Part One
On another site of this page, I’ve put
forth comments and speculations on the nature of the "Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau" and the Templars, largely in response to having
had only the most casual glimpse into the matter. So far, I have
nothing to take back, but in looking more deeply into things, I have
more of the same to say.
I’ve had the privilege since the creation of that page, of reading
"The Secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau" by
Lionel Fanthorpe, and
inevitably, if it hasn’t been illuminating, it’s certainly been
inspiring. It’s also encouraging that the Fanthorpes do a careful
and remarkably detailed job, and a job which includes their
departure from the main premises of Baigent and Lincoln’s best-known
works, a gesture in harmony with my own discouragement against
mistakenly thinking the "treasure" of Rennes-le-Chateau is some clue
to living blood descendants of Jesus Christ (or that it is gold) as
opposed to consisting of a link to ancient knowledge which
facilitates the fulfillment of many of the promises of the Bible and
the Biblical figure.
In the same spirit, what follows here are a few thoughts and
So far, all of the material I have encountered dramatically
understates the familiarity, and the signs of it, of the "Inklings",
J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and C. S. Lewis, with both magick
and science, and the same is true of their comrade, George
For what it is worth, here is the text of the webpage that gave
birth to this one, before I laid eyes on Lionel and Particia
Fanthorpes’ "Secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau", based only on the
material on Steve Mizrach’s web page; having long abandoned magickal
fiction as a superfluous luxury, with the bookshelves already
straining under the weight of non-fiction works, as I wrote these
words, I never dreamed of what I would soon find.
"Three Rings For the Elven Kings": The Templar, Tolkien? I shouldn’t
jump to conclusions... well, at least not without being willing to
back down from any ridiculous place it gets me... At any rate,
hardly being an expert, I’m still waiting for the book to arrive
that will tell me more than the snippets that are hardly enough to
be basing an opinion on... On the other hand, having read that
there’s some possibility that J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of the
"Lord of the Rings" trilogy, may have had close involvement with the
Prieure de Sion, it’s on the verge of plaguing my sleep what any
tangible evidence of this might be, at least in the form of such an
affiliation being discernible from his actual works.
What is getting to be the case regarding the Prieure, or at least
one would hope, is that amongst their phenomenal secrets include
those of the planetary energies that have such attention called to
them by the
monuments of Mars, as they are called, and perhaps of travelling to Mars in some incredible fashion rather than simply
having those signs of life idly looking down at us, taunting and
mocking our shortcomings. Steve Mizrach’s site, which discusses this
suspicion, mentions also the possible implication of Tolkien’s
fellow "Inklings", C. S. Lewis and Williams, and perhaps some of the
unofficial membership of this group besides these central three.
Last night even in my sleep, I thought about the tetrahedral points
at 19.5 degrees latitude, and the upwellings of energy at other
latitudes that
Richard Hoagland has noted, thinking of the five
locations at a northern latitude which include the
Bermuda Triangle,
and how the pattern of these geometries if projected further may
proceed from 3 and 5, to perhaps 7 and 9... while the words that
introduce Tolkien’s epic played in my head:
"Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls
of stone, Nine for Mortal-Men doomed to die..."
And I noticed that Tolkien were no more apt to have had five rings than most of the
people acknowledging the tetrahedral physics are willing to mention
the Bermuda Triangle and its four companions, perhaps for fear of
"Von Danikenizing" themselves with one too many esoteric references
on top of all of the bizarre stuff they’re already throwing at
people in the line of duty...
I thought about how the star of the show after all in Tolkien’s
trilogy is the volcano where the one ring must eventually be thrown,
it’s the point of the whole story, and how our planetary proof on
Earth of these magic latitudes is the Hawaiian volcano. I thought
about the Shadow Riders and their misty world, and the misty world
of the particles I believe the ancients symbolized with the horse,
the moon, who since its introduction has passed, wraith-like, more
easily through solid matter than the air.
Most of all I thought about how "Middle Earth" could conjure
thoughts of both the equatorial and its companion latitudes at the
same time as invoking the "center of the earth", the fabled "axis mundi"... even how Lewis might evoke for us some
dimensionally-warped geometry with a Wormwood worm or a Screwtape
tapeworm with a mobius twist in it, like the one in the ancient
classic artwork showing Cleopatra’s alchemical gear. I have yet to
figure out of course what this is telling us, if anything. If I took
the races named in Tolkien’s poem to indicate countries and
latitudes, it’s pretty much backwards of the order in which it’s
unfolded thus far... what would that be trying to say?
But even for someone who’s never bothered to think about the three
"Inklings" before, it’s possible to immediately encounter some very
interesting things... In an internet article "C. S. Lewis, George
MacDonald, and Mathematics", David Neuhouser of Taylor University,
has some fascinating facts to share.
"Most of the heroes and
heroines in MacDonald’s novels study mathematics, especially
Euclid." Taylor first mentions "Warlock O’ Glenwarlock", wherein a
character asks, "Is there a true definition of a straight line, sir?
I can’t take the one in Euclid".
What is at once already a little unsettling about that, is that this
is the exact issue that
Aleister Crowley takes up in his description
of the Star trump in his Thoth tarot book... a card that seems to
make a considerable amount of reference to Mars and sacred
geometry... including a seven pointed star set at a high latitude.
Neuhouser goes on to describe a number of odd and interesting
occurrences of mathematics in MacDonald’s work, including "Egyptian
and Babylonian Mathematics were practical and social, pursued in the
service of Agriculture and Magic..." but intriguingly, the theme of
higher dimensions that appeared in both his "Lilith" and a number of
others, and C. S. Lewis’ writing as well. Some of MacDonald’s work
is remarkably bold in this regard, using higher dimensions to
explicate the Christian paradox of the trinity, the three who are
These things, while not conclusive proof, are nonetheless exactly
the sort we would have predicted if we were theorizing that the
Prieure de Sion and those around them were heirs to the
higher-dimensional physics secrets of the ancients. Such a notion
hasn’t been substantiated here, but there may be a great deal of
meaning to the fact it cannot be readily dismissed.
And it does get even better...
It may prove in the end that any description of planetary nodes and
fields tucked into Tolkien’s work are in some way more astute than
we yet realize... the process of fully fathoming the planetary
geometry and its energetic patterns may be by no means finished, and
the "geographical reversion" that seems to appear may point to
certain vortex effects, not unlike the precocious vortex maps of
Walter Russell, with which John Walker’s "The Vortex Arena", in
David Hatcher Childress’ (Ed.) "Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field",
seems so enamored- it may be by no means a departure from Tesla’s
science of creating planets and stars.
There’s also something about describing the Bermuda Triangle as a
ring that invokes the magnetic polar geometry of constructs like the
Hamel spinner, where a compass or magnet inside a ring whose inside
is one pole and whose outside is the opposite pole, will spin. Could
the crazy compasses of these anomalous zones be due to regions of
exactly this kind of repolarizations of the earth’s main poles at
these smaller nodes, the "one ring", if we have inferred correctly
what may be in Tolkien’s work (not to mention the powerful
ramifications of associating the powers of those rings with this
kind of magnetic polarization).
That the faintest description of MacDonald’s "Lilith", which
involves "interdimensional" travel, should rely on a "certain
configuration of mirrors", is in fact rather suggestive of those
"certain configurations of mirrors" that are involved in the science
of phase-conjugation.
Phase conjugation, as it were, while we might think of it at once as
more modern than MacDonald, is amongst the vehicles of time-reversal
that can find applications in explaining not only certain features
of "magic mirrors" or time cameras, but a whole hoard of miraculous
phenomena in addition, and this should not be understated here
although such a concept has not been significantly employed on this
site’s pages on magick mirrors, time cameras, and catoptromancy. It
at once brings to mind the "certain configurations of mirrors" known
to della Porta, in his "Natural Magic".
C.S. Lewis’ work, like Tolkien’s, often incorporates the more
esoteric uses of magick mirrors. "The Magician’s Nephew",
technically the opening volume of his famous Chronicles of Narnia
series, likewise uses pools of water, a common substitute for
magick mirrors, as a part of a vehicle for "interdimensional
travel", along with magic rings. There are ways of applying physics
that may actually make this quite a sound proposition.
While it’s hard to necessarily separate the fruits of intelligence
from those of imagination, even apart from Lewis’ other signs of magickal initiation, and their probable association with the
Templars, one still manages to get the feeling from Lewis’ work that
they are in the presence of the initiate, and it is often because of
the mechanisms and themes that he uses. At some point this premise
of jumping into pools and being magickally transported changes from
fantasy and gives way to some of the most sophisticated concepts of
physics at our present disposal.
Matching these themes to the concerns of what I have alleged here,
that the Priory of Sion is somehow connected the Mysteries of Mars,
creates a rather uncanny set of things that seem to beyond
coincidence. In this context, in fact, the first alien world that
"The Magician’s Nephew" paints could very well be
Mars; a
long-desolate and barren world that once thrived. At the same time,
this curious world could be a profound allegory for occurrences at
the atomic level, in the view of that level of reality that is even
now only being forged from the ancient illuminations of the visions
of Hildegard of Bingen.
For want of a better explanation, along with all of the alchemic
symbolism we can find in the Church, we might as well wonder if
Hildegard as well was part of a Templars who have perpetually been
privy to secrets far more priceless than gold.
What is most striking about this premise is how Lewis’ book makes
the vehicle of the interdimensional travel to be magic rings, and
their power to come from that they are made from the dust of some
far away place that therefore calls its bearer home. This sort of
"homing properties" of the memory of matter and atomic memory are in
fact quintessential in both certain schemes of space propulsion, and
in "magical" navigation systems that could always find their way
back to the earth because there is a handful of earth on board to
serve as the "witness", as our borderland sciences refer to such a
specimen. It is also this phenomena that sets the very stage for the
next work in the series.
The rings themselves as well as their classification hint at the
quadrature of neutrinos in the composite theory of the graviton, and
this is especially striking in the context of phase conjugation what
was mentioned earlier. The fiction of the Inklings begins to sound
far too much like the physics of Tesla heir,
Tom Bearden.
Interestingly, the Fanthorpes wonder if
Nikola Tesla was near to
such a fountainhead of ancient knowledge as the Priory of Sion seems
to have been.
Although they have little more that is presented than the initial
makings of wonderings whether Tesla was personally acquainted with
the likes of the Inklings, the fact that "The Magician’s Nephew"
employs an effect of a bell that keeps ringing and growing louder
until it begins causing a palace to crumble, a powerful piece of
proof that the Inklings were quite familiar with Tesla’s astounding
physical feats, for its an uncanny parallel to Tesla’s mechanical
resonance devices which could in this very way snap metal cables
such as those used for suspension bridges, and literally generate
rumblings akin to earthquakes.
This understanding, of additive and subtractive wave synthesis, is
also applicable to the arena of phase conjugation.
Were it that it were avoidable, but it’s probably not... another
ingredient to throw in the Holy Grail that unites all mysteries is
the soliton wave. In spite of the fact that the science of the
soliton wave has exploded into a horribly complex and yet nearly
rhetorical field in the last decade or so, perhaps keeping the
bathwater and throwing out the baby, soliton wave theory still does
manage to be very important to much of the science that is
implicated by the mystery, and that should include Tesla’s science.

Shown here is an image captured by J. M. Valentine that
Charles Berlitz’s "The Bermuda Triangle" captions,
"Aerial view of white
waters as seen off Orange key. The luminous white waters of the
Bahamas and the Sargasso Sea have been a mystery ever since Columbus
first observed them the night before his first landfall. The
astronauts of Apollo 12 also observed them, as the last lights
visible from the earth".
These may be soliton waves, and they may be
associable with the peculiarities of the Bermuda Triangle as well.
Other photos exist of the same phenomena that show what are far more
recognizably soliton waves, and whose anatomy is arranged so as to
suggest much more than that; in some images, these waves can be seen
to group into doorway-like rectangular sets whose members of
apparent components total 10, both the very same number of planetary
nodes in the Bermuda Set, and the number of equations alleged for
Einstein’s Unified Field Theory.
Like the planetary effects noted by Richard Hoagland, these numbers
of components may be signatures of certain forces, either
hyperdimensional, or of unified field effects, or quite possibly
both. It may yet prove that the uncertain geometry of pentagonal
sets of planetary vortices may be signatures of the forces that a
unified field theory defines- in other words, that this unification
actually exists in some applications, such as the forces of
celestial bodies.
One simple way of associating these waves into the mystery, besides
that whatever exact form they take, their appearance here may be
indicative of their induction through certain magnetic field
arrangements, is that our modern wave of obsession with the soliton
wave can be traced back to their long-overlooked documentation long
ago, when a gentleman on horseback chased a wave in water up a
channel as it refused to die and just kept going.
It’s now understood that their generation can take the simple form
of being induced by repeated wave motions, like the bobbing of a
boat. Such principles are suggestive of Tesla’s principles of
mechanical resonance, and Tesla’s waves may often be solitons. It’s
also suggestive in the present context of the embodiments of Tesla’s
principles that occur in the work of C. S. Lewis, such as the bell
which keeps ringing louder and louder until it causes buildings to
start crumbling, which in a roundabout way may associate the themes
of Mars and soliton waves. Although soliton waves do not routinely
gain in amplitude, they are notable for failing to decrease in
amplitude, and seem to possess common origins. Their appearance here
may refer to gravitation influence, and ultimately to types of waves
which do gain, rather than lose, amplitude over distance- possibly
some expressions of gravity, for instance.
While their study is painstaking and complicated, there are simple
aspects of soliton waves that may pertain, and perhaps novel
applications of the concept. Perhaps the description of
hyperdimensional man that appears in J. C. Maxwell’s poetry owes
some of its hyperdimensionality to biological soliton waves?
Conventional science does not often endeavor to look at such
possible borderlines between self and outside of self where it seems
that much of magick- or quantum action-at-a-distance, is perceived
to be happening.
Soliton science may yet prove one of the usable keys to the
dimensional physics, and the "dimensional doorways" in question, as
well as many other miraculous feats. Any actual luminosity of these
waves, incidentally, may relate to neutrino-pair coupling and
uncoupling, and to the "time-squeezing" or time-reversing effects in Bearden’s interpretation of Tesla’s science. For all one knows, such
waves are not only muon-saturated, but a fair contender for
Ponce de
Leon’s "Fountain of Youth", if any muons they are carrying can be
captured in the form of exotic matter, a topic we will meet again
and again in this work.
Whether or not there is the necessity for them to have obtained them
from Tesla or his work is another question. The Fanthorpes refers to
a contemporary of the conspicuous and relevant Francis Bacon, one
John Napier, and his inventions.
Born circa 1550, Napier’s excursions into inventions in the area of
weaponry included, as the Fanthorpes writes,
"a piece of artillery -
or some similar means of projecting or directing a missile, which
was then capable of passing ’not linearly through its enemy...’ but
was rather a projectile which ’...rangeth abroad within the whole
appointed place, not departing forth till it hath executed his whole
strength...’ What Napier seems to be describing is a missile which
can change direction as it roams the battlefield and home in on more
than one target: something scarcely within the capability of the
most highly sophisticated contemporary electronic devices. He
claimed his invention would be just as devastating at sea and would
’cut down by one shott the whole mastes and tackling of so many
ships as be within the appointed bounds".
Despite the Fanthorpes’ innocent "Von Danikenizing" of this
description into what is basically still a crude mechanical
artillery device, there is nothing this description so much
resembles, nor much else that is can be, as exactly the same sort of
thing which is allegedly produced by the misuse and abuse of Tesla’s
legacy of energy technology. It bears remarkable resemblance to the
"scalar howitzer" weapons described by
Tom Bearden, or the similar
habit of "Star Wars" military technology of burying energy inside a
target with disastrous results. Tesla had memorably and
conspicuously commented to the press that he himself though his
technology to be ancient and expected smooth sailing so long as the
detrimental impact of the Spanish Inquisition upon this technology
did not repeat itself.
On the other hand, the link between Tesla and the Templars seems to
have been understated in the remarkably rich but rapid-fire account
of the Fanthorpes,
Nikola Tesla and
George MacDonald possessed a
mutual friend in one Mark Twain. The friendship between Twain and
Tesla is one that is well known and well documented. Tesla would
routinely show his new inventions to Twain. Notwithstanding an
actual time frame (MacDonald purportedly died in 1905), MacDonald
most likely would have had to do little more than mention his
interests in the sciences, and Twain may have been most enthusiastic
to arrange a meeting... especially if MacDonald had had the bizarre
science of John Napier to refer to. Napier, of course, invented so
much that is mainstream, that he might have been quite familiar to
Tesla long before. If nothing else, Twain may have united these
people, and perhaps still unknown works of theirs, even after
MacDonald’s death.
While it is truncated into a casual mention by the broad scope and
fast pace of the Fanthorpes’ comprehensive text, their speculations
(pg. 128) that George MacDonald, "mentor" to the "Inkling" C. S.
Lewis, may have gained in his initiation in the library of none
other that Napier himself, does much to lend encouragement to the
suppositions that the Inklings were so familiar with certain
technologies that their allegorical writings stand out from their
fantasy and science-fiction genres as to be virtually quintessential magickal "fiction", which encodes those secrets of
the Templars and
the alchemists which they would appear to have possibly held
appreciably trepidation about disclosing in outright form.
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