by Michelle Morelli
June 2010
Planet-Tachyon Website
In today's modern age of scientific breakthroughs, we collectively
appreciate many benefits of technology, which effectively provide us
the possibility to get things done quicker, enjoy greater
convenience, and have access to tremendous tools that drastically
enhance all areas of life.
However, there are many studies that
suggest we are paying a price for these benefits, perhaps in the
form of cancer. Major concerns arise from the fact that we are
increasingly exposed to non-ionizing radiation from wireless
systems, cell phones, satellite transmissions, electricity
transmission, and other products.
This paper aims to present a solid
argument that cell phones, in particular should be embraced as a
cause for significant health concern. Researchers suggest that high
power electrical distribution lines may increase the incidence of
certain cancers. 1
According to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA):
“In conclusion, the several studies
showing leukemia, lymphoma and cancer of the nervous system in
children exposed to magnetic fields from residential 60 Hz
electrical power distribution systems, supported by similar
findings in adults in several occupational studies also
involving electrical power frequency exposures, show a
consistent pattern of response that suggests, but does not
prove, a causal link.
Frequency components higher than 60
Hz cannot be ruled out as contributing factors. Evidence from a
large number of biological test systems shows that these fields
induce biological effects that are consistent with several
possible mechanisms of carcinogenesis.”
This situation suggests the basic need
to actively assess the available data from ongoing research and to
further evaluate the mechanisms of carcinogenic action and the
attributes of exposure that cause these effects.
A review article published by Medscape 2 shaped a cry for
more action,12
“Taken together, the WTR (Wireless
Technology Research) research findings are not conclusive with
respect to an increased risk of brain cancer or benign tumors
associated with wireless phone usage.
Indeed, these findings could be
chance occurrences and should be confirmed. Alternatively, these
findings could be early indications of a serious public health
problem; thus, an immediate and focused follow-up is clearly
As modern technologies have become both
economically and politically indispensable, it is imperative that we
take the time to investigate the short-term as well as long-term
effects that cell phones may have on our physical and mental health.
Only by studying cell phones where the
radiation is more intense and localized, can we develop a clearer
picture of what the future may hold.
Debate Over
Cellular Phones
According to Wendy Kaufman 3 of NPR broadcasted May 2,
“Home-entertainment units just got
smaller. Now, it's possible to listen to music, play poker and
watch TV on cell phones. More than 2,000 companies are working
on content to distribute on cellular phones. With more than 1.5
billion cell phones worldwide, mobile entertainment has become
big business.
Along with the increase of cellular phone usage, there has been
an increase in the number of brain tumors diagnosed each year in
the United States.
Since cellular phones emit
electromagnetic energy, which in certain circumstances has been
linked with causing tumors, and since the cellular phones are
held directly against the head, many people believe that the two
statistics might be linked.”
It would be a shame to wait until it is
too late.
In 20 years, it is possible that an
epidemic of health issues will emerge across the globe which is
directly linked to the cellular phone usage that started in the
The increasing demands of society make these devices virtually a
necessity. Cellular phones are no longer just for the rich and
elite. Affordable plans today offer talk anytime plans with no per
minute charges.
With phone prices and monthly minutes
quickly equalizing with the average wired phone services, cellular
phone use has skyrocketed over the past decade. Despite the public’s
enthusiastic acceptance of cellular phones, their safety remains
It is a well know fact that radiation can result in cancer. 4
“Prolonged exposure to [low energy]
waves has been a concern due to past observations of high
incidence of brain tumors in children living under power wires.”
Just how these waves affect cellular
phone users is still under debate, but it has been determined that
even a slight change in DNA can lead to cancer. Many cancers are a
result of damaged DNA.
For example, sunlight causes DNA damage
in skin cells, thus giving rise to skin cancer.
However, the issues surrounding cell phones and their effects remain
politically and economically charged. In 2005 the American Cancer
Society 5 reported that in 2004 there were 18,400 new
cases of brain cancer.
There are studies which propose that cellular phones do not cause
cancer. Some researchers argue that the link between cellular phones
and cancer are nonexistent. 6
Two short-term studies on the
relationship between cellular phones and brain tumors stated that
cellular phone users are no more likely than anyone else to develop
benign tumors or malignant brain cancers. One of these studies,
supported by the National Cancer Institute, matched the findings of
a similar study, which was paid for by the cellular phone industry
and the federal government.6
It is the hope of both public and
economically connected groups that studies like these will help
diminish the public’s fears.
Dr. George Carlo 7 was the head of the Wireless
Technology Research (WTR) program for six years. The WTR program
was founded by the U.S. Cellular Telecommunications Industry
Association (CTIA) in 1993 to research the possibility of brain
tumors and any other health issues related to mobile phone use. The
WTR spent about $25 million over a five year contract period.7
Dr. Carlo’s findings were not met with sufficient action. This
prompted him to address the chairman and chief executive officer of
the AT&T Corporation:
“I have headed the WTR surveillance
and research program funded by the wireless industry. The goal
of WTR has always been to identify and solve any problems
concerning consumers' health that could arise from the use of
these phones.
This past February, at the annual
convention of the CTIA, I met with the full board of that
organization to brief them on some surprising findings from our
work. I do not recall if you were there personally, but my
understanding is that all segments of the industry were
At that briefing, I explained that
the well-conducted scientific studies that WTR was overseeing
indicated that the question of wireless phone safety had become
confused.” 7
In this letter Dr. Carlo outlined the
deep concerns over the link between cancer and cellular phones and
“Today, I sit here extremely
frustrated and concerned that appropriate steps have not been
taken by the wireless industry to protect consumers during this
time of uncertainty about safety.
The steps I am referring to
specifically followed from the WTR program and have been
recommended repeatedly in public and private for and by me and
other experts from around the world.
As I prepare to move away from the
wireless phone issue and into a different public health
direction, I am concerned that the wireless industry is missing
a valuable opportunity by dealing with these public health
concerns through politics, creating illusions that more research
over the next several years helps consumers today, and false
claims that regulatory compliance means safety.
The better choice by the wireless
industry would be to implement measured steps aimed at true
consumer protection.” 7
Dr. Carlo suggests that radio frequency
radiation causes genetic damage to the blood and increases the
chance of brain tumors among cellular phone users. Despite these
conclusions, the CTIA repudiated his conclusions after a fellow
researcher asserted the outcomes were biased.
Dr. George Carlo joined forces with Martin Schram, author and
syndicated journalist, to educate the public by publishing: Cellular
Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age. 8
The book takes an in-depth look at the
evidence linking cellular phones with brain cancer. There are many
interesting points that the book asserts including the fact that
cellular phones were never adequately tested to assure safety prior
to marketing to the general public. It further states that the
industry knew of the many studies which had already linked radio
frequency radiation with brain tumors, lymphoma and leukemia.
The book also asserts that research has
illustrated that the radiation emitted by cellular phones can damage
the blood brain barrier and cause micronuclei in cells and genetic
damage that are a precursor to cancer.
Another interesting part of the book is that the writers examine why
the government and ultimately the public subsequently ignored the
link between cellular phones and cancer.
On page 47, they wrote,
“The industry had teamed up with the
government agency that was regulating it (the Food and Drug
Administration) to foil the media’s effort to inform the
As for the FDA, the authors refer to it
as “the people’s myopic watchdog” who “never barked.”
Despite all the reports which claim that
cellular phones are safe, the FDA stated that,
“Some significant studies suggest
acceleration in cancer growth due to low level radiation
produced by cellular phones is a possibility.”
Dr Carlo went on to state,
“Many segments of the industry
appear to openly ignore the scientific findings suggesting
potential health effects, and have repeatedly and falsely
claimed that wireless phones are safe for all consumers
including children, and have created an illusion of responsible
follow up by calling for and supporting more research.
The most important measures of
consumer protection are missing: complete and honest factual
information to allow informed judgment by consumers about
assumption of risk; the direct tracking and monitoring of what
happens to consumers who use wireless phones; and, the
monitoring of changes in the technology that could impact
health.” 8
The United States General Accounting
Office issued a report recently which found that US federal agencies
often fail to provide the latest research and information on
cellular phone radiation to new consumers nor current cellular
subscribers; and in many cases, what they do supply to new consumers
is far too technical for the average person to fully understand.
The industry's response has been consistent. 4
”Based on inconclusive studies on
long-term use, it is impossible to formulate a clear
Dennis Shin, a sales manager at
E-Phones, believes that more people are becoming concerned with
regard to cellular phone radiation.
“Cellular phone radiation hadn’t
been an issue until last year due to a special that aired on
20/20,” stated Shin 4. “Customers casually ask if I
had ‘heard’ about possible risks.”
Still, even though customers are aware
of the risks, cell phone sales continue to increase.
Experts readily advise that research which claims there are no
proven links between cancer and cellular phones is not a viable
answer to this health issue.
The cellular phone industry is still in its infancy and research
data on long-term health issues related to cellular phones is still
very limited. As the technology evolves, the research of the past is
quickly dismissed as out of date. Analog cellular phones are all but
extinct in the United States, but a new wave of digital technologies
has superseded it.
These new digital technologies do have a
different affect on biological systems.
Research studies on animals have found
that analog signals produce no adverse health effects, but digital
signals have been found to create several types of health problems
9.When one understands that solid brain tumors take between 10 to 15
years to develop, the true impact of these new technologies may not
be fully understood for many years to come.
In 2002 researchers partnered with the cellular phone industry to
conduct relevant scientific studies on the health risks of cellular
phones. The FDA supported many studies in response to public
concerns that radiation from cellular phones may pose health risks.
The contract between the FDA and
the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA)
allows the FDA to freely choose researchers and supervise the
programs, while the CTIA generously provides funding.
Both entities were adamant that the
cellular industry should not influence the investigation.
Digital technologies appear to be redefining our scientific world.
With this digital age comes a new host of potential problems and
health risks, but there are possible solutions as well.
In 2005 Dr. Gabriel Cousens reportedly demonstrated not only
the negative effects of cellular phones, but also proved that a
technology already exists that could reverse or protect a cell phone
user from the negative effects that are associated with cell phone
This study is unique in that Dr. Cousens’ objective was two fold.
His first objective was to scientifically measure the bioenergetic
depletion associated with cell phone use. The second objective was
to ascertain if the bioenergetic depletion that he measured during
cell phone conversations could be arrested.
According to Dr. Cousens’ conclusions
10, 90% of the subjects tested showed a 100% reversal in
bioenergetic depletion when the digital cell phone they were using
was affixed with a Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk™ 11.
Dr. Cousens claims that the Tachyonized
Phone Micro-Disk is a scientific breakthrough that stops the
bioenergetic depletion which has been proven to occur during cell
phone usage, thereby providing a solution for those individuals who
feel they cannot “live” without their cell phones.
This may very well be the largest study
to date proving not only the negative effects of cellular phones on
the human body, but also offering a solution other than reducing or
stopping cell phone usage.
“The resolution of this issue
through technological advances, offers us a new dimension in
possibilities”, 11claims David Wagner, inventor of
“There is so much independent
research proving what the cell phone industry fears most. Cell
phones are slowly affecting most people’s health! Isn’t it time
to quit being part of the wireless industries biological study?
I believe we can no longer wait for the cell phone manufacturers
to protect us! Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disks™ have been proven
scientifically as a solution to the epidemic at hand.
Fortunately, as humans, we do have
choices. And whatever the individual choices may be, whether it
be avoidance of cellular phones or to protect oneself by simply
attaching a scientifically proven Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk
to the back of the phone, we are responsible as individuals to
protect ourselves”.
Because wireless communication is a reasonably new innovation, the
experts are divided on the weight of the conclusions drawn by their
Still, while most studies are
inconclusive, many recommend precautions. The FDA suggests placing
the cell phone as far from the body as is reasonable. Selecting a
phone with less radiation is also prudent.
You may be well advised to limit the
exposure to children because growing children apparently have a
higher risk of health problems due to their rapid growth and
increased cell division rate.
The fact is that cellular phones are very useful. The likelihood is
that consumers will not abandon this technology anytime soon.
Therefore the simple solution is for
consumers to immediately begin to actively choose to protect
themselves by limiting exposure, purchasing lower radiation phones,
utilizing headsets and employing proven technologies like the
Tachyonized™ Phone Micro-disk. 11
A new dimension has been added to the cell phone debate.
Because cellular phones are a relatively
new technology, there is inadequate research available on their
long-term health effects. It is therefore difficult to prove that
any exposure is completely safe.
It does seem clear, however, that cell phones do in fact represent a
significant health hazard. In this modern day world which is so
addicted to technology, it seems likely that the most palatable
solution to the problem comes through technology itself.
Until the day arrives when manufacturers
eliminate the debate by providing us with a technology that is
unquestionably safe; it may be prudent to look to scientifically
proven alternatives like the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk.
It is time to take action, before it is too late. Through education
and action, maybe we can avoid being part of the next hidden
1 - Environmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA). (1990). An Evaluation of the Potential
Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). Retrieved from
the Internet at: http://www.microwavenews.com/epa.html.
2 - Medscape. (June 31, 2000). “Scientific Progress - Wireless
Phones and Brain Cancer: CurrentState of the Science. Retrieved
from the Internet at: link
3 - Wendy Kaufman NPR (May2, 2006). Retrieved from the Internet
4 - Yi. Thomas. (Spring, 2001). Calling Cancer. Berkeley Medical
Journal. Retrieved from the Internet at: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~issues/spring01/cellphone.html.
5 - American Cancer Society Cancer Facts and Figures, American
Cancer Society, 2004 Retrieved from the Internet at: http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/b/brain_cancer/stats.htm
6 - Gina Kolata. (December 20, 2000). The New York Times
Company. Retrieved from the Internet at: http://www.microwavenews.com/j-f01vws.pdf.
7 - Dr. George Carlo Letter to AT&T (1999) Retrieved from the
Internet at: http://members.iinet.net.au/~emfacts/mobiles/carlo.html
8 - George Carlo and Martin Schram. (2002). Mobile Phones:
Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider’s Alarming
Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage”, Carroll & Graf
Publishers. ISBN: 078670960X.
9 - Dwyer, Sheila. (December 28, 2000). Do Mobile Phones Cause
Brain Cancer? MedTech News. Retrieved from the Internet at:
10 - Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D. (H) Retrieved from the Internet
at: http://www.treeoflife.nu/
11 - Phone Micro-disk is manufactured by: Advanced Tachyon
Technologies 480 Tesconi Circle, Santa Rosa, CA. 95401 Phone:
12 - Dr. Siepmann D. Editor Journal of Theoretics
(February/March, 2004). Is Technology Killing Us? Journal of
Theoretics: Vol. 6-1. Retrieved from the Internet at:
Cell Phone
So many people spend countless hours with their heads pressed to
cellular phones.
The hazardous electromagnetic field that
emanates from these devices disrupts the Subtle Organizing Energy
Fields (SOEFs) of the body and can cause imbalances.
There have been numerous studies that
suggest long-term use of harmful EMF emitting devices can cause
serious ailments and disease.
The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk transforms the disruptive wave
patterns of harmful EMFs into a coherent field protecting the user.
You can use the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disks on any type of phone
including mobile, cordless or a regular home phone. They are also
great to use on small electronic devices such as Game Boys, IPods,
CD players and hand held palm pilots.
The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is available in singles, 3 pack or
a family pack which contains 5 Phone Micro-Disks.
The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk comes attached to a double-sided
adhesive glue dot. Simply peel off the paper backing, exposing the
side that says "Energy flows from this side". Place this energy side
over the clean, dry surface of the phone's battery compartment.
Do not touch the surface of the glue dot as the glue will come off
on your fingers and the dot will be unusable. If you are adhering a
new glue dot to a Phone Micro-Disk peel the paper backing off one
side and place the exposed glue on the side of the Phone Micro-Disk
that says "Energy flows from this side".
Peel off the remaining paper, exposing
the side that says "Energy flows from this side".
Place the energy side of the Phone
Micro-Disk over the clean, dry surface of the phone's battery