November 8, 2010 from HalfPastHuman Website
The 26,000 year solar
winding (magnetic pressure) cycle, which is displayed to humans (and
other life) here on Terra in the form of the 'sun spot cycle' that
is variously considered to be either 22 years or 11 years in length
begins with the now, somewhat notorious,
87 day magnetic winding
many reasons, I suspect that the volcanic activity will increase
(along with earthquakes and really strange weather) nearly 2/two
weeks before that day. The 'anticipation' of the actual day of the
winding lap (Jan 22) is due to the lack of release of the magnetic
pressures affecting the sun, as well as the continuous build up of
magnetic pressures here on earth.
So as an instance, August 1 of this year produced only 5 days of geomagnetic affective actions, where the beginning of the next cycle that occurred on October 27 is "still" producing activity in the Indonesian islands.
So as we progress into
2011, I suspect that the activity will join together at both ends
such that between one cycle and the next full 87 day sun polar 'lap'
cycle, the activity, with volcanoes and earthquakes and such, will
continue without significant decrease.
That is to say, we
should be able to plot/chart the activity levels of volcanoes and
earthquakes from October 2010 through to June and then project the
trend line for increased energies impacting our planet into late
2011 and 2012.
Soooo... the 26,000 year cycle has a 5th harmonic of 5115 years... which is... guess what?... the length of the Mayan Long Count calendar!
And other harmonics (3rds,
8ths), as well as this 5th harmonic ALL show
climate and crustal changes here on earth (historically). It is also
our conclusion that these harmonics are manifesting in a scalar
fashion and can be found down to the level of mere days.
There will be many reasons that local officials and governments will NOT want to consider this warning, and my theory/conclusions. And I presume that they will argue very fiercely that my conclusions are incorrect. The next year will settle any such disputes.
Any officials in the region
are invited to contact me should they feel the need.