Audio Letter Nº 1
(1) An important matter
concerning evidence in the Fort Knox Gold Scandal (2) Recent indications from President Ford that the plans
for economic depression and dictatorship in America are
still on track (3) An introduction to our next president and would-be
dictator, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
Letter Nº 2
(1) First signs that the four
Rockefeller brothers are beginning to lose their grip on
events (2) Super-secret domestic military preparations for massive
unemployment riots (3) The secret central core gold vault that the Fort Knox
visitors did not see in September, 1974, and how it was used
in the theft of America’s gold
Letter Nº 3
(1) The truth about the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy (2) Some little known examples of economic power held by the
Rockefellers, and how they hold that power (3) How the Rockefeller plans for World War III are being
altered by Indira Gandhi’s crackdown on the CIA in India
Letter Nº 4
(1) The International Monetary
Fund gold sale agreement and the dethroning of the United
States dollar (2) Assassination politics and subtle maneuverings in the
countdown toward dictatorship (3) The rapidly merging outlines of the planned 1977 war in
Letter Nº 5
(1) The CIA, Fort Knox, and the
poisoning of America
(2) How the Rockefeller brothers
are preparing to sacrifice New York City to trigger general
economic collapse (3) The continuing buildup to a new United States
constitution and war in Asia
Audio Letter Nº 6
(1) The Ford depression, Asian
war, and the impending doom of the OPEC nations (2) Fort Knox plutonium and our sellout by Congress
(3) Gerald Ford’s last days as president
Audio Letter Nº 7
(1) How political control
produces cover-ups and paralysis instead of truth and action
(2) How economic control produces deepening artificial
depression and monetary chaos instead of real prosperity (3) How the alliance between Rockefeller corporate socialism
and Soviet state socialism is taking us into nuclear war
Audio Letter Nº 8
(1) Our charges for a citizen’s
indictment on the Fort Knox twin scandal/cover-up (2) Rockefeller progress and problems in their drive to drag
our economy down to the Soviet level (3) So-called detente, and the ignored prophetic warnings of
George Washington
Audio Letter Nº 9
(1) How you are a target in the
secret Rockefeller takeover of the United States Postal
Service (2) How the coming wars will affect you and your family
(3) How you are to be a pawn in the game to make Nelson
Rockefeller our first dictator
Audio Letter Nº 10
(1) World government and the
destruction of family life (2) World monetary chaos and the coming crash here in
America (3) World War III and the planned declaration of national
Audio Letter Nº 11
(1) How individuals are being
reduced to sacrificial pawns in the Rockefeller program to
protect and advance their own interests (2) How nations are being maneuvered into war and
destruction as part of the Rockefeller scheme of progress
(3) How we are being pushed and tricked into discarding our
heritage of freedom to accept Rockefeller dictatorship
Audio Letter Nº 12
(1) Enslavement through monopoly
and the destruction of competitive free enterprise (2) Enslavement through inflation and the destruction of an
economy (3) The commitment to enslavement through one-world
government and nuclear destruction
Audio Letter Nº 13
(1) Conspiracy for economic
destruction (2) Conspiracy for political destruction (3) Conspiracy to achieve destruction of human lives
Audio Letter Nº 14
(1) The Soviet Missile Crisis of
1976 (2) Hitler’s pattern for America’s bicentennial era
(3) The plans for America’s future under occupation and
Audio Letter Nº 15
(1) The Rockefeller sellout of
America to the Soviet Union (2) The Soviet strategy for surprise naval attack in Nuclear
War I (3) The world-wide locations of Soviet underwater missiles
and bombs
Audio Letter Nº 16
(1) The August Missile Crisis of
1976 (2) The United States intelligence gap and a new round of
Soviet under-water missiles (3) The undeclared submarine war now underway
Letter Nº 17
(1) Red Friday and the campaign
to destroy General George S. Brown (2) The swine flu cover-up for chemical warfare now underway
(3) The phantom election of 1976
Audio Letter Nº 18
(1) The mushrooming debate over
Soviet military power (2) Why the Soviet Union wants nuclear war
(3) How governmental and press secrecy are destroying our
chances for peace
Audio Letter Nº 19
(1) Why the United States was
not first to launch an earth satellite (2) Why most Americans cannot believe nuclear war is
imminent (3) How the major tax-exempt foundations have cleared the
way for Soviet nuclear attack
Audio Letter Nº 20
(1) Henry Ford’s parting
criticism of the largest foundation in the world (2) The current pre-war hostilities that are leading up to
Nuclear War I (3) The great secret race in super weapons
Audio Letter Nº 21
(1) How our national security
was really lost (2) Pre-war America: 1977 (3) The end of an era
Audio Letter Nº 22
(1) How circumstances are
proving the Rockefeller-Soviet plans to destroy America (2) President Carter’s efforts to hurry up Nuclear War I
(3) How the church is being used
Audio Letter Nº 23
(1) The pre-war sabotage of
America (2) The coming naval battle for the United States and the
world (3) The untold personal sacrifice of General George S. Brown
Audio Letter Nº 24
(1) The fall of Babylon
revisited (2) The handwriting on the wall for America
(3) Water, the ultimate weapon
Audio Letter Nº 25
(1) The Panama Canal trap for
war (2) The Second Battle of Britain (3) Man-made earthquakes to set the stage for Nuclear War I
Audio Letter Nº 26
(1) War in space: The Battle of
the Harvest Moon-September 27, 1977 (2) The last days of the Rockefeller empire
(3) The American Dream...In Memoriam
Audio Letter Nº 27
(1) The Soviet particle beam and
killer satellites (2) The spreading atomic plague called Legionnaire’s Disease
(3) The enforced disarming of America now underway
Audio Letter Nº 28
(1) A house divided against
itself over SALT (2) The exchange of Soviet and American threats
(3) The Sadat trip to Israel and Nuclear War I
Audio Letter Nº 29
(1) Cyclones, air quakes, and
Soviet intimidation of America (2) The dismantling of the NATO alliance
(3) America’s betrayal into a new Bolshevik Revolution
Audio Letter Nº 30
(1) The one-world plan of our
secret rulers gone awry (2) The aggressive new policies of the Kremlin
(3) The Soviet readiness to police the world
Audio Letter Nº 31
(1) The dawning of Soviet
cosmostrategy and cosmopolitics (2) The accelerating buildup to a national emergency
(3) Growing casualties in the secret war over SALT
Audio Letter Nº 32
(1) Cosmospheres, cosmostrategy,
and the ignored warnings of General Thomas Power (2) Soviet preparations to invade the United States
(3) How events are converging toward nuclear holocaust
Audio Letter Nº 33
(1) Inflation, gold, and the
stock market bear trap (2) Korean Airlines Flight 902: the flying Lusitania
(3) The twilight of the United States republic
Audio Letter Nº 34
(1) The Battle of Midway
repeated in space (2) Earthquakes, weather control, and hunger in America
(3) The public confession of Dr. Beter
Audio Letter Nº 35
(1) The breakdown and
disintegration of Western Civilization (2) The kamikaze plans of America’s secret rulers
(3) The Kremlin plans for the Interplanetary Russian Empire
Audio Letter Nº 36
(1) The legacy of the late John
D. Rockefeller III (2) The new American strategy for a first strike
(3) The aftermath of Nuclear War I
Audio Letter Nº 37
(1) The Middle East road to an
American first strike (2) Russian-Asian counter-strategy for a first strike
(3) The era of the American refugee
Audio Letter Nº 38
(1) Russia’s holy war to wipe
out Bolshevism (2) Russia’s blueprint for domination of the earth
(3) Russia’s program to launch mankind into space
Audio Letter Nº 39
(1) Russia’s hot pursuit of her
Bolshevik enemies (2) America’s panic rearmament leading to national suicide
(3) The public signs of war to come
Audio Letter Nº 40
(1) The military purpose of the
Jonestown tragedy (2) The Battle of Guyana—Thanksgiving Day, 1978
(3) The opening scenes of Nuclear War I
Audio Letter Nº 41
(1) The economic countdown
toward Nuclear War I (2) Spiritual warfare and the collapse of trust
(3) Bolshevik maneuvering to buy time to rearm
Audio Letter Nº 42
(1) The decline of the House of
Rockefeller (2) The Bolshevik plot for a Pope’s Revolution
(3) UFOs, IFOs, and Russia’s master secret weapon
Audio Letter Nº 43
(1) The mysterious disappearance
of Dr. Henry Kissinger (2) The plundering of the Rockefeller family empire
(3) Our last chance to save Western Civilization
Audio Letter Nº 44
(1) The hoax reappearance of Dr.
Henry Kissinger (2) The impending collapse of the Chase Manhattan Bank
(3) The Egyptian-Israeli Treaty for nuclear war
Audio Letter Nº 45
(1) The domestic Guyana at Three
Mile Island (2) The secret intelligence war of doubles
(3) Last call for a Pilgrimage for Peace
Audio Letter Nº 46
(1) Nelson Rockefeller’s revenge
from the grave (2) The cosmosphere shuttles to prevent nuclear war
(3) The modern rebirth of the Holy Alliance
Audio Letter Nº 47
(1) The scientific background of
the Russian robotoids (2) The Russian strategy to dismantle Bolshevik power
(3) The shifting currents between war and peace
Audio Letter Nº 48
(1) The final chapter in The
Great Skylab Cover-Up (2) The secret war of the walking dead (3) How America will relearn the fear of God
Audio Letter Nº 49
(1) Russia’s transformation of
America’s Middle East policy (2) The domestic fallout of the Andrew Young affair
(3) Russia’s two-front war against Rothschild world power
Audio Letter Nº 50
(1) Runaway inflation and the
collapsing American economy (2) The Cuban Crisis to destroy SALT II
(3) The thousand-year war between Russia and the Khazars
Audio Letter Nº 51
(1) The crash of the United
States dollar (2) The Russian program to sell SALT II
(3) The surprise Bolshevik deployment of synthetic
Audio Letter Nº 52
(1) Strategic Iran and the
Islamic Khomeini Revolution (2) The Bolshevik Iran strategy for thermonuclear war
(3) American hostages and the Battle of Tehran
Audio Letter Nº 53
(1) War tensions and the late
Shah of Iran (2) The surprise takeover by the Kremlin hardliners
(3) The nuclear strike operations now in progress
Audio Letter Nº 54
(1) The secret American defeat
of January, 1980 (2) Weather modification as a weapon of retaliation
(3) Russia’s accelerating preparations to survive nuclear
Audio Letter Nº 55
(1) The public signs of nuclear
war fever (2) Multiplying disasters in the expanding secret war
(3) Battle to the death in the Kremlin
Audio Letter Nº 56
(1) Ian Fleming and the Fort
Knox Gold Scandal (2) Narrowing options in the Bolshevik plan for nuclear war
(3) Step One in what you can do
Audio Letter Nº 57
(1) America’s nuclear first
strike plans in the news (2) Hurricane Allen and Russia’s expanding weather warfare
(3) Step Two in what you can do
Audio Letter Nº 58
(1) American gold and the
Iraq-Iran War (2) Russia’s first strike against a Titan II missile
(3) Step Three in what you can do
Audio Letter Nº 59
(1) The Iran hostage-release
plan for war (2) Senator William Proxmire and Action Step Four
(3) Action Step Five on a new battle front
Audio Letter Nº 60
(1) The Great Election Surprise
of 1980 (2) The planned collapse of America’s banking system
(3) The new age of warfare by stealth
Audio Letter Nº 61
(1) The legal sabotage of the
Reagan transition (2) The forfeited opportunity of Senator William Proxmire
(3) The golden swindle of the Federal Reserve Banks
Audio Letter Nº 62
(1) The secret military mission
of the Space Shuttle Columbia (2) The new ferment of growing war tensions
(3) Gold swindles by the modern-day moneychangers
Audio Letter Nº 63
(1) First-strike planning by
America and Russia (2) The economic road to dictatorship in America
(3) Your decision to flee or to fight
Letter Nº 64
(1) The advance preparations for
the Space Shuttle mission (2) The aborted flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia
(3) The NASA cover-up of the Columbia disaster
Letter Nº 65
(1) The Pope, the President, and
assassination politics (2) The aftermath of the Shuttle Columbia disaster
(3) Mounting world crises and accidental nuclear war
Letter Nº 66
(1) The Israeli practice raid
for nuclear Armageddon (2) America’s launch-on-warning plan for nuclear suicide
(3) What you can do during America’s final days
Letter Nº 67
(1) The unexpected rebirth of an
American gold standard (2) The emergence of the Jewish Question in America
(3) The Libyan dogfight and hidden naval war games
Audio Letter Nº 68
(1) The Reagan-Begin Axis and
expanding world crises (2) Deliberate delays in the Space Shuttle launch
(3) The Reagan Budget and corrupt economic plans
Audio Letter Nº 69
(1) The Sadat assassination for
Nuclear War I (2) The Reagan Administration program to Polandize America
(3) The MX decision and America’s first-strike posture
Audio Letter Nº 70
(1) The Christmas Crises for
Nuclear War I (2) The American Space Shuttle Failure Number Two
(3) A new scandal over America’s disappearing gold
Audio Letter Nº 71
(1) The Siberian Express and
renewed Russian geophysical warfare (2) Russia’s secret economic coup in dollar assets
(3) The shifting alliances for Nuclear War I
Audio Letter Nº 72
(1) Nuclear war fever and
expanding secret warfare (2) The third Space Shuttle challenge to Russia
(3) The shortening timetable for Nuclear War I
Audio Letter Nº 73
(1) The new Phantom war planes
of the United States (2) Project Z - the three-phase strategy for Nuclear War I
(3) The first military success of the Space Shuttle
Audio Letter Nº 74
(1) The military secret of South
Georgia Island (2) The secret naval war of the Southern Hemisphere
(3) The Rockefeller fear campaign against nuclear war
Audio Letter Nº 75
(1) The Pentagon countdown
toward Nuclear War I (2) The economic attack on the United States Constitution
(3) Billy Graham vs. the Bolshevik war lobby
Audio Letter Nº 76
(1) The collapse of the Haig
anti-war coup de etat (2) The final crises to ignite nuclear war
(3) The final Space Shuttle mission for war
Audio Letter Nº 77
(1) The growing momentum toward
Nuclear War I (2) America’s domestic shift onto a war footing
(3) The rising pitch of Russian anti-war warnings
Audio Letter Nº 78
(1) The surprise halt to the
Beirut holocaust (2) Final Pentagon plans for surprise nuclear war
(3) The Russian surprise weapon for nuclear defense
Audio Letter Nº 79
(1) The aborted plan for
surprise nuclear war (2) The Beirut Massacre for war to come
(3) The return of the Siberian Express weather war
Audio Letter Nº 80
(1) America’s economic decline
into a new Dark Ages (2) War countdown toward the Israeli Year of Doom
(3) Changing of the guard in the new Kremlin
Additional information
Did the USSR destroy a Secret U.S. Moon Base in 1977?