by Zecharia Sitchin
Atlantis Rising Nº 36 (Nov-Dec 2002)
AtlantisRising Website
Will water be the fuel of the future to
power aircraft and spacecraft?
If so, mankind will be employing a “technology of the gods” and, as
in other fields, modern science will be only catching up with
ancient knowledge.
The news of the possible use of water – an abundant and clean
resource – as the “fuel” for jet propulsion comes from the Tokyo
Institute of Technology that has been developing technologies for
powering small un-piloted planes by subjecting their “engines” to
laser beams fired from the ground or from satellites. In what has
been hailed as a great success, the Tokyo team reported in the June
10 issue of Applied Physics that they made a tiny paper “plane” fly
by subjecting its “motor” of aluminum plates to laser beams. Causing
minute amounts of the metal to vaporize, a jet stream was achieved
that cause the plane to soar.
The experiment thus attained the trick of creating an ejected jet of
some mass that pushed the plane forward. In regular jet planes, the
jet is created by burning petroleum fuel and ejecting the hot gas.
In the Tokyo experiment, the heat was provided by the laser beam,
the jet by the evaporated aluminum.
To scale the propulsion system up to
full size, Takashi Yabe, head of the Tokyo team, proposed using
water as the propellant.
“Water can be harvested from the atmosphere
as the plane flies,” he said.
Reporting the experiment and the
water-use idea, the journal New Scientist (15 June 2002) illustrated
the futuristic “water engine” thus:

“Water An Intriguing Fuel”
Reporting the series of experiments, The
New York Times science editor Kenneth Chang stated that,
“water is
the more intriguing fuel. The paper airplane received only a single
push before the water propellant was used up, but Dr. Yabe
speculated that a larger plane using this technology could
continually replenish the water from the air, “so we don’t need to
carry large amounts of water,” he said.
A Technology
of the Anunnaki
I admit to having broadly grinned when I read the above news
reports, because in my latest book,
The Lost Book of Enki, I
described the use of water for the propulsion of the spacecraft of
the Anunnaki (“Those who from heaven to Earth came” in Sumerian).
Enki, the great chief scientist of the Anunnaki, was the leader of
the first team of Anunnaki to come to Earth. His name, EN.KI, meant
“Lord of Earth” in Sumerian. But that title was granted to him only
later, after the arrival of his half-brother Enlil (EN.LIL = “Lord
of the Command”). The original Epithet-name of Enki was
commonly taken to mean “He whose home is water.” He was depicted by
the Sumerians as a seated deity outpouring streams of water (below

Enki, ruler of the
He was the prototype of the Water Bearer
Aquarius and his zodiacal constellation (below image).
At first I accepted the explanation that his epithet reflected his
love of waters, for sailing and fishing. As the scope of my research
and writings expanded, increasingly involving the “technologies of
the gods,” I was increasingly astounded to discover that modern
science is only catching up with ancient knowledge. This was true in
astronomy, then in genetics, and now in space propulsion.

The Role of
The Sumerian incredible knowledge of the heavens applied not only to
recognition of all the planets we know of today (plus Nibiru), but
also to their descriptions and roles. Thus, Mars was spoken of as
The Way Station. NASA’s own photographs from the 1970’s, shown in my
Genesis Revisited, reveal the
remains of artificial structures
on Mars. But the argument has been that Mars could not have served
as an astronauts’ base because it is a lifeless, atmosphere-less and
a dry, waterless planet.
Well, all of a sudden we hear from the same space experts that oh,
yes, Mars not only had rivers and lakes and oceans in the past – it
still has vast quantities of water frozen at its poles and lying
inches below the surface elsewhere…
So Mars could not only sustain a Way Station: It could serve to
re-supply the spacecraft of
the Anunnaki with their fuel:
Did the engine devised by Enki have to evaporate the water to create
a jet? Probably not: The water itself could be ejected – an idea as
simple as the lawn sprinkler…