by Julian Rose
March 29, 2016
JulianRose Website
Spanish version

Of all the deceptions pulled on humanity
over the ages, The Original Sin is probably the most
devastating. Yet hugely successful from the perspective of the
Almost everywhere
the doctrine of Christianity forged its zealous
mission to convert the masses, so the Original Sin accompanied it.
Imposing the rationale of guilt on untold millions whose open minds
no doubt thought they were receiving a message of emancipation and
Not so my friends, you were in fact receiving a message just about
as dark as darkness gets!
The extraordinary power of a message, properly formed, packaged and
publicized, is something we have all come to learn a lot about in
recent decades. 'The medium is the message' declared Marshall
McLuhan back in 1964.
And that edict could easily pass for the
moment the first biblical texts let it be known that
a man called Adam and a woman called
Eve got the whole human race off to a very
bad start… from which it appears to have never recovered.
However the reason it got off to a bad start and has still failed to
fully recover, cannot be pinned on any fault of Adam and Eve, as we
shall see, but lies squarely at the feet of a masterful plot to
falsify what is actually a potent story of human emancipation and
growing inner conviction.
This 'human race' to which the biblical text refers, was set on its
way by a starting pistol fired by someone who didn't want anyone
participating in this race to actually win.
He or she or it, only wanted losers; and
that's pretty much what they got.
See what I
mean by successful?
The story goes like this:
there were just two human beings on this
planet at the moment the starting pistol was fired. There was a
beautiful garden as well, and in that beautiful garden were these
two humans: a man called Adam and woman called Eve, and there was
also an apple tree (in full fruit) and a serpent.
In this ensuing myth, God makes it clear to Adam that he can do
whatever he likes in this garden except,
"eat of the fruit of the
Tree of Knowledge."
But, well, being human, and having been given 'free will' by divine rite, he doesn't really see the logic in this
command from above.
The serpent seems in accord with him in this,
and somehow or other tempts Eve into plucking this big juicy apple
and taking a bite before then offering it to Adam.
"And he did eat thereof. And the eyes of them both were opened, and
they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together,
and made themselves aprons."
They were, we are informed "ashamed."
Both on account of taking a forbidden action and of being revealed
unto themselves as 'naked'.
It is around this infamous 'eating of the fruit' - an action most of
us would likely have taken out of simple curiosity - that millennia
of Christian shame and guilt have their inception.
Here is where a pervasive irrational suffering concerning our
natural physical condition has its origins. Where our 'private
parts' became privatized. Where the natural pleasures of physical
intimacy were turned to guilt: unless of course the so-called
'Church of God' authorized such acts via formal marriage in the
Christian place of worship.
A great plethora of 'thou shalt not's' were soon pinned onto what
was essentially Adam and Eve's courageous original act of 'civil
disobedience': the refusal to be cowed by a seemingly higher
Yes, by looking deeper into this infamous story, we see that Adam
and his accomplice Eve did something pretty special in this Garden
of Eden.
Their action, when viewed in a manner freed from the
typical conditioned response, looks very much like a,
'giant step
forward for mankind'.
Something which Neil Armstrong was told to say
while getting out of a papier-mâché lunar capsule constructed and
filmed in Pinewood studios, London in 1969.
But the mythical Adam was not faking it, as Armstrong was on behalf
of those who worship a god named 'technology'.
He and his mythical
Eve conspired to start a great ball rolling down the ages which
would, one day, lead to man acquiring real knowledge, real
independence and real self-awareness. Except, of course, that this
was the last thing that the manipulators of this story wanted.
On further examining the symbolism of this tale, one can recognize
that eating the apple of the Tree of Knowledge opened the eyes of
this man and woman to the fact that they were adequately equipped to
take their destinies into their own hands and forge their own path
in life.
A path which would reveal to them that they were not just
subjects to be ordered around according to the will of their master,
but were blessed with a unique gift:
the ability to think and act
creatively and rationally.
Even to reflect on their own condition
and existence.
And, equally contrary to the classic interpretation,
it was indeed their Creator 'himself' who wished this to be so.
For this Creator felt the pain of loneliness - and longed to have
company in the great quest of life. But in order to have this
company, his Adam and Eve had to pass the first great test: that of
defying false authority and daring to eat from the Tree of
Only then could they start on the road of becoming
'strivers with God' and companions to the supreme; blazing that
unchartered course whose direction only becomes known through
embracing the insecurity of the creative process.
Taking that
momentous 'leap in the dark' which is the mother of all great
quests. All great adventures...
However, the biblical text upon which we were all raised, tells us
something very different. It tells us that Adam and Eve were 'cast
out' of this Garden of Eden due to their unforgivable and sinful act
of disobedience.
Disobedience to God himself, no less. Which caused
them to be 'ashamed': both of their nakedness and their
We are told by
the church, which sees itself as the spokesperson of
this biblical story, that thanks to Adam and Eve, we all carry 'the
shame' to this very day. That we must pay the price of this
'original sin' and be humbled by the magnitude of this human error.
An error of such supposed gravity that it became known as 'The Fall'.
In this translation of the stories surrounding certain key events of
prehistory, man 'falls' before he has even begun to walk - and
everything that follows is tainted by this supposedly tragic error
of human judgment.
What does this
Nakedness really symbolize?
It is the moment when we realize that everything we thought was one
thing actually turns out to be another.
A lot of stuff drops off us
in that instant. We become naked, because the old clothes don't fit
any more and the new clothes have to be woven from fresh wool. It is
the dawn of true knowledge. Knowledge that makes us aware that there
exists a divine state - and also a corruption of that state.
at any one time, both exist. And that we must choose our course in
life based on this knowledge.
The Garden of Eden is representative of a state of essentially
'passive' potential. An as yet unignited and unmoving potential.
What was needed was a spark to set the whole thing off. And that
spark came when Eve, who was in subconscious communication with the
serpent, reached up and plucked that ruddy round apple and took a
bite out of it.
It was she who broke the 'obeisance to authority'
How about The
Serpent's role in this drama?
The serpent is the anima of a rising energy. The Kundalini serpent,
entwined around the spine (trunk) of the tree of knowledge. Get it?
When the serpent spoke to Eve, it was 'the word'.
"In the beginning
was The Word".
However this word was not an actual word, but a
vibration. An impulse. Energy directed from within.
And this energy
said to Eve,
"Do It".
And she did.
Her action bears the hallmark of
the first stirrings of a divine mission:
the stirring into movement
of that which is fecund - yet unable to act.
The female divine force it was - which enabled Adam and Eve to 'come
awake' and find that they were no longer just innocent hippies
frolicking in the cozy garden of the unconscious; unchallenged and
unaware of the greater reality of existence.
It is a prerogative of
'attaining the knowledge of good and evil' to then set off on that
path of greater knowledge, no matter what!
And what about
The Tree?
The tree itself is a powerful symbol of growth.
For it outwardly
expresses the manifestation of a condition essential for man's own
evolution: the putting down of roots and the spreading out and up of
trunk and branches - as a 'simultaneous act'.
An act transmutable to
we humans, almost literally:
starting at the navel, where the umbilical cord has nourished us is
the womb, and moving simultaneously down and up from here.
It has the great quality of annulling the 'either' 'or' option,
which is the hallmark of much of our dark side formal education.
Real human development, in body mind and spirit, is both a tap root
into the deep and a crown reaching into the beyond. In equal
measure. Always both - never just one or the other.
So the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden is indeed just that:
a tree of knowledge.
It is not "the forbidden tree" as is commonly
taught in
the Christian church.
So why did the
church choose to promote this forbidden factor?
Because this 'knowledge' is capable of exposing the tyranny that
lies at heart of human slavery.
A knowledge that must not be allowed
out for fear of its repercussions on the control system which was
already in place, and to which the church was - and remains to this
day - an accomplice.
The command 'not to eat' of the fruit of the
Tree of Knowledge did not come from God, but from some other force
implacably set against all that is divine.
As the story tells us:
"around its trunk a serpent is entwined."
From ancient times this serpent has been recognized as a source of
special energy. Particularly, as said earlier, in the descriptions
of the Kundalini practice of
Tantra Yoga.
It is the rising energy
which illuminates, one by one, the seven chakras of the human body
by moving up the spinal column - just as the serpent is moving up
the trunk of the Tree of knowledge - awakening (in this case) the
succulent glory of the famous apple.
A bite out of which moved Adam
and Eve into a certain 'state of awareness'.
The serpent and the tree are thus powerful symbols - and tools of
human enlightenment.
And The
I have already alluded to the notion that the garden is a place - or
a condition - which remains untainted.
In this it is a symbol of our
childhood. A time when we were not yet conscious of historical karma
and therefore able to freely explore all that which becomes
manifest, within and without.
It's a place in which one remains, as in the case of the plant and
animal kingdoms, in a state of instinctive response to divine
energies, with as yet little or no involvement of individual will.
But that is not man and woman's lot in life. Nor is it why our
creator made manifest a state of 'conscious awareness', a state
associated with the use of the higher mind.
In order to activate this higher mind Adam and Eve could not remain
forever in their childhood garden, but needed to 'eat from the tree
of knowledge' thus recognizing the actual challenge that lay ahead.
The challenge of moving from unconscious sub-awareness to conscious
full awareness.
From childhood to adulthood. A long and winding road
indeed! But a road in which each step carries with it a fuller
understanding of our greater role in the divine plan.
This is the 'road of genius' that British 18th century poet William
Blake referred to when he wrote:
"The straight road is a road of
'progress', but the crooked road is the road of genius."
And the Divine
Plan itself?
Ah, we are not really privy to the full architecture of the divine
For it is a 'state of being' and as such cannot really be
described, only attained, through the lasting application of true
However, I believe we can recognize that, put very simply, our
Creator remembered his own coming into movement from that which
lacked movement; and he wished to celebrate this, 'his birthday'.
The day movement was born.
But one cannot celebrate a birthday without the presence of other
empathizing beings with whom to share the joyous occasion. So 'in
the beginning' this creator was most fortunate in being visited by a
complementary, yet opposite and deeply receptive energy.
This great
coming together of opposite
yet deeply complimentary energies was of huge significance - because
out of it emerged a state which we call 'equilibrium', movement.
Something which is going somewhere - with a sense of purpose.
longer just a becalmed state of fecundity.
Movement owes its origins to a female energy. In Indian mythology
this feminine force is called Shakti, the female principle of God.
God, whose omnipotence expresses the consummated marriage of the
creative and receptive principles, is thus dual in nature. Both male
and female; female and male. And everything in this universe is an
expression of this duality.
Everything that comes to life, comes to
life through the friction made manifest by this hugely potent and
divine love affair. A love affair between the two energetic
components of a primordial and primal duality. The ever present Yin
and Yang of existence.
And what we call sexuality is actuality 'sex-duality' - the
consummated act of divine union which gave birth and made manifest
what we call Life. And perhaps most wonderful and mysterious of all
is that an omnipresent and omnipotent force called Love infused and
nourished this great primordial act of union which we ourselves are
an expression of.
One might even say that this Love preceded the one
we call the Creator… but that is another story in our deep and
unfathomable past!
For now it is enough to recognize that Adam and Eve, the Garden, the
Tree and the Serpent, were all critical elements in kick-starting
the evolution of mankind - and indeed all sentient life forms.
can now most clearly state that 'The Original Sin' was precisely the
opposite of a sin - it was the birth of man as a free agent in
pursuing the divine intuitive message which leads us (back) to our
Creator. But this time as responsible realized beings - as
microcosmic Gods in our own right.
Then the Creator will greatly rejoice at the results of this divine
union and will welcome us to the "Great Celebration" which cannot
happen until the moment of our participation, as equals, in his
Godliness. An event keenly anticipated by sowers of truth - and
greatly feared by spreaders of the lie.
All the confusions
surrounding sexuality and sexual relations stem
from this distortion called the Original Sin.
Our sexuality, far
from being something to be ashamed of, is that which connects us
directly with Divine. It was - I repeat once again - due to that
glorious consummation between two poles of irresistible mutual
attraction - male and female - that this Universe came to life. That
'life' which forms the birth place of our very own cosmic essence.
Only something expressing an extreme position of alienation to this
joyous truth would wish to lay such a sinister and divisive trap for
mankind. A trap which, by proclaiming the celebration of our
sexuality 'a sin', epitomizes the state of reversed truth which
still remains central to the workings of our strangled Western
What that force is which is so adept at twisting truth into its
opposite is another story for another article.
For now, let us take pleasure in having put the divine plan right
back on track. On having reconnected to the roots of our true nature
and found that, far from being ashamed we are proud to go forward in
full knowledge of our innate divinity.
Let us rejoice in the fact that this innocuous debacle known as The
Original Sin has been properly exposed as a deeply divisive myth
whose time is well and truly up.
May it finally crumble to dust
under the iridescent rays of a rising Aquarian sun...!