And It Came to Pass And it came to pass. When men began to multiply
on the face of the Earth and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God
saw the daughters of men that they were fair,
and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants upon the Earth
in those days and also thereafter
too, When the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men
and they bare
children to them
- the same Mighty Men of old, Men of Renown.
The reader, if familiar with the King James English version of the
Bible, will recognize these verses in chapter 6 of Genesis as the
preamble to the story of the Deluge, the Great Flood in which Noah,
huddled in an ark, was saved to repopulate the Earth.
The reader, if familiar with my writings, will also recognize these
verses as the reason why many decades ago, a schoolboy was prompted
to ask his teacher why it is "giants" who are the subject of these
verses, when the word in the original Hebrew text is
Nefilim -
which, stemming from
the Hebrew verb NaFoL, means to fall down, to be downed, to come
down - and in no way ‘giants’.
The schoolboy was I. Instead of being congratulated on my linguistic
acumen, I was harshly reprimanded.
"Sitchin, sit down!" the teacher
hissed with repressed anger; "you don’t question the Bible!"
I was
deeply hurt that day, for I was not questioning the Bible - on the
contrary, I was pointing out the need to understand it accurately.
And that was what changed my life’s direction to pursue the Nefilim.
Who were they, and who were their "Mighty Men" descendants?
The search for answers started with linguistic questions.
The Hebrew
text does not speak of "Men" who began to multiply, but of HaAdam -
"The Adam," a generic term, a human species. It does not speak of
the sons of "God," but uses the term Bnei Ha-Elohim - the sons (in
the plural) of The Elohim, a plural term taken to mean "gods" but
literally meaning "The Lofty Ones."
The "Daughters of The Adam" were
not "fair," but Tovoth - good, compatible... And unavoidably we
find ourselves confronting issues of origins. How did Mankind happen
to be on this planet, and whose genetic code do we carry?
In just three verses and a few words - forty-nine words in the
original Hebrew of Genesis - the Bible describes the creation of
Heaven and Earth, then records an actual prehistoric time of early
Mankind and a series of amazing events, including a global Flood,
the presence on Earth of gods and their sons, inter-species
intermarriage, and demigod offspring...
And so, starting with one word (Nefilim), I told the tale of
Anunnaki, "Those who from Heaven to Earth came" - space travelers
and interplanetary settlers who came from their troubled planet to
Earth in need of gold, and ended up fashioning The Adam in their
In doing so I brought them to life - recognizing them
individually, unraveling their tangled relationships, describing
their tasks, loves, ambitions, and wars - and identifying their
inter-species offspring, the ‘demigods’.
I have been asked at times where my interests would have taken me
were the teacher to compliment rather than reprimand me. In truth,
I have asked myself a different question:
What if indeed "there were
giants upon the Earth, in those days and thereafter too"?
cultural, scientific, and religious implications are awesome; they
lead to the next unavoidable questions:
Why did the compilers of the
Hebrew Bible, which is totally devoted to monotheism, include the
bombshell verses in the prehistoric record - and what were their
I believe that I have found the answer.
Deciphering the enigma of
the demigods (the
famed Gilgamesh among them), I conclude in this
book - my crowning oeuvre - that compelling physical evidence for
past alien presence on Earth has been buried in an ancient tomb.
is a tale that has immense implications for our genetic origins - a
key to unlocking the secrets of health, longevity, life, and death;
it is a mystery whose unraveling will take the reader on a unique
adventure and finally reveal what was held back from Adam in the
Garden of Eden.
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