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Chapter Nine Programming Linked to Stories, Movies, Cartoons, or role Play Dramatization In this chapter, I want to address a special type of programming that is universal with the Illuminati. It is programming that is linked to a story, movie, cartoon, or role play dramatization. For countless centuries, Illuminati trainers and leaders have used role playing to reinforce as well as program children, and it is a favorite mode of teaching up to this day. A typical drama set up, or role play, will involve a "visit through time." The child is told, while drugged or hypnotized, that it and the other children with it (usually, a small group will go through this programming together) are going to " time travel". The trainer or teacher is seen as immensely powerful by the children, as he or she magically transports them through time. They enter another room, where people are dressed up in period costumes from whichever time period in history the teacher wants the children to see. Everything is historically accurate and well researched. An example: if the children are to visit ancient Rome, they will be taken to a room in the Senate, where the characters are dressed in togas. They will be speaking to each other in ancient Latin and debating issues. Caesar, or another king will enter the senate. Roman customs for a scenario such as this one will be adhered to throughout the role play. One purpose of this role playing, is that the children are told they are getting a "behind the scenes " peek at history. Illuminati agenda will be put forward, and the children will "see" that famous figures in history were actually Illuminists. This will reinforce their "special ness" and the historicity of the group. It will also reinforce language training, since the scenes may occur in medieval England, or the French court of Louis XIV, etc. The scenes will also contain a moral that builds on programming the children have been undergoing. Maybe they will watch a "traitor" being "guillotined" in the French court. Or an unworthy senator, who tries to betray his king, will be stabbed. The child may be given a role in the play, such as taking a secret message to the king or queen, to reinforce courier programming. The child really believes that they have stepped back into history, and are part of the process of helping create history. With modern times, programming has become more sophisticated with the advent of technology. Before television or movies, programming was often "scripted" around famous fairy tales, or stories, read aloud by one trainer while the second trainer worked with the child. A good see-song voice is necessary in a "reader". The child would be read the story, and under hypnosis and trauma, told that they are one of the characters in the story. They are told the "real" meaning of the story, its "hidden meaning" and told that whenever they hear the story, to remember what it really means. Nowadays, movies and videos are frequently used in programming. Favorite scripts include: Walt Disney movies (Disney was an Illuminist), especially Fantasia, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast. The Wizard of Oz, both books and movie, has been used. Any movie that incorporates Illuministic themes can be used. E.T. and Star Wars have been used in more recent years. How Script programming is done The trainer will play the movie for the child. The child is told that they will be "asked about " the movie, this cues the child to use photographic recall about what they are viewing. The trainer may show the child an edited shorter version of the movie, with only parts of the whole, or may show the child a short scene from the movie. After watching the movie, or scene, the child is drugged to relax it, then asked what it remembers. The child will be shocked if it cannot recall items the trainer deems important, and will be forced to watch the scenes repetitively. When the child has total recall of the segments, the trainer will tell the child that it is one of the characters. The child may be heavily traumatized first, and a blank slate personality created inside to be the desired character. The first thing the blank slate sees is a recording of the movie, or scene. This is its "first memory". The trainer will then link the scene with Illuminati ideology. They will teach the child the "hidden meaning" in the movie, and praise the child for being one of the few "enlightened ones" who can understand what it truly means. The script programming will often be linked to other programming the child is undergoing. Military programming may be linked to Star Wars. Total recall programming may be linked to Data in Star Trek. Computer programming may be linked to Hal in 2001 A Space Odyssey; internal labyrinth programming may be linked to the movie "Labyrinth". The possibilities are quite varied and will depend on both the child and the trainer as to which direction script programming will go. Music from the show, or scene, will be used as a trigger to access the programming inside or bring forward these personalities. Suggestions Scripted programming will often involve a great deal of traumatization, to create the "blank slate" alters desired. The programming will be ground in with repetition, electroshock, torture, drugging and hypnosis. The alters inside who have gone through this programming will often be highly disconnected from external reality and may believe that they are part of a "script". They may be Dorothy seeking the Emerald City (or the achievement of Illuminati rule on earth). They may be a computer or the character Data. Reality orientation will be very important. Allow these parts to experience safe outside reality, and test for themselves if they are really part of a man or woman. Looking in a mirror may help, when they express readiness. Having cognitive helpers who can share daily life memories with them, may help to ground them. At first they will be very surprised, even indignant or hostile, at suggestions that they are not the character. They will think the therapist is a trainer, or part of the script, since this is the only reality that they have known. Re-grounding, patiently, over and over to present reality, increased communication with others inside, and eventually grieving over the intense amount of trickery and deception that they experienced, will be necessary. With time and patience these parts will be willing to give up their old "scripted" roles and become part of the person's present reality. |
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