- FACT: From
- Hank Brandli, former meteorologist at Hickam Air
Force Base in Hawaii, says, "with military operations, weather
intelligence is always your first priority." On the 9/11 plot he says,
"I think they had a weather guy on their team to help set it
- "They spent months, maybe years, planning this
thing," he says. "But it had to come down to a last-second call,
because there was a hurricane coming up the coast and a cold front
moving out."
- "Think about it: September is the worst month in the
world to be planning anything in the air on the East Coast, because
you're at the height of hurricane season. In fact, climatologically
speaking, Sept. 3 is the worst day of the entire year to plan a
flight. And yet, you had this day where the weather was perfect, from
Maine all the way down to Washington. You can't plan that far out and
hope you get lucky."
- FACT: From
- (0 or 360 is North; 310 is NW)
- The NW wind days from June 1st to Nov.1,2001 were
6/16, 8/13, 9/11, 10/8, 10/17.
- FACT: From
- Five-day forecasts are now roughly as accurate as
3-day forecasts made a decade ago. For the period 3 to 5 days:
Large-scale circulation events such as major storms and cold waves
usually can be anticipated 3 to 5 days in advance.
- The clear day with a NW wind was forecast on
September 6th, 2001. CLEAR for remote control visual flying; A NW WIND
to play 'HIDE THE HELICOPTER' , the remote control station for the
South Tower airliner.
- The September 6th weather forecast set a chain of
events in motion, the most horrific crime in American History.
- Is President Bush really coming to Emma E. Booker
Elementary School???
- For several days due to security reasons, "mum" was
the word regarding President Bush's visit. It was so hard to keep it a
secret. Then, finally ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH, it was "OK" to tell
everyone. Immediately our front office was surrounded by Secret
Service and White House aides.
- On August 28,2001 we got the news that Emma Booker
had finished the preliminary offerings for the Presidential visit. We
knew that we were on the list for a visit, and the final selection
DAY BECAUSE OF SECURITY REASONS. We were advised to "keep the news
close to home."
- Teachers, students, etc. give their accounts of the
fateful day.
Sibel Edmonds gets the last word:
- "President Bush said they had no specific
information about 11 September and that is accurate but only because
he said 11 September," she said. There was, however, general
information about the use of airplanes and that an attack was just
months away.
- Jim Hogue - crackerjack interview of Sibel Edmonds
- Clearly beyond the shadow of doubt it has been
established that the South Tower airliner carried Remote Control
Second 911 Remote Control Antenna Verified
Avionics Expert - A 911 Remote Control Lesson for
Real 911 Science For PM - The ST Airliner
- First, the first airliner made a smudge pot of the
North Tower; second, the NW wind blow the smoke plume across the South
Tower, third, within minutes a Bell 212 Helicopter used the smoke
plume to enter WTC airspace unnoticed to ground observers BUT NOT THE
- Fourth, the helicopter has arrived on time. There
was a window of 17 minutes between crashes so the helicopter started
its trip to the WTC before the North Tower was hit.
- Fifth, this photo shows the airliner on its approach
to the South Tower. Note the NW wind smoke plume.
- Another photo of the helicopter in position to sight
the oncoming airliner to pick up remote control guidance. The
helicopter placed itself over the South Tower so it could steer the
airliner at itself but then dive it into the tower below.
- Sixth, at the time of impact the helicopter seen to
the left of the TV mast clearly visible to the camera as its propwash
blows its cover.
- Bell 212 Helicopter information here:
With air time of only 2-3 hours depending on its load TIME IS OF THE
ESSENCE for the helicopter. Time spent in WTC airspace was about 1
- Seventh, NBC showed the South Tower helicopter
killing time. WHY?
- Lastly,
- 911 Nutshell Timeline
- Pre-9/11 WEEKS
- Former CIA Director George Tenet committed perjury
in his April 14 testimony before the 9/11 Commission when he claimed
he had not met with President Bush in the month before the attacks on
the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
- The CIA issued what was described as a correction
after the Director "misspoke." The Agency asserted that its records
showed Tenet meeting with Bush on August 17 and 31, and then on at
least six occasions in September prior to Tuesday, the 11th
- September 6th. The 9/11 plot is set in
- FIRST order of business was to call Booker School
that the Feds were coming.
- A Booker employee records September 6, 2001 as the
day School administration 'knew' Booker was to be visited.
- 2075 put options were made on United Airlines
- Between August 26 and September 11, 2001, a group of
speculators, identified by the American Securities and Exchange
Commission as Israeli citizens, sold "short" a list of 38 stocks that
could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the
pending attacks.
- "I have no idea what intelligence lies behind the
warning," Shultz said, ''but they put this out because they had some
sort of intelligence." Shultz, who served as secretary of state under
President Reagan, said he received a copy of the Sept. 7 "worldwide
warning" in his San Francisco office on the day before the fatal
- Jeb Bush signed order creating martial law in
Florida for 9/11 aftermath.
- SEPTEMBER 8th, 9th
- World Trade Center IT engineer reports security
power down.
- From "Scott Forbes"
- Mon, 19 Apr 2004 12:35:13 +0000
- I was pleased to read your article "The Official
Version of 9/11 is a Hoax" ... Please note some other facts. My name
is Scott Forbes and I still work for Fiduciary Trust. In 2001 we
occupied floors 90 and 94-97 of the South Tower and lost 87 employees
plus many contractors.
- On the weekend of 9/8,9/9 there was a 'power down'
condition in WTC tower 2, the south tower. This power down condition
meant there was no electrical supply for approx 36hrs from floor 50
up. I am aware of this situation since I work in IT and had to work
with many others that weekend to ensure that all systems were cleanly
shutdown beforehand ... and then brought back up afterwards. The reason
given by the WTC for the power down was that cabling in the tower was
being upgraded ... Of course without power there were no security
cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many 'engineers' coming
in and out of the tower. I was at home on the morning of 9/11 on the
shore of Jersey City, right opposite the Towers, and watching events
unfold I was convinced immediately that something was happening
related to the weekend work ...
- I have mailed this information to many people and
bodies, including the 9/11 Commission but no-one seems to be taking
and registering these facts. Whats to hide? Can you help publicize
- Please feel free to mail me.
Scott Forbes
- 2,282 put options were recorded for American
- Bush II headed to Florida
- SEPTEMBER 10th, 11th
- Bush I reported in White House
- Bush I alibi that he was in a suburban Milwaukee
motel at the time of 9/11 events could not verified. 9/11 started at 7
a.m. Wisconsin time.
- Last minute details: REMOVE BILLIONS IN GOLD BARS ON
FLATBED TRUCKS (see below), lock the rooftop doors, turn off the
rooftop TV cameras, order news helicopter out of the WTC airspace. No
witnesses of the Bell 212 helicopter desired.
- (1) 9/11 Family survivors complained the locked WTC
rooftop doors killed people trying to exit upward to the roof.
- Among a host of questions, relatives of the dead
want to know why the twin towers' rooftop doors were locked on Sept.
11. Some (28) workers were rescued from the north tower by helicopter
during the 1993 trade center bombing.
http://www.ajc.com/news/content/news/ap/ap_story.html/ National/AP.V8946.AP-Sept-11-Commiss.html
- (2)
- Video cameras positioned atop the World Trade Center
which were used to feed daily images to local television stations were
inexplicably inoperative that morning (of 9/11).
- (3)
- Newsradio 880 helicopter ordered to exit the burning
towers airspace immediately.
- White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said the
administration believes the attacks against the United States are
probably over for now. "We believe that the perpetrators have executed
their plan, and therefore the risks are significantly reduced," he
- May I ask how did they know that??
- Blair hits D.C. to discuss the Iraq War?????
- Karl Schwarz reports that the Afghanistan attack was
really all about removing Bridas Corporation of Argentina from
building a contracted pipeline across Afghanistan so US oil companies
could build that pipeline and profit from Caspian Sea oil and gas
- US and British oil companies were frozen out of
developing Iraq oil fields and required to pay Euros for Iraq oil. Was
that the real reason for the Iraq attack? Notice that the minimal
amount of oil now coming from Iraq, 1/3 of the pre-Iraq War
production, is paid for in dollars at record levels. One report said
about 100,000 Iraq civilians have been killed in that war.
- LAST WORD to PBS interview with saad al-fagih, a
Saudi Arabian dissident living in exile in London. Dr. Saad al-Fagih
heads the Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia. In this interview, he
explains the factors fueling anti-Americanism in Saudi Arabia and
other Arab nations,
- An excerpt:
- PBS: So the idea of the U.S. putting its troops on
the ground in Afghanistan or in other Muslim countries because we're
angry and we want revenge, and we want to wipe out terrorism -- could
in fact blow up in our faces?
- Saad al-fagih: It probably more than could. It would
blow up on the faces of America. It's going to be very much natural
response [when] a non-Muslim force attacks a Muslim country.
Especially if you add to this element what people perceive now, the
reason is because they are Muslims; they are people of principle, of
Islam. They're holding to their values of Islam.
- Karl Schwarz reports on the movement of billions in
gold bars from the WTC basement on the morning of 9/11.
- Subject: Caller tells of World Trade Center gold
movement on morning of 9-11
- From: Stargate723@webtv.net (Mark Andrews)
- Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004
- On the morning of September 11, 2001, there were
$167 billion dollars in gold bars in Federal Reserve vaults in the
basement of the World Trade Center.
- Since the destruction of the twin towers, there has
been much speculation as to what might have become of all of the
- A female caller to the Bill Bochiers radio program
on WLW, Cincinnati (11-06-04) told of a report from her friend who
worked at the WTC. The friend said that on the morning of 9-11 she was
on her way to her job at the World Trade Center, along the route she
normally took. As she turned a corner at the base of the Center, she
saw two large flat bed trucks parked at one of the entrances. One of
the trucks had already been loaded and had its contents covered by a
large tarp. The second truck was in the process of having its bed
loaded with stacks of solid gold bars.
- Both sides of the street were lined by black
uniformed troops with machine guns who kept an eye on the operation
and on the surrounding area.
- The bewildered woman kept a distance from the
activity and watched as the second truck was loaded, and its contents
covered with a tarp. The two trucks were then driven away with the
soldiers traveling along as escort.
- The woman was so stunned by what she had seen that
she turned around and did not report to work that morning, which, as
it turned out, most probably saved her life when the towers were
attacked and destroyed only about an hour later.