Chapter 13 Secret Services
The depth of subversion of the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights by Mazzini's Masonic Machine, the "outer machine" and the "inner machinery," has been the subject of much of this book. Why have not the FBI and the CIA investigated and exposed the national and international Masonic/Bilderberger plot, encompassing America's Media Machine, for a one-world government in which the sovereignty of the United States and it's Constitution are slotted for dismantling ? Brace yourself. The intrigue deepens.
The development of a plan for a one-world government attended to by a "confidential Council" became embodied in the Mormon organization. Mormonism's Founding Father, Joseph Smith, originally contemplated establishing a religious control over the U.S. government, a theocracy, which means a ruler-ship by God.
The close relationship between Masonry and the Mormon Priesthood will be briefly considered in essential and revealing aspects. A preponderant issue for Americans is whether Constitutional protections of the Bill of Rights will be guaranteed until Jesus Christ returns to restore mankind to the paradise garden conditions which existed before the Luciferian rebellion which included the first human couple, or whether an overt occult oligarchy will proceed to entrench itself in America and elsewhere, extensively assaulting human rights physically and psychically.
What is the original "secular" goal of Mormonism's Founding Father and "Prophet" ? Former Mormon elder Ed Decker testifies.
The Masonic agenda "to remain in readiness until "the day be with us" has involved an "inner machinery" of a diabolical spiritualistic/psychic program operating behind the scenes with the objective of establishing an overt occult ruler-ship in America and throughout the world.
The Bible book of Daniel contains a prophesy of an multi-compositional image which was to be destroyed by a rock taken from a mountain. Joseph Smith's interpretation is an interesting one, as it raises the issue of whether America's Constitutional form of government was interpreted to be destroyed or whether it is ultimately a de facto un-Constitutional government which might be destroyed.
Considering that Joseph Smith was evidently intent on subverting the Constitutional form of government and taking control by means of a theocracy of his making, the question is an intriguing one, and bears careful analysis as one contemplates the methods which Joseph Smith's organization employs down to our day.
As related by Harold Bloom from Joseph Smith's interpretation, Joseph Smith, the "prophetic stone," was to destroy the "image," the United States, and subsequently all the sinful kingdoms of the world. That the FBI and the CIA are replete with Mormons appears to suggest to some, such as Harold Bloom, that the FBI and the CIA might be replete with the Mormon vision, however that is understood at any time and as facilitated through the efforts of it's members.
If the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are in danger of being pre-empted by a one-world government or even a national Mormon/Mason theocracy, the preceding interpretation of Joseph Smith, Mormon's "Prophet," is alarming whether it currently obtains official recognition or not.
The apparent argument which Harold Bloom makes is that the official position of the Mormon church is today at odds with "crucial teachings" of Mormonism's Founding Fathers, Joseph Smith and his successor, Brigham Young, and therefore remains unsettling.
The inescapable conclusions are that if Mormonism is true to the original interpretations of it's Founding Fathers, there are no doubt many Americans who would say that they want their country back, and while Mormonism is making the most strenuous assertions of being Christian, Mormonism's allegiance to Masonry's god would make it plain that God demands back his sheep who believe in Jesus Christ.
In Mormonism, Lucifer is Jesus Christ's brother. According to Albert Pike, Lucifer is the equal of Adonay, the God of the Bible. Philosophically, one might wonder if Joseph Smith and Albert Pike had a common source of inspiration.
The evidence is more than circumstantial.
Both Hyrum Smith and Joseph Smith were Master Masons, and that Joseph Smith began teaching "the Endowment to the LDS apostles" "less than two months after receiving his Master Mason degree" accounts for a commonality of symbols such as the Masonic compass and square, and other symbols, even more diabolical ones, such as considered in exposés by former Mormons William Schnoebelen, Ed Decker and others.
The Masonic philosophy, spiritistically inspired, of evolving or growing into godhood is fundamental to Mormonism.
How is growing into godhood supposed to be achieved in Masonry, in the New Age movement ? It is by discarnate entities, spirits. The Mormon link is very substantial.
The so-called "logic" that the manifestations of practices condemned in the Bible are proofs of God's support or inspiration in Mormonism provides a substantial point about which associated assertions can be questioned. Although Satan is quoted in the Bible in specific instances, Satan's guidance or the guidance of his "angels" is obviously not sought by Christians.
The dangers of following the guidance by Luciferian "angels" posing as spirits of the dead should be obvious and underlies the prohibition on seeking guidance by spirits who may pose as, or present themselves as spirits of persons who have died.
Although the evidence might be lacking that evil spirits have been "sworn in" to testify in behalf of Mormonism, they nevertheless are said to testify in Mormonism's behalf, according to Brigham Young.
Spirit Medium Religion
Spirit mediumship spawned in the public domain by means of the Fox sisters in New York state is recognized as having taken at least two routes. One route taken was religious in which groups formed around spirit mediums and local churches were formed crystallizing around the medium.
Genie in a Bottle
The formation of religious groups or churches represented one route taken by spiritualists. Another route taken was that of psychical research.
Telepathy and clairvoyance became certifiable phenomena. The attribution pointed to the agency of discarnate spirits.
Mediumistic States
Establishing the "point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness", called the "psychic eye," pertains to a co-consciousness with Luciferian New Age entities at various levels of mental impression. Deep trances from which the medium usually recalled nothing paved the way mediumistically to clairaudience, receiving spirit messages as voices, and transformation through co-consciousness with New Age spirit entities.
The term "possessing spirit" used in connection with automatic writing in which the subject is "unconscious of what is being written" or "automatic speaking without going into a trance" wherein "the spirits supposedly talk through them" should make anyone cautious about what the spiritualist community regards as "normal consciousness" or "without going into a trance" while at the same time the subject is not conscious of what is transpiring.
When it comes to manifestations of spirit facilitated "psychic powers," can you imagine the ramifications of having a Secret Service agent, an FBI or CIA agent, or high ranking military commander who is subject to such manifestations of spirit mediumship or "possession"? The pursuit of such practices in giving discarnate spirits a body or vehicle through which to operate would appear to involve substantial culpability.
Although the psychic powers appear to be at the disposal of the practitioner in triggering psychic powers, the dangers of so-called spontaneous occurrences, such as being "yanked out of" one's body, psychically, never the less remains a threat, particularly as the occult conspiracy draws to a climax, such as Schnoebelen describes, where currents of malignant force are poised to flow down through the ranks of those spiritually compromised in Masonry.
Psychics are at the disposal of Lucifer. The spiritualistic connection is common to other organizations. It is particularly common to Mormonism.
Mediums for Secret Services
Spiritualism is spirit mediumship. The documentation on the spiritualistic fundamentals of Mormonism is extensive because Mormonism is extensively a spiritualistic religion. The emergence of the Mormon religion and the spiritualism movement in general were closely associated in time.
Joseph Smith was acknowledged within the Mormon Church to be a "medium."
Both generic spiritualism and spiritualism perpetuated under the roof of Mormonism concern themselves with "spirit guides" and with mediumistic powers.
Automatic writing is a manifestation of mediumistic phenomena, and is performed by "spirit guides" of spiritualism.
Psychic or mediumistic powers have a legacy, not only in spiritualism in general, but a legacy within the Mormon Church. Although professing to be Christian, and therefore reluctant to admit to occultism, Mormonism adheres to the Biblically condemned practice of spiritism and it's arts.
Is the claim of the Mormon church that its "powers" are "godly" a credible one ? It's stance on encouraging "encounters with the alleged spirits of the dead" is preponderantly sufficient to settle the issue, but what is striking is the Luciferian connection which is not simply implied, but evident in Mormon theology. Former Mormon elder Ed Decker focused on the honor and praise which is paid Lucifer in the Mormon church.
The similarities are too many and too close for coincidence. Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles, expressed Mormonism's agreement with pagan/occult mythology when he wrote:
Brigham Young preached that "the devil told the truth",
It should come as no surprise, according to such positions, that Lucifer plays an essential role in Mormonism.
Lucifer's role in prompting Adam and Eve to sin is viewed as having been beneficial. Receiving the "endowment" in Mormonism is explained as dependent upon the devil's presence. Considering the praised role of Lucifer, the devil, in leading the "fall" of the first human pair, it is legitimate to ask whether it is under Luciferian, spiritualistic auspices that the endowment is given.
The presence of the devil is considered not optional but essential to getting one's "endowment."
The devil does not play an idle role in Mormonism and is implicated as being involved in more than proposing temptations. William Schnoebelen, former Mormon and Wiccan High Priest and James R. Spencer revealed in the book Whited Sepulchers the use of the inverted pentagram in Mormonism, which is a witchcraft symbol for Lucifer, the goat-god, the Baphomet.
The witchcraft connection is attested to in the publication, Mormonism's Temple of Doom.
There are several important issues which this analysis deals with. The Mormon church places a great deal of emphasis upon the "Holy Ghost" and upon Jesus Christ's name.
Practicing spiritism, or spiritualism, while using the name of Jesus Christ ostensibly to confer godly legitimacy to the practice or it's manifestations is an iniquity in itself.
The secret services of the Mormon Church involve spiritualistic practices, Masonic symbols and philosophy, praise for Lucifer.
The subversion is not only on the level of the individual.
Telepathy and clairvoyance are "powers" attributed to the agency of "the Holy Ghost."
The Mormon/Masonic tradition of so-called evolving to godhood and acquiring psychic powers is quite evident.
Mormonism's "reliance upon psychic/spiritistic powers" and Mormonism's considering the fall of man as resulting in "benefits" involve the spiritistic corruption of humans, leading them on a path in which co-option by discarnate Luciferian entities supposedly turns the person into a god. It is the occult conspiracy, the Luciferian plan, the Masonic tradition, the spiritualistic path.
The subversion is not only of the individual and of the true way of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ, but also the subversion of the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights and of America's sovereignty as a nation. The Masonic/Mormon plan has been enunciated as one for a one-world government. The very capacity of America's "secret services" to investigate and pursue the occult conspiracy has been seriously compromised.
The Mormon vision appears inseparable from the Masonic vision, from the spiritualist vision, from the vision of Lucifer. An examination of the spiritualistic manifestations or psychic powers with which the Mormon church is intimately associated does much to explain the close association with the intelligence services in particular.
Psychic abilities have been co-opted by governments. At the same time the psychic abilities, under the auspices of New Age Luciferian entities and their agents, have rendered government agents vulnerable to be exploited by the unseen powers which facilitate "psychic powers."
It is a matter of the occult "Plan" and of the doctrinal vision which agents have of the future, and activities which they are able to influence.
An Obvious Question
An obvious question which
emerges is that if there are FBI, CIA and other government agents who may
have psychic, clairvoyant, "mind reading," or other spiritistic
"powers," why do many crimes go unsolved or unresolved ?
One factor is that the Mafia was founded by
Illuminati/occultist Giuseppe Mazzini who established himself as the
political godfather of Freemasonry internationally.
Levels of psychic escalation Another factor in
confounding persons who believe that they have obtained "mind
reading" "powers" is that advanced psychic methods include
"masking the intention," "projecting" false
'impressions' of what one is thinking, and is alleged by a Japanese Master
to be used in negotiation tactics. The spirit guide role is emphasized by
the occult practitioner. Another factor in confounding persons who believe that they have obtained "mind reading" "powers" is the capacity (disclosed by New Age spirit guide writing) to "impress" thoughts upon a human subject not his or her own, whereupon a psychic "mind reader" observer who believes he is reading the human subject's mind is really 'reading' thoughts "projected" onto the human subject.
In view of
the disclosures made by the Japanese master regarding the projection of
impressions which are false, the configuration of deceptive tactics under
the auspices of New Age spirit guides demonstrates by their own claims
that the world of psychic "mind reading" is a world of deception
and that so-called "mind reading" does not form the basis for a
new society of truth and honesty. Guile and deceit are fundamental
principles of the Luciferian Hierarchy. Another confounding method
which "psychic" as well as non-psychic persons or agents should
be aware of may be psychic ventriloquism and/or impersonation, wherein a
subject speaks in the accent of an 'impressing' agent. In view of
the demonstrated capacity of spirit guides to "speak" to humans,
the impersonation of persons with or without the role of a human medium
raises scenarios which extent outside of the séance where deceased humans
are claimed to contact relatives. It is within a international climate of escalating occult, psychic practices that secret services of many nations have been faced with being plunged into greater depths of spiritistic corruption.
The national objectives to preserve freedoms has been diverted into areas
in which government agents are made vulnerable to inimical forces in a spiritistic environment , and has compromised government officials at many
levels through involvement in Freemasonry, spiritualism, or psychic
development programs which have been camouflaged as personal development
there are writers in the field of psychic warfare who lead their readers
to believe that psychic warfare is a recent development in the West, the
pro-occult writer Michael Howard has revealed that governments have
engaged in substantial cover-ups of their occult practices in the field of
occult conspiracy encompasses competing, compartmentalized groups
representing a variety of political, economic, social, racial, national
and religious interests. The pitting of Mormon FBI agents against
Sicilian Mafiosi reveals upon closer examination the intriguing role of
Lucifer in both Mormonism and Mazzini's Mafia, and the escalation into spiritistic, psychic practices represents deeper levels of co-option into
Lucifer's family of incarnating spirits. The reported link between
members of the Mormon Church and government services such as the FBI and
the CIA does not raise issues of potential conflict confined simply to
Mormonism. During the late 1960's a young man happened across an out-of-the-way CIA recruiting office on an University of Wisconsin campus. He asked how recruiting was going and one of the two men at the recruiting desk stated an explicit interest in Mormons and spiritualists. The issue is fundamentally one of spiritualism, and the manifestations of spiritualistic powers has a long history of telepathy and clairvoyance.
Mormonism is a spiritualistic organization with a body of laws and prophesies quite explicit. Mormonism offers enforcement mechanisms which generic spiritualism groups or churches might lack. Mormons have been noted for strong family ties and use the image of a strong family in their missionary or recruitment work.
As it turns out, as it has been testified to by former Mormons, if a person turns away from Mormonism, once a member, the person can be shunned by one's friends and family and cases have been noted where former members allege that even divorce has been counselled as a solution to an "apostate" situation. Historically, a person leaving the Mormon church was subject to execution.
Former Mormon elder Ed Decker expressed the view that what was called "blood atonement" or execution for leaving the Mormon church cannot be considered an entirely abandoned issue.
It should be quite obvious that "secret services," spiritualistically, in the Mormon church or other spiritualistic organizations, leading to psychic powers such as telepathy or "mind-reading" has traditionally predisposed a person for co-option by governmental "secret services," or predisposed a person to being taken to a psychiatric hospital and given psychotropic drugs if making the wrong statements to the wrong person.
The cover-up of "mind-reading" (telepathy) and other psychic manifestations has served not only the "secret services" of governments which have co-opted them, but has served primarily the purposes of the occult plan, driven by occult secret societies and other groups, such as Freemasonry, in clandestinely expanding their power base and influence in government and in society.
Behind-the-scenes activities by the media in covering-up the Bilderberger/Masonic plan or plot for a one-world government smacks intriguingly of the Mormon/non-Mormon "confidential Council" plan for one-world government and the associated interpretation of Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, and represents a conspiracy which has evidently not been counter-acted by the FBI or CIA. Indeed, it could be said that a commonality of agents exist in critical American institutions which appear complicit in an underlying objective to subvert the U.S. Constitution.
The cover-up of telepathic agencies by government has been sufficiently extensive that the authors of The Mind Race have, at the end of their book, sounded a warning.
The deceptions perpetrated upon the American people and upon the people of the world by spiritualistic "secret services" of governmental agencies has left the public vulnerable to nefarious, spiritistic and hypnotic methods to subvert the human character while proliferating the "Great Work" of witchcraft and Freemasonry.
Who has been co-opting whom ?
While governments have been co-opting psychic/spiritualistic powers for their purposes, it is evident that the Luciferian spirits which preside over such powers have been engaging in a process of co-opting those who acquire such powers by means of a point of "co-consciousness."
The issue of co-option by sinister forces also raises the question of whether or to what extent government institutions have been subverted or even co-opted by the organization of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry represents a system of subversion.
Freemasonry's system includes oaths of allegiance, both to Freemasonry and to it's secret Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, allegiance to an organization in defiance to the U.S. Constitution and to the Constitutional institutional provisions for a system of checks and balances, and further embodies principles of subversion in swearing men to conceal crimes of murder, perjury and treason.
The system of subversion
includes principles and methods of occult subversion. Law enforcement officers who are Freemasons are compromised not only by pledging their allegiance to an organization (Freemasonry) which includes a system of oaths swearing to concealing perjury, murder and treason, but are compromised in ways which include swearing to "due performance of the same" in swearing to exact retribution upon Masons who expose Freemasonry.
Law enforcement agents who are involved in Freemasonry are involved in an organization spiritually dominated by the diabolical Palladian Rite, Luciferian spiritualism, demon-possession. Similarly, law enforcement officials who are not members of Freemasonry but who practice spiritualism to acquire psychic "powers" are compromised in that spiritualism is the practice of spirit mediumship, which in itself represents various degrees of mental impression by New Age spirits or daemon possession, such as evidenced by so-called "automatic writing."
The issue of spiritistic-spiritualistic subversion of America's law enforcement and intelligence services is ultimately an issue of participants being subject to various levels of influence, mental impression and even co-option by Luciferian spirit entities.
There may be persons such
as police officers and other U.S. government officials who have been
pressured into New Age techniques who need to be alerted to the
spiritually destructive forces which they have become entangled with or
subject to. There are persons such as those within the Mormon Church with
family affiliation who need to be awaked to their spiritual danger and
that of their relatives. There are persons who have been drawn into
organizations such as the Mormon Church believing it to be Christian and
seeking the comfort of upbuilding association, whereas such persons have
been deceived in crucial ways and subject to spiritual harm. Corruption will end
The testimony and evidence presented warrants the following indictment against political and religious "goat-like" shepherds in America and abroad who have exploited God's sheep, and who have been "building" a Masonic New Age/New Order.
In the New Age movement, such as represented by the New Age leader Jean Houston, "daemons" associated with the "mystery religions" including those of Greece and Rome serve as spirit guides for increasing numbers of individuals in America, including persons in U.S. government. Jean Houston has been noted for her personal visits and counseling provided to the Clintons while in the White House.
This reference to Jean Houston is not a "grasping for straws" here. It represents but one significant component of a New Age and Masonic track record and agenda which the Clinton/Gore White House has continued to pursue. A detailed, documented analysis of the Jean Houston connection and it's implications are provided in the previous chapter.
That is to say, in particular segments of American society today, the expression "demons" has taken on a milder appearance through the "mystery school" teachings promoted by New Age leaders such as Jean Houston. The "daemon" spirit guides which she promotes and evokes are increasingly viewed among the public as the guides to personal improvement and mystical (occult) salvation.
As this research book America's Subversion: The Enemy Within has documented, New Age promises represent a grandiose delusion and deception, and that has been documented and proven from the very writings of Masonic scholars Manly P. Hall, Albert Pike, and other New Age / Masonic leaders. Keep in mind, it is not the persons on the fringes of an organization or movement which define the teachings, it is the "esoteric core" at the center which lead, initiate, and promote from within. Often, "exoteric" teachings are admittedly used to deceive or to "hint" at the real, core, "esoteric" teachings of an organization. Back to CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency Treason Chapter supplement - Middle-East Subversion, America's Subversion, Treason and World War Three