by Wynn Free
as told to Wynn Free
September 2001
ScottMandelker Website
Spanish version
Imminent, spontaneous
energetic transformation of our entire Solar System?
DNA written into the fabric of the Cosmos as a waveform?
A scientific case for a new, Galaxy-wide model of human
You’ve been waiting long enough! Joining forces with
well-known Ascension/Sacred Geometry promoter Drunvalo
Melchizedek, author/poet Wynn Free and Spirit of Ma’at
magazine, (“Ma’at” is Egyptian for “Truth”) Wilcock is
back with an article that highlights some of the
astonishing new information that will eventually cap off
the Convergence Series.
Also, check the links in the
article to find another piece by Free that gives an
overview of the main points elucidated in the Ra
Material / Law of One Study Guide.
(Note: These articles
are copied from the original SoM online magazine, which
is otherwise available on a subscription-only basis.)
(Article in Spirit of Ma’at Magazine, Vol. 2: 9/01) |
Our origin and
Many sources, including Ra (see
companion Ra article),
Cayce, and others, say that
the Oneness essentially got bored or lonely. It needed to
do something. It needed to create. It wasn't feeling complete just
by having this unified consciousness all the time.
So it conceptualized the idea of breaking Itself up into all these
parts, knowing that the parts would be able to evolve by their own
free will, making their own decisions. Things would happen that the
Oneness was not yet able to understand or comprehend. The parts
would have essentially their own creative ability. They would be
The Great Plan was that at the end, after this entire cycle
of universal evolution was complete, all of the parts that had
evolved on their own would independently recognize their God
Consciousness, renounce separation, embrace unity, and return to
the totality of Oneness. The One Creator from that very fact would
be highly enhanced, because all of this wonderful creative stuff had
transpired in that transition from ''One'' to ''many'' and back to
So God is evolving, and not some static Being that just sits
there and waits for everybody to catch up. God is
experiencing our evolution with us.
Galaxies were
the first Beings
My understanding is that God's first manifestations of
separate beings are what we call galaxies.
Each galaxy is sort of like a person. The universe is composed of
many billions of galaxies, so it would be the equivalent of many
Earths' worth of human beings, which is not inconceivable to
Each one of those galaxies is capable of sprouting an entire system
of stars from itself. Each one of those stars is the equivalent of a
being, and then each one of those stars is capable of giving birth
to planets, and each one of those planets is a being.
And each one of those planets, potentially, can be populated with
intelligent life.
So this is where you really get into the idea that the universe is
an Ultimate Being and there are various gradations of beings that
step down from that Oneness. The primary being that we here on Earth
identify with would be the Galaxy. Ra refers to the Galaxy as
the Logos. Our Galaxy has a personality, a particular way of
seeing how it's going to create conscious beings that will evolve
and return to God Consciousness.
Our Galaxy's own template for evolution is to produce human beings,
and all of the stars are precisely tuned with the proper energy
waves to insure that this will happen quite on its own, by the
natural physics of the situation.
Let me see if I can explain this in scientific terms.
The Galaxy and
Harmonic Resonance
We know that the Sun is actively pumping out spiraling energy waves
that drive the planets and moons in their respective orbits. Both
Bode's Law and the new Stoneking Resonance theories show
that the planets are spaced out in the natural Diatonic musical
proportions relative to each other.[1]
The very first extra-solar planetary system that we discovered,
which was around pulsar B1257+12, also shows these same

Pulsar PSR B1257+12
(NASA/JPL-Caltech )
The proportional phenomenon supports the
idea that every star is pumping out energy waves that create similar
planetary systems, as this kind of resonance obviously could not be
caused by random groupings of gas and dust.
Then, just like the principles of a hologram or a fractal, within
the larger waves from the Sun are subtler, smaller waves. And these
are also based on the same musical principles. They all branch out,
forming waves upon waves and getting smaller and smaller.
The Galaxy is
''tuned'' to form DNA
In the optimal planetary system, where there are no major cataclysms
or interruptions, there is a specific distance from the Sun where
the tiniest spiraling waves will gather a planet's natural materials
together to form the DNA molecules of life. The DNA is the
wave, and the wave is the DNA.
That DNA is formed in the process of planetary evolution may
sound ridiculous, but it can effectively be proven by something
known as the
DNA Phantom effect. Dr. Vladimir
Poponin put DNA in a tube and shone a laser through it, and to
his surprise he realized that it actually captured the light and
caused it to spiral through the helix, as if it were a crystal. Even
more amazingly, when Dr. Poponin removed the DNA, the light
continued spiraling on its own![3]
For light to form a DNA helix on its own should of course be
impossible — unless the light itself had become harmonically
tuned to some naturally existing frequency in the energy of
space around it. To me, this says that the spiraling light energy of
DNA was there first, and the physical molecules simply formed around
the spiraling energy once the planet was at the proper frequency
The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form human
DNA in planetary systems wherever it gets the chance.
theories are being disproven
The theory of
the Evolution of Species is being disproven
because the DNA molecule is just too complicated to have arisen by
''natural mutations.''
Dr. Crick, one of the original
discoverers of the DNA molecule, later proved mathematically that it
is absolutely impossible for evolution to have ever even
begun to produce DNA in the short amount of history that we have as
a planet.[4]
We are
''moving on up'' energetically
So now, we are moving into a new position. Microbiology experts tell
us that 97 percent of our DNA is apparently un-used,[5]
but I have been told that more and more of the chain is
''unzipping'' for those who are able to handle the new
fourth-density energy structure. These people may not physically
look any different, except perhaps more attractive in subtle ways,
but internally they will develop greater depths of emotion,
perception, intuition, and sensitivity.
Some of the younger people will actually develop telekinesis or the
ability to ''see dead people.'' Many others often find that
their bodies will no longer tolerate foods of lower vibration, and
they are impelled to eat diets high in fresh organic fruits and
So as you drift farther away from your parent star, your planet
enters into different vibrational energies and will support life in
higher densities.
As Ra
there is an Octave of eight major densities. This is the same as if
you played the white keys on the piano, the Diatonic scale. The
Octave can also be broken down into a system of 13, which can be
seen by playing the Chromatic scale of white and black keys
together. There are many densities within densities. Each of these
vibratory frequencies corresponds to a specific plane of existence —
and/or a specific level of consciousness.
Another teaching of Ra is that all people have higher selves, a
sixth-density future incarnative self that is guiding their life and
guiding their physical incarnation from the future.
The Higher Self
basically says,
''Look, I know that you're going to
evolve to become me. I'm looking back into my past at myself,
but I also know that you have free will. I don't necessarily
know all the choices that you will make on a day-by-day basis to
eventually get to be me, where I am now. So I'm going to help
you get to this point. I'm going to show you how to get to where
I am, knowing that it's myself that's evolving.''
That is what dreams are.
The nature and
purpose of dreams
Dreams are a very high level, distilled message from the Higher Self
that comes through to the individual in the language of metaphor. It
doesn't matter whether you understand your dreams with your
conscious mind or not. It doesn't matter whether you remember them
or not. Your dreams communicate with your fourth-dimensional or
fourth-density astral self, which I believe is the same self that
Edgar Cayce was using to do his medical readings.
It's your astral self that goes through the dream experience. So
it's as if you have multiple levels of your being that are doing
different things, things that you're not aware of. They're doing all
sorts of work, and they're buzzing around — and yet it's all part of
you, at the same time.
And this is a very mind-expanding concept because you realize how
much more you are than your physical body. You realize how much more
you're loved and how much more of yourself there is.
The Science of
The keystone to all of this that we're talking about — to everything
I mentioned so far — is the idea that evolution must come on a mass
scale. Ascension is not simply restricted to an idea like the
Christians' saying there is going to be this ''rapture,'' where
Jesus comes back and ushers in a thousand years of peace. It's a
cosmic event, and has been prophesied in almost every major
religious and spiritual tradition that has existed on the face of
the Earth.
In my new career as research director for the ''Time of Global
Shift'' tour, I provide references to back up these assertions.[7]
Let's talk about some of these now.
We'll start with Dr. Alexey Dmitriev from the Russian National
Academy of Sciences. Dmitriev did work with tornadoes showing that
in the presence of a tornado there are very high electromagnetic
fields, visible light, and ball lightning. And there are all sorts
of cases where the tornado causes the physical objects to fuse into
each other — where matter actually becomes able to permeate other
Dmitriev cites cases where two burnt and
charred wooden boards were fused together by a tornado, even though
they would crumble at the slightest touch. There were pebbles that
had gone through glass without breaking the glass; pieces of straw
that went through a window and got stuck in the window without
breaking it.[8]
All this weird stuff is happening that shows that matter is able to
disappear or become permeable to other matter in the presence of a
strong enough field.
Then we look at
the Bermuda Triangle. In a triangular area off the
coast of Florida between Puerto Rico, Miami, and Bermuda, there have
been planes lost as well as ships. It hasn't really been active
since the 1970s, but certainly it was before then. And we're not
just talking about marine vessels that disappear, and you can say,
''Okay, well, it sank.'' We're talking about airplanes that are on
radar and have radio contact, and suddenly they're just gone.
In certain cases there have been people who disappear and then
reappear. There was a case in the late 1969 where a National
Airlines 727 passenger aircraft flying into Miami had lost all radar
and radio contact for 10 minutes. Of course, the air traffic
controller was highly freaked out by this. Ten minutes went by and
communication came back on. The air traffic controller asked them
where they had been, and they didn't know what he was talking about.
They had no perception of anything's
having happened. And when they landed, it was discovered that every
single timepiece in the entire aircraft — everybody's watch, every
chronometer, you name it — had lost 10 minutes! It was as if they
basically just winked out of our existence for 10 minutes and then
came back.[9]
The more we investigate these vortex phenomena, the more we see that
some strange things are happening.
Another vortex phenomenon case involved a group of young hippies who
were camped out inside Stonehenge when the stones were struck by
lightning. Witnesses saw them all disappear, leaving only the
charred pegs of their tents.[10]
I believe that the higher energy vibration of the lightning
activated the vortex that Stonehenge had been built to harness,
which in turn caused this to happen, and I think that the creators
of Stonehenge probably used these effects for travel through space
and time.
So apparently Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle are places where,
at certain times, the amount of gravitational and vibrational energy
coming out of the Earth exceeds that going into the Earth. You could
think of these areas as being akin to holes that have been popped in
a plastic bag filled with water — for a certain amount of time, the
water would flow out very quickly.
And you can see that in those two locations, there is a history of
incidents suggesting that matter has been transmuted in the presence
of such an energy vortex.
What we are leading to is that the entire energy of the Solar System
is increasing, and that at some point, it will reach a level where
it will transmute all life on the planet.
That is when Ascension
will be manifest.
Our Sun is not
a nuclear furnace
Research is now suggesting that the Sun is like a hole that has
popped in the energy field of the Galaxy, allowing energy to flow
out in a given area; that's why we see it as bright white light.
They've already proven that there's no nuclear furnace going on in
there. The amount of neutrinos that the Sun gives off is far too low
for it to be the byproduct of a nuclear reaction. There are missing
neutrinos. They've known about this for 30 years, and the problem is
not being solved — those missing neutrinos simply don't exist!
So the Sun is not a nuclear furnace. The Sun basically represents
cosmic energy, the true energy of Creation.
What this means is that the Sun is like a pinhole in space where the
energy is flowing out — just like the pinhole in the bag of water we
spoke about earlier, or what you would see in the Bermuda Triangle.
And in higher levels of vibration, you see a lot more than just the
pinhole of the Sun; you see all the vibrations that surround it.
These appear as concentric spheres of energy, like ripples on a
pond, which are connected by a spiraling coil of energy that expands
on out to drive the orbits and rotations of the planets and moons.
Everything meshes precisely together like one giant set of gears.
This coil from the Sun has been studied and measured. NASA refers to
it as the ''Parker Spiral.''[11]
Right now, we can only detect these fields with instruments as a
form of magnetic energy.
The Sun's
coil, sacred geometry, and crop circles
There are many, many crop-circle formations that show these energy
systems of sacred geometry and concentric, expanding spheres
connected by spirals. So ''they'' are definitely trying to give us a
message. The recent 900-foot long Milk Hill crop formation mirrors
the Sun's expanding spiral energy patterns. It contains 409
different circles and was actually displayed on CNN Headline News,
as its sheer size and grandeur attracted attention.[12]
And what I am saying is that when the energy in the Bermuda Triangle
rises, for example, matter changes. When the energy that the Sun is
producing rises, the spiraling coil wave from the Sun actually
expands, pushing the planets into spheres of energy that maintain a
higher frequency of vibration. My research suggests that the actual
physical sizes of the planets expand spontaneously when this happens
— not hugely, but enough.
You can see this in hindsight by going to the idea that if you
shrink the radius of the Earth to 55 or 60 percent of its current
size, all the continents fit together like a jig-saw puzzle; there's
no left-over space.
That's called Global Expansion Tectonics.[13]
expansion and the Ascension process
So as the planet gets farther away from the Sun, it expands on this
spiral of energy that the Sun is pumping out at a very slow speed,
and it gradually inches farther and farther away. That's why the
Ancients said that Earth's year used to be exactly 360 days long,
and that they only begrudgingly added the last five and a quarter
days after the fall of Atlantis. Five days is just a tiny bump
compared to what can happen.
So the farther away you get from the Sun, the more you break into
higher levels of vibration represented by a bigger sphere. As the
Earth punches into a higher level of energy based on its position to
the Sun, it expands in size, because as it moves into that higher
energy, the energy within the core actually expands.
What also happens is that this energy ''zaps'' all the creatures
that are on the Earth, because the increase in the wavelength of the
planetary spiral is accompanied by a spontaneous burst of energy
from the Sun — a burst that has qualities of both radiation and
intelligence. The ancient Hindus referred to this burst as the ''Somvarta
fire at the end of an Age.''
So what has happened in the past, at about 50-million-year
intervals, is that all the life that had been on the Earth
spontaneously dies. And then, all of a sudden, this higher order of
creature shows up. The geologists call this ''punctuated
A very recent study published by Dr. Bruce Runnegar and other UCLA
astrobiologists supports the theory I am discussing. It's been all
over the mainstream news since the end of June. The researchers
looked at the planetary orbits and ran them back through time with
computer simulations that were very precise. To their surprise, they
discovered that 65 million years ago, at the time of the most recent
mass extinction (of the dinosaurs), there was what they referred to
as a ''chaotic change in the resonant frequencies of the Solar
System.'' This chaotic change suddenly jostled all the orbits of the
inner planets.[15]
While we're here, we should add that all geologists know that the
continents broke apart at this time, having once been a single
landmass. We also know that the worldwide sea levels suddenly
decreased at that time. This was obviously the Earth's sudden
increase in size. The hardened crust of the land broke apart, and
all the seas drained off into the new cracks, lowering their
worldwide levels.
And remember that the geologist's have discovered that every time
you have a mass extinction, you also have a mass speciation — that
is, new species arise. That's another aspect of what happens when
this energy ''zaps'' us, causing the planets and their orbits to
For example, there is no ''missing link'' between Neanderthal man
and Cro-Magnon (modern man) because what happened was that
Neanderthal got ''zapped'' and spontaneously evolved. They grew much
larger brains and lost the clumsiness of their bodies.
Solar System also is evolving
This is where it gets kind of strange. This anomalous change, this
spontaneous evolution in the presence of new energy, is also
happening to the whole Solar System. In other words, it's not just
that the Earth is drifting away from the Sun to go into a new
position. At the same time the Sun, also, is ready to break out into
a new level of energy in the Galaxy. This doesn't always happen.
According to Ra, right now we are
actually arriving at the end of a 75,000-year galactic cycle at the
same time that we are arriving at the end of a more common
25,000-year planetary cycle.
As a galaxy evolves, expanding spheres of energy continue to engulf
the stars in that galaxy with higher and higher levels of vibration.
This is now causing the intergalactic space around our Solar System
to become more and more highly charged. This charge is in turn
absorbed by the Sun and radiated throughout the Solar System.
So the
current ''shift'' is really a unique event for all forms of vibrational life in our area of the Galaxy, not just for those on
How can we
tell that Ascension is imminent?
Here are some measurable changes in our Solar System which suggest
that this evolutionary leap is going to happen soon:
Unprecedented solar activity
We're having solar activity never before witnessed — at least
not in recorded history. We're having sunspot activity on a
scale never before seen. We're having radiation emissions,
proton emissions and other anomalous energy bursts. All of these
things are stepping up in frequency in a way that's never before
been seen. In fact, the solar emissions are getting so intense
that they are frying many of our satellites. In certain cases we
are unable to measure these solar emissions because we never
expected that they would get this high, and all our scientific
models have to be revised.[17]
The quality of the space between planets is changing
Another thing that I think is really interesting is that the
actual quality of the space between the planets is changing. The
space between the planets is actually conducting energy better.
The meaning of this is actually quite simple: The Sun releases
charged, radioactive particles, such as energetic protons. NASA
used to have very convenient scientific models for how long it
would take those protons to travel to the Earth. Now, in some
cases these protons are traveling up to 400 percent faster than
the models expect.[18]
So what's happening is that the Sun itself is actually changing.
Its magnetic field is actually getting larger. Its energy is
changing. The energy between the planets is changing, conducting
the Sun's energy faster. Particles are moving faster through
space. The actual visible plasma energy in space between the
planets is getting brighter.
The atmospheres of the planets are changing
Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing.
They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres. For example
the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was
before. The Mars observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors,
which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice
as dense as they calculated, and basically the wind on that
little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the device.[19]
Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere
Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a
compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium.'' Dmitriev says that,
around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep layer of
Natrium that wasn't there before.
And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in
the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there
before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does
now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related to
CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just
showing up.
Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing
The planets are experiencing sizable changes in their overall
brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked increases
in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a
high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of
ionizing radiation that's formed between Jupiter and its moon,
Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs
that have been taken more recently.[20]
And the planets are having a change in their magnetic fields.
The magnetic fields are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic
field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is
changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing.[21]
These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field
strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are
Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts
When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the
apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from
where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees
off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees,
both of which are pretty big changes.[22]
The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three
categories: Energy field changes, luminosity changes, and
atmospheric changes.
Overall volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since
On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely. For
example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown
that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has
increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake
activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973.[23]
Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993
Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural
disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 through
1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different
kinds — whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud
slides, tidal waves, you name it — have increased by 410
The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901
There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton
National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating
the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic
field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was
More than just Earth Changes
So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what
they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that
there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's
going on here. Very, very few people are aware of the work that
is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in
Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this
research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible
thing that could be causing this energetic change all throughout
the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy
that is different — that is higher.[25]
The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System
has recently increased 1000 percent
Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of
course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar
System, which is known as the heliosphere.
The heliosphere is
shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end of the drop
pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're
traveling. It's just like a comet, where the tail is always
pointing away from the Sun.

The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere,
and they have observed glowing, excited plasma energy there.[26]
This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an
astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun,
93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the
normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at
the front end of the Solar System.
Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units
deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact timeline,
we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to
1993 period as the increase he found in natural disasters.
Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the
overall brightness of the energy at the front end of the Solar
And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an
area where the energy is more highly charged. That
higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing
more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness.
This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits
the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which
is called the Ecliptic. This in turn is saturating
interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel
more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets.
And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet
works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports. The
harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the
real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in previous
epochs of time.
All this is happening all at the same time, and it's all working
up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift.
In other words, we will get to the point where we are so far
into the new level of energy that there will be a sudden
expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits
as it radiates energy out of itself. This increase in energy
emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar
System. The planets are pushed slightly farther away from the
Sun and the atoms and molecules that make them up actually
expand in terms of their physical size.
Cosmic Changes and
the Ascension Process
So what we are basically talking about here is conscious energy that
changes how the planet functions and what kind of life it supports.
And when we realize that we are more than our physical bodies, we
have no need to be afraid of this energetic change. When this new
energy comes out of the Sun, we will naturally be transported into a
higher level of our own being. Our physical body becomes irrelevant
at that point. We are much more than that.
As we've alluded to before, the blast of energy that will come is
conscious. It will look like fire, but it's really conscious energy.
Here's another example of how this happened in the past. In a
previous geologic era on Earth [the Paleozoic], the predominant
species was this little crab called the Trilobite. They got blasted
— you find in the fossil records that they were all killed. But what
you don't see is that their group soul evolved into whatever the
next stage of evolution was.
The dinosaurs got blasted. Their souls turned into mammal souls. So
nobody goes anywhere, nobody is actually extinguished. We can find
the bodies and it looks cataclysmic, it looks horrible — but all
they really do is just bump up another notch and start to inhabit
different bodies.
If you're very attached to your physical body, you might say,
''Well, what would I be without it?'' You might see this as
traumatic, but in fact your experience could be looked at as Soul
People are saying,
''I'm doing my spiritual growth. I'm doing my
path. I'm walking in my truth. I'm trying to grow spiritually, I'm
trying to evolve.''
Evolve to what? Grow to what? Are we just going
to keep reincarnating over and over again as humans? No.
Is the Earth going to remain in this vibrational level where human
beings will blow up bombs, poison its waters, pollute its
atmosphere, kill its creatures, and cut down all the trees? No. The
Earth is not expected to go through this.
The Earth is an evolving being, too.
The difference with the Earth,
unlike a regular human lifetime, is that it goes through a very
premeditated, very obvious course of its evolution. As it orbits
around the Sun, and as the Solar System orbits around the Galaxy,
the extraterrestrial races that are in higher dimensions know
exactly when these changes are going to happen.
That's why they're here now, because
basically they're aware that this is going on, and are standing by
to assist us. They're aware that, just as the vortex of energy has
caused airplanes to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, when the
Sun's energy bumps up another notch, matter on Earth will be
transmuted. The Sun's energy can cause matter to just physically
When transmutation occurs, creatures like animals and plants may
appear to be dead, but what happens to the human body will actually
be alchemical transmutation. So it's not as though there's going to
be all these fried corpses lying around. When the energy hits you,
you transform. Your body will actually transmute itself.
There is a parallel in the Shroud of Turin, where certain
researchers have found that Jesus' body burned a complete
three-dimensional image of itself into the cloth.
And they found
through experimentation that such a burn could only be caused by an
instantaneous blast at a very high temperature, ''zapping'' the
cloth like an X-ray film.
When is the
big change supposed to happen?
The basic date for the ''shift'' corresponds to the end of the Mayan
Calendar —
December 2012.
Ra makes the suggestion that the Mayan Calendar was given to the
Mayans by high-level sixth-density extraterrestrials so that they
would have a tool with which to time the passage of these cycles.
It's a good thing to know how these cycles work, because they are
tied in with history.
The bottom
The only thing that matters is how much Love you are willing to
It would be so easy to miss this fantastic opportunity to
participate in the evolution that is happening here and now on our
The media is bent on creating a reality where our happiness is
contingent on the acquisition of new products. We seek the best jobs
and the highest status as we succumb to the mass illusions of
''consensus reality'' and ''winning the game.''
Each of us has the choice to create our lives so that we may
participate in the Utopian world that will manifest on Earth after
this Ascension process has completed — a world without poverty,
hunger or pain; a world where full-body levitation, spontaneous
healings, instant telepathic communication, and abundant Love are
the law of the land.
It comes back to question: What are you going to hold onto?
You have
to leave behind the physical life in order to participate in the
You have to be willing to move into a life that is
You have to be willing to give up the things that you
once thought were important — your car, your material effects, your
earthly status, your earthly fame and power — because you're
basically only going to take yourself.
You can't bring anything with
No money, no credit cards, no gold coins.
When you leave your body and move into these higher realms of
consciousness, all those earthly things will be meaningless. When
you get out of this world without these braces, guess what? Your
memory will be your sole companion.
And then you will realize that the only thing that ever mattered was
how much love you were willing to share while you were incarnated on
Stoneking Article
Phantom DNA
Crick, Francis. 1981. Life
Itself: Its Origin and Nature New York: Simon and Schuster
(see Chapter 7).
See Intelligent Design as a Theory of
Scientific Abstract
The Universe According to Ra,
Spirit of Ma’at, September 2001.
Wilcock Info
Planetophysical State of the
Earth and Life by Dr. Alexey Dmitriev
Berlitz, Charles The Bermuda
Triangle, Avon Books, New York, 1974, pgs. 124-126.
Vanished: Strange Cases of Unsolved
Disappearances by Stephen Wagner.
NASA on the
Parker Spiral.
CNN Headline News, Evening
Broadcast, Tuesday, August 21, 2001.
Global Expansion Tectonics: A More
Rational Explanation by James Maxlow.
The Phyletic Gradualism –
Punctuated Equilibrium Debate; Evolution, Extinction, and
Mass Speciation
Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs
Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life.
Ibid. See also
See further information at David
Wilcock’s website,
Divine Cosmos.
Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life
Eight Charts Which Prove That
Chandler’s Wobble Causes Earthquakes, Volcanism, El Nino,
and Global Warming by Michael Wells Mandeville.
Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life.