by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
April 04, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Don't let anyone from the cancer industry lie to you about
The test is
completely bogus and offers zero improvement in your lifespan.
That's the conclusion
from a 20-year study that followed over 9,000 men. After 20 years of
follow-up, guess what the results were? No significant difference in
the rate of death between those screened for prostate cancer versus
those who weren't.
In other words, prostate cancer screening is really a bogus test
used to exploit men's fear and recruit them into unnecessary and
potentially harmful cancer treatments. That's why the cancer
industry uses the PSA test, of course: It's a powerful recruiting
tool! It scares men into agreeing to expensive, high-profit
treatments which are then billed to their insurance companies,
Medicaid or Medicare. (Gee, no wonder our health care system is
bankrupting the nation...)
This study, by the way, was
published in the British Medical
Journal. I don't personally trust
the BMJ on most issues, since it seems to so strongly favor vaccines
and pharmaceuticals in its selective publication of research.
But that's what makes
this so remarkable: Even the BMJ is effectively admitting that PSA
tests don't work!
Why are
hospitals still using a bogus quack test for prostate cancer?
Given that the PSA test simply doesn't work, it makes you wonder:
Why are hospitals are cancer centers still using the PSA test? Isn't
that quackery to keep using something that doesn't work while
marketing it to patients as if it did work?
It's not just false
advertising - it's bad medicine! And if it were being done in any
other industry, someone would probably get arrested.
If you sold a car that turned out to be a lemon and didn't run, you
could be sued. If you sold a financial product but completely
misrepresented it to your customers, that would be considered
criminal fraud.
But why can hospitals and cancer clinics sell PSA
prostate cancer tests that are completely bogus while getting away
with it?
The answer is because modern medicine has zero accountability. Most
of it is simply fabricated quackery. Flu
vaccines, for example, are
based on completely fabricated quacked-up evidence that has
absolutely no connection to scientific reality. ADHD screening
programs are absurdly transparent as psychiatric drug marketing
Mammograms actually cause breast cancer, and the No. 1 side
effect of chemotherapy is - get this - cancer itself!
It's all
"pretend medicine" in a grand health care fairy tale
Nothing in medicine, you see, has to have any actual scientific
evidence behind it at all.
The reason PSA tests are so popular is
precisely the same reason that flu vaccines are so heavily pushed:
Because modern medicine pushers suffer from a deeply-ingrained
cult-like irrational belief in everything they were taught in
medical school, regardless of whether it has any basis in fact. PSA
tests, in other words, are a kind of medical voodoo which works no
better than sticking pins in a rag doll.
And as literally dozens of studies have found over the last decades,
antidepressant drugs are a kind of "brain chemical voodoo" that
works no better than placebo either. Let's face it: Much of modern
medicine is based entirely on a virus of the mind - a contagious
yet false idea that somehow disease is caused by a lack of
chemicals, radiation or surgery.
It's an insane idea, of course, yet
it is the foundation of virtually the entire modern system of
"health care" (sick care).
A psychic
would probably get you better results
If you want to go get screened for all these various diseases,
that's your choice, of course.
But just know as a scientific fact
that most of the medical screening being offered today is no more
scientifically valid than a tarot card reading. A tarot card reading
might be more valuable, actually, as it would remind you to consider
your inner journey and perhaps take responsibility for your life
rather than handing it over to a group of utterly incompetent cancer
doctors who are still using bogus prostate cancer tests that have
been proven utterly useless again and again.
Heck, your cancer doctor might as well use a dousing rod to diagnose
your cancer.
And even then, if you're told you have cancer, the only
rational thing to do anyway is to change your lifestyle and start
pursuing anti-cancer activities such as juicing, walking in the sun,
avoiding toxic synthetic chemicals and so on. And those things
should be pursued whether you have cancer or not!
This is why I never get screened for any disease. I'm in my 40's,
and I follow a very healthy lifestyle. I eat massive quantities of
anti-cancer superfoods and I completely avoid (to the best of my
ability) synthetic chemicals in foods, personal care products,
gardening and so on. Why would I even need to get screened for
cancer in the first place? There's no valid reason for it.
Cancer isn't something that strikes you like a bolt of lightning,
folks. It's something your body can grow over decades until it
becomes noticeable - and it only grows cancer tumors if you let it.
The easiest way to stop growing cancer it to boost your vitamin D
levels to 70 - 90, eat lots of fresh sprouts, drink fresh juices,
get exercise and avoid cancer-causing chemicals.
Get plenty of
sleep, avoid excessive stress and eat superfoods such as berries
(which are loaded with anti-cancer nutrients). And stop eating
refined sugars, too, because cancer tumors just love sugar.
It's not a difficult recipe. And when truly followed, it will reduce
your risk of cancer to nearly zero. Of course, a stray piece of
plutonium from Fukushima could still get inhaled into your lungs and
cause cancer, but even in that case, antioxidants help protect you
from radiation damage, greatly reducing your risk of cancer even
from nuclear fallout radiation.
Nutrition and lifestyle is the answer here, not useless disease
screening quackery.
Don't fall for the bogus PSA screening and
mammography tests. They are designed to scare you into
becoming a
high-profit cancer patient. They do nothing to improve your health,
and they may in fact harm you. Prostate cancer is not a very
aggressive cancer in most cases.
It can be easily and reliable
reversed with the help of any competent naturopathic physician,
herbalist or natural medicine practitioner.