by Dr. Joseph Mercola
February 07, 2008
Mercola Website
Orange mobile phone company agreed to
remove its cell phone mast - dubbed the “Tower of Doom” - from the
top of a five-story London apartment building after seven of its
residents got cancer.
The cancer rate among those living on the top floor, where residents
from five of the eight flats were affected, is 20 percent - 10 times
the national average.

The mast, along with a second mast owned
by Vodafone, was put up in 1994. Since then, residents have battled
cancer, headaches and other health problems they say are caused by
radiation from the masts. Three residents have died from cancer,
while another four are still fighting the disease.
The World Health Organization and other agencies say there is no
risk of radiation from cell phone masts, so the companies had no
legal obligation to remove the masts.
In August 2007, after a long legal battle, Orange agreed to move the
mast from the building - to another area near homes, a public
library and a primary school.
Vodafone has no plans to remove their mast from the building, and is
working on securing a new long-term lease.

This Is London August 6, 2007
Mercola's Comments:
Unless you live in some unbelievably remote location, the odds
are high that you’re being bombarded with information-carrying
radio waves that can wreak havoc on your body.
These radio waves have increased dramatically and exponentially
over the last few years - especially from cell phones, but also
from WiFi, WiMax, BlueTooth, and other wireless devices.
For most people, the damage from this 24-7 exposure will take
years or even decades to surface since there is a lag time of
five to 20 years for the health effects to become clinically
For those unfortunate people in London who were living directly
below a major cell phone mast, the damage became apparent
sometime between the mast’s construction in 1994 and the
beginning of the resident’s campaign to have the mast removed in
You may not realize that you are likely living closer to a cell
phone tower than you think. Cell “sites” can look like antennas
or huge towers, but they can also be quite camouflaged. They
exist on many schools, churches, firehouses, cemeteries and even
in national parks. If you’re wondering why a school or park
would want a cell site on their grounds, it’s because the cell
phone companies pay to have them there, with fees that can range
upwards of $2,000 a month.
While there are already more than 175,000 cell towers in the
United States, this number is expected to increase by 48 percent
to 260,000 by 2010, according to CTIA (the
International Association for the Wireless Telecommunications
If you want to know just how close you are to a cell phone tower
or antenna, simply type your location into
AntennaSearch.com. It will tell
you all of the towers (existing and future) and antennas that
are within eight miles of your address!
Why are Increasing Cell Phone
Towers so Concerning?
What most people, including experts, fail to understand is that
the danger from land-based portable phones, cell phones and WiFi
routers is not from the magnetic radiation or the microwave
carrier wave from which typical SAR ratings are given on phones.
Unless you have massive exposures like you might expect in a
microwave oven, these thermal effects are insignificant.
Nearly all the biological damage comes from the modulated
signals that are carried ON the carrier microwave. These
modulated information-carrying radio waves resonate in
biological frequencies of a few to a few hundred cycles per
second, and can stimulate your vibrational cellular receptors
causing a whole cascade of pathological consequences that can
culminate in fatigue, anxiety and ultimately cancers.
Again, this is a very serious concern because, unless you live
in an isolated rural setting, you are probably being exposed to
these radio-waves day-in and day-out - whether or not you even
own or use a cell phone.
Numerous studies have linked exposure to information-carrying
radio waves to health problems, but you may not realize that
your symptoms are related to these radio frequencies because
they could easily be attributed to other causes as well.
Aside from cancer and brain tumors, cells phones and other radio
frequencies can cause:
Alzheimer’s, senility and
Sleep disruptions and
Altered memory function,
poor concentration and spatial awareness
Can You Hear Me Now? The Truth the Cell
Phone Industry Doesn’t Want You to Hear
One of the world’s undisputed experts in cell phone safety is
Dr. George Carlo, and I had the privilege of spending two full
days with him in October 2007.
I was so compelled with the information I heard that my next
book, slated for release in 2009, will detail the reasons why I
using cell phones is far more dangerous
than smoking cigarettes ever was.
In the 1990s, Dr. Carlo was given a $28-million grant from the
cell phone industry to put an end to the talk that cell phones
were hazardous to your health. Unfortunately, what he found was
not what he’d been paid to find. Instead, he discovered that
they DO, in fact, cause damage.
The cell phone industry offered him a position for $1 million a
year to silence him, but he refused, and started a non-profit
institute called
The Safe Wireless Initiative to
inform the world of this danger instead. I highly recommend you
check out his site as he has compiled excellent resources on
interventions you can use to maximize your health and minimize
your risks.
I also tried to spread the word about the dangers of cell phones
via a
Today Show interview I did last
year. Well, they only aired four seconds of my 20-minute
interview, completely censoring the supporting evidence that
cell phones can cause damage.
Tips to Limit Your Damage from
Information-Carrying Radio Waves
There quite simply is no safe biological threshold for exposure
to information-carrying radio waves, and there is, quite
honestly, little you can do to avoid them 100 percent.
But you can reduce your, and your family’s, exposure by taking
the following commonsense precautions:
Limit the amount of time you
spend on a cell phone or
cordless phone.
Use a wired headset to limit
your exposure to the cell phone - ideally, an air tube
headset that conducts sound but prevents any radiation from
traveling up the wire to your brain. Also make sure the wire
is SHIELDED, which prevents the wire from acting as an
antenna that could attract more information-carrying radio
waves directly to your brain. Wireless BlueTooth headsets
should be avoided.
Limit your exposure to WiFi
routers. Find out where they are located in your work
environment and stay away from them.
If you have any land-based
(non-cellular) portable phones, do NOT use anything other
than the 900 MHz phones as the Gigahertz phones stay on
continuously, blasting you with information-carrying radio
waves 24/7.
Use the speakerphone instead of
putting the phone to your ear; this is probably one of the
single most important steps you can take other than not
using your cell phone.
Limit calls inside buildings.
Use the phone in open spaces as
often as possible.
Limit use by children and
preadolescents, or don’t let them use cell phones at all.
Children’s developing nervous systems and thinner skulls are
simply too vulnerable to cell phone damage.