from "The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold"

from TheArchive Website

In creating their state religion, the Christian conspirators not only founded the world’s greatest forgery mill but also went on a censorship rampage that silenced millions of dissident voices by murder and destroyed books, temples, statues, inscriptions and other traces of the previous cultures, eventually leading to immense ignorance and the virtual illiteracy of the Western world.


As Roberts says:

To get rid of the damning fact that there is no historical basis for their theological fictions, the Christian priesthood have been guilty of the heinous crime of destroying nearly all traces of the concurrent history of the first two centuries of the Christian era. What little of it they have permitted to come down to us, they have so altered and changed, as to destroy its historical value.

These censoring Christians were no doubt well aware what literacy and books really represented, as the words “library” and “liberty” share the same root, “liber,” the Latin word for “book.”


Walker relates the Church’s modus operandi:

It was always important for religious authorities to control literature, and to gain the legal right to destroy books that contradicted their own teachings. Few people were so assiduous in this endeavor as Christians. In the third to sixth centuries, whole libraries were burned, schools and universities destroyed and citizens’ books confiscated throughout the Roman world, on the pretext of defending the church against paganism.


Under the early Christian emperors, people were framed by ecclesiastical investigators who planted “magical writings” in their houses, then legally confiscated all possessions.

After the Council of Nicea, per the murderous Constantine’s orders, the Christians turned up the heat on censorship, leading to the centuries-long orgy that obliterated millions of texts.


One of the greatest crimes in human history was the destruction in 391 of the library at Alexandria perpetrated by Christian fanatics under Theophilus bent on hiding the truth about their religion and its alleged founder. Because of this villainy, we have lost priceless information as to the true state of the ancient world, with such desolation also setting back civilization at least 1,000 years.


The portion of the Alexandrian library placed in the Temple of Serapis also perished,

“as this very valuable library was willfully destroyed by the Christian Theophilus, and on the spot where this beautiful temple of Serapis stood, in fact, on its very foundation, was erected a church in honor of the ‘noble army of martyrs,’ who never existed.”

Of this nefarious demolition of the Serapion, Roberts asks:

Will any Catholic or Protestant prelate, priest or clergyman tell us why the Christian emperor, Theodosius the First, should have ordered the destruction of the Serapeum Library of Alexandria, if not to destroy the evidence it contained of the spurious nature of the Christian religion and its heathen philosophical origin?

Some decades later, the Christian patriarch of Alexandria, Cyril, instigated mobs to terrorize Jews and to hideously torture and murder the exalted female Pagan philosopher Hypatia (c. 370415) by scraping the flesh from her bones with oyster shells.


For his evil acts, Cyril was later canonized by the “infallible” Church. Hypatia was so esteemed and renowned for her wisdom and brilliance that her murder has been considered the “death of the Pagan world.”

The destruction did not end there, however, as the ruination of literacy and history became an all-consuming Christian pursuit.


As Graham states,

“By the fifth century the destruction was so complete Archbishop Chrystostom could boast of it thus: ‘Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth.’”

At some point, a death penalty was enacted for reading unapproved books, e.g., those that demonstrated the faith was a sham. Pope after pope continued the assault on books and learning.


Gregory, Bishop of Constantinople (@ 540604), the last of the “doctors” of the Church, actively engaged in book-burning. In the 11th century, “Saint” Gregory had the Library of Palatine Apollo burned, and the Council of Trent (154563) reconfirmed the policy against “heathen” learning.

Where the Christians did not destroy the works of the ancient authors, they corrupted and mutilated them. Indeed, in order to preserve their texts from these violent hands, the Gnostics themselves were compelled to Christianize them, such that they also had to historicize their mythical characters. So extensive was this practice of fraud that evidently no ancient author’s work maintains its original integrity.


Walker elaborates upon the extent of the fraud:

After burning books and closing pagan schools, the church dealt in another kind of forgery: falsification by omission. All European history was extensively edited by a church that managed to make itself the sole repository of literary and historical records. With all important documents assembled in the monasteries, and the lay public rendered illiterate, Christian history could be forged with impunity.

As stated, in addition to destroying and mutilating books, the Christians demolished and desecrated the temples, statues and sacred sites of their predecessors and competitors. The erection of Christian churches on the ruins of pagan temples and sacred sites was not only common but de rigor, serving to obliterate the evidence of the previous deity and worship.


Walker relates the typical procedure used by Christians to usurp Pagan sacred sites:

After temples were destroyed, monks and hermits were settled in the ruins to defile the site with their excrement, and to prevent reconstruction.

Such were the efforts the “classy” Christians had to make for centuries to cement their fictions. The devastation of art and culture was appalling, yet some of the despoilers’ efforts assisted in preserving evidence of the fraud:

In some of the ancient Egyptian temples the Christian iconoclasts, when tired of hacking and hewing at the symbolic figures incised in the chambers of imagery, and defacing the most prominent features of the monuments, found they could not dig out the hieroglyphics, and took to covering them over with plaster; and this plaster, intended to hide the meaning and stop the mouth of the stone word, has served to preserve the ancient writings as fresh in hue and sharp in outline as when they were first cut and colored.


In a similar manner the temple of ancient religion was invaded and possession gradually gained by connivance of Roman power; and that enduring fortress, not built but quarried out of sold rock, was stuccoed all over the front and made white awhile with its look of brand-newness, and reopened under the sign of another name - that of the carnalized Christ.

Thus, these hieroglyphs have revealed the truth, because they contain the celestial mythos and ritual, and demonstrate that the Christian story is in large part Egyptian.

In addition to this odious Christian behavior was the Inquisition, the most ghastly period in all of human history, in which millions were tortured and murdered over centuries so that they or their descendants would conform to the dogma of the Catholic Church.


During those many centuries, no dissenter was allowed to flourish and few to live at all. Anyone who dared to question the fairytales now being forced upon them - in other words, all the honest people - were forced to convert or die. Either way, the people would then become fiscally beneficial to the greedy, deceitful Church, by serving as slaves, tithing or forfeiting their assets through death, natural or otherwise.

Of this endless destruction, Doane remarks:

Besides forging, lying, and deceiving for the cause of Christ, the Christian Fathers destroyed all evidence against themselves and their religion, which they came across. Christian divines seem to have always been afraid of too much light.

Fortunately, they will not be able to escape the light today, as it is too bright.


As Higgins says:

Notwithstanding the strenuous exertions of the priests, for the last two thousand years, to eradicate every trace of the means by which their various doctrines, rites, and ceremonies have been established; yet they have not entirely succeeded.

In fact, a number of important texts fortunately survived the purges intact enough to trace how Christianity was created and shaped.


From these various surviving texts, as well as other archaeological evidence already examined, can be illustrated the development of Christianity as outlined herein. To recap, the early contributors to the Christian version of the ubiquitous celestial mythos were the Syrian Gnostics, who were attempting to create a syncretistic religion that would encompass the wide variety of cultures from around the “known world.”


By the end of the first century CE, at Antioch, for one, the Gnostics were already involved in committing to writing the various sayings and deeds of the characters of the celestial mythos and savior cult that had been transmitted orally within the brotherhood for millennia.


Eventually, as Doresse says,

“In the time of Hadrian (A.D. 11038), Gnosticism passes over from Syria into Egypt...”

Meanwhile, in Palestine, possibly emanating out of Galilee and/or the ancient monastery on Carmel, with an outpost at Qumran, the Jewish/Samaritan priesthood of Masons and astrologers, the Zadokites/Sadducees, had been anticipating the Great Year’s end and agitating that they were the Elect, the inheritors of “the Lord’s” kingdom on Earth, which would be brought about by a “wondrous child” and “restorer.”


After the destruction of Palestine, this group and others dispersed into various other brotherhood branches, including those at Antioch and Alexandria. The new influx reignited the centuries-old internecine struggle for supremacy over each other and the Gentiles. Thus began the conspiracy to set the ubiquitous solar hero sayings and narratives in Judea, with Jews as both protagonists and antagonists.

In the middle of the 2nd century, the original Gnostic schools began to dissent from the Judaizing and historicizing activity, objecting that their original work was not meant to be taken literally.


At the end of the 2nd century, the historicizing push increased with the success of the Roman play for domination, and the canonical gospels were completed somewhat, although they were continuously reworked to agree at least superficially with other newly forged manuscripts. This tinkering went on for centuries until relative uniformity was achieved with dozens of councils as well. In fact, the mutilation continues to this day in translations that obfuscate original meanings.

The aim of this priestcraft, of course, was to create a new god-man that would not only roll into one all the others but also unite the lunistellar and solar cult priesthoods, as well as usher in the new age.



  • the mythical Moses had been utilized to inaugurate the new age of Aries

  • Jesus was created to do likewise with the age of Pisces

Thus, to the Krishna/Christos myth were added fish motifs from the Osiris/Horus myth, as well as numerous other elements of the Egyptian and other religions, such as the December 25th birth-date, which was established in the fourth century to usurp the cult of Mithra.


So it went for centuries, as the fable was cobbled together and the texts overhauled, with ongoing purges.

In this effort, the largely astrological and mythological works of the eclectic Gnostics/Therapeuts were latched onto by historicizers of the second, third and fourth centuries, including,

  • Irenaeus

  • Justin

  • Tertullian

  • Origen

  • Clement Alexandrinus

  • Tatian

  • Eusebius

To the conspirators list can be added,

  • Ambrose

  • Augustine

  • Gregory

  • Jerome,

...the four “doctors,” so-called because they had the highest degrees from the Therapeutan Alexandrian school.


Other villains in the mythmaking included,

  • Lactantius

  • Constantine

  • Justinian

  • as well as basically all the popes, including Sylvester, who was pope during the Council of Nicea

Pope Innocent II created the Council of Basel (143-149), in large part in order to call for book-burning.


The first archbishop of York, Paulinus (d. 645), purportedly tampered with scriptures from Armenia and Upper Egypt newly discovered in his time. We can be certain that there are many others behind the scenes whose names have never made it into records books - at least not overtly.


These individuals no doubt have been extremely wealthy and powerful.


The Intertestamental Literature and Christian Apocrypha
As seen, the Dead Sea scrolls dating to the centuries before and after the beginning of the Christian era survived unknown and untouched by the forgers, and reveal the Palestinian contributors to the Christian myth.


In addition to the Samaritan Gnostic Marcion’s New Testament, other texts utilized by the Christian conspirators included the intertestamental literature composed of the Jewish Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, as well as the Christian Apocrypha. Many of these books were originally canonical but were later removed and condemned, demonstrating how often “God’s infallible Word” has been changed.


A number of the Jewish Apocrypha, however, have been retained in the Catholic Bible, but not in the Protestant texts, illustrating that the latter is a corruption of the former and not a “return to primitive Christianity.” Moreover, in the various texts either removed or kept out of the biblical canon may be found more truth about the origins of Christianity than in those made canonical.


As the editor of The Other Bible says:

Deprived of all scriptures between the Testaments, the common reader is left with the impression that somehow Christianity sprang self-generated like a divine entity, with no past, into its historical setting.


Yet a reading of the texts between the Testaments shows how major eschatological themes of the New Testament - the appearance of the Son of Man, the imminence of the End, the apocalyptic vision in the Book of Revelation, the notion of salvation through the messiah - are all preoccupation of intertestamental literature.

Indeed, the self-generating impression is contrived to cover up the ruse, yet there are enough of these ignored texts such that a thorough exegesis could fill a volume in itself.


The Book of Enoch
Among these texts was “The Book of Enoch,” which was given scriptural recognition in the New Testament Letter of Jude and which was in the Christian canon for 500 years.

Copies of Enoch were found at the Dead Sea, demonstrating that the scrolls were not the writings of an isolated sect and that the Sadducean originators of Christianity used Enoch, which contained much of the story of “Jesus Christ” and which predated the alleged advent of the Jewish godman by centuries.


Of this book Wheless says:

The Book of Enoch, forged in the name of the grandson of Adam, is the fragmentary remains of a whole literature which circulated under the pretended authorship of that mythical Patriarch.... This work is a composite of at least five unknown Jewish writers, and was composed during the last two centuries B.C...


In this Book we first find the lofty titles: “Christ” or “the Anointed One,” “Son of Man,” “the Righteous One,” “the Elect One,” - all of which were boldly plagiarized by the later Christians and bestowed upon Jesus of Nazareth....


[The Book] abounds in such “Christian” doctrines as the Messianic Kingdom, Hell, the Resurrection, and Demonology, the Seven Heavens, and the Millennium, all of which have here their apocryphal Jewish promulgation, after being plagiarized bodily from the Persian and Babylonian myths and superstitions, as we have seen confessed.


There are numerous quotations, phrases, clauses, or thoughts derived from Enoch, or of closest of kin with it, in several of the New Testament Gospels and Epistles...

And Carpenter states:

In The Book of Enoch, written not later than B.C. 170, the Christ is spoken of as already existing in heaven, and about to come as Judge of all men, and is definitely called “the Son of Man.” The Book of Revelations is full of passages from Enoch; so are the Epistles of Paul; so too are the Gospels.

The Book of Enoch relates that the messiah will come and establish supremacy:

“The Chosen One will have the sinners destroyed.”

Of this judgment day, Wells says:

Enoch’s picture of the final judgment is strikingly paralleled at Matthew 25:3146. Enoch says that “the Lord of Spirits seated the Elect One on the throne of his glory”; Matthew reads: “When the Son of man shall come in his glory... then shall he sit on the throne of his glory.” Both writers go on to describe how the righteous are vindicated while the rest are banished to flame and torment.

Enoch, of course, is not a historical character but is part of the mythos.


As Massey says,

“In the Book of Enoch one form of the Messiah is the ‘Son of Woman’; this was Enoch or Enos, the Egyptian Sut-Anush [Set], who had been twin with Horus but was superseded by him.”

Hazelrigg elaborates:

Then came Enoch, or Anûsh, words which mean knowledge; he was known as Uranous, and, according to a Hebrew manuscript, as Hermes, the inventor of astronomy, mathematics, and of divine worship. Aonac, an Irish word (pronounced Enoch), signifies a cycle of the sun. He was also known as Atlas, whence Atlantis, of which country he was the Supreme Pontiff. His symbol was the Bull, emblematic of the shepherd age.

In actuality, the bull was the emblem of the Taurean age, which would mean that the book reflects a tradition 4,000 or more years old. The book is in fact highly astrological, as is to be expected since it contains the mythos.


Regarding the Book of Enoch, Higgins relates:

Here are all the leading doctrines which I have been contending for clearly maintained.


The residence or birthplace of the theology, Upper India; the signs of the Zodiac; the change of the Equinox from Taurus to Aries;... the Hindoo Trinity, than which nothing can be more clear... and a history similar to the Jewish, but not copied from it; the prophecy of an elect one as described by all the prophets, including the prophecy of Virgil, and the elect one put to death, noticed by me in the cases of Buddha, Cristna, and him of the Apollo of Miletus...


It has been the subject of this work to show that an universal system extended over the whole of the old world; and the principal facts for which I have contended are supported by this curious and unquestionably genuine document...

Higgins avers that, based on the astrology, Enoch reflects it was originally composed around 2400 BCE in the latitude of Northern India.


Another pseudepigraphic writing attributed to Enoch is the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, one of the “366 books” allegedly written by him, a number symbolic for the 365+ days of the year. As in the OT, in the Secrets it was said that Enoch lived to be 365 “years”; in other words, he is the sun, and his “life” is the length of a year.


In the Secrets, Enoch continues the solar imagery when he describes how the “angels,” or angles of the zodiac,

“bore me away to the east, and placed me at the sun’s gates, where the sun goes forth according to the regulation of the seasons and the circuit of the months of the whole year, and the number of the hours of day and night.”

This Enochian text is thus astrotheological, no doubt the reason it was eventually considered “apocryphal.”


The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
Although they are purported to be the products of the mythical “sons of Jacob,” the Jewish Pseudepigrapha “The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs” were written likely between 137 to 107 BCE.


Of the Testaments, the editor of The Forgotten Books of Eden says:

When you look beyond the unvarnished - almost brutally frank - passages of the text, you will discern a remarkable attestation of the expectations of the Messiah which existed a hundred years before Christ.... The instances of the influence of these writings on the New Testament are notable in the Sermon on the Mount which reflects the spirit and even uses phrases from these Testaments. St. Paul appears to have borrowed so freely that it seems as though he must have carried a copy of the Testaments with him on his travels.

Like the Dead Sea scrolls, these texts contain the blueprint for Christianity; however, some of them have been interpolated by conspiring Christians to give a semblance of “prophecy” of their pretended godman.


As Barnstone says,

“Indeed, because of the messianic nature of Jewish Pseudepigrapha, they were favorite readings of the early Christians and many of them were altered and ‘Christianized,’ falsified if you will, to make them reveal Christian truths.”

In their cunning priestcraft, the mutilating Christians later accused the Jews of removing material from the originals. Nevertheless, some of the Christian-like passages are apparently genuine, such that they constitute proof that the forgers of Christianity were of the same school as the Testaments writers and used their texts.

These testaments were written and/or interpolated for the express purpose of:

  1. raising the Semites over the other “sons of Noah”

  2. uniting the tribes of Levi and Judah as the rulers over other Israelites and over the Gentiles

  3. laying the foundation for the coming king, who, in anticipation of the destruction of Jerusalem/Judea, was to be made into a spiritual “son of God” as well.

The Testament of Simeon, for example, seeks to raise the Semites, or “sons of Shem,” over the Japhethites and Hamites.


This book states:

“Then the Mighty One of Israel shall glorify Shem. For the Lord God shall appear on earth, and Himself save men.”

Thus, the Semites will subjugate all other races and God Himself will incarnate ostensibly as a Semite, according to the latter sentence, which is a Christian interpolation.


As such, the Semitic godman will represent the tribes of Levi and Judah over the other Israelites, and provide salvation for all the nations, as Simeon also says:

And now, my children, obey Levi and Judah, and be not lifted up against these two tribes, for from them shall arise unto you the salvation of God. For the Lord shall raise up from Levi as it were a High Priest, and from Judah as it were a King, God and man, He shall save all the Gentiles and the race of Israel.

In this union of Levi and Judah is the spiritual “savior” plus the temporal “messiah,” which is equivalent to “Jesus the Christ.”

Furthermore, in the Testament of Levi, which was purportedly written between 109-107 BCE, appears this stunning blueprint for Christianity:

And behold I am clear from your ungodliness and transgression, which ye shall commit in the end of the ages against the Savior of the World, Christ, acting godlessly, deceiving Israel, and stirring up against it great evils from the Lord. And ye shall deal lawlessly together with Israel, so He shall not bear with Jerusalem because of your wickedness; but the veil of the temple shall be rent, so as not to cover your shame.


And ye shall be scattered as captives among the Gentiles, and shall be for a reproach and for a curse there. For the house which the Lord shall choose shall be called Jerusalem, as is contained in the book of Enoch the righteous.

If this passage is not a shameless Christian interpolation, forged after the fall of Jerusalem, it is quite obviously a seed from which the Christ myth sprouted. It also verifies the importance of the Book of Enoch.

The Jewish Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha provide a connection between not only Judaism and orthodox Christianity but also Judaism and Gnosticism, evidenced in such texts as the Wisdom of Solomon, the Haggadah, and the Wisdom of Jesus.


The Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus
For obvious reasons, the title of the preChristian “Wisdom of Jesus” is often represented without the “Jesus,” as “Wisdom of Sirach” or “Ecclesiasticus.”


Purportedly written around 180 BCE by “Jesus” and translated into Greek by his grandson “Jesus,” the text evidently represents the lineage of the preChristian Joshua/Jesus cultists.


The Wisdom of Jesus contains hundreds of wisdom sayings, including Old Testament aphorisms such as,

“To fear the Lord is the source of wisdom.”

Here, as in Gnosticism, wisdom is identified as a female entity (Hokmah/ Sophia). This lengthy book also contains several New Testament Sayings of Jesus, or Logia Iesou, and is without a doubt Therapeutan, in that it prescribes the putting of oneself in the hands of a spiritual physician in order to “cleanse one’s heart from sin.”


Like the gospel Jesus, the preChristian or Wisdom Jesus exhorts “faith and meekness” to win the approval of the Lord, excoriates hypocrites and admonishes his followers not to exalt themselves.


The preChristian Jesus also exhorts his would-be servants of the Lord to,

“prepare yourself to be tried. Set your heart right and be firm... hold fast to him, and do not forsake him, so that you may be honored when your life ends,” exactly as the followers of the gospel Jesus were told to be as “martyrs for the faith.”

Like the gospel Jesus, who entreats his followers to give away their belongings, the Wisdom Jesus says, “So charity will atone for sin” and urges his followers to do good works for those less fortunate, so that they may become like “sons of the Most High” (El Elyon).


The Wisdom Jesus is also very similar to Paul in his sexist attitudes, saying, “A silent wife is a gift from the Lord,” among other noxious and repressive comments. In this large collection may basically be discovered a significant portion of the wisdom sayings attributed to the gospel Jesus and his cohorts.


Of the Wisdom of Jesus, Massey says:

... the Book of Ecclesiasticus contains the logia of a preChristian Jesus.


Here are two of his sayings:

“Forgive thy neighbor the hurt that he hath done unto thee, so shall thy sins also be forgiven when thou prayest.”

“Lay up thy treasures according to the commandments of the Most High, and it shall bring thee more profit than gold.”

These are assigned to the Jesus of Matthew’s gospel.


Furthermore, the preChristian Jesus, like the gospel Jesus, calls God “Father” and says:

He created me from the beginning before the world, and I shall never fail.... They that eat me shall yet be hungry, and they that drink me shall yet be thirsty. He that obeyeth me shall never be confounded, and they that work by me shall not do amiss.

Obviously, either this text is interpolated, which would yet again demonstrate Christian fraud, or it serves as proof of the preChristian Jesus, eucharist and all.

Many of the exhortations in this book are for initiates into the brotherhood and are Buddhistic/Gymnosophic in nature.


In fact, the Wisdom Jesus reveals his solar cult affiliation with his long homage to the sun, in which he states that the sun “has not permitted the saints of the Lord to recount all his wonders,” i.e., to record in writing the mysteries of the solar mythos:

The light-giving sun looks down on everything, and his work is full of the glory of the Lord. He has not permitted the saints of the Lord to recount all his wonders, which the Lord, the Almighty, has firmly established, so that the universe might stand fast through his glory.... The glory of the height is the firmament in its purity; The sight of the heavens with the spectacle of their splendor.


The sun, when he appears, making proclamation as he goes forth, is a wonderful instrument, the work of the Most High; at noonday he dries up the country, and who can withstand his burning heat?... He breathes out fiery vapors, and shoots forth his beams, blinding men’s eyes. (42:1643:5)

In fact, the Wisdom Jesus’s paean to the sun is about as close to Pagan sunworshipping as it gets.


Moreover, these sayings constitute one of several places where the preChristian Jesus exalts the sun, moon and stars and displays astrological/astro-theological knowledge.


The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles, or The Didache
The early Christian apocryphon “The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles,” also called the “Didache,” was utilized in the manufacture of the canonical gospels.


ben Yehoshua states it was based on writings concerning the “12 tribes,” and Larson say it combines the Logia Iesou, or Sayings, with the Manual of Discipline found at the Dead Sea.


The Didache does not contain a narrative but provides explanation and instructions concerning baptism, the eucharist, tribulation and parousia, or arrival of “the Lord in the clouds.”


The Gospel of the Hebrews and Syrians
Dating to around 115125 CE, the Gospel of the Hebrews was reputedly used first and almost exclusively by the early Jewish-Christian church, and was also called by Eusebius the “Gospel according to the Hebrews and Syrians,”

“by which he meant it was used by the Jews in Syria, as elsewhere,” a view confirmed by Jerome, who also affirmed that, “the Gospel of the Hebrews was written ‘in the Chaldee and Syriac languages.’ It appears it was used by the Nazarenes residing in Berea, Syria...”

The Gospel of Hebrews was sometimes confused with the Gospel of Matthew, possibly because it represented the Egyptian “Oracles of TahtMatiu.”


The Gospel of the Hebrews contained the “Logia Iesou” or Sayings of Jesus and was non-historicizing, containing no immaculate conception, genealogy “from Abraham to Christ” or childhood history.


The Gospel of the Egyptians or Diegesis
Another text utilized in the creation of Christianity was the “Gospel of the Egyptians,” which predated the canonical gospels and was written by the Therapeuts.

Of the Gospel of the Egyptians, Waite says:

The original of this gospel may have been in use among the Therapeutae of Egypt, a long time before the introduction of Christianity, the passages related to Christ being afterward added. Or it may have been written in another country, and brought into Egypt, with the Christian religion. In either case it may be dated as early as A.D. 110 to 115...


The story of Joseph and Mary appears not to have been known when this gospel was written. Neither is any thing said, so far as we have information of its contents, of the miracles of Christ, or of the material resurrection.

Taylor states that the “narrative” mentioned by Luke, i.e., the Diegesis, was the Gospel of the Egyptians:

The first draft of the mystical adventures of Chrishna, as brought from India into Egypt, was the Diegesis; the first version of the Diegesis was the Gospel according to the Egyptians; the first renderings out of the language of Egypt into that of Greece, for the purpose of imposing on the nations of Europe, were the apocryphal gospels; the correct, castigated, and authorized versions of these apocryphal compilations were the gospels of our four evangelists.


The Gospel of Truth, the Gospel of Thomas and the Acts of Thomas
In addition, a number of the Gnostic gospels barely mention “Jesus” or “Christ,” referring instead to the abstract “Savior,” such as the Gospel of Truth (150 CE) and the Gospel of Thomas, which was composed primarily of the Logia Iesou and written in Aramaic/Syriac, representing the Tammuz faction.


Furthermore, the apocryphal Acts of Thomas were likely forged to explain how the “Christians of St. Thomas” ended up in India; however, as demonstrated, these “Christians” were Tammuz followers already in India possibly millennia before the Christian era.


The Protevangelion, or Book of James
Used by the forgers of Matthew and Luke, the Protevangelion is one of the oldest Judaized narratives, written by a Hellenic Jew around 120130 CE.


The text was originally Indian and Egyptian, with the myth of IsisMari and Seb becoming Mary and Joseph, and was somewhat “historicized” with the mythical persecution by Herod, who is made to take the role of both the Indian Kansa and the Egyptian SetTyphon.

Furthermore, into the portions of the Protevangelion used by the evangelists were interpolated phrases to “fulfill prophecy”: For example, the verses at Matthew 1:22-23 about the “virgin” conceiving and bearing a son called Emmanuel are not found in the earlier Protevangelion.


Also missing is Luke 4:24:

“And he said, ‘Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his own country.’”

This interpolation was made to make Jesus, the ubiquitous solar savior and wisdom genius, appear to be a Jewish man.


The Gospel of the Infancy
Dating to around 120130, the Gospel of the Infancy was attributed by Jerome to “Matthew” but was “received by the Gnostics,” thus not taken literally.


The original Gospel of the Infancy was based on the Hindu story of Krishna’s childhood, the Bhagavat Purana, apparently procured from the Indian Nazarene brotherhood, with Zoroastrian influence. This and other infancy gospels were used to construct the brief gospel accounts of Jesus’s childhood.


One interesting phrase may have been inserted as a clue to its allegorical nature, in a passage (vi. 18) following a description of the infant Christ’s miraculous healing powers:

“The people therefore said, ‘Without doubt Joseph and Mary and that boy are Gods, for they do not look like mortals.’”

Indeed not.

This book is quite obviously fiction, such that it was not included in the canon, snipped to reduce the roles of the gods Mary and Joseph.


Also omitted are the tales depicting Jesus as a vicious boy and frightening sorcerer who changes other boys into kids, i.e., baby goats, so he can be their “shepherd,” and strikes dead a Jewish boy who destroyed the young “savior’s” fish pools because they had been built on the sabbath.


The Gospel of Luke
We have already seen that the Gospel of Luke was based on Marcion’s gospel, with interpolations to historicize and Judaize it.


In addition, the entire story of Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem at Luke 19:2948 is missing from Marcion; as demonstrated, this story is a part of the ancient mythos. The writers of Luke also interpolated the Masonic phrases regarding Jesus being “the head cornerstone the builders rejected” at 20:918, verses not found in Marcion.


Furthermore, a number of passages were added “to fulfill prophecy.”

Luke was not only interpolated but also expurgated to remove hints of the brotherhood. For example, at Luke 24, the “two men in dazzling apparel” were originally said to be "those in white clothing," i.e., monks or priests of the solar cult, or "Brotherhood of the Sun." (White (Solar) Brotherhood...?)


The Life of Apollonius
Accounts of the life of the Greek/Samaritan Nazarene/Therapeut/Gnostic miracle-worker Apollonius (c. 2 BCEc 102 CE) purportedly existed during the second century, prior to Philostratus’s composition in 210 at the request of Empress Julia Domna.


One or more of these accounts was used in the creation of the New Testament narrative, as alleged by a number of accusers, including Hierocles, the proconsul under Diocletian (284305), who wrote the “Philalethes” (303) exposing the Apollonius-Jesus connection.


It should be noted that Philostratus’s account makes no mention of any Jesus Christ, not even as a rival to Apollonius, who purportedly lived precisely at the time alleged of Jesus.


Other Texts
Other texts originally non-Christian but later Christianized include the Apocalypse of Adam and the Paraphrase of Shem, as well as the Apocryphon of John, as Barnstone states:

The Apocryphon of John (here called The Secret Books of John) was “originally composed as a nonChristian text” whose Christian thrust was added by a later Christian editor.

The historicizers also used the works of Josephus and the teachings of the Gnostics Menander, Saturninus and Carpocrates, as well as those of the Neoplatonist Ammonius Saccas and others already mentioned.

In this mythmaking effort and religious conspiracy, hundreds of new texts were created, and these compositions produced turmoil among the warring priesthoods. The books of the NT, in fact, reveal how the warring factions developed and were counteracted. For example, in the synoptic gospels is the synthesis between the solar gods of the East and the West.


The Gospel of John was compiled to debunk the second century Gnostics and to correct the errors of the other gospels revealed by Pagan critics. The Epistles of John served to excoriate those who claimed Christ never existed. In Acts, the battle between Simon Peter and Simon Magus represents the break between the Roman and Syrian Gnostic churches.


Indeed, the confusion and fighting over Christ’s life and doctrine within the Church has existed because the Christian plagiarists over the centuries were attempting to amalgamate and fuse practically every myth, fairytale, legend, doctrine or bit of wisdom they could pilfer from the innumerable different mystery religions and philosophies that existed at the time.


In doing so, they forged, interpolated, mutilated, changed, and rewrote these texts for centuries.


Eusebius’s Dirty Work
Besides Constantine, perhaps no single person had a greater hand in creating Christianity than Eusebius, who mutilated the New Testament books and works of the earlier Christian founders in a number of ways, including by allegedly inserting the newly coined phrase “Jesus Christ,” as well as interpolating other instances of the single titles of “Jesus” or “Christ.”

The question is, then, whether or not there are any genuine autographs prior to the fourth century that contain the phrase “Jesus Christ” or “Christ Jesus.”


In fact, in the canonical gospels, the word Jesus appears hundreds of times and the word Christ dozens, but the phrase Jesus Christ only five times altogether, twice in the first chapter of Matthew, once in the first verse of Mark and twice in John.


A favorite trick used to interpolate the newly created name “Jesus Christ” was to tack it on at the beginning or end of a book or chapter, as was done in the gospels. In this way, if the interpolation was discovered by comparison with older versions (which were generally destroyed after copying) or writings in which the book had been quoted, it could be justified as a “copyist’s note” to clarify the text.


It must be remembered that there were no printing or copying machines, and all such reproduction was done by hand, such that few copies were ever made of many manuscripts. Thus, it would not be difficult to change text without discovery or censure, particularly if one had the full weight of Rome behind one’s endeavor to squash dissension or whistleblowers.

In addition, the Epistle of James makes no mention of any aspect of Christ’s “life” or sayings and only mentions him by name at the beginning of chapters 1 and 2. This text is older than the canonical “history” or narrative and was written, for the most part, by an Egyptian Gnostic.

One example of how language was changed and interpolated to create references to “our Lord Jesus Christ” where there originally were none is found in the First Epistle of Clement, allegedly an early Christian text, but no doubt worked over by later forgers. In this epistle we find the following phrase:

“This is the way, beloved, in which we may find our Savior, even Jesus Christ the high-priest of all our offerings...”

In the footnote we discover that “our Savior” evidently was originally rendered,

“That which has the power to save us,” an abstract concept, rather than a person.

The Epistle of Barnabas
The Epistle of Barnabas provides several examples of the mythmaking obfuscation of texts. In the Latin version of Barnabas, for instance, we find the obligatory “our Lord Jesus Christ” interpolated at the beginning, yet in the Codex Sinaiticus, there is no such phrase. In this epistle, references to “Jesus” are in reality to “Joshua,” the northern Israelite solar hero, also called the “Son of God.”


The verse in Barnabas regarding the Lord “delivering up” his body “to sanctify us by the remission of our sins; which is effected by the sprinkling of His blood,” reflects the old sacred king drama, as performed by followers of Joshua in Palestine.


In Christian scriptures, it was always a challenge to determine whether to translate “Joshua” as “Joshua” or “Jesus,” and the identification between the two characters is clear, particularly in this epistle.


For example, the following passage in the Codex Sinaiticus version is translated thus:

Again, what has that other prophet, Moses, to say to them? Look, this is what the Lord God says: Enter into the good land which the Lord vowed he would give to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob... What it is, in fact, saying is, “Put your hopes in that Joshua who shall be shown to you in mortal guise.”

The Latin version is translated thus:

Moses also in like manner speaketh to them; Behold thus saith the Lord God; Enter ye into the good land of which the Lord hath sworn to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob... . It is as if it had been said, Put your trust in Jesus, who shall be manifested to you in the flesh.

The editor of the Sinaiticus epistle notes in reference to this Jesus/Joshua confusion:

“Joshua, who led the Israelites into the Promised Land, is a wellknown type of Jesus. In Hebrew the two names are the same.”

Also, references in the Barnabas epistle to “God’s Son” are to Adam, not Jesus, but this fact is conveniently overlooked, with the excuse that Adam is also a “type of Jesus.”

As stated, the Epistle of Barnabas serves as an illustration of the recurrent sacred king drama or “Passion” that preceded the Christian Era, complete with reenactment of the “blood upon us” ritual using scarlet wool on “wood,” or branches that were then “sprinkled” on the faithful, a ritual also reflected in the canonical Letter to the Hebrews, as well as at Numbers 19:210. The Epistle of Barnabas, then, represented the Joshua cult, not the “historical” Jesus Christ, and served as instructions into the age-sold mysteries.


As an initiate into those mysteries, Barnabas also admits that “IE,” the designation of Apollo, is the same as “Jesus.”

Barnabas further demonstrates his affiliation with the northern kingdom of Israel/Ephraim/Samaria when he mentions the story of Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s son Ephraim, raising him above Manasseh.


Says Barnabas,

“So you can see who is meant by His decree that ‘this People shall have the primacy, and inherit the Covenant.’”

The Shepherd of Hermas
An even earlier example of how “Christian” texts originally had nothing to do with “Jesus” or “Christ” is the non-canonical book “The Shepherd of Hermas,” which was considered by Irenaeus and Origin to be divinely inspired and which was widely read in churches.


As such, the book was included in the New Testament until the fourth century and deemed “apocryphal” thereafter.

Although the book is attributed to the “Hermas” who purportedly flourished around 140 CE, it is certainly an older writing and was asserted by Origen, Eusebius and Jerome to be the product of the “Hermas” referred to in the Pauline Epistle to the Romans.


The Encyclopedia Biblica places the book to around 40 CE, and Fox to 90 CE. In any case, the book contains numerous Masonic and astrological references, indicating it was possibly a Hermetic writing of the tradition of Hermes Trismegistus.


This lengthy text speaks many times of “God,” “the Lord,” “the Holy Spirit” and “the Holy Church,” as well a number of times about “the devil,” “salvation,” and “sin,” but, in several dozen pages, makes no reference whatsoever to “Jesus” or “Jesus Christ,” names no apostle, and makes only one reference to Christians, an evident interpolation.


Only twice, at the very end, is the word “Christ” used, also apparent interpolations.


The book even refers to the “Son of God,” who was the “rock” and “gate” - Masonic terms - but mentions no name. In fact, there are few if any references to a “historical” life of Jesus and no quotes from either the Old or New Testaments. In comparison, the later Epistles of Ignatius, for example, make reference in nearly every other sentence to “our Lord Jesus Christ.”


How Hermas escaped massive Christian interpolation can only be explained by the fact that it was so well known and publicly read in churches. Other prominent Masonic symbols in the Shepherd are the tower and vineyard, emblem of Carmel.


Why Place the Christian Myth at this Time
We have already seen reasons why the gospel tale was placed at the time alleged, including that it was a period of tremendous unrest and that the advent had to take place before Jerusalem’s destruction, as asserted by Eusebius.


In dating the gospel tale, in fact, Eusebius insists upon what should have been known, had it occurred:

Herod, as I have said, was the first foreigner to be entrusted by the Roman senate and the Emperor Augustus with the Jewish nation. It was without question in his time that the advent of Christ occurred...

This insistence is odd, because the gospel story was supposedly written down long before the fourth century, when Eusebius wrote, and the date of Christ’s advent should not have been a factor that needed to be addressed. Furthermore, if it was “without question,” why did Eusebius need to state it so definitively? As we have seen, many people were questioning it.

Eusebius further explains that the gospel fable had to occur at that particular time in order to fulfill the prophecy at Genesis 49:10:

“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs,” i.e., “Shiloh,” or the Messiah, who, according to the next passage, would have garments washed in wine and eyes “red with wine.”

Eusebius states that Herod was the “first foreigner to become king of the Jewish nation,” thus fulfilling this prophecy and ending the rule of Jewish leaders. This deposal, of course, spurred messianic fever, since it meant “Shiloh” would come. In fact, Eusebius is applying Jesus over the history of Herod, because, Herod himself was thought to be the long-awaited Shiloh.


As Larson says,

“Galilee teemed with fanatics, including Essenes, Pharisees, and Zealots, as well as Herodians, who believed Herod was himself the Christ...”

Obviously, Herod was not the messiah, but the historicizers in hindsight determined that Christ must appear to have come during his rule. In fact, the Shiloh passage refers to no “prophecy” at all, as Judah, the “lion’s whelp,” is in reality the constellation of Leo, and the wine-drenched ruler to whom Judah passes his scepter is that of Virgo, the time of the grape harvest.

Moreover, in attempting further to affix Christ’s advent to this era, Eusebius later admits that there was a debate as to when it really occurred.


What is the need of such debate and attestation if the tale found in the gospel depicted real history? Why so much confusion and murkiness, particularly after three centuries of alleged continuous apostolic lineage? Had Eusebius, the keeper of records, no testimonies of the many purported eyewitnesses who surely would have repeatedly talked about Herod and Pilate’s dreadful actions?


At the time of Eusebius, it was claimed that the Church had immediately sprung up with established hierarchies, a great deal of money and power, and a continuous lineage to his era, yet the Church’s own historian evidently had no records at all except for the gospels, which were not sufficient to demonstrate when - and if - Christ’s advent occurred.


In his writings, Eusebius in actuality was fulfilling his task of creating the bogus history not only of Christ himself but of the Church.


As Walker says,

“The church never did have any continuous record of popes or ‘bishops of Rome’ from the beginning; most of the early popes were fictitious.”

Regarding his forged history of the Church, Eusebius says,

“As for men, I have failed to find any clear footprints of those who have gone this way before me; only faint traces, by which in differing fashions they have left us partial accounts of their own life-times.”

Could there be any clearer admission that there was no “apostolic lineage” representing a “historical” savior?


Where the Bodies are Buried
We have already seen a tremendous amount of evidence as to the mythological nature of Christianity and its founder.


Further proof may be found in a variety of places, although it may not be wise to make them public, because fanatics have forever destroyed such evidence, burning and looting temples and libraries, and desecrating and defacing sacred images and symbols.


A number of these sites may also have been destroyed in various wars, including the two World Wars. In addition, some areas are so forbidding that it will even today be difficult both to access them and to convince the keepers of their secrets to release them. It is reported that priests, high-ranking Masons and members of other such brotherhoods are informed about the real origins of Christianity but are sworn to a blood oath against revealing the truth.


Perhaps some of these individuals will be encouraged that others not thus bound are exposing this all-important information.

The evidence of the Christian myth may still be found in libraries in many parts of the world, clandestine and public, such as the Library of Ambrose at Milan, the Florentine library, and the library of Mt. Athos, the mysterious mountain of monasteries in Macedonia, although it would be very difficult to gain the evidence from such a place as Mt. Athos.


Oddly enough, considering Athos takes its name from the Egyptian goddess Athor or Hathor, Mt. Athos has been completely closed off to women for centuries. So terrified are these sexually repressed monks of all that is female, they will not allow even female animals in proximity of the monasteries.

It may also be difficult to obtain evidence from the Marionite monastery of Mt. Lebanon in Syria, but we are told that it is, or was, there. Such evidence in the form of texts may also be obtained, we are informed, in monasteries in what was Armenia, in the locale of Mt. Ararat. Evidence may also be procured from the “Cluny Abbey” and from “Mor Gabriel” in Turkey.


The Vatican Library and the miles of tunnels of booty under the Vatican, of course, also provide a treasure trove of proof of the artifice. The churches of Russia likewise hold ancient manuscripts that would be valuable in our quest. Also, there may still be hidden texts in Jerusalem and other parts of Israel and Palestine, such as Mt. Carmel.

Such evidence can also be discovered in the ruins and statuary of preChristian cultures such as in Ireland, in the county of Armagh, or at Padua, Florence, Venice, Geneva and Rome, where there are, or were, statues of “the apostles” that were in reality Pagan gods made over.


Such archaeological evidence may likewise be found at Heliopolis, the “City of the Sun,” in Egypt, and in the sunken Phoenician city of Tyre, if it has not already been discovered and hidden or destroyed. Proof of the mythos also may be found in Upper Egypt, where arose one of the most ancient cultures and some of the original “Jews.”


India, of course, is rife with the mythos, and evidence of the life of Krishna/Christos can be found in the caves at Elephanta, for example.

Regardless of whether or not this evidence is extant in these places, there are many sites already well-known that provide proof of the ubiquitous solar and celestial mythos that was carnalized, historicized and personified in Jesus Christ. That the mythos once extended around the world in much the same form is a fact that cannot be disputed.



  • What happened to the ubiquitous solar mythos, if not as we have described?

  • Where is it?

  • Why did it disappear?

The answer is, of course, is has been obscured; it is not gone but simply concealed beneath a surface of subterfuge and deception developed to enrich and empower a relative handful providing them with dominion over the “sheep.”


After becoming aware of such “mysteries” revealed herein concerning Christianity and its alleged founder, many people may find the scholarship on this subject to appear less than satisfactory, to say the least, as it becomes clear that this information is known by the scholastic elite.


This fact becomes evident from admissions such as the following, which appears in Fiction as History by GW Bowersock, a Professor of Ancient History at Princeton University in New Jersey.


Says he:

... in a series of Norton lectures, Frank Kermode also turned to the Bible, and in particular to the New Testament, to develop a sophisticated analysis of novelistic elements in the Gospels. He argued that the problem of historical truth is so elusive in the Gospel narratives that those accounts are better viewed simply as fiction with a semblance of truth.


The meaning, and obviously, the inspirational value of works of this kind do not depend upon their historical veracity, although apprehension of that meaning nonetheless does depend upon a provisional or temporary belief in their veracity. This is, in Kermode’s words, a “benign deceit” that readers even today continue to countenance.

Here we have the scholar Kermode admitting that the New Testament is fiction, and Prof. Bowersock relating the opinion that such “benign deceit” does not matter, because the book has “inspirational value.”

  • First of all, this deceit has not been benign but utterly malignant for almost 2,000 years, contributing to endless genocide and killing the spirit and mind.

  • Secondly, how do deception and lying have any value in a spiritual quest or religious life? Is it not the complete opposite of such an experience? Is it not the goal in becoming a mature, spiritual human being to be rid of deceit and mendacity?

It is clear that scholars have known about the mythological nature of the Bible, yet they have gone to immense lengths to hide it, including using sophisticated language, like the priestly counterparts who have utilized the dead language Latin to go over the heads of the uneducated masses. It is possible that any number of these scholars are also Masons or members of some such secret brotherhood who are under the blood oath.


Or they may merely be products of their occupation, in that many universities and colleges are under the dominion of the fraternities and the grand master, the Pope, i.e., the Catholic Church.


In any case, they have been pawns, unwitting or otherwise, in the Christ conspiracy, which has obscured ancient knowledge and wisdom under a false front of historicity, by the most thorough of methods, including secrecy, forgery, force and destruction.