by Gerry Zeitlin
OpenSETI Website
Spanish version
"They sought to overpower humanity
in its psychological and perceptual functions... although they
saw that human thinking was superior to theirs... For indeed
their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their
triumph is in deception (apaton), leading astray, for their own
structure is without divinity."
Breathtaking, but what is that? Who said
that? Of whom does it speak? Is it ancient? Is it contemporary? Is
it correct? Is it relevant?
Open SETI is in some ways the opposite of
SETI is an
extraordinarily "narrow-band" search arising from a most denatured
strain of modern-day scientific/intellectual thought. Open SETI
begins with being... open.
And what does one see, when open?
Would you agree that one sees a magnificent planet inhabited by a
humanity that is becoming demented, even by its own definition?
This humanity is fragmenting, at war with itself, and each faction
looking desperately for salvation from its particular idea of deity.
No small number of humans hope for help from another quarter:
contact with extraterrestrial beings. Surely the SETI community
derives at least some of its support from this dream.
It manifests strongly among many "UFO believers" as well.
It will turn out that this dream of salvation has everything to do
with our opening passage.
The passage is tight with ideas:
Some group attempted to
overpower humanity
The field of attack was
psychological and perceptual
Human thinking was
superior to theirs
Something about their
pleasure and beauty is off
They succeed, but only
through deception because...
...There is such a thing
as "divinity"
...It is implied that we
have it
...They lack it
These ideas form at least part of the
"paradigm" for this page... which, has
little to do with that of conventional SETI with its focus on
detection, astrobiology, habitable planets, etc.
Our opening quote is from
The Apocryphon of John, a
Nag Hammadi
text extensively discussed by the profoundly insightful author
What’s so breathtaking and challenging about it is that deep mind
recognizes its antiquity and its possible truth and relevance to
present times.
As Lash explains, this passage reflects the view of the Gnostics:
Their interpretation of the "myth of
contact" is a unique expose of alien intrusion with a strong
warning message for humanity. It may well turn out that the
Gnostic view of intervention is indispensable to our vision of
ourselves as a species.
The word "divinity" is key in that passage and throughout Lash’s
pages. It is bound to be misunderstood, and the misunderstanding
is itself a result of the intervention.
We are deviated from true human
potential through delusional beliefs about Divinity.
For Lash and the Gnostics, the
line of Divinity comes through our
descent from the Earth - Gaia - and it is this connection that is
the object of the intruders’ attack. They cannot actually do
anything about it - it simply exists - but they can deceive us into
turning our backs on it in favor of their own contrivances... such
as several of our major religions.
Readers may wish to review the page
Soul Technology.
Lash is speaking of Pagan Gnostics (not the later Christian
Gnostics) whom he describes as powerful shamans, asserting that what
they saw with their clear vision is as important to our
understanding and our situation today as it was in their time.72
Notice that Lash refers to intrusion, warning,
intervention, and
Conventional thinking dismisses the thought of "alien takeover",
claiming that if there had been any danger of that, the invasion and
takeover would have occurred a long time ago. Indeed. Please
integrate that statement with our list of paradigm elements above.
Remember: field of attack is psychological and perceptual. Where
then should we look for evidence of this invasion?
On this page we will discuss three dimensions of control:
Intrinsic control suffered by many
or all of us as the beings that we are, either through genetics
or through our earliest post-natal if not prenatal environment.
Extrinsic or societal control --
extrinsic to us as individuals but deeply embedded in our social
structures, again possibly through "inner" means working on a
few very powerful individuals.
Parasitic control mediated by
something that has been implanted into us... either physically
or nonphysically in the sense of "mental parasites" or something
infecting "higher bodies" known well in non-western and western
occult or esoteric traditions.
These dimensions -- given that they even
exist, which is something that needs to be considered -- do not
necessarily operate independently of one another. Thus extrinsic
control systems may be set up to operate through intrinsic
characteristic or embedded parasitic systems (parasites).
This image indicates the scope of the problem. It suggests a pincer
attack engendering violently competing world views, and of course
this is at only the top level.
Each branch roils with conflict and
One is reminded of the Hegelian Dialectic and its use of
Thesis and
Antithesis to reach a desired Synthesis. Although often criticized
as a philosophical method, it is a time-honored technique of
societal control.
How actually does the process work?
Continuing with the "science vs.
religion" theme of the graphic, consider how the present comfortable
stand-off came about. As Paul Von Ward (2004) recounts, scientists
in the church-financed universities of the seventeenth century
pursued research into the inner meaning of alchemy, numerology,
astrology, divination, and spiritual matters.
Although this has not been documented,
he wonders if the church did not come to fear that increasingly
expansive and aggressive science would eventually discover evidence
the church had falsified documents about
the life of Jesus
and the history of
YHVH. Perhaps they worried that
science would in time provide natural explanations for the miracles
claimed to be interventions from its supernatural god.
Since the church leaders knew this kind of information was
potentially available, they engineered a deal between the financiers
and the science researchers.
"You can have the funds you need for
scientific research if you don’t question the church’s basic
This arrangement made it possible for
the church to keep the populace passive and fearful, while powering
the transition from Renaissance science to the Industrial
Kyle Griffith provides another view as to how the arrangement was
established and what it means to us today, in his guest article
Copernican Compromise: Origin of the Materialistic Bias in Science.
War in Heaven (1988), Griffith introduces another layer of
controllers, the so-called "Theocracy", the force behind the
religions; and the "Invisible College", which masterfully employs
the Hegelian Dialectic to mold an advanced, space-faring human
society. The two groups are in bitter conflict; we are the pawns in
their game. The "War-in-Heaven" myth is contrasted with
Gnostic mythos in the Forum posting Gnosticism, War in Heaven, and
Open SETI.
America's Secret Establishment, Antony Sutton (2004) clearly
describes how the Hegelian Dialectic method has been and continues
to be employed by
secret societies such as the
Order of the Skull &
Bones to guide our modern society through the sure control of its
massive cultural organizations.
Guide to what? The control groups are structured as circles within
circles, each receiving instructions from a member at its center,
who in turn belongs to a still deeper circle. The ultimate purpose
is lost to our view, unless we look at the world itself and
understand that whatever its condition, and wherever it is going,
this has been guided from the deepest circles.
The condition, of course, is one of monumental distraction from our
nurturing planet.
This deals with what we are (genetically) and how we think. The
subject of our intrinsic nature and how it reflects intervention(s)
will occupy much of the remainder of this page.
To understand how intrinsic control or intervention has worked, we
need to be able to examine ourselves.
By this I mean that we, in ourselves - either our psychology if you
accept Lash’s variety of intervention, or more conventionally our
genetics - would embody the results of one or more "invasions". If
there were several phases of invasion, then the results might be
Do we see layering in our psychological makeup and/or our genetics?
We most certainly do. I am suggesting a new way of looking at this.
Here is another quote:
Groups of advanced beings came
here and found the planet inhabited by proto-humans, which they
then genetically upgraded to the modern human form. Suitably
advanced souls (that’s us) were brought in and allowed
themselves to be attached to this new human evolution. At that
point, the arts of civilization could be taught to these hybrid
That suggestion of intrusion and
intervention in human affairs has been advanced on several
pages (see
A Synthetic Myth).
That page explores the relation of humanity with a mysterious group
of controllers. In support of the concept of intervention, the
Synthetic Myth page reflects information that has surfaced in many
fields, mostly outside the standard paradigm to be sure. You will
find it suggested in UFO contact reports, open-minded studies of the
literature of ancient civilizations, forward-looking interpretations
of human genetics and fossil remains, and occult/metaphysical lore.
The question immediately before us is whether these two statements -
the opening Gnostic one and the local one from these pages - can be
sufficiently reconciled as to create a single initial position to
explore here... or not.
Some group attempted to overpower humanity and The field of attack
was psychological and perceptual vs. Groups of advanced beings came
here and found the planet inhabited by proto-humans, which they then
genetically upgraded to the modern human form.
Attack was psychological and perceptual
Synthetic Myth: "Attack" involved a "genetic
Both: The encounter occurred here between
pre-existing races
This comparison highlights a key
position in Lash’s description of Gnosticism: Actual genetic
manipulations do not occur; they are simulated through the use of
virtual reality technology.
As far as Open SETI is concerned, that is an open question, and an
incredibly important one.
Human thinking was superior to theirs and Something about their
pleasure and beauty is off. and We have "divinity"; they lack it;
this is why they succeed only via deception. vs. Advanced souls
(that’s us) were brought in and allowed themselves to be attached to
this new human evolution.
The two positions are completely parallel. Each implies an inherent
superiority of human consciousness over the mysterious "they". The
root of this superiority could be "divinity". Whatever it is, this
needs exploration.
In Lash/Gnostics the deed was/is achieved via deception. In
Synthetic Myth, human souls "allowed" it. No intrinsic contradiction
We have not yet seen whether or not the term "soul" is found in
The remaining loose end is the point about teaching the arts of
From the Wikipedia article
about parasites:
"A parasite is an organism that
lives in or on the living tissue of a host organism at the
expense of it. The biological interaction between the host and
the parasite is called parasitism. Parasitism is a type of
symbiosis, by one definition, although another definition of
symbiosis excludes parasitism, since it requires that the host
benefit from the interaction as well as the parasite."
"Parasites are generally smaller than their hosts, absorbing
nutrients from the host’s body fluids, but this is far from a
universal strategy."
In fact there are many strategies,
relating to what the parasite requires from its host, and how the
parasite is going to get it.
An important class of strategies incorporates a modification of the
host’s behavior in order to achieve a result beneficial to the
parasite and not necessarily beneficial to the host -- it could be
fatal to it.
Examples seen in nature include that of the parasitic wasp
Hymenoepimecis sp. that attaches itself to a spider host, inducing it
to build a special web that will be used by the pupating wasp after
it kills and eats the spider (Parasite’s web of death).
The parasitic Nematomorph hairworm develops inside grasshoppers and
crickets. When mature, they "brainwash" their hosts, causing them to
plunge into water, enabling the worms to emerge and swim away to
find mates. The grasshoppers or crickets are for their troubles left
dead or dying (Parasites brainwash grasshoppers into death dive).
Many other examples of parasitism in nature could be provided.
"...there is a parasite that attacks
a certain type of crab and eats up all nonessential soft tissue
inside of it, but leaves the basics that allow locomotion---key
muscles, the optic nerves, etc. It is then able to take over
this partly hollowed out crab and use it in the manner of an
Imperial Lieutenant in the Star Wars fantasy operating an
Imperial Walker.
"Rabies is caused by a parasite, and it produces a particular
sort of madness that will cause an infected mammal, even a human
being, to want to bite or otherwise cause bloodshed with other
mammals thereby opening a vector, an avenue of transmission, for
the parasite."
That was from Jonathan Zap, whose
complete article
Mind Parasites, Energy Parasites and Vampires takes
us over the edge to where we need to be if we hope to understand
this particular dimension of human control.
The point here is that parasitism could be a form of interaction not
only among lifeforms in nature, but between ourselves and other
types of entities, whether we call them extraterrestrials or
anything else. And this interaction is capable of modifying the
desire and intention of humans, enforcing behavior that is quite
alien to their previous nature, but is felt to be of their own
Interesting, yes?
Alain Gossens, of the Karmapolis.be website that has become
something of a strategic partner of Open SETI, sharing interviews
and articles, surveys this field with an emphasis on Gnosticism and
the works of Carlos Castaneda, in
Possession and Predation -
Aliens, Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians: The Enigma of
Extraterrestrial Parasites.
By including this reference to Gossens’ article here, we are not
implying a transitive endorsement of all the material he covers. His
is a survey and it is a good and useful one.
But with Gossens’ article, we have opened the issue of attempts to
control human activity and destiny by and through parasitic
With a recognition of this possibility, we can begin to look at
large-scale human activities for signs of self-destructiveness that
could play into the needs and intentions of some other, alien,
It would be easy to say that we do not need to look very far, but of
course we do not wish to be making up excuses for our own behavior,
or shrugging off responsibility for terrible events.
What would be an appropriate approach to this issue?
Perhaps a good beginning would be to look for our own, unassailable,
and immutable essence. This takes inner work.
And thus we open the dynamic for this page’s discussion. It is to
explore the inner nature of humanity’s encounters with something
other, and to try to understand as a human, what this has caused
humans to be, and what, if anything, it has caused us to do.
We also will reflect this dynamic against a recent cosmological
Metahistory.org, the work of John Lash and
Joanna Harcourt-Smith,
seeks to create or recreate what they call the "Gaia Mythos", an
essential part of which is the "Gnostic Archon theory" which is
derived from the old Gnostic lore.
What is an archon?
The term is mentioned many times in the
Nag Hammadi texts. In terms of Metahistory, archons are a species of
"predatory inorganic beings".
As a momentary aside, does that last phrase sound familiar to you?
It would if you were a fan of the writings of
Carlos Castaneda, who
frequently used that very term.
In my 17 July 2004 posting to the Open SETI Forums II review of
Von Ward’s Gods, Genes, and Consciousness, I quoted from Castaneda’s
The Active Side of Infinity:
"In order to keep us obedient and
meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous
maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a
fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of
view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind!
Do you
hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes
mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose,
filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."
Lash finds great concordance between
Castaneda’s depictions and those of the Gnostics. See for example
his article THE TOPIC OF TOPICS:
Gnostic Parallels in the Writings
of Carlos Castaneda, and the June 30 2005
interview with Karmapolis.
This interview brings out so much essential information that I
cannot recommend it too highly. It is an indispensable introduction
to the "ET/Archon Theory" or what I sometimes call the "Gnostic
Archon Theory".
Here is a link to the
Metahistory NAVIGATOR for ET/Archon Theory.
This will provide further links to definitions of terms and to the
entire theory.
There is so much on Lash’s site that it would be hard to encapsulate
it on this page. However, a useful list of key points has been
derived from an interview given by John Lash to Art Bell on
Coast to
Coast AM, March 19, 2005:
The gnostics were seers,
initiates, and shamans.
They practiced many psychic arts and
developed them to a very high degree.
They developed "Siddhis".
They were remote viewers.
They were "qualified to see and
correctly evaluate other worlds".
They were stargazers and
cosmologists. Their history of the solar system matches
modern understanding in remarkable ways.
They obtained their picture
through direct observation.
A massive and deliberate
destruction of their documents, including the burning of the
library at Alexandria, took place from 150 CE to the middle
ages. Only the
Nag Hammadi Library documents survive.
These were discovered in
December 1945.
They knew the structure of the
Galaxy (the "pleroma") and the position of our solar system
within it.
There is an infinite plenitude
of other galaxies.
Occasionally, the Galactic core
emits plasmatic surges.
The energy of these surges
produces certain configurations in the Galaxy.
There are "tunnels" within our
Galaxy. He says that astronomers discovered these in 2003.
The surges can give rise to
certain forms of life.
From their perspective, before
the earth became a living environment, the solar system
surrounded it like a crust.
Early in the life of our solar
system, a galactic surge produced a wave that created
inorganic forms.
The earth is "captured" within
the solar system.
The solar system is "inorganic".
Only the earth within it is "organic".
The picture corresponds to
Gaia Hypothesis (Lovelock and Margulis) in which the
earth is the only planet with a biologically alive
Other solar systems have
biospheres similar to the earth.
The gnostics were specifically
concerned with "alien" intrusions.
They described two types of
aliens: reptilian and the "embryo" type that can be equated
to modern "Greys".
They called the aliens "archons"
(Greek: authorities).
These are equivalent to
"watchers" described in
The Book of Enoch.
Archons were formed in the early
stage of the solar system. Therefore they are inorganic
Archons cannot and do not live
on this planet with us.
The gnostics concluded that the
archons are bullies. A predatory species.
According to the "First
Apocalypse of James" (from the Nag Hammadi texts), "They
will take away souls by theft." We would use the term
The archons are still with us.
They are neither more powerful
nor more evolved than we are.
They lack our evolutionary
drive. They are like cyborgs; a robotic race that can
imitate but not innovate.
From the "Second Apocalypse of
James": "They are not over you but they are in the solar
system with you and you must take account of that."
They must be kept in their
place. They don’t observe their correct boundaries. Life on
earth depends on observing boundaries. They intrude.
They envy us. They intrude into
our reality and try to be like us. They envy our ability to
innovate. That we are driven, goal-oriented. They are
robotic. They lack what we have.
They operate only by imitation
and by taking orders. They do not have our "intention".
There was no description of
their hardware. The gnostics believed we needed to know
about the "software" side.
They describe the archons as
engineers and mechanics who live in the solar system and
maintain it.
The archons are delusional and
those who are associated with them become delusional.
The most important thing about
them is the way they intrude into our minds.
Their technique of intrusion and
mind control makes use of simulation. The coptic word for
this is "HAL".
The intrusion probably plays a
great role in mental illness.
They make something appear to
happen that does not actually happen. They can induce a
virtual reality experience.
Some mentally-ill people have
perceived the archons but cannot deal with the experience.
Gnostics taught how to deal with them.
Certain religious beliefs such
as divine redeemer / messiah are injected delusions.
They observe our emotions as if
they could absorb them and use them as their own.
They feed on our fear. It’s an
energy that "gives them a kick" like a drug.
The word for "terror" occurs
frequently. It is connected with "error".
What they are attempting is
absurd. They can’t succeed, but they are driven to do it
Jacques Vallee: "The way to a
man’s belief is through absurdity."
They can’t overpower us but we
can abdicate.
Expanding on that last point, Lash
In their attempt to intrude upon
humanity, which has been ongoing for millennia, the Archons use
a lot of bluff and bravado. they affect our minds to get us to
believe they can do far more than they can actually do, but in
so believing, we unwittingly surrender our power to them — the
result is, they get their way with us, because we have betrayed
our own capacities.
Hence the Archons claim to rule over
humanity, and even pretend to have been our creators, as is
recounted in the Sumerian cunieform record of
the Anunnaki,
accepted as true by
Zecharia Sitchin and many other sincere
investigators. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947 at the
very moment the
Nag Hammadi texts were initially recognized to
be rare gnostic materials, contain explicit accounts of direct
threats posed by reptilians.
Concerning the Sumerian cuneiform
record, "accepted as true by Zecharia Sitchin and many other sincere
investigators", John Lash points out that the Gnostics did not
accept that record so easily. They knew these were recorded by
scribes and pointed out that scribes were not historians, after all.
They were skilled artisans, laboring in service to ruling families,
officials, and high priests. What they wrote had been dictated to
them by their superiors in that theocratic society.
And to Lash and
the Pagan Gnostics, "theocracy" is a red flag.
Putting it bluntly, to the Gnostics, the creation of humanity via
Anunnaki intervention, along with other ancient creation myths, was
a delusion transmitted by Archons through their channels.
Now, the Gnostics had and have their own creation myth, derived not
through channels and prophets but through observation by skilled
shamans who are also scholars and historians. On his site
Metahistory.org, Lash says that he is attempting to recreate the
Gnostic creation myth in which the Aeon Sophia becomes embodied in
the Earth. The Earth is her body. This is connected with
the Gaia
idea, he says, and the two myths are going to converge.
One more descriptive quote:
Metahistory.org contains numerous
passages on the ET/UFO enigma, treated in the perspective of gnostic teachings. Here and there I equate the Archons with
contemporary ETs, those "alien" entities who seem to flit in and
out of our world, particularly the Greys and Reptilians widely
associated with UFO sightings, encounters, and abductions. There
is, as everyone knows, a vast mythology developing about these
...and Open SETI has from its beginning advocated the seeking of
knowledge through mythology.
Speaking of encounters and abductions,
Malou Zeitlin notes that since the perpetrators, whoever or whatever
they are, seem to be involved in people’s lives from their earliest
days, they may be making use of the process well-known to
naturalists as imprinting. She explains the concept in an excerpt
a private letter.
She also reminds us of "stories of visits to young children...the
little friends, the little doctors, so-called imaginary playmates,
These are so widespread that they have come to be considered just a
part of childhood development. Perhaps they are a part of all
childhood development. That is just the point, isn’t it? Readers who
are familiar with the "UFO phenomenon" are aware of how often these
stories blend into the encounters of later years. The "little
doctors" remain "doctors" of a sort. Still little, but more
Imprinting can be used to insert what computer hackers call
a back
door - a means of entry that remains, unnoticed, for future use. If
widespread in our society, this can allow any desired ideas or
choices to be inserted into the group mind, dynamically, as needed.
If Lash can demonstrate that ETs of our contemporary experience are
the very Archons of the gnostic seers, a powerful support for the
objective reality of these beings will have been established.
Moreover, the deep philosophical insight of the gnostics then
becomes a resource for understanding who the beings are and what
they are doing or trying to do here with us.
by Cliff "Web Bot"
Cliff “Web Bot”, another student of the
Nag Hammadi texts, reports
that this literature discusses “incorrigibles” on “incorruptibles”,
which would be our frequently-encountered Grays, that do not have
bodies or minds as we would understand them. They are “like really
smart ants”, capable of independent thoughts, yet their thoughts are
directed by a common interconnection, an overmind.
This information, he says, is also found in Sanskrit, Egyptian, and
Taoist texts, some of which have not been translated from the
original. “Web Bot” has some ability to read in the original
The incorruptibles, their common megamind, and ourselves, were
originally created by a very remote “creator group”.
In this process, humans were given the capability of guiding their
own growth. The megamind does not have this, and unfortunately has
become very envious and jealous of it. It has essentially “gone
insane” and no longer does the bidding of its master.
Thousands of years ago, working alone, and through its hive-minded
robots, the megamind manufactured the three major western religions
and their concept of an external saviour, a God to be worshipped,
and a heavenly state in which one can continue to worship,
eternally. This of course is intended to deprive humans of their
hated innate capability and to control them.
The “nasty little gray bandidos” manipulated and placed the
that be, to manipulate the rest of us.
Aeons, the
Myth of Sophia... and the Galactic Superwave?
These gnostic scholars may have provided a Rosetta stone for the use
of Open SETI, and perhaps in another way as well.
A key element of gnostic philosophy is the role of the Aeons.
Quoting from the Metahistory lexicon:
An Aeon is a god understood, not in theological terms, but in terms
of the physics of consciousness. Aeons are not entities but
processes that may best be conceptualized as immense currents, but
currents that are alive, self-aware, sensuous. The Goddess Sophia
who becomes embodied as Gaia is an Aeon, hence the Aeon Sophia.
Aeons are gendered.
Lash points out that the gnostic records are fragmentary and
inconsistent in meaning.
Like blocks in a
LEGO set, the fragments
can be assembled to support many different points of view. Lash
interprets the gnostic system as describing the plunge made by
Sophia from the Galactic core to the outer reaches of the Galaxy.
Similar ideas occur in several classical systems of thought.
Something like Sophia’s plunge may appear elsewhere in Open SETI as
well, in the form of the
Galactic superwave detailed by Dr.
Paul LaViolette, to whose work we referred earlier on this page. The
necessity - urgent necessity - of understanding the Galactic superwave is just possibly, according to
LaViolette, the reason for
the elaborate system of pulsars striving for our attention.
LaViolette discusses the problem of the Galactic center and superwaves in several of his books. It is in
Earth Under Fire (1997)
that he provides the most information about the object at the
center, a highly-luminous unresolved radio source designated as
A* (pronounced "Sagittarius A-star").
Astronomers are convinced that Sgr A* is a single body, he says. It
is the most massive celestial object in the Galaxy. Its diameter is
unknown, but it has been determined to be smaller than the diameter
of Jupiter’s orbit. This relatively tiny region generates a fierce
wind of cosmic ray electrons and protons rushing outward at very
close to the speed of light.
Some astronomers have suggested that Sgr A* is a black hole, a
gravitational singularity that voraciously gobbles up surrounding
gas. This gas, they say, would radiate profuse quantities of
electromagnetic radiation just before irrevocably disappearing past
the black hole’s dark event horizon, the boundary past which even
light cannot escape.
This activity seems frankly counter-intuitive. In fact,
astrophysicists are quite comfortable with the paradox of a black
hole voraciously eating everything coming near it, including light
itself, while paradoxically radiating truly prodigious amounts of
energy. This is surely one of those impossible things that are
required to be believed before breakfast.
That would not be necessary in LaViolette’s physics and cosmology,
in which there are no black holes anywhere. The reasons for this, as
explained in SQK and Gravitation, have to do with the finite
gravitational potential fields at the center of subatomic particles,
and the genic energy radiation pressures associated with mass
In conventional astrophysics, the energy we see coming from around
"black holes" is said to be the last scream of matter before being
crushed out of existence. But as noted, this doesn’t really make any
sense, and anyway, LaViolette’s "genic energy" is a much better
explanation. That goes for
A* as well.
According to LaViolette, the ancients were aware of all this.
They did not portray the Heart of the Galaxy as a region of matter
annihilation, but as one of matter and energy creation, a cosmic
wellspring giving birth to all the matter in the Galaxy. However,
such reaction centers can at times erupt with such force as to
affect worlds even at a galaxy’s most distant perimeter.
LaViolette has called this "The Mother Star."
In Open SETI Physics we wrote:
A major portion of Genesis of the
Cosmos is devoted to the concept that SQK (sub
quantum kinetics) is actually an ancient
science, encoded for us in well-known myths - for example, the
Egyptian myth of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Horus (representing
etheron states and dynamics) as well as the Hindu gods.
The very
idea that greater wisdom and knowledge may have been possessed
by our ancient forebears is itself utterly at variance with the
beliefs of modern society...."
LaViolette does not mention anything of
gnosticism, the Aeons, or Sophia. However, he has clearly found
remnants of gnostic knowledge in many classical mythologies.
example, in Earth Under Fire, he writes of the birth of Athena from
the head of Zeus:
The splitting of his head...suggests
an explosive conclusion. Athena, who springs forth from Zeus
fully armed with shield and spear, would then signify the
outburst of cosmic rays violently emitted from the Galactic
Now, to LaViolette, the ancients
understood something equivalent to his SQK theory, and built
mythical metaphors to encode and preserve their understanding for
future generations.
However, we wonder. This would make the physics
primal, and the myths, carriers of the primal information. But that
is what we would say, in today’s materialistic mode. Could it be
more as has presented by Metahistory and the Gaia concepts, in which
our world is indeed sensate through and through?
It is tempting to continue this line of
thinking as far as comparing Sophia’s action with LaViolette’s
Galactic superwave.
However, the analogy does not seem to
hold up. Sophia plunges out into the Galactic arms in a torrent of
energetic (and sensate) current. She does this but once, and this
results in many things, including the birth of the human race. On
the other hand, the superwave is explosively emitted along a broad
front, and this takes place repeatedly, having been observed several
times within human history.
For now, we conclude that while many mythologies testify to the
gnostic story, and to some characteristics of the Galactic core, if
we are looking for a parallel within modern astrophysics, the superwave would not be a prime candidate.
With all of the myths provided on this
page, it would seem that our quest for understanding has now begun.
However, it has just begun. Many points on this page need to be
expanded and they will be expanded over a period of time.
For now - and to bring us back to our
original subject of greys and controllers - we leave you with one
more quote from John Lash, taken from his article
Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion, a guest column in the
magazine "Phenomena":
Gnostic texts use mythological
language to describe actual events in prehistory as well as
long-term developments in the human psyche. According to the
ancient seers, Archons cannot access our genetic makeup but they
can fake an intervention. Considering the confusion of humanity
in modern times, a faked intervention would be as good as real.
This typifies the Archon tactic of
getting us to imagine and believe things that are not true, and
to accept simulation for reality. In this way, gnostics taught,
these alien cousins can deviate the human species from its true
and proper course of evolution.
But this is according to the information
found in fragmentary texts, written by diverse pagan orders and
priestesses in the centuries leading up to the time of the advent of
the Christian church... and interpreted by John Lash with the aid of
his considerable intuitions.
Remember, this information concerns
events going back into the very night of time, relating even to the
formation of the planet Earth. It is reasonable to expect that as we
shift the focus farther and farther back in time, it becomes more
and more vague, until perhaps we are working with the allegories
found in the scriptures, stories, and sayings of the peoples of the
That is usually the case but - beyond all expectation - we have been
able on a sister website (The Chronicles of the Gírkù), in
cooperation with the extraordinary French author Anton Parks,
to shine a klieg light on the most distant, pre-human, times of
origin and bring it all into very sharp focus.
We will lead you to these pages in a moment, but first, for readers
who are familiar with the terminology used by John Lash and other
gnostics, a concordance will be useful:
Divinities (Aeons) of the Pleroma |
Kadištu (life designers) |
Elohim Creator divinities of the Earth Creators of the original human being of Genesis |
The Aeon Sophia slave of the angels called
archons |
Tiamat murdered by her son An |
Tehom (Leviathan)
Sophia's fall into matter (Earth or solar system) |
Plunge into the depths of the ocean after her destruction |
Destruction of Leviathan |
Zoé (daughter of Sophia) the mystical Eve the tree in the garden Tree of Knowledge (with the aid of Sa'am) |
Nammu (daughter of Tiamata) |
- |
Tree of life and death |
Ninmah |
- |
- |
Sa-am-Enki (son of An and Nammu) |
Serpent |
Great Archons |
Lahamu, Lahmu, Ansar, Kisar, An |
- |
Yaldabaoth Chief of the Great Archons Satan |
Directed by the "god" An |
Yahvé blend of An, Enlil, Enki Created "Adam" of Gen 2.7 |
- |
Enlil created by Sa'am-Enki defective, should have been destroyed immediately An's great territorial administrator (Šàtam) |
Satan |
Archons |
Anunna created by An |
Angels commanded by
Yahvé |
We could go on with endless concordances, but this should give you a
sense of what lies in store.
You can also see here the endless possibilities for mischief to be
perpetrated on the future human mind (the subject of this page,
after all), which is the problem we live with today. Few can
challenge the universally-accepted toxic beliefs without opening
themselves to terrible accusations. However we do what we can, and
that is why you should read The Chronicles.
One more point: John Lash makes much about the ability or inability
of archons to conduct actual genetic operations as opposed to
creating the deception that genetic operations are underway. It is
almost a religious or metaphysical precept in his brand of
gnosticism as to what is possible and what is not.
As presented by Parks, genetics represents a strategic
With this technology, An was able
to create his massive Anunna ("Anunnaki")
military force in practically no time at all, and with that, to
wreak terrible havoc and capture this solar system. We are living in
the result... in fact, we are the result.
It is no wonder that the technology is closely held. Some groups
have it; some do not. Clearly, having it or not is not a matter of
values or metaphysical truths; it is a matter of possession, nothing
The famous "greys"
do not have it. However, they may participate in operations as
Now you can continue with
The Chronicles
of The Gírkù...
Perform an Internet search on
the combination of terms SETI salvation. The results are
See Lash’s
discussion of
intervention theory.
"Web Bot": a pseudonym. His
Half Past Human, may not be fully enlightening on
first view as to what "Web Bot" actually does.
Linguist and computer scientist Clif "Web Bot" uses web
"robots" to retrieve many millions of conversation fragments
and documents from the web, and subjects them to deep
linguistic analysis, uncovering trends that reveal emerging
social and geophysical phenomena.
The information loosely quoted here was taken from his Sept
8 2005 interview with Alex Merklinger on Mysteries of the
Independent clarification of the
terms "Pagan Gnosticism" and "Christian Gnosticism" is
needed here. In fact there are other strains as well, as the
prominent Christian Gnostic development drew from diverse
earlier sects and literatures: Greek, Judaic, and Asian.
As an analysis of the origins of Gnosticism would be beyond
both our scope and capability, we refer readers to an
ongoing rather balanced discussion at the
University website:
Lash himself treats this problem at length and definitively
in his forthcoming book,
Dreaming Sophia.