by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
October 21, 2010
NaturalNews Website
My, you look glowing
today! Cancer patients who receive radiation of their thyroid glands
by being given radioactive iodine are highly radioactive for up to a
week following their release from the hospital - and they end up
irradiating not just hospital rooms but also other patients, friends
and family members.
Radiation levels are so high in these people
that they have set off radiation alarms designed to detect terrorist
threats, says a congressional report.
Pregnant women, elderly patients and cancer patients of all ages are
right now being exposed to harmful levels of ionizing radiation from
these "walking dirty bombs" known as thyroid cancer patients. A part
of their "cancer treatment," they are instructed by doctors to drink
a radioactive liquid containing iodine-131 (a radioisotope of
iodine) which travels to their thyroid gland and burns it out with
Believe it or not, this is called "scientific medicine."
It might as well just be called a Weapon of Mass Destruction given
how it indiscriminately harms anyone who happens to be standing
Iodine-131, by the way, is why the
Chernobyl nuclear power
plant disaster in the former Soviet Union was so deadly:
it's a
product of uranium fission and is extremely potent at causing cell
mutation and death.
It has
a half-life of 8 days, meaning that the amount of radiation it gives
off drops by half every 8 days.
Why the Nuclear Regulatory Commission allows cancer clinics to turn
patients into walking dirty bombs
Actual terrorists, by the way, have no doubt figured out that if
they want to sneak a dirty bomb into any U.S. city, all they need is
a note from their doctor saying they've undergone radioactive
thyroid treatment.
Oh, that's why there's so much radiation coming
from you! You're from the cancer clinic!
But if radioactive cancer patients
- also known as "medical dirty
bomb carriers" - are so dangerous to the people around them, why
are doctors sending them out into the world immediately following
their radioactive treatments?
It all has to do with the loosey-goosey
rules of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which says it's fine for
highly radioactive patients to be released from the hospital.
now, about 40,000 walking "dirty bomb" patients are released onto
the streets each year.
And the damage they can cause around them
will astound you:
According to the congressional report put together by Congressman Ed
Markey (Massachusetts), one radioactive patient boarded a bus in New
York, setting off radiation detectors in the Lincoln Tunnel. State
police halted the bus to look for terrorists but only found a
thyroid cancer patient, who apparently ignored advice to avoid
public transportation.
(Should it be a crime to irradiate other
passengers on a public bus? If terrorists did it, they'd be rotting
away in a secret offshore prison somewhere... so why are doctors
allowed to cause this?)
This report also found that about 7 percent of radioactive patients
go directly to hotels after being treated. There, they irradiate bed
linens and towels which get washed together with other linens and
towels, turning the entire hotel into a radioactive dirty bomb.
do investigators know this?
Because in one instance, nuclear plant
workers just happened to be staying at just such a hotel, and they
absorbed enough radiation to actually set off radiation alarms as
they reported to work the next day!
Yet another way the cancer industry threatens the health of
The upshot of all this is that making cancer patients drink
radioactive liquids is truly a questionable way to "treat" anybody.
It's not only disastrously bad for the patient; it also harms the
public by exposing countless others to ionizing radiation.
exposure, of course, promotes more cancer and therefore more repeat
business for cancer clinics. So the more people the cancer industry
treats with radiation and unleashes onto the streets, the more new
business they'll have walking through their doors.
It's sort of the cancer industry's version of viral marketing.
Except it doesn't involve a virus. Instead, it uses radioactive
nuclear materials.
What's really interesting here is that the cancer industry has
accomplished what terrorists could not - unleashing dirty bomb
radiation into major U.S. cities and irradiating the public. And
it's all being done in the name of "medicine," of course.
Just like
fluoridation, chemotherapy, mammography, seasonal flu
vaccination and all the other toxic, poisonous procedures being
forced upon the American people in the name of "modern medical
But much of modern medical science isn't modern, nor scientific.
It's actually quite barbaric when you consider how much harm it
causes people. Any system of health care that asks patients to drink
highly radioactive poison (iodine-131) is, without a doubt,
operating from a dangerously diminished understanding of what
medicine is supposed to be about.
Don't take any of this as meaning I lack compassion for those who
suffer from thyroid cancer. My heart goes out to anyone battling
this condition. In fact, I'd like to help teach them
how to prevent
and reverse their cancer without using dangerous radiation!
cases of thyroid cancer can be avoided (or even reversed) with the
help of the trace minerals selenium and iodine (from seaweed, not
from nuclear materials) and other supportive nutrients such as
vitamin D.
And it turns out that thyroid cancer is massively
over-diagnosed and over-treated, since most people survive so-called
"thyroid cancer" on their own
with no treatment at all!
Thyroid cancer patients need nutrition and holistic medicine, not
radiation that poses a threat to themselves and others. But they are
being tricked into drinking radioactive poison by cancer doctors who
tell them they have to burn out their thyroid glands to stay alive.
Many cancer docs are too quick to reach a thyroid cancer diagnosis
and urge patients to drink radioactive poison. And believe it or
not, people actually swallow it! Seriously. Some people will do the
most incredible things when a doctor tells them to, it seems. Here,
inject yourself with DNA fragments from diseased animals. Here,
swallow mind-altering psychotropic drugs for the rest of your life.
Here, drink radioactive poison!
Are these people serious? Do they really believe they're practicing
medicine at all?
While the medical industry may be able to fool the people, they
can't bend the laws of physics. And the laws of physics say that
high-level ionizing radiation is harmful to human biology. So maybe,
just maybe, we shouldn't be sending dirty bombs out into the streets
after they've swallowed radioactive iodine isotopes handed to them
by cancer clinic quacks.
Bush spent hundreds of billions of dollars looking for
WMDs in Iraq and never could quite find them. No wonder!
It turns
out they were in the cancer clinics the whole time.
The quacks, it
seems, now have the WMDs and they're using them on thyroid cancer
patients who would be much better served with natural medicine that
heals tissues instead of destroying them.