,
Montredon and
then another surprise - the famous Château d’Arques (illus
"The next step, which is geometrically obvious, was to join
the opposing points of the hexagram. In a completely regular
figure the diagonals would have intersected at the centre of
the circle. As one of the triangles was suppressed in
height, the intersection moved away from the centre. I
examined this point very carefully.
"If ever I was sure of anything it was now. This point was
on a line of features which were staggering: the tiny
cemetery of Coustaussa, the Château Serres, the
Tomb, the Pierre Dressee and the famous Château d’Arques
again. There was also a geometric intersection; the line
passed through the intersection of the Paris meridian and
the side of the triangle which cuts off the right hand.
"And what of the position itself? The angle of
Rennes-le-Château between it and the pentagonal arm was 28º
the number of Nephthys with whom we have identified the
church. Set was also demonstrated, for the angle formed by
the intersection of the axes was 56º. Even the number of Thoth or maybe the beast was evident; it was the angle
generated by the intersection of the sides of the two
triangles of the hexagram, 66º. Here are miracles enough for
anyone, but there are more. The line which joins this new
secret location to the position of the seed is exactly
parallel to the Paris meridian.
Then it struck me that both of
the unbelievable lines of features which had led to the
secret locations had originated at the Château d’Arques. I
measured the angle between these two lines. It was 36º! At
the new location I checked the angle from the seed to
Château d’Arques which had passed through the tomb of Poussin; it was 99º and you will recall there were 99 stones
in the completion of the temple and that was the distance
from the ground to the top of the tomb in inches after we
had completed the construction. But the tomb had shown us
something else, the speed of light. I measured the distance
from Château d’Arques to the new location. It was the speed
of light in inches!
"My mind reeled at what was implied. I had found the seed in
the womb of the circle of light and now I had found the
centre of light. The seed in the womb of Isis and the means
by which to activate it - the harmonic of Set - the
Typhon -
Satan. [Set represented the principle of Contraction to the
ancient Egyptians - the opposite of Expansion. West, 1993]
"Was this staggering secret of the Astral Light of the
alchemists with the serpent (the Ob) lying at nearby Peyrolles, the massive
Serpent Rouge? Could now I have the
final secret? Could there be an harmonic of light which will
unite the super conscious mind to the conscious? A gateway
to the infinite wisdom of the gods who created us in their
"I looked at the numbers again; was it another harmonic -
one which could disrupt molecular structure. I realized that
for a moment I had seen through the bars of the cage to what
lies beyond. I had seen outside the playground of earthly
science where man invents his own physics and then applauds
himself for having understood it. A model which is shaped by
the quality and the extent of the intelligence it contains.
But the fluid forces from which the cage of time is
constructed are slightly at variance with the inflexible
mathematics by which it is measured. There is a small
recurring gap in the mesh of the veil of time and light. The
receding galaxies do not recede, but if they did not appear
to do so there could be no escape from the time and space in
which we could exist.
"We are creatures of the sieve, but we know nothing of the
"The lesson of the labyrinth is now clear. There are parts
of entity which linear science will never see, no matter how
far the tangents are reflected. But to see beyond the veil,
to break through the circle of the abyss is within our
"If these are the secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau! What is
buried there?
"I called the publisher; we must delay publication for this.
He was patient; he had seen me before on these flights of
fantasy and he knew where they led - to the fantastic.
Publisher’s Note: As a safeguard against
the possibility of circumstances arising whereby he is unable to
finalize his research, the author has requested that two further
items should be recorded at this stage. In doing this he discloses
something which would be vital to any future researchers who were
attempting to follow his trail. These statements in themselves are
nothing short of a mathematical miracle.
"It has been previously demonstrated
that the perimeter of the temple rectangle was enlarged to
accommodate the arc of Nut and thereby become 27 miles.
1) The total length of
the straight lines forming the pentagram and contained in
the circle of churches is 27 miles.
2) The total length of the straight lines forming the
hexagram and contained within the temple perimeter is 27
These are manifestations of the
pregnant womb, 27 or 270 (9 months of 30 days), the reflection
of the pentagonal 72 and they signify light in the creative
womb. For those who have the ’understanding’ this is the
function of light in the creation of the universe."
(Wood, 1986: 278-286).
Open Letter from the
Our cultural views about sex have
distorted many people’s reactions to Genisis, thanks to
Christian disinformation about the correctness of male authority
and its perverted interpretation of the Adam, Eve, and Serpent
story, in which women are blamed for the fall of MANkind. Women,
according to core Christian teachings, are therefore guilty of
the worst sin against God, thereby deserving an inferior social
status, eternal sexual abuse, and subservience to men. Isn’t
that how our society in practice has treated women? DeAnna
Emerson, for example, very much supports Wood’s book and
interpretation. Her book, "The Mars / Earth Enigma: A Sacred
Message to Mankind", and forthcoming book, Secret of the Grail,
were recently discussed on the Hieronimus & Co.’s 21st Century
Radio show (Galde Press at 1-800-777-3454).
Helen Ellerbe’s book, "The Dark Side of Christian History", is
also an eye opener. I recently took two courses under Prof.
Elaine Pagels at Princeton University on Gnostism and early
Christianity. The story she teaches is basically the same. Many
cultural and moral viewpoints which our society teaches its
young come from the Church, despite the ban on prayers in
school; those viewpoints stem from a history of Church
propaganda, which distorts other beliefs and religions by
calling them pagan (R = X), heretical (XX), and sometimes
satanic (XXX). Even though the power of
the Church has weakened
significantly since the Industrial Revolution began, it is still
the dominant religious force in many countries around the world.
Wood throws light onto a subject that only a couple hundred
years ago would be grounds for torture (for confession of sin)
and burning at the stake (for purification from sin). Now I call
that EVIL in its purest and ugliest form. Such inhumane
practices were demanded by Papal Bulls! Ancient goddess
worshipping cultures and groups venerated women and the female
reproductive process. Those cultures regarded men and women as
equals, and the Earth to be a place of peace and harmony. The
Church corrupted all of that with its insane policies and quest
for complete male dominance and Papal control of the Earth. In
essence, the Pope wanted to rule the Earth and replace Satan.
His position accomplished much to that end during the darkest
age of human history.
I do not wish to insult anyone’s culturally conditioned
sensibilities, just state the facts. As a consequence of
Christian "ethics", our culture has been taught to regard
anything that references the genitals as perverted, immoral,
sexist, and/or evil. That is the Church and Paulianity speaking,
not Nature and Spirituality. We as humans are value makers. What
value we place on the things of this world is the fiction of our
minds. Without our value system, everything would be equal or
just as it is, without prejudice and without judgment. Isn’t
that what Jesus really wanted? If my review of Genisis caused
you to look at your own value system, then it has served a
purpose, and I am thankful that you read it.
Dr. Bruce Cornet