Mental entrainment, inducing hypnogogic trance, mind control,
broadcasting thoughts and feelings, the Ant World, education via
[LW] mental download, the "Feelies," revolution in spirituality,
"enlightenment machine?" Scalar churches?
Psychoenergetics is simply using the scalar interferometers to
manipulate and engineer the human psyche. To me it is the most
mind-boggling and frightening aspect of longitudinal wave
The mind is electromagnetic in nature, and itself of the
time-domain. It is not observable in 3-space. There is nothing you
can point to that is the mind. As Bearden says, "The mind is
The longitudinal scalar EM waves are also of the time-domain. By
overlaying certain infolded patterns (oscillations in time) on the
longitudinal waves, a thought or feeling may be made to arise in a
person or persons who are in the interference zone (where the wave
beams cross).
The person will not notice anything, feeling that this thought or
idea is his or her own idea. The longitudinal wave pattern might be
a wave of panic or fear that spontaneously sweeps over you, perhaps
inexplicably. It could even be in the form of a sudden intense
patriotism. It could be explicit words and phrases, which everyone
would think they had thought of by themselves. Or it could be rage
and hatred, angry and violent. On the other hand It could also be a
continuous sense of docility and placidity. This is the brave new
world of psychoenergetics and the coming "Mind Wars."
Scalar Psychoenergetics in its most primitive form simply "entrains"
all minds in the target area into a deep hypnogogic trance. In this
state of mind people would be suddenly extremely suggestible, and
would likely believe anything they are told, and would obey any
orders given. Talk about winning the hearts and minds of the
American People!
Tom Bearden makes me think of Paul Revere, who heroically conveyed
important warnings for the sake of the new nation. But the words of
the famous phrase have now strangely and curiously mutated into the
once-inconceivable: "One if by land, Two if by mind."
Indeed one strategy in a Mind War would be to simply take over the
minds of the "leaders" of the enemy nation. The targeted leader
would not be aware that anything was amiss, although he might begin
to make unexpected changes in policy.
And are, in fact, any of our "leaders" already having secret
thoughts that are not their own? Who knows? Frighteningly, we can no
longer be sure.
The new sciences of scalar electromagnetics and
psychoenergetics are even now plunging humanity into a sudden
science-fiction-like world beyond anything in humanity’s previous
"The Russians reached the point in the mid 1990s that they could
take over control of a person’s mind, with modified longitudinal EM
waves including some time-polarized EM waves, and with a team of
specialists (estimate 25-30 per transmitter, and one transmitter and
team per controlled person)."
In a slide
(below image)
Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a
psychoenergetics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar
installation, entraining their minds into hypnogogic trance and
getting them to shut down their systems.

And ultimately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of
human identity itself.
For if my thoughts might no longer be "mine,"
Then who and what am I?
Can my very sense of being "me" be hijacked
by some nefarious psychoenergetic scheme?
Will the "secret
government" eventually dictate directly into your mind how you feel
about yourself?
Or what you think you are?
Or what you should do?
How Does Longitudinal EM Mind Control Work?
The physics of scalar psychoenergetics as expounded by
Col. Bearden
seems even more arcane and over-my-head than that of extracting
energy from the vacuum. I can’t understand it, but I look through it
anyway. Each time another tiny understanding might occur, or a term
might fall into place. I know the mathematics is forever beyond me.
One paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization
Transductions. This is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a
strong warning about misuse of this knowledge.
weapons can mentally maim and physically kill.
(From "Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions")
"This article refers to experimental research techniques which can
be detrimental or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled,
qualified experimental scientists proceeding under proper laboratory
safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly for
information to properly qualified and authorized scientists in
certified laboratories.
We do not propose or condone any use of
these procedures for non-approved practice of medicine without a
license. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsible for
accidents or outcomes in the use of these experimental procedures
and techniques. Any researcher who performs these procedures and
experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and is solely
responsible for insuring safety, qualifications, and legality of the
acts and their results.
We neither suggest nor condone unauthorized
experimentation on human subjects. Such is a criminal violation of
the constitutional rights of the subject under Federal and State
laws, and is both illegal and immoral."
articles/mind control1/p01.htm
After the serious warning comes the description of the paper. This
is heady stuff for the layman.
"Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we
present a high-level overview of the novel electromagnetic nature of
mind operations, mind and body coupling, and intent - the induction
of physical 3-space EM energy changes into the brain and nervous
system, and into every cell of the body, from the mind’s time-like
coherent operations.
We summarize the time-polarized electrodynamics
used to engineer and affect mind operations and the mind-body
coupling loop. Transaction mechanisms whereby differing EM wave
polarization s can be transformed one-into-the-other are presented."
articles/mind control1/p01.htm
I will leave it to the technically astute to try to understand the
mechanisms of operation which are described in scientific language.
But there are tidbits for the layman.
Here he speaks of the
difficulty Western scientists have in opening up to the "immaterial"
(longitudinal wave) nature of the human mind.
Western Science Remains Largely Materialistic
"Ironically, most Western scientists are materialists and consider
"mind" as a mystical and nonscientific concept. They tend to
consider mind operations and functions either to be simply "meat
computer" operations and functions, or at best to be very weak
ordinary transverse-wave EM operations and functions in the brain
and nervous system. This serious self-limitation exists because in
the body we measure only weak TW [transverse wave]
EM operations and
functions correlated to biological behavior and brain operations. We
simply do not know how to measure "mind operations" directly.
"With no mind measurements possible and no instruments, it is
understandable that Western science considers only the physical side
of the mind-matter interface.
"Presently our scientists do not measure the
longitudinally-polarized EM wave operations and functions in the
body and around it in nature. Few of them are aware that a maelstrom
of such LW [longitudinal wave] functions exist in the body and in
all of nature in general." Bearden:
articles/mind control1/p05.htm
Western methods of influencing the mind with EM waves have only used
transverse waves, not the longitudinal waves of the vacuum.
If only
transverse waves are used one pretty well has to hit the target mind
with a sledgehammer of waves.
Western Science knows only transverse EM waves
Brute Forcing Time Functions versus Fine Control Methods
"Ironically, Western mind control researchers using
transverse EM
waves for mind control research, are using a brute force method of
evoking and using vacuum engines (spacetime curvature engines) and a
special form of general relativity, although they do not appear to
realize it.
"While KGB scientists also use
TW EM "brute force", TW waves when
necessary, they do "imprint" or "activate" those waves with the
desired internal LW and time-polarized EM wave and
photon structures
required to directly perform the mind engineering desired...
"These "fitted brute-force models" certainly can be very powerful,
and certainly can produce the exact results shown in the
experimental verifications of the fittings. However, they do not of
themselves allow sophisticated design for example of the necessary
time-polarized wave assemblies for engineering the entire human
collective unconscious simultaneously, or for engineering the entire
collective unconscious of all species on Earth (i.e.,
collective unconscious), or even for precisely engineering the
memory and knowledge base of an individual.
articles/mind control1/p09.htm
The seemingly magical operations of psychoenergetics, sometimes
called "psychotronics," cannot be achieved with
ordinary transverse EM wave energy. But they are possible with
longitudinal scalar waves
because the mind itself is scalar in nature.
"We note that all
mind operations are time-like, i.e., they are
comprised as scalar EM photon functions and scalar EM wave
functions. Thus the mind is a very special kind of electromagnetic
system, existing in the time domain..."
articles/mind control1/p08.htm
The engineering of the mind can only be accomplished with the
of time.
The course of psychoenergetics development necessitates the building
of a vast database of settings and patterns which bring about given
mental and/or emotional states.
A kind of "gnome" of the psyche. Bearden describes the process of the decoding of this "gnome."
"Now the scientists would perform many phenomenology experiments,
making one little change at a time and profusely recording the data.
Each time, they would establish the physical change(s) that occur in
the body and/or the mental and emotional changes that occur in the
mind for each spectral reinsertion back through the "ship’s
portholes". They would simply but painstakingly (over some years)
build up an extensive database of those individual correlates.
"In these experiments, the experimenters will eventually be able to
provoke any body or mind change they wish. Strong emotion. Intense
pain. Intense pleasure. Painful thoughts. Images. Memories.
Perceptions. Dreams. Visions. Memory losses. Memory changes.
Personality changes. Etc. The "delta" in the emission spectrum (the
changes from zero reference spectrum) represent the precise totality
of all mental, physical, organic, chemical, etc. changes and
articles/mind control3/p01.htm
"A second stage in the research would be to test the correlates and
porthole insertions upon a statistically significant cross section
of ordinary people, and/or specialized populations (such as
toughened soldiers). The program would evolve a highly complex, very
effective, ever-improving science and technology of mind and
behavior control and engineering mechanisms, complete with finished
database and developed applications equipment."
articles/mind control3/p02.htm
Summing up his paper Bearden speculates on what the actual situation
the science of psychoenergetics probably is.
The intense secrecy
with which this knowledge has been kept from the public has led to
the current farce of the "government" pretending it all does not
exist, and this secrecy may have now put us at great risk.
"The implication is that in the West one or more highly classified,
sustained, heavily funded developments in advanced mind control
programs, probably exists and probably has existed for some time.
Due to loose formation of rogue groups inside such programs, they
may have dual or triple purposes, may not operate under very much
legitimate government control at all, and may operate specifically
for the purposes of the rogue group or groups that have gained
"In a nutshell, that’s what may be going on in the clandestine mind
control projects in several Western governments. The involvement of
at least some rogue groups, some being "cowboys" who operate well
outside all laws and ethics, could also result in such things as
assassinations, clandestine testing on individuals without their
consent, etc. In short, it could account for what seems to be
actually occurring.
As also is "usual" in such a mess, one or more
of the rogue groups eventually may become very powerful because
their secret weapons are very powerful. They may become confident,
thinking they have the "best in the world." They may actually
believe they are ahead of the Russians..."
"Remember that, in every large and powerful human organization, the
basis for rogue groups is power and secrecy. They are always seeking
to increase their power, control, influence, prestige, etc. Nothing
else. Patriotism and mission are to rogue groups often just idle
words. They have their own agendas.
And being rogue groups, they may
well bring in unethical, immoral tricks: assassination, bribery,
entrapment, disinformation, plausible deniability, etc. A certain
percentage of a highly secret rogue group will wind up using all
these things and more. It’s a human characteristic, the old primate
dominance game. Only now disguised and hidden under deep
"The Russians, with their additional knowledge of the actual
mechanisms in the transforms, will be much more advanced than the
West, because their fundamental psychoenergetics science is far more
advanced, so long as we continue to use the old U (l)
Further, the Russians have decades of use of
longitudinal interferometry beams to reach right through the earth
and ocean and produce stringent EM effects at a distance.
So they
will also be able to do the same things here in "mind control" with LW [longitudinal wave] interferometers, through intervening mass."
articles/mind control3/p05.htm
Bearden cites
two examples where he believes the Russian
KGB tested
the psychoenergetics capabilities of their scalar interferometers.
One was the case of Captain Button in his A-10 "Warthog" aircraft on
April 2, 1997.
"Over Arizona,
Captain Button was thrown into a hypnogogic state,
and his perceptions instantly altered and controlled. In his instant
"dream-waking" state, everything seemed perfectly normal. His sense
of direction was altered a bit more than 90 degrees, so he simply
corrected and turned and "flew toward the range", actually flying
off course by more than 90 degrees and ignoring radio contacts. He
flew right on out of Arizona."
"At one point he circled, probably thinking he was over the range,
and he probably dropped his ordnance there. Then he "flew on back
toward home," as he thought in his waking dream state, until his
fuel ran out and he crashed and died in the explosion dream-thinking
until he died that everything was normal.
All the while, his sense
of the passage of time was altered. To him, in his dream-thinking,
dream-acting state, everything was normal and nothing untoward had
happened. So the distant KGB transmitters and associated psychoenergetics team controlled him for over an hour.
"Indeed, that
was the exact purpose of the test: demonstrate control (at a great
distance) of a skilled person performing highly skilled tasks."
articles/mind control3/p06.htm
The paper
Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions ends
with the most chilling and frightening possibility of all: the psychoenergetic engineering of the human species as a whole.
The Ant World
The Final Race for Direct Mind Control of the Entire Human Species
"The KGB psychoenergetics weapons scientists because of their direct
measurements and detections (and use) of t-polarized waves and
[longitudinal waves] for decades also understand that Jung’s
collective unconscious mind (of the entire human species) also has
its own time-like operations and correlates, which one measures also
when using t-polarization measurements and sorting it all out. The
collective unconscious mind operations are buried several levels
deeper inside the recursive Whittaker structuring inside the EM
fields, waves, and potentials.
"The KGB scientists also know that
something very like Gaia a collective unconscious mind for all
species on earth also exists, and they are striving to be able to
sort out and measure that one as well. The Gaia operations are
buried even deeper in the recursive structuring inside the EM
fields, waves, and potentials."
"Actually, from day one, the Russian
mind control scientists have had their eventual goal set upon this
"deeper area of mind and possible mind control" of the entire human
"I am convinced that the KGB psychoenergetics scientists
this deeper area. If they can learn to directly engineer the
collective human species unconscious, they can then convert the
human species easily into a sort of "ant" society, modeled along
ideal Communism lines, except of course with an excluded "hierarchy
at the top" running everything. The "ant society" communist style is
still a variation of feudalism (all systems tend to feudalism or
some form thereof).
"The KGB psychoenergetics weapon scientists are
seriously pressing on toward that very goal. In my opinion they are
not very far from it right now...
"Some versions of Russian mind control devices were used on Russian
soldiers in the Afghan War to condition them for performance of
merciless acts." 13
articles/mind control3/p07.htm
More about "The Ant World"
Whether it is the Russians planning an "ant world"
society or rogue
U.S. black-ops groups withholding a great boon from human race, the
secrecy on all sides around has allowed largely criminal elements to
take over this technology while leaving the civilized elements in
the dark.
Openness and the spreading of this knowledge among good
and decent people is essential, and for that we will have to
overcome our frightened denial.
rogue groups amongst Western clandestine mind control
researchers will probably arise if they have not already done so.
They will likely seek to increase their personal control and further
isolate the programs from orthodox government review and from
government and legislative control. They may even divert the
research into highly illegal and unethical means, because it
furthers their own rogue agendas. That is how clandestine U.S.
government research can sometimes go sour, unless great care is
exercised by the oversight committees in the House and the Senate.
"Sometimes when rogue groups do gain control and total secrecy of a
given new technological area, then what appears to be "U.S.
government operations" do start to encompass a criminal and
unethical operations, hidden usually beneath the deep veil of high
classification. Also, if it’s "scientific," no one is ever brought
to justice, even if the "evil science actions" are uncovered and
publicly revealed."
articles/mind control3/p08.htm
Like the huge energy of the Tesla howitzers, the ability to engineer
the mind with longitudinal waveforms is a seeming "magical" thing
which can be used for good or ill. Bearden envisions that further
developments will allow something like the "downloading" of
knowledge via scalar interferometry. Everyone could be highly
educated, and quickly and easily.
In the conclusion of the paper "Mind Control and EM Wave
Polarization Transductions" Bearden makes a plea to the nations of
the world regarding the use of psychoenergetic engineering.
"Let us hope this great new area, already off to a bad start, can be
bridled and steered in the direction helping and healing people,
rather than killing or abusing them. The excesses in its bad use are
a potent threat to all nations on earth.
"Yet it can revolutionize medical science, education, communication,
and psychology. We foresee the day - perhaps 30 years hence - when
education will be accomplished by directly loading the software into
the mind. Then in three weeks one will "load" a doctorate, say, in
physics. In three more weeks on will also load a doctorate in
chemistry. Another three weeks, in electrical engineering.
three weeks, an MD And so on. When that happens then truly everyone
on earth can be educated. Freedom from ignorance may well be another
great freedom that is legally recognized.
There will be no
impoverished large groups lacking the education to find decent,
productive jobs.
"We urge all nations to use the principles involved: not for human
abuse, but for healing, educating,
uplifting, and life-expanding of
every person on earth. If we do, we shall all have a far brighter
future. Then we shall check what has started out to be the Sword of
Damocles and turn it into the golden Millennium." |
articles/mind control3/p08.htm
(Perhaps after so many frightening topics a slight break is in order
here to consider the lighter side of psychoenergetics. For example,
what will be the ultimate impact on the entertainment industry?)
The Feelies at Last!
Psychoenergetics will be able to bring about at last, for better or
for worse, Aldous Huxley’s fanciful idea in his novel "Brave New
World," an entertainment format which he called "The Feelies."
were something you went to, like going to the movies, but you would
experience all the actual feelings themselves, as if the depicted
events were actually happening to you.
Although our "leaders" seem
too dim to grasp what is going on in the world of scalar electromagnetics, it should not take some young Hollywood genius too
long to understand that The Feelies are now possible, and that the
immense megabucks of potential profit more than justify heavy
investment in bringing it to market.
One can imagine that first "Feelie" theater, "The Huxley" perhaps, a
large comfortable area surrounded by nine giant screens (not just
one screen!), which become 3D if you put on your headset. And The
Huxley is fitted with the finest sound, and oh, by the way, a modest
sized scalar interferometer with computer. And there are one or more
new tracks now recorded on the film next to the sound track.
are the digital patterns of thoughts, feelings, and ideas to be fed
into the theater’s interferometer. And these thoughts and feelings
and ideas will be felt by the audience as if they were their own
thoughts and ideas. It is an entirely new art form. Psychevision.
As important (and no doubt famous) as the actors would be the
"feelers," those from whose minds the feelings were lifted in the
original programming of the Feelie tracks. Because, for example, Brad Pitt might be a good and handsome actor, but can he really
it? Like the dubbing of foreign language films, it might be
necessary to dub the "emotional track" using a deeper and more
profound person’s feelings, thoughts and ideas.
It might even be engineered so that if you sat on one side of the
theater you would feel like the hero, and on the other side you
would feel exactly like the bad guy! What would that lead to?
We have all cried at a movie some time, most people have, though
they might not want to admit it. But this would be deep sobbing and
a flood of tears, if the director so desired it. You would feel it
at your core. Or, take a big chase scene, you would be terrified.
They are breathing down your neck! You would be gripped by panic.
For that matter, the whole genre of Horror-Feelie would be too much
for many people to take. Do I really want to feel that an actual
vampire is tearing at my throat with his fangs?
A Religious Feelie would make you feel the exaltation of a saint at
his prayers, or give you the definite feeling that you are Christ
suffering on the cross. All the pain could be there too. The
stickiness of the blood. The very feeling itself: "Why hast thou
forsaken me?" Who among us could come up that despair for scanning?
Had this been developed a bit earlier we might watch a documentary
of, say, Mother Theresa, containing her own actual deep sense of
compassion, which we would feel arising in us as our own.
Then again, a Psychedelic Feelie could induce an LSD-like state and
simply blow the audience’s minds.
Even in its simplest most primitive mode, the hypnogogic trance
induction with its increased suggestibility, would completely alter
the experience of even ordinary current movie going.
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