by Gerry Zeitlin
EndEnchantment Website
Suppose we accept a
general schema shown by this matrix:
4D/STS |
4D/STO |
3D/STS |
3D/STO |
"3D" and "4D" refer to third density and fourth density - terms
relating to levels of consciousness - a usage becoming popular in
some metaphysical literature.
The meaning of the density levels, for our purposes, is as follows:
3D is the level
of consciousness that we have, the way we are, and the way
we perceive nature, and act.
We are 3D
beings. Our bodies extend in time (as in the
shamanic/mystical "long body") but we experience this as a
sliding window of sequential views.
4D implies the
ability to see that which we call "time" as a fourth
geometrical dimension.
Those operating
in 4D consciousness also experience a kind of time -- we
might call it "4D time" -- but it is not what we call
This is nearly
impossible for us to comprehend or visualize.
Their bodies
extend in "our" time, just as ours, but they experience this
as a simultaneity.
4D beings can
appear and operate in 3D ways when it suits their purposes.
Note 1.
The term "density"
in this regard is probably an unfortunate misnomer. The
experience of "fourth density" is a concept separate from the
idea of "higher planes" or "higher bodies". which indeed could
be considered to be of lesser density than the physical.
Many metaphysical,
occult, and religious systems describe numerous such bodies that
beings may have and use, such as the trikaya -- the three bodies
of Buddhism, or the various astral, mental, and causal bodies
etc. of western occultism.
These bodies
resemble our physical ones in greater or lesser degree, and
therefore can be assumed to be constructed along similar lines,
perhaps with corresponding organs, cellular, and molecular
structure, except not of physical matter. Clearly their
behaviour in "time" is another, complicating issue. In the
present discussion, we will have to treat these categories
separately, however convolved they may actually be.
Note 2.
The word "time" is a
shorthand notation for "3D time". We will not be speaking of "4D
time" (except by implication).
STS and STO are social orientations:
These orientations
are actually paths of development that extend through third and
fourth density consciousness - at least. Their meanings appear
self-evident. However, for a reason given below, we are really
not in a position to understand them.
One thing can be
clearly stated, however: STS, while self-serving, is easily
enticed, by offers of pleasures and enhanced power, into
hierarchies of control. By this means are STS beings
subject to being controlled than are STO beings, however
paradoxical that may seem.
On the other hand,
hierarchies of control, because of the STS orientation of the
beings that compose them, are inherently unstable. STS are
always looking for ways to revolt and take all for themselves.
Important point.
Another classification
of beings has to do with gender.
Although geneticists and other biologists who believe in independent
evolution on planets like ours would probably say that gender and
sexual reproduction are so far down the path of evolution, which is
of course driven by randomness, that they are likely to be a local
phenomenon, the larger framework of evidence that is admissible on
these pages indicates that they are quite common, if not quite
We state here that gender is always an issue, and that beings -- at
least those interacting with us -- are either male, female,
or androgynous -- that is, mixed.
Also, reproduction is either by sexual means or by cloning
technology, which itself involves the use of male and female genetic
Why is this aspect included in our schema? Because it has been very
very important in our (mainly forgotten) history and in the
histories of the groups who play in our playground.
"A long time ago", certain 4D/STS beings decided to have a colony
here -- apparently to acquire resources that were rightfully for the
future use of the indigenous primate evolution.
The resources in question might have been the obvious natural
resources of this planet, as well as others that may not be so
obvious to us.
Among the less obvious resources might be the primates themselves,
substances within their physical bodies, some treasure trove of
genetic information, or something even less tangible, such as
substances within their higher bodies, present or future
capabilities, a planned role for the distant future, an internal
connection with higher states of existence, or their actual
identities - realized or potential.
Being STS, these colonizers were obsessed with control, and being
4D/STS they had tremendous means for exercising that control. For
that reason, we can refer to them as the 4D controllers.
Having established our general schema here, it must be said that the
4D controllers -- those 4D/STS beings -- have been so successful at
concealing themselves and their operations that we cannot say much
on these pages as to what they do. They are for us theoretical, or
you are welcome to take the position that they don't exist at all.
But our position is that they do, and we will try to show how they
fit into the scheme.
There are also 3D controllers (i.e., controllers who do not have
that 4D sense of time, though they may have a dramatically extended
vision of time as compared with our own). Since all the groups that
we know specifically are of the 3D variety, we will simplify and
refer to 3D controllers as -- controllers! Just down the column of
icon/buttons from here, and in the companion
Open SETI website and
Open SETI Forums II, we speak of various controlling groups,
such as
lizard-like or reptilian beings, (Gnostic)
Theocrats, and Advanced Beings.
To what extent are these designated
groups actually identical, or if not, how might they be related or
interacting, and to what extent are we confused?
The differing terminology is a reminder that the information comes
from different sources. The task of integrating them into a coherent
picture has hardly begun. We suggest, however, that the schema of
3D/4D, STO/STS, gender, and physical/higher planes will be extremely
useful in sorting these matters out.
Summing up:
4D controllers are
Controllers are 3D/STS and often working out of higher
Ordinary humans are
3D/STS and possess physical bodies when
they are alive.
Although we have ascribed the original colonizing activity to 4D
controllers, the other controllers had the same thing in mind.
Now since the genome of the indigenous population was somewhat
compatible with their own, the
controllers were able to genetically engineer, through hybrid
breeding programs or directly using transgenics, a species
resembling themselves (i.e., in their image, and limited of course
to STS orientation), but constrained with a nervous system that
could never support 4D consciousness and abilities.
Note: there is a Gnostic school of thought that maintains
that archons, which for all we know at this point may be identical
to our controllers, do not actually have this genetic engineering
capability, but merely conduct a charade to suggest that they do.
The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion.) In that case, we arrive
at the situation we see today via a somewhat different path, relying
heavily on deception. In any event, the nervous system of the new or
the found species would support 3D consciousness. It would support
3D consciousness but it did not necessarily generate it.
You know that
consciousness does not just emerge out of the complexity of systems.
In fact, some consciousness is an extension of what we will call
Higher Selves (HS) - which are behind all the activities discussed
on this page. There is another kind of consciousness here on Earth
that is projected from what has been called the Planetary Spirit.
This consciousness dwells in animals and perhaps other elements of
At this point in our discussion, we divide our scenario into two
possible and plausible variations, which we will call Scenario A
and Scenario B. Although it is ultimately supremely important
to discern which of these scenarios, or some other, is actually
correct, we will not attempt to do so at this time. We will maintain
both, and this should not be too confusing, because the immediate
ramifications are similar.
In A, the consciousness of the controllers, even though
operating within their STS social structure, was and is an extension
of their HSs. Apparently this could be the case even where
controllers are clones. The narrative
Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres
strongly suggests this.
Incidentally, the huge role of gender in our struggles is the
central theme of Secrets and also of the Gnostic view:
Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller
In B, the controllers are more like machines -- clones or
robots that have no connection to an HS, which means that what
consciousness they may have is not an extension of an HS. One might
say that they are the nightmares of today's transhumanists dreaming
of tomorrow's robots. [See
Song of the Greys by Nigel Kerner]
It is possible that our connection to higher self is a prime
resource sought by the scenario-B controllers in their mad wish to
complete themselves.
In any event, physical bodies were "wired" for 3D consciousness and
either already housed or (if genetically engineered) successfully
attracted and bonded with consciousness from the preexisting Earth
primate evolution. We will call the result of that union Group 1
humans. They are still with us, according to one account. (You would
not be one of them.) But for reasons best known to the controllers,
this was not a result that completely met their needs.
The controllers targeted another group of consciousnesses - of
STS/STO orientation, and 4D - who were willing to join in the
colonization experiment, possibly through being enticed to
experience the great sexual thrills that had been thoughtfully
provided to the genetic creations. (Please don't ask "where" this
group came "from". The question could be meaningless.) We will
designate this union "Group 2 humans".
Once connected to the 3D/STS bodies, Group 2 had "fallen" and were
embarked on a long journey through 3D/STS experience. STO in these
bodies was unknown and still is virtually unknown, by design. Some
aspire to it - some may have ancient memories of it from before the
fall - but they are now so hopelessly confused about what it means
to be STO that they mostly just continue to play into the hands of
the controllers, who are brilliant and devious almost beyond
imagining. [Suggested reading:
Secrets of Power
by Ingo Swann]
The consciousness of Group 2 - which is ourselves - was (and
still is) acting according to impulse from their HSs.
Now what was going on with these HSs that lay behind the great Earth
colonization experiment?
The HS is a waystation. It is a vehicle and it too has its
inhabitant. Perhaps we can call the inhabitant the HS itself. Its
knowledge, wisdom, and its power is vast. However, it is evolving
(within its kind of time, not our 3D time). It grows by
incorporating into itself its projected consciousnesses after they
themselves have experienced and grown. At some point the combined
consciousness becomes a being capable of functioning as an HS on its
own, releasing the original HS to an even greater level of
From that higher level, what can be called a game had been
formulated and proposed to all the HSs associated with our Galaxy.
According to Scenario A, the standard method of growth had
been for the projected consciousness to operate through a sequence
of experiences - although we don't quite grasp the nature of
"sequence" as known by 4D beings. Nevertheless, these beings on the
standard path would accumulate experience and grow. They would
accumulate experience and knowledge in full consciousness and
constant recollection of their entire path from their creation to
their "present", and they would have all the benefits of 4D
existence. The nature of their 4D consciousness results in their
having a "hive" awareness of each other, at least in their various
planetary groupings. According to one account, this is the condition
of all 4D beings in our Galaxy, and in particular of the 4D
controllers associated with our planet.
From our perspective, their growth requires eons and eons of time.
In Scenario B, the controllers have no HS, and do not grow at
all. This scenario does not speak of a "standard method", as that
method does not come into play in our situation.
In the game, a new method was proposed. Those HSs who volunteered to
try it would have their consciousnesses limited to 3D, which also
meant that a lifetime was to be experienced in a solitary fashion,
cut off from the "hive" consciousness and from knowledge of any
sequence of past lives as well. Thus each consciousness was on his
or her own, seemingly.
However, to compensate for the limitation, the HS would have access
to all projected lives as though they were simultaneous; in a sense,
they WOULD BE simultaneous. The HS, at its discretion, and
corresponding to the efforts of any given projected consciousness,
could make available some aspects of other projected consciousness,
whether in the deep past or the future, as seen by a given embodied
This was a powerful advantage. As seen in 3D time, it resulted in an
extremely rapid conclusion of the growth cycle, compared to the
plodding growth of the hives.
The beings who responded to the original need of the 4D/STS
controllers are those whose HSs had gone for that path.
Would the ordinary (3D) controllers be included in this group?
Possibly; we are just beginning to consider this.
With this picture in mind, do you believe we Group 2 humans have
actually "fallen"? See the introductory
End of Enchantment
solipsistic exercise. Combined with what has just been stated here,
this should empower you.
There is a competition between ourselves and the 4D controllers.
After all, in the picture we are describing here, it is a game. On
our own level, and the one just above (loosely speaking, structural
or systems levels below the level of organization or cognizance of
the HS), the competition is not well understood. The controllers
need to keep us down, or even to capture our connection to HS. We,
on the other hand, have to use such faculties as we have to reach
the gifts of our HSs.
It is interesting to contemplate that the game was over as soon as
it began, from the HS level. Our group wins because it truly has a
better method, but its path is painful. Yet beautiful in a way that
is beyond compare.
That, at least, is one view of the picture as we presume it is seen
from the perspective of the HS. In another view, the outcome is not
assured and our situation is truly desperate. Not knowing which is
correct is what makes it all so poignant.
At any rate, on the sequential (3D) level, the game proceeds. On our
planetary level we see a world plunging into chaos, wracked with
power struggles, at war.
The controllers -- STS beings that they are -- on their level are
engaged in vaster competitions on at least an interstellar scale if
not galactic or beyond. (That is one of many assertions of this site. "Proof" cannot be supplied.) Our planet
Earth plays an
important role in these competitions, and now that we have developed
our global industrial and social infrastructure, the interaction is
shifting into a new phase.
This phase, including its beginning in the time of the industrial
revolution, is described in the remarkable book
War in Heaven.
It also appears from many sources that a critical "crunch" point is
rapidly approaching. It could have a super-planetary or galactic
component to it... we have written about this elsewhere. This
"crunch" will bring chaos on every level of nature and human
society. It is actually a singularity that could break the
controllers' iron lock on Earth humanity, by breaking down the
systems that have been so painstakingly built over the millennia.
The controllers are aware of this and are perhaps aware of the
scenario in which Earth humanity seizes the opportunity and
completes its long ordeal in 3D captivity.
The controllers have been trying to break down the will and spirit
of the humans through projecting images of destruction. For this
reason, you, the reader, would do well not to allow yourself to be
overwhelmed by such descriptions of chaos. You need to be in your
power at that time - thinking clearly and acting swiftly and wisely.
Looking for help or salvation from extraterrestrials would
definitely not be an example of being in your power.
Recall the intrinsic instability of the STS hierarchy. One of the
present examples of this instability would be the hope of Earth
humanity's military hierarchy that they will be able to use
recently-developed advanced technology to wrest control from the
hands of the higher evolutions and to turn Earth into a fearsome STS
power in its own right, eventually on a galactic scale. They are
dreaming if they believe they can overthrow their controllers, who
have infiltrated their very minds, but acting out this particular
madness will certainly add immensely to the oncoming chaotic
In a view that we favor, the Group 2 humans complete 3D existence,
and are withdrawn from the grasp of the controllers. Actually Group 2
reverts to 4D where they originally were. However, there
remains choice as to orientation. Those who had been striving for STO orientation will be able to be
truly STO. Those who were
strongly identified as STS, especially those firmly embedded into
Earth control hierarchies, can continue on that path. All will
become aware of the controllers but STO will no longer be subject to
them. That part of the game will be over. Those who are to continue
as STS will simply join the ranks.
Group 1 would have a different path. They never asked to be
part of this game, yet they were thrust into the
genetically-engineered bodies, creating a condition that has not
been natural to them. It would be good to think that these ones will
be offered the stewardship of planet Earth for its next wave of
growth - their wave.
Now in the
meantime, what is to be done here?
There are 4D/STO in the picture; I hadn't discussed these. If you
can imagine a 4D/STO looking on our present scene, knowing what we
have just discussed,
what do you think that being would do?
why do
you think they have not appeared and taken an active role in
rescuing us?
(or do you think they have?)
is there still a service
that they can and do render?
should we use our understanding of
these beings to model our own behavior?
This has bearing on what we do with our lives.
What you have just read is, as stated, a schema. It sets up a fairly
simple framework, but within that framework the reality is not
simple at all -- as you might expect.
Visualize "the telephone book of the United Nations". Whether or not
there is such a book is not important. What is important is to
imagine all of the organizations and all of the nations of earth
that might be referenced in there.
Now visualize a compendium of all such U.N. telephone books issued
over the history of
the United Nations from its inception down to as
far as it runs and including whatever it evolves into. Furthermore,
imagine that all "members" of the United Nations have this
compendium at their disposal and are able to call any number in it -
past or future - and plan actions with whomever they reach at that
Now allow in your imagination any number of parallel universes with
their variants on the United Nations and make that telephone book a
supercompendium of all.
Given all of
that, how could you simplify it into a simple schema?
That is what is being attempted with this "Synthetic Myth".
But many questions have been raised. For example,
who were/are those
4D/STS beings and what exactly is their scheme?
is "3D/4D" a
stand-in for something much richer?
are there really only two groups
of humans?
what is the history of those consciousnesses who
populated the created race?
can it be true that the Earth human
experience is "beyond compare"?
are the rules of the game just as
described here or is there a different sort of game, or no game?
Dear reader, I cannot give you the answers to all of those
questions. Truly, no one can, because you would not know whether to
believe what they say. Unless you accept them for authority - and
long as you do that, there is no hope for you to grow.
So you must do your own research and test everything within
yourself. (But you already knew that.)
You might begin by testing within yourself the following statement:
All those entities
in the supercompendium of which I spoke have their levels of
action, their styles and levels of consciousness. Behind the
action are levels of higher being that grasp the entire game
and, in playing, fulfill even a higher, vaster role.
Post Script
Upon reading this page, a friend wrote to me that he was unable to
experience the "empowerment". Since I promised in one of the opening
pages to make such an experience possible, and claim with this page
to have done so, I feel obligated to deliver whatever additional
help I can.
Hence the following post script:
I'm so glad you
found something useful in my new page. I think the only thing
needed for "empowering" is to project yourself into the events
being described. For example, the page indicates that our
consciousness is a projection of our Higher Self - a very
majestic being - on a mission.
Perhaps you can
realize "Wait a minute! That's ME! Why didn't I know that? Oh,
because the game is to forget but then to strive to regain it,
and in striving, to grow beyond what I ever was." And then the
earlier exercise makes you the creator of all - even those who
would capture you (in their delusion) - because this is your
How can it be so and
what makes me so special that I have dreamed all the others? The
response to that question is embedded elsewhere on thissite. The answer is that every
consciousness creates the entire universe. How can this happen
without generating conflicts?
Because consciousness is
a collapsing of the state vector in a quantum mechanical event - and
as such, takes zero time. The reverse is true: every quantum event
is conscious. Taking no time whatsoever, there is enough room for
each event to be the only one in the universe. Every quantum event
generates the universe out of the state vector.
Your life is a threading of all the quantum events that are yours.
This makes you a creator - at least on the plane of our conscious
lives. Now you can experience yourself as the creator of all within
your purview - and as an actor in everyone else's dream.