by Wynn Free
SpiritOfMaat Website
The information presented
here comes from L/L Research. Both L/L Research and David Wilcock (see
A Scientific Blueprint for
Ascension) have channeled Ra in trance or
dream states.
The ''Scientific Blueprint" article mentioned above is
based upon an interview with David Wilcock. David
believes that he is a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, and
there does seem to be some indication that Ra may be the
entity which allowed Cayce to tap into his omniscient
awareness (see Wilcock bio). Also, Edgar Cayce said that
he would return in 1998, which is the year that David
became aware of Ra. And there is a great congruency and
consistency in the information brought forward by
Wilcock and Cayce, and also with that from L/L Research.
L/L Research began as a team of three people — Don
Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim McCarty — who tapped into
Ra in January of 1981 when they were doing channeling
experiments. Don Elkins has since passed away, but
the L/L Research website
is still active. Its stated aims are to provide
channeled information that gives a blueprint for the
evolutionary process, to supply inspiration and support
for seekers who feel alone and confused on their
journey, and to be a ''home away from home for Wanderers
and walk-ins.''
Most of the information in this article is based on
their channelings, which were compiled and organized by
Don Childer and appear in book form on David Wilcock's
The Spirit of Ma'at thanks all concerned for their
permission to include a wealth of verbatim quotes from
the channeled material. Wynn Free's website is at
Those who channel the entity known as
Ra report that he has been involved in the affairs of our planet
for the past 75,000 years.
At certain points in our history, Ra
claims to have manifested a physical body. Today, Ra says, he exists
on a level of pure vibration. He communicates with the group
consciousness through dreams, and with individuals through
The information in this article, in which Ra describes our evolution
and coming planetary ascension, is paraphrased or quoted from
channeled writings of a group who refer to themselves as
L/L Research.
The Origin of
Long before the inception of life on this planet, Ra says, there
were Third Density life forms on Venus similar to our human forms on
Through evolution, these life forms ''ascended'' beyond the Third
Density and ultimately fused together into a unified complex which
is the entity we now refer to as Ra. Ra identifies
himself as a ''social memory complex.''
According to Ra, there are eight densities that all life must pass
through, and in his present form, Ra exists on the Sixth Density.
The Earth, Ra claims, is presently at the end of a 75,000-year cycle
where many humans will graduate from the Third Density to the Fourth
Density by the process known as ''ascension.''
Involvement in the History of Earth
75,000 years ago At that time, there were Third Density beings on
Mars. Mars became
uninhabitable due to war, and it was Ra who helped the Martian
souls to transmigrate and reincarnate on Earth. He says that
these were the first humans on our planet. Even today, according
to Ra, 50 percent of the present population of Earth is of
Martian descent, which explains our propensity for warlike
58,000 years ago Ra gave help to the civilization known as
11,000 years ago Ra describes how
the Great Pyramid was built:
When one can speak to that
intelligence [the intelligence within rock], the finite
physical energy of the physical rock body is put into
contact with the infinite energy which is resident in the
more well-tuned higher bodies. With this connection made, a
request may be given. The intelligence of infinite rock-ness
communicates to its physical vehicle or body, and that
splitting or moving which is desired is then carried out.[1]
The purpose of the pyramids, Ra
says, was healing and initiation:
7500 years ago Ra took a physical body in South America. This was his last
physical appearance on Earth.
To the present Ra continues to be involved with humans in dream work and
through channeling.
The Origin of the
The first known thing in creation is
infinity. Then infinity becomes aware. ... As the Creator
decides to experience Itself, It manifests what we would
perceive as outer space. As the Creator continues to experience
Itself, It manifests free will and Love. ...
The action of free will upon Love creates manyness.
Manyness first starts out as an outpouring of randomized
creative force, which then creates patterns. The patterns of
energy begin to regularize their own rhythms and fields, thus
creating dimensions and universes. The galaxy, and all other
material things, are the products of individualized portions of
intelligent infinity. Each individualized portion of the One
would become a Co-Creator and creates a universe.
Each universe would evolve with its own set of natural laws. Any
portion of any universe, no matter how small, contains, as in a
holographic picture, the one Creator which is infinity. Thus,
all begins and ends in mystery.
The Eight Densities
Ra says that all life must evolve through eight densities.
It was you and I, he says, who created this Universe. Those are our
stars we dream on. We are the very same Infinite Intelligence that
started it all way back when, and we are on a return path back to
that selfsame Infinity — after which, we will recycle and start all
over. Alpha and Omega, it never ends, as we cycle over and over
through these eight densities. And it is always the action of free
will on Love that propels our energies through the densities,
creating the evolutionary movement.
Here's a brief review of what Ra claims are the stages of this
multibillion-year cycle:
First Density — The four
alchemical elements of earth (minerals), air (wind), fire,
and water. The fire and wind act on the minerals and water,
propelling evolution to consciousness and the Second
Second Density — The
beginning of animals and plants. This stage of evolution on
earth took 4.6 billion years.
Third Density —
Humankind's current stage. This is the density of
self-awareness and self-consciousness. The two fundamental
necessities are rational thinking and intuitive thinking.
Through applying both those qualities, we're supposed to
figure out that we're part of each other, which leads to the
experience of Love.
Interestingly enough, the purpose of having a physical body
that grows weak with age, according to Ra, was to move us
toward compassion and caring, as we watch each other's
bodies deteriorating. Once we learn this quality of Love, we
then move on to the higher densities, where our incarnations
are considerably longer.
The cycle for all incarnations in the Third Density, Ra
says, is 75,000 years.
Fourth Density —
Perceiving others as part of the Self. Here is a plane of
compassion, where we achieve the ability to understand the
sorrows of the Third Density. Individual differences are
still pronounced, but harmony is created through group
consensus, because people know what others are thinking.
As the Fourth Dimension evolves, the group of
mind/body/spirit complexes (i.e. people) become able to form
a ''social memory complex,'' where all experiences of each
entity are available to the whole.
The typical time for one incarnation in the Fourth Density
is 90,000 years, and the entire cycle of experience for all
incarnations in this density takes 30 million Earth years.
Fifth Density — Wisdom
and instant manifestation. The lessons of compassion learned
in the Fourth Density have led to wisdom in the Fifth. Fifth
Density entities may dissolve one manifestation and create
another at will.
Sixth Density — The
experience of the Self as Light. Ra is a Sixth Density
entity. This cycle of experience is 2.5 million years.
Seventh Density —
Culmination. The Seventh Density is the completed being,
''the Creator who knows Itself and compacts into the One
Creation once again, as it readies to enter the Eighth
Eighth Density — Return
to infinity. According to Ra, there is a mystery here, which
cannot be put into words. Just as in the musical scale, the
Eighth Density is also the First Density of the next octave.
Since each entity has free will, the
time lines given above are flexible. No entities can be forced to
move up the density ladder until they are ready and have chosen to
do so.
Higher-density entities, on the Sixth level and beyond, can serve as
the Higher Selves for lower-dimensional entities. Sometimes we refer
to them as Spirit Guides.
There is an incomprehensible majesty to the whole scenario. Here we
are in the Third Density, with bodies made up of First and Second
Density materials from our ancient past, with a High Self that
represents the future self — what we will grow into.[2]
A Wanderer is an entity who has made the conscious decision
to reincarnate into the Third Density of Earth from a higher
density, in order to assist in the raising of consciousness on the
Earth plane. Ra says that there are 65 million Wanderers
currently on Earth.
When the choice is made to be a Wanderer on Earth, the entity
knows that it will forget its original origin once it incarnates and
subjects itself to the dangers of getting trapped here.
The challenge and danger to the
Wanderer is that it will become karmically involved and thus be
swept into the maelstrom and turbulence which it intended to
If Wanderers can penetrate their
''forgetting,'' they have the ability to greatly accelerate
consciousness on this plane. Unawakened Wanderers tend to
have feelings of alienation because of the chasm between the density
of their origins and the density on the planet. They often exhibit
We can speculate that many readers of this article may fall into the
category of Wanderers, as might people who suffer from such
New Age maladies as Epstein Barr's and chronic fatigue
— people who have a difficult time reconciling their higher-density
existence with the Third Density.
Back to Walk-Ins and Wanderers
The Law of One
There is no right or wrong. There is no polarity.
According to Ra:
The belief in polarity is chosen
instead of understanding the complete unity of thought that
binds all things together. You are everything — every being,
every emotion, and every situation. You are unity. You are
infinity. You are Love, Light. You are.
The Law of One says all
things are one Creator. Thus, seeking the Creator is done not
just in meditation and in the work of the adept, but in the
experience of every moment. In each infinitesimal part of
yourself resides the One in all its power.
Space/Time v.
Ra makes an interesting differentiation between space/time
and time/space.
Space/time, he says, describes our waking experience of third
dimensional life, whereas time/space describes how we
experience ourselves in between lives. So the process of incarnation
involves a transition from time/space to space/time.
In space/time, we have control over space, in that we can move our
bodies freely from one place to another. But in space/time we
experience time as a relative, linear phenomenon over which we have
no control.
In time/space, Ra says, ''each entity is located in a somewhat
immobile state in space'' and has the experience of all lifetimes as
if they were occurring at the same time:
In space/time, it is not possible to
determine the course of events beyond the incarnation, but only
to correct present imbalances. In time/space, on the other hand,
it is not possible to correct any imbalanced actions but rather
to perceive the imbalances and thusly forgive the self for that
which is.
The advantage of time/space is the fluidity of the overview. The
advantage of space/time is that, working in darkness, with just
a tiny candle, one may correct the imbalances.
Eventually, after many lifetimes, an
entity in space/time will gain a conscious awareness of its
existence in time/space, and then may play a more active,
participatory role in its evolution.
Intuition, inspiration, psychic ability, and tantric sex, according
to Ra, all serve to bridge the chasm between space/time and
time/space. But there is no fixed dividing line. In space/time there
are people with extraordinary psychic abilities who can tap into the
time/space world and communicate with beings on the other side.
And beings in time/space can manifest in
space/time as what we call ''ghosts.''
Time/space is no more homogeneous
than space/time. It is as complex and complete a system of
illusions, dances, and patterns as is space/time, and has as
structured a system of what you would call Natural Laws. Every
planet with Third Density entities has a corresponding
The Veil of
Why can't we remember our previous lives?
It is only within the Third Density evolutionary process that the
Veil of Forgetfulness exists.
If there were no potential for misunderstanding, there would be no
experience. It is necessary for the Third Density entity to forget
where it comes from so that the mechanism of confusion or free will
may operate upon the newly individuated consciousness complex.
So, apparently, the need to make choices without conscious
understanding of all the ramifications is a necessary evolutionary
step in the growth of an entity. In other words, we need to learn
If there were no Veil of Forgetfulness, then one
would always understand the ramifications of one's choices, and Life
would be entirely predictable. In a predictable system, free will
cannot exist.
The Coming
According to Ra, our planet is coming to the end of its 75,000-year
Third Density cycle. The year 2011 is when that cycle is projected
to end.
Since not everyone on the planet is ready to move into the Fourth
Density, however (when Ra moved into the Fourth Density, only 20
percent of the Venusian population was ready), the remaining
Third Density entities reincarnate on a different Third Density
Ra says that to be eligible for graduation (or
''harvesting'') into the Fourth Density, we must have a 51 percent
orientation towards service to others. We do not have to understand
the Law of One or have esoteric, metaphysical knowledge in order to
Part of this ascension process, Ra says, will involve the
temporary end of all life forms on planet Earth while the planet
is readied for its new Fourth-Dimensional inhabitants.
At this time, entities who need additional Third-Dimensional
experience will find themselves on a different planet, where they
may unfold their karma. And those who ''graduate'' will reincarnate
on the New Earth.
Of course, we do not present Ra's commentary as fact.
There is no
way of knowing whether all this is true, or whether the prophesied
coming shift will actually happen. But whether we take imminent
ascension as truth or myth, the death of our physical bodies is
inevitable for all of us, sooner or later. And, practically
speaking, whether or not Ra's description of the coming ascension
actually happens or not, if we were to do those things that would
ensure our best positioning for such an event, that would certainly
increase the quality of our lives and life on this planet.
So what seems important is not to anticipate the future with fear,
but rather to live each moment with an awareness of being part of
Here are some closing thoughts from Ra to help us do that:
A Third Density entity can
accelerate its growth much more while alive in a physical body
than in between incarnations. If an entity chooses to accept
responsibility for each moment of experience, then this empowers
its progress.
Live from the heart, not from technique.
We are all one. The fundamental teachings of all planes of existence
are Unity, Love, Light, and Joy. The second-ranking lessons are in
meditation and service.
Contemplate the following:
Each moment contains love.
The Universe is one Being. When
you view another, see the Creator.
Gaze within a mirror. See the
Gaze at the Creation which lies
about the mind/body/spirit of each entity. See the Creator.
The best way of service to
others is to open the Self to others without hesitation and
radiate that which is the essence, or the heart.
Become aware of the other as
being the same as yourself.
Accept all experiences,
distilling from them the Light/Love within them. That which
is not needed falls away.
The offering of Self to the
Creator is the greatest service.
Like Uri Geller bending spoons, but
on a larger scale. [And ''There is no order of difficulty in
Much more information about these
densities, beyond the scope of this article, can be found on
Wilcock's website at ascension2000.com and in the original Ra
transcripts, available from L/L Research.