by Richard Tarnas
September 11, 2001
from GaiaMind Website
"We have not understood yet that the
discovery of the unconscious means an enormous spiritual task, which
must be accomplished if we wish to preserve our civilization."
C.G. Jung
Many of my non-astrological friends have asked
me what has been happening in the heavens that would make more intelligible
the events of September 11 and since.
These notes are a summary of a lecture I gave in
my Psyche and Cosmos graduate seminar last Tuesday (September 18). In the
lecture there were more historical examples, elaboration of key points, and
so forth. What follows here really are just headlines, but I hope you can
glean something of the basic archetypal background of this historically
momentous drama we now find ourselves in.
The events are immensely complex, beyond words really, with so many causes,
consequences, and dimensions. But the planetary archetypal situation was
dramatically clear. In the last few weeks the planetary alignment that
represents the heaviest - the darkest, most weighty, mortally serious,
historically grave - of all archetypal combinations, the Saturn-Pluto
alignment, reached exactitude, an opposition.
The first two weeks of this month in particular
were critical, as the Sun and Full Moon moved into a rare and
extraordinarily precise grand cross (two oppositions - Saturn with Pluto,
Sun with Moon - both 90 degree square to each other).
This Saturn-Pluto alignment lasts around three years - it began last fall,
and will be operative for about two more years.
Historically, the hard
aspects between Saturn and Pluto (conjunction, opposition, and square) have
consistently coincided with periods resembling the present one, sometimes
much worse:
the beginnings of both world wars coincided with tight
Saturn-Pluto hard aspects, as did the outbreak of,
the Vietnam war
massively violent Red Guards’ Cultural Revolution in China begun at the same
the Terror during the French Revolution in 1793-94
the sack of
Rome by the Visigoths in 410, to cite only a few
The moment the World Trade Center and Pentagon
attacks were known, every astrologer in the country knew the Saturn-Pluto
alignment, which has coincided with so many grim periods of historical
gravity and contraction, had erupted.
Yet there is more to this archetypal complex than these words and examples
suggest. As horrific as is its shadow, it is equally capable of bringing
forth actions, psychological transformations, and enduring social-political
consequences involving extraordinary moral nobility and sheer physical and
volitional effort - something we have certainly already witnessed.
positive potential of the Saturn-Pluto archetypal complex is usually
inextricably intertwined with confronting its negative manifestations:
great courage in the face of darkness, danger, and death
sustained effort
and determination, intense focus and discipline
moral discernment and wisdom born from
experience and suffering
To understand the full dimensions of this alignment, one has to grasp
clearly the archetypal meanings of Saturn and Pluto, and then see how the
combination of the two works.
As with every major aspect or alignment
between two planets, the corresponding archetypes mutually activate each
other and combine, each in its own archetypally specific way, to create a
range of quite distinctive and powerful qualities, tendencies, and events.
Pluto is in certain respects the most potent archetypal principle in the
planetary pantheon:
it is the archetype of power itself, as it embodies,
primordial forces of destruction and regeneration
the underworld in every
the secretive and subversive
the shadow
the id
the broiling
cauldron of the instincts
the violent and the demonic
the fiery and
the elemental energies of nature:
Pluto-Hades-Dionysus in Greek
mythic terms
in Indian terms, Kali and Shiva in both their destructive and
regenerative aspects
Whatever Pluto comes into alignment with, it greatly
intensifies and compels that second archetype, deepens and makes more
profound, destroys and transforms. It brings a titanic, overwhelming
elemental potency, on a mass scale.
The Saturn archetype is extremely complex:
It represents the principle of
limit, structure, and necessity in the universe
the principle of opposition
and negation, of heaviness and gravity - both moral and physical (weighty as
serious, and weighty as materially heavy)
of rigidity and separation,
contraction and density
repression and reaction
of hard concrete
It is the reality principle, the bottom line.
It is fate and
karma, the cross we bear, hardship, sweat and labor, problems and
difficulties, suffering and death, failure and defeat, sorrow, the endings
of things, the consequences of the past, guilt, judgment, punishment. But it
is also discipline, rigor, moral determination; order, precision, control,
security, and organization.
Saturn is "the Establishment": the established
structures of control, authority, tradition - which may be rigid or
stabilizing, containing or oppressive, grounding or deadening. In hard
aspects, such as the opposition it is now in with Pluto, Saturn consistently
brings out the problematic, challenging, negative potential in any reality;
it defeats and hardens, it grounds and forges.
As you read the following, keep in mind that every one of these experiential
qualities and phenomena are precisely faithful to the archetypal character
of Saturn and Pluto in combination - there is nothing random or loose about
this litany of phenomena. Each archetype simultaneously acts on and is acted
upon by the other - each activates, informs, inflects, opposes, and combines
with the other.
Here then are characteristic manifestations when Saturn and Pluto come into
major hard alignment:
Dark, grave, momentous, deadly
serious, profoundly weighty events.
Intensely dramatic times, with enduring
consequences ensuing from current decisions and actions, with much
at stake, often with life and death issues in the balance.
The feeling of being caught helplessly
in the grip of overwhelming, powerful, and often dark forces, of
being the victim of large ruthless impersonal forces of nature or of
history that are both destructive and imprisoning. More generally, a
sense of larger powers of any kind - social, historical, elemental,
biological, archetypal - being in control of one’s life. The
powerlessness of the entrapped and suffering victim is usually
matched by an obsessive drive for control, power, and domination,
the two sides of the experience mirroring each other, sometimes
occurring in alternation in the same person or community.
Deep humiliation effected by violence,
violation, and defeat. A compensatory need to prove one's steely
strength, power, and invulnerability.
The empowerment of forces of hatred,
murderous aggression, of evil and the demonic, of the secretive and
subversive, of the underworld - elemental, instinctual, criminal -
with consequences that are punitive, defeating, traumatic,
contracting, tragic. More generally, the simultaneous experience in
extreme form of both violence and contraction.
Absolute determination, courage, and
sacrifice, unbending will, intensely brave silent strenuous effort.
Superhuman physical and moral exertion in the face of horrific
circumstances, perilous threat, murderous hostility (the firemen and
police in the World Trade Center, the passengers that stopped the
hijackers in the jet that crashed in Pennsylvania from hitting their
intended targets). Extreme self-control in dangerous and terrifying
situations. (These qualities also pertain of course, in twisted
form, to the suicidal hijackers themselves.)
A deeply sobering awareness of the
world’s dangerousness. The potential for either a highly grounded
and experienced realism in the face of a harshly challenging world,
or paranoid fears of hidden organized plots and dangers.
An intense focusing of concentration on a deadly serious reality. In
the extreme, the naked encounter with one’s own death, producing in
response either mortal panic or unflinching courage.
The empowerment of conservative or
reactionary forces, bringing about an emphatic increase in defensive
armoring, rigid boundaries, hostile separation.
A tremendous intensification of the
harshest aspects of reality - material, mortal, existential.
Negativity of overwhelming, mass dimensions. Deprivation, poverty,
hardship. Sadness intensified to anguish. At worst, intense mass
suffering, death, loss, grief, agony.
The encounter with that form of the
numinous which inspires awe and dread, even terror; confronting a
power - divine or natural - whose stupendous elemental
destructiveness is more than human, that stupefies the imagination.
The eruption of massive, titanic,
volcanic, overwhelming elemental forces that have a negative,
collapsing, constricting effect.
The annihilation of the established
order and of the enduring structures symbolizing that order. Also,
established structures of power which are experienced as being both
oppressive and evil, and thus deserving of ruthless destruction.
(The World Trade Center and Pentagon as Saturn - supreme symbols of
established order and control; Pluto as violent destruction, as the
terrorist underworld, and as extreme hatred, demonic both in
intensity and as projected onto the established structure of power.)
Confinement and constriction intensified
to claustrophobic, life-threatening, or even lethal dimensions (the fetus struggling in the contractions of birth; suffocation;
helpless entrapment by larger physical forces; Saturn-Pluto is the
central aspect of the perinatal trauma - both Grof and Rank, the
major psychologists of the birth trauma, had this aspect).
Experiences that in their traumatic
intensity and gravity take many years to absorb, integrate, or heal
from. More generally, events that are extremely enduring in their
consequences - both destructively and constructively - establishing
new structures and orders of life, either solidifying or oppressive,
deadening or maturing.
In general, the emphatic intensification
of conflict and separation, of intractable enmities, of problems,
contradictions, and oppositions.
The tendency towards ruthless complete "othering":
intense objectification of other subjects. This extreme
objectification combined with the projection or experience of evil
and shadow qualities, thereby impelling cruel behavior, hatred,
revenge, murder, anger, suspicion, fear, terror, greed, fanaticism
(Pluto). All made possible by establishing or experiencing an
absolute boundary (Saturn) between self and other as separate and
alien, often seeing the other as subhuman and unworthy of life
(references to beasts, devils, swamps, vermin, lairs, hunting down
animals, etc.).
A tendency to see things in terms of a
confrontation between good and evil.
Both the confrontation with evil, with
the shadow, and the constellating of it. Periods of collective
intense and heavy judgment, blame, scapegoating, punishment,
Historically a tendency in the
collective psyche to constellate the shadow by eliciting or
projecting archetypal "faces of the enemy," seeing or experiencing
darkness and violent evil in the other, resulting in periodic
historical contractions bringing war, mass death. There is usually a
powerful focus of grave concern and fear in the collective psyche
onto a particular object, either as scapegoat or as authentic danger
or evil.
the "Evil Empire" (Reagan against Soviet Union) in
the apocalyptic nuclear danger of the superpower arms race
reaching its peak during the same period, with widespread fear of
World War III
the Germans and Japanese in 1939-41
the Communist
Soviet Union at start of Cold War (1946-48
international terrorism
Experiences of irrevocable catastrophe,
intense loss, endings, death, resulting in lasting sense of deep
heaviness, darkness, and sorrow often combined with anxiety.
A sense of the tremendous inescapable
weight and burden of history, the past, errors from the past,
ancient resentments and enmities.
The sense of an ominous, darker reality
descending on an age.
A sense of the irrevocable end of an
era; the destruction of the established order of existence, the end
of an earlier mode of life characterized by naiveté, inflation, or
illusion. "The end of innocence."
1914, beginning of World War I, the first Saturn-Pluto
conjunction of the 20th century; 1929-30, beginning of the Great
Depression, the following opposition; 1964-67, the beginning of the
Vietnam War.
The earlier age now seems "Prelapsarian," before the
the WTC attack and destruction have brought about a ruthless
end to an age in America of complacency, of arrogance, of hubris, of
taunting indifference to the larger world community, of naiveté, of
inflation, of unthinking freedom, of self-indulgence, of illusion,
of unconsciousness. "That fat, daydreaming America is gone now, way
gone" (Frank Rich, NYT).
A greatly intensified and deepened
maturation of a person or a culture, leaving its pure dream and
entering a senex reality - darker, serious, problematic, concrete,
confining and challenging, aging, burdening, maturing (Manhattan’s Stuyvesant high school students who directly witnessed
and were deeply transformed and matured by the events; almost all
high school students at the time of the Columbine school shootings
and the concurrent wave of other school shootings in the country
were born under the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 1981-84).
The galvanizing of the will, a sense of
stern purposefulness, grim determination.
The man of steel., the archetypal mother in the throes of the birth
labor - the superhuman effort of contraction and determination in
the service of a life-and-death cause. the firefighters and
police entering the towers and climbing to their deaths out of duty
and service to others. "The iron will of the ironworkers laboring at
Ground Zero" (NBC News).
Steely purposeful assertion of control and power (Saturn and Pluto),
after experiencing the horror of utter powerlessness - by U.S. now,
the president and military and intelligence establishment; earlier
by the terrorists (Pluto as extreme life-and-death survival
instincts and intensity, Saturn as being in control or being
controlled - thus the alternation of extreme assertions of
controlling power and extreme helpless victimization under another’s
controlling power).
"Grim determination" - a phrase used many times to describe both the
terrorists and the response, in different forms, by rescue workers,
the American people, or the Bush administration, and now the Taliban
and Afghani people. Saturn brings seriousness, gravitas, focused
purposefulness, which Pluto intensifies with the desperate force of
life-and-death survival instincts.
"Perhaps the worst realization is how low-tech this attack was. No
sophisticated missiles, no stolen nukes, no exotic bio-warfare or
chemical agents. The main, decisive weapon here was determination."
From the terrorists’ guide found in their luggage: "Stand fast… The
time of fun and waste has gone. The time of judgment has arrived."
Grim, driven, humorless and merciless determination in the service
of power and control - the terrorist mass murderer, the slave
driver, the tyrant, the inner tyrant (cruel superego), the dictator,
the merciless judge, the intensely self-disciplined ascetic, the
rigid authoritarian, the obsessive-compulsive security apparatus.
Totalitarianism and terrorism, mirror images in their calculated
organized violence in the service of power and domination.
A quality of relentlessness,
implacability, irrevocability; of ferocious ruthlessness and
cruelty. Grim violence, the cruel ruthless enemy. Wars, jihads,
crusades, "holy" wars…
Murder (Saturn as death, the Grim
Reaper, Pluto as violent instinct, hatred and aggression, predatory
destruction, Kali). Also, mass murder (Saturn as personal death;
Pluto as mass death and destruction).
The unspeakably difficult - physically,
emotionally, logistically - task of rescue and recovery - sifting
painstakingly and perilously through the endless gargantuan mountain
of hot ash and pulverized debris, of fragmented concrete, steel, and
human bodies; the crushing failure to find survivors.
The Herculean labor of clearing and
cleaning; of restoring structures, of stabilizing the deep
underground foundations and containments destroyed or threatened by
the collapse.
The task of rebuilding from the rubble (cf., the conjunction of
1946-48, not only the beginning of the Cold War, Iron Curtain, etc.,
but also the Marshall Plan and the rebuilding of Europe from the
rubble of World War II).
Consider the great German astrologer
Ebertin’s telegraphic summary of Saturn-Pluto: "Tenacity and
toughness, endurance, the capability to make record efforts of the
highest possible order, the ability to perform the most difficult
work with extreme self-discipline, self-denial and renunciation… A
hard and unfeeling disposition, also cold-heartedness, severity,
tendency to violence, a fanatical adherence to one’s principles once
they have been adopted. A martyr. Mass murderer…..Hard struggling
for success.
The participation in achievements brought about by
large groups or masses of people, the pursuit of difficult work or
of painstaking and thorough research in seclusion, the process of
growing spiritually and mentally, silent activity…." (Combinations
of Stellar Influence, 188).
Saturn-Pluto is grit and grime, fire and brimstone, ashes and
horror, dust to dust, blood, sweat, toil, and tears (Churchill
rallying the British against the Nazis during the Blitz, 1939-40).
It is harrowing and galvanizing. It traumatizes and it forges. It
destroys, transforms, and bodies forth.
Saturn-Pluto also brings forth the possibility of wisdom, of
unflinching moral discernment and self-awareness, achieved through
profound experience and suffering.
It’s helpful to think of great artists born with Saturn-Pluto hard
aspects whose work has especially embodied many of these qualities
in diverse and richly complex ways:
Kafka and Melville, for example,
throughout their work, both born with Saturn-Pluto conjunctions
Hemingway with his lifelong concern with (and attraction to) war,
death, killing, and the grim brutality of life
the three Saturn-Pluto directors
Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, and Oliver Stone in their many
films of fear and suspicion, evil and the shadow, being
helplessly trapped in the dark plots of cruel, murderous, or
diabolical forces
Giger’s many paintings and images
of darkness, evil, brutality, ruthless entrapment
Joseph Conrad’s
horrific, traumatizing experience of metaphysical and human evil in
the Congo under the Saturn-Pluto alignment of 1890, later recorded
in The Heart of Darkness ("the horror, the horror").
Shakespeare had Pluto square Saturn as a long personal (once in a
lifetime) transit during the entire six-year period in which he
wrote all the major tragedies - Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
- exploring and articulating with such profundity the depths of the
human shadow.
We see it too in the metaphysical and spiritual
vision of major Saturn-Pluto theologians like Augustine and Calvin, with
their profound sense of the dark evil and corruption rooted in the human
soul, original sin, guilt and remorse, hell and damnation, predestination,
being in the grip of an overwhelmingly powerful force and fate that rules
one’s life and destiny no matter what one might attempt otherwise, their
relentless determination to suppress evil and construct moral and
ecclesiastical structures to serve that quest, their overall focus on moral
judgment and self-judgment.
(In a more contemporary, less extreme example,
we see it in Thomas Merton, born under the conjunction of 1914-15, whose
spiritual autobiography The Seven-Storey Mountain under the immediately
following conjunction, 1946-48, wrestles with these same themes with
somewhat different results.)
The forging of the moral faculty is a Saturn-Pluto effort, from the God of
thunder and almighty power giving Moses the Ten Commandments onwards (even
our film recreations of that event reflect the collective psyche’s
archetypal dynamics, with both cinematic biblical spectacles of that name,
The Ten Commandments, both by De Mille, produced when Saturn was square
Pluto, in 1923 and 1956).
Saturn and Pluto were conjunct when the world faced the full horror and evil
of the Holocaust, 1946-48, with the public release of the films taken of the
Nazi concentration camps (films edited for the British government by
Hitchcock), and with the Nuremberg Trials of the Nazi war criminals in 1946,
with their ambience of grave moral and legal judgment, confrontation with
the shadow, horrific evil, "man’s inhumanity."
Films precisely express the archetypal dynamics
of the collective psyche.
After that conjunction, each hard aspect of
Saturn and Pluto coincided with major films about the concentrations camps
and Holocaust,
Resnais’s Night and Fog in 1956
Kramer’s Judgment at Nuremberg in 1965
Sophie’s Choice in 1982
List in 1993,
...virtually all of the 10-hour long documentary Shoah was filmed
under the conjunction of 1981-84.
Kafka wrote "The Trial" under the
Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 1914 (and was himself born under the
Saturn-Pluto conjunction just before that). Saturn was opposite Pluto in
1536 when Michelangelo began painting "The Last Judgment."
In terms of the tendency to see things in terms of good and evil:
Augustine’s epic drama of history
the American view of Soviet Communism
from the beginning of the Cold War during the conjunction of 1946-48, "the
evil Empire" of Reagan in 1981-84
"a monumental struggle between good and
evil" of Bush in 2001
Churchill’s view of Hitler in 1939-40
"Heart of Darkness"
Oliver Stone’s rendering of America in Platoon, JFK,
Nixon, Wall Street, Born on Fourth of July…
Melville’s magnificent dissection
of this tendency in Moby Dick
Billy Budd
Saturn-Pluto alignments do indeed tend to bring genuine confrontations
between good and evil - but where the evil exists is not usually as simple a
matter as the confronter believes (Keen’s Faces of the Enemy, the perinatal projections in history analyzed by Grof and the psychohistorian
Lloyd de Mause).
Israel and Palestine, whose implacable enmity was established with the
founding of Israel under the SA-PL conjunction of 1948; with every hard
SA-PL aspect since, including the present, coinciding with a Middle Eastern
war, with their mutual projective constellating of the shadow and the need
for suppression and attack.
Modern India and Pakistan were divided under the
same conjunction, 1947, commencing a similar tragic drama.
"We are at war" - those grim words, creating that heavy dark weight in the
pit in one’s stomach, again and again heard during Saturn-Pluto eras.
The first Saturn-Pluto cycle of the twentieth century, beginning in 1914,
and its hard aspects coinciding with both world wars, essentially
constituting a "thirty years war" that does not end until the end of the
full Saturn-Pluto cycle at the end of World War II (the first Thirty Years
War, 1618-48, also precisely coincided with the Saturn-Pluto cycle).
Yet it does not have to be the full-fledge open war of the world wars: the
following Saturn-Pluto conjunction (1946-48) brought the beginning of the
Cold War, with the Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, the Iron Curtain,
the Berlin crisis, the beginnings of anti-Communist McCarthyism in the U.S.,
the House Committee on Un-American Activities, the founding of the CIA,
National Security Council, and Department of Defense. (Saturn as "cold" war,
rigid, armored, iron boundary, containment, fear, hardness.)
In terms of that sense of an ominous, darker reality descending on an age -
we’ve already begun to forget what it was like, during the last Saturn-Pluto
conjunction, of 1981-84 (the one immediately following the conjunction that
coincided with the beginning of the Cold War), Reagan’s first administration
when the Cold War was at its peak, with the tremendous nuclear build up on
both sides of the Atlantic reaching apocalyptic proportions, preparing for
"nuclear overkill," and impelling apocalyptic fears in the collective
psyche, the sense of a nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over the world
because of the Manichaean standoff between the superpowers.
fantasies emerging (along with the empowered fundamentalist imagination),
Helen Caldicott and the mass anti-nuclear rallies, scientists’ recognition
of the "nuclear winter" probable fallout from a nuclear war, the widely seen
"The Day After," the fears of "triggering World War III" and the drawing of
many historical parallels with the beginning of World War I, and so forth.
It is a powerful archetypal gestalt as it emerges in and grips the
collective psyche (again, recall 1914-16, 1939-41).
Saturn-Pluto as mass
death: the many wars, massacres, major terrorist attacks coincident with
this alignment.
Events with brutal and enduring impact - it is the principal aspect of
Confrontation with darkness, evil, hatred, bestial ferocity, the demonic,
the shadow, and the moral and physical effort to sustain that confrontation:
Churchill courageous rallying the British alone in Europe to face Hitler
and the overpowering Nazis in 1939-40. Albrecht Durer’s woodcut "Knight,
Death, and the Devil" beautifully conveys this archetypal moment (Durer born
with his Sun on a Saturn-Pluto square).
Confronting "the beast" (this summer’s shark epidemic of attacks and
fears; Spielberg’s Jaws, Jurassic Park [Spielberg’s born with Saturn-Pluto
conjunction, visible as well in Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan, AI,
et al.]; Giger; Sexy Beast; Henry James’s "The Beast in the Jungle";
Conrad’s "Heart of Darkness" "Apocalypse Now Redux"; NYPD Blue’s sustained
confrontation with the beast of the urban underworld, begun under the last
And then there is the purely physical, material, and energetic
manifestations of Saturn-Pluto in this event:
"Steel" and "iron" are themselves quintessential Saturn-Pluto:
The World Trade Center towers were built beginning under the Saturn-Pluto
opposition of 1966-67.
They were the strongest buildings in the world, built
from 192,000 tons of steel to withstand hurricanes, with steel columns
encircling the 110 stories and a massive reinforced steel core running
vertically down the center.
Their capacity to withstand the tremendous
impact was so great that it saved 20,000 lives as they remained standing for
more than an hour after impact, swaying and shuddering but allowing
thousands to escape, and even then not toppling over onto other buildings.
In a sense the titanic strength of the World Trade Center towers was met by
the titanic force of the Boeing 767s - 400,000 pound jets traveling at 300
mph carrying 24,000 gallons of fuel.
Saturn-Pluto is the stupendous weight of the twin towers collapsing, 110
stories of steel and concrete and glass, the inconceivable amount of
potential energy (Pluto) contained by the building in its immensely elevated
erect condition suddenly destructively released as it fell (Saturn) from its
great height.
The titanic cumulative weight of the collapse, pulverizing
everything below - Saturn as weight, gravity, falling, collapse, hard
materiality; Pluto as stupendously intensifying that weight and
gravitational collapse - great mass and great gravity creating tremendous
Pluto also as the fire ball heat of the explosion melting the steel,
destroying the steel shell of the buildings, collapsing the huge structures
down upon thousands in destructive finality:
"then the fire ensues and once
the temperature gets up [to] 800 to 900 degrees, the structural shell will
start to fall. Engineers suspect the temperatures inside the crash areas
could have quickly reached well over 1,000 degrees, perhaps approaching
2,000 degrees - beyond the melting point of any steel".
combination of being crushed and incinerated.
Titanically massive steel and concrete material structures, destroyed,
annihilated, atomized:
the Newtonian-Cartesian world (Saturn) of engineering
meets Shiva (Pluto).
And Shiva uses the Newtonian-Cartesian "laws" of matter
and force, mass and gravity, to accomplish his destruction.
Saturn and Pluto are both archetypally "dark," in different ways, including
the literal; their combination is extremely dark: hence the literal
implacable darkness after the collapse, black soot, smoke, ash, the
impossibility to see anything.
"Just as survivors of the WTC collapse have
spoken of being enveloped in dust so thick and black that they couldn't
even see their hands in front of their faces, so it was for me entering
this cloud of emotion, thought, and energy. All I could experience
within it was sorrow, grief,
fear, and anger…"
(David Spangler)
"The jaws of death." "The gates of hell." "Nuclear winter"
(WTC witness
All the destruction was created from the
encounter of fire and matter (Pluto and Saturn).
The stupendous mass of debris: from Pluto’s relationship to the results of
destruction, decay, refuse, garbage, scatology, waste; Saturn’s to
materiality, dust, death, worthlessness, grayness.
We see the unusual synthesis of the two principles, Saturn and Pluto, in
such phrases describing the terrorist attack as,
"a carefully planned
catastrophe - executed with alarming precision and seemingly
cold-blooded calculation."
A company whose engineering expertise was
consulted by the reporter of the twin towers’ collapse was named "Controlled
Demolition" - disciplined, precisely calculated devastation.
characteristic verbal juxtapositions describing the events:
professionalism" (New Yorker on the hijackings), "Organized pandemonium"
(witness of the Pentagon aftermath).
Yet Saturn-Pluto is also the aspect of unusually enduring structures and
foundations, powerful structures and structures symbolizing power, solidly
and deeply constructed buildings and existential structures whose strength
and solidity allow them to endure for great lengths of time - Pluto in this
case intensely driving and empowering the material solidity and enduring
It is titanic structures and titanic efforts, the building of structures and
foundations that endure through immense toil and struggle, grit and
determination, the strenuous marshalling of tremendous resources in a
focused, determined manner:
the Marshall Plan 1947
the skyscrapers
the extraordinary labor to secure the
deep underlying structural foundations seven stories below the
larger WTC area (NYT, 9/18/01) to keep the entire area from
By the way, the World Trade Center twin towers were completed 28 years ago,
an exact Saturn return.
The Pentagon was completed 58 years ago, thus this
was its second Saturn return. Saturn returns for individuals regularly bring
major transforming events, confrontations with mortality, endings of an
entire cycle of life, profound structural shifts, completions, etc. (More
benignly, the Berlin Wall also came down at the end of its exact Saturn
return cycle - 1961-89).
Pearl Harbor took place 59 years ago, two Saturn cycles ago.
Saturn is archetypally associated with order, Pluto with chaos - the chaos
of destruction, of annihilation, but also the chaos of nature’s depths from
which regeneration and new structures emerge.
The Saturn-Pluto combination
is profoundly embodied in the dialectic between order and chaos. Each
constellates the other, each secretly contains the other, like the yin/yang
symbol, as in chaos theory and complexity theory. Chaotic phenomena always
mask a deeper order, evolution’s chaotic unfolding spontaneously
self-organizes, every order masks and gives way to underlying chaos.
Intrapsychically, Saturn-Pluto expresses itself as the superego and ego
structure controlling and repressing the id. Yet it is a true dialectic, for
the superego is not only antagonistic to the id, the id drives and can even
control the superego (as Freud brilliantly saw, with the id providing both
the superego’s energy and its potential for cruelty - Freud’s formulation of
the superego and its relation to the id, by the way, emerging precisely
during the Saturn-Pluto square of 1922-23).
Each increases the reality and
high-pressure potency of the other. (the collective level of this,
expressed in Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents under the Saturn-Pluto
opposition, 1929-31.)
Saturn-Pluto brings both the repression of the id and the return of the
repressed - the id’s eruption out of the repressive containment of the ego
and superego, the compensatory backlash, the karmic return, the consequences
of past actions, the wages of sin.
("Americans are reaping the consequences
of a monster they helped create but could not control" Sydney Morning Herald
on the U.S. financing and training of the Afghan Islamic fundamentalist
groups throughout the 1980s; also, the Gulf War fought under Bush peer
to ensure flow of oil to the West, the American-led bombings and subsequent
embargoes causing hundreds of thousands of deaths to Middle Eastern
civilians; American military presence in Saudi Arabia cited as single
greatest cause of bin Laden’s hatred of U.S.)
Concerning the characteristic empowerment of the most reactionary,
conservative forces during Saturn-Pluto alignments, bringing about increased
sense of defensive armoring, rigid boundaries, hostile separation:
half of the 1980s, Reagan in the U.S., Thatcher in England, Pope John Paul
II in the Catholic Church, the rise of the Christian right in the U.S., (of
Christian and Islamic fundamentalism throughout the world)
empowerment again during the most recent square of Saturn-Pluto, in 1992-94
- the coming to power by the Taliban in Afghanistan for example, or the
Republican right, Newt Gingerich, and the Contract on America, both in 1994
as well as the cruelty and evil visible in the Rodney King beatings, the
trial, the LA riots
as well as atrocity and mass death in Bosnia,
Yugoslavia, Rwanda…
The first bombing of the World Trade Center, by the way,
took place during that Saturn-Pluto square as well, 1993.
Saturn-Pluto is the cycle of terrorism and repression, violence and
retribution, each driving and constellating the other.
(Consider Israel’s and Palestine’s incessant
life cycle, with Israel born under the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 1948 in
triple conjunction with Mars, reaching boiling points under each succeeding
Saturn-Pluto hard aspect - 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982).
"How does one create a terrorist? Bomb their
families." (Which, in a sense, is what the terrorists who bombed New
York may tragically succeed in doing.)
Note the simultaneous opposites:
Saturn-Pluto is
the tyranny by terrorism, and it’s the grimly determined effort to oppose
and obliterate terrorism… And it’s also the tyranny of a society gripped by
anti-terrorist fears, controls, and rigidities
and it’s a state and
military willing to murder thousands of innocent people to effect its
implacable exterminating purpose.
Robespierre’s "revolutionary puritanism" during the Terror in 1793-94,
Saturn square Pluto.
It is the mobilization of structures of power against evil, which may
themselves move into the grip of evil: i.e., shadow-possession, unconscious
id-driven behavior often of a punitive kind.
Saturn-Pluto as demonic power that is in control (Hitler in 1939-40, or
the images of Giger, born in 1940).
We see a similar polarity in Saturn-Pluto with both the Inquisition and the
evil seen/projected in witches and heretics, or the 1940s-50s Soviet
Communism and American communist underworld versus the McCarthyite
anti-Communist reaction - the evil, the shadow, the dark manipulation and
perfidy are exclusively seen in the other, never in the self.
Again, the latter phenomenon all began under the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of
1946-48 that brought,
the beginning of the Cold War
the Iron Curtain
Berlin crisis
the beginnings of anti-Communist McCarthyism in the U.S. with
the House Committee on Un-American Activities
also the founding
of the CIA, Department of Defense, National Security Agency,
military-industrial complex
while Stalin asserted control throughout
Eastern Europe…
Orwell’s "1984" written during that same
conjunction of 1946-48, is a classic expression of the dark controlling
power in totalitarianism.
Saturn-Pluto is the fundamental aspect of totalitarianism, which first
emerged in Germany with the German state’s total mobilization for war in
Note the sequence of totalitarian empowerment in coincidence with the
succeeding hard aspects of Saturn and Pluto:
the rise of Fascism and
totalitarian Soviet communism in 1921-24 - Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler’s
crucial empowerment with the Great Depression 1929-32
Nazi eruption in 1939-41
then the 1946-48 fullest extension of
Stalinist Soviet power in Russia and Eastern Europe, and the crucial
period of Communism coming to power in China
Saturn-Pluto’s similar relationship to the history of fundamentalism.
Note the themes of fundamentalist empowerment and ruthless "divine" judgment
visible in the terrorists’ theology of judgment and vengeance against the
Satan of the West, and also in the emblematic comments by fundamentalist
American leaders such as Falwell and Robertson to the effect that the
attacks can be recognized as God’s righteous punishment for the sins
committed by secular America, liberals, gays, and feminists.
The rigid security measures now instituted to combat the possibility of
terrorism will precisely resemble the classic Saturn-Pluto
obsessive-compulsive syndrome of the incessantly hypervigilant superego,
brilliantly rendered in Kafka’s great story "The Burrow" (written during the
Saturn-Pluto square of 1923 - the same year and alignment that brought
Freud’s formulation of the superego-id relationship in The Ego and the Id).
Saturn-Pluto brings those terrifying encounters with,
death and danger that
cause primitive fear and the reactive rigid constriction of egoic security
the traumatized tightening of the sphincter
obsessive-compulsive psychological structure
the mobilization of security
measures that ensure safety, boundaries, order, purity and cleanliness
control, leading in extreme to the anal-sadistic personality
the rigid and
punitive puritanical conscience
the judgmental fundamentalist
the cruel
the totalitarian state
Yet Saturn-Pluto is the configuration that brings a powerful confrontation
with the basics of human mortal reality, of life and death, in such a way as
to cleanse one of illusory concerns and superficial values.
"Up until the moment the twin towers fell,
America was deep in a cocoon of self-gratification and
self-improvement… Now we have to view our solipsism and wretched excess
through the prism of the ‘epic wretchedness’ of the Afghan people, as
The Time's Barry Bearak called it. It's somewhat embarrassing that we
didn't look outward sooner, that foreign wars got less TV air time than
the war against wrinkles.
But our culture turns out to be about much
more than its glittery surface, and that's been clear in all that's
happened since Sept. 11: the exposure to the quiet lives of inspiration
that so many victims led; the valor of rescue workers; the altruistic
derring-do of the men who fought back on Flight 93; our concern about
inflicting unnecessary suffering on innocent Afghans; the generosity and
civic tolerance at the heart of our country's response to horrific loss.
With their oxymoronic holy war, Osama bin Laden and his murderous
disciples …succeeded in illuminating - not just to the rest of the world
but to us - how little all our baubles and all our booty have to do with
who we really are."
(Maureen Dowd, NYT, 10/3/01)
We see the Saturn-Pluto energy in the recent
outpouring of so many writings and communications - essays, columns, emails,
lectures - characterized by sustained grave reflection, deeply serious,
penetrating thought and analysis, evincing moral and psychological depth and
earnestness, engaged with grave issues in profound ways.
People who have these planets in major hard aspect all their lives often
have a sense of living with special moral responsibilities, with the heavy
burden of history on their shoulders, a sense of weighty karmic duty.
Saturn-Pluto presses for the forging of a deeper moral structure of
consciousness, of superego - which can be rigid and pathological, or a
profound moral advance in consciousness, a deepening of conscience, a
profounder awareness of evil, of the shadow, a deeper moral self-awareness,
a moral strength of purpose.
It is no accident that Jung, born with Saturn square Pluto, was the
psychologist who most brought the modern self into awareness of the
"shadow," which he named and dissected, and who explored its reality in 20th
century history:
the shadow of European civilization
the shadow of modern
the shadow of modern technology
the shadow of every individual psyche
the shadow even of God ("Answer to Job")
Note also how so many of his
writings are characterized by a tone of intense moral gravity and
penetrating analysis.
An Afghani interviewed about the possibility of being bombed by the U.S.
in reprisal:
"America is very powerful and can do almost anything it wants;
but if I were America, I would look deep in my heart and ask myself why
someone would want to attack me in this way."
We also can see the Saturn-Pluto complex in Jung’s acute sensitivity to the
fateful determining power of the unconscious psyche over human life.
Saturn-Pluto brings that sense of the encompassing power of the archetypes
beyond the control of the rational self:
"We have not understood yet that the
discovery of the unconscious means an enormous spiritual task, which
must be accomplished if we wish to preserve our civilization."
C.G. Jung
Saturn-Pluto is the collective psyche in a
contraction of death that is also, at another level, a contraction of birth,
a hard labor of transformation within the alembic compression chamber:
Saturn-Pluto periods bring:
evolutionary contractions
historical epochs that
bring about a great death
the destruction of an old order
the establishment of a new evolutionary structure
Through suffering and experience, deeper and wiser forms of consciousness
Saturn-Pluto is the aspect of patriarchy - the evolutionary empowerment of
the stern Father archetype, of authority, hierarchy, control, law and order,
tradition and stability, discipline, domination, oppression, structure,
maturation - and at another level, it is the aspect of the Great Mother’s
hard birth contractions pressing and impelling new life and a new form of
Thus patriarchy as the birth canal of the Great Mother Goddess, just
as History is the birth labor of Nature.
"All creation groaneth in travail"
for the birth of this new being.
Saturn-Pluto is the crucifixion, on the cross of opposites, where the divine
embrace of absolute defeat and death gives birth to a new humanity. (Saturn
and Pluto were in opposition in 29-31 AD.)
It is the hard structure of death
and rebirth. It is the sacrifice that transforms reality. It is the dark and
brutal storm which brings in its wake, in the fullness of time, slowly but
inevitably, the luminous serenity of a new dawn.
This is the essential insight of the death-rebirth mystery: that every death
is on another level actually a birth.
Thus Saturn-Pluto hard aspects consistently bring those epochal periods in
history of great darkness, moral gravity, and disciplined determination
that, while confronting evil - within as well as without - ultimately serve
to build the enduring spiritual, moral, and social-political foundations for
the future. They are the death contractions of history, but also its birth
Again, the Saturn-Pluto opposition, which first moved into orb last fall
during the election season, and just now in the past few weeks reached
exactitude for the first time, will last about two more years, until 2003.
A shorter term alignment that began about the time of the attacks and lasts
about six weeks, is the Mars-Jupiter opposition, typically bringing
enthusiasm for assertive and militaristic action, strong displays of
patriotism, proud flag-waving (especially at sports and military events),
nationalist bravado, jingoism, saber-rattling, and, less problematically, an
overall energetic optimism and increase in courage and ardor.
While many other specific astrological factors can be adduced to fill out
the picture, bottom-line it’s the Saturn-Pluto alignment that symbolically
and multivalently informs virtually every element of the phenomenon.
several other astrological factors that played a role in the timing and the
nuances of the event,
the Full Moon grand cross
the Pluto and Saturn
the Mars retrograde cycle (including what Mars aligned with during
that cycle)
the background of specific eclipses
the Mercury grand trine
with the extraordinary calculating smoothness of the hijacking operation
the Moon and Saturn both in Gemini, with the twin towers, twin airliners,
two cities attacked, and so forth,
...all these basically supported the
larger, deeper, more powerful archetypal reality of the Saturn-Pluto
It is this great outer-planet alignment that constituted the simple
- yet in another sense infinitely complex - essential archetypal background
of these profound events.
We must also take into account that this alignment is taking place in the
immediate aftermath of the long Uranus-Neptune conjunction, lasting from the
mid-80s to the present year, which has left humanity in a condition that is,
more globally united and interconnected
more sensitized to the suffering
and realities of others
in certain respects more spiritually awakened
capable of collective healing and compassion
through technological advances in
communications media, more able to think and feel and respond
together in a spiritually evolved manner to these grave realities
than has ever been possible before
I hope these notes, combined with David Spangler’s message, may provide a
larger perspective on the deep and grave events that have irrevocably shaped
our lives.