Iraq and Afghanistan |
Afghanistan's Mineral Resources
fueling War and Insurgency
America's Triumph & Europe's Angst
The Secret Race to Control Iraq's Extraterrestrial Heritage
Anunnaki, Iraq and Pearl Harbor
Español |
Así se Manipula a una Población
- Las Oscuras Verdades que
Oculta la Película "El Francotirador"
Español |
Así será 'The Line' - La nueva
Ciudad Distópica en Arabia Saudita
- "A
War on Terror" when You Are the Terrorist - Iraq,
Massacre of a Country
Report' on Iraq Invasion Shows Threat of Lesser Evils
CIA Has Resumed Drug Smuggling Ops
in Afghanistan
- Evidence Mounts
Congressional Probe Reveals
Cover-Up of "Auschwitz-Like" Conditions at U.S.-Funded
Afghan Hospital
Italiano |
Così si Manipola una Popolazione -
Le Oscure Verità che Nasconde il Film "American Sniper" |
Damning Chilcot Report
Confirms Iraq Invasion Was Bush/Blair's War of Choice
Declassified CIA Document
Reveals Iraq War had Zero Justification
Did 9/11 Justify The War in
- Using The McChrystal Moment to Raise a Forbidden
Dismantling The Iraqi State,
Destroying an Entire Country
- "Ending States That Sponsor Terrorism"
Español |
- Droga,
Petróleo y Guerra - Afganistán
Español |
EE.UU. Utilizó el Cáncer Como Arma
de Guerra - La Guerra Radiactiva en
Irak y en Los Balcanes
Español |
El Caso Actual de Iran - ¿El
Inicio de La Tercera Guerra Mundial? - Main
Español |
El Caso
Actual de Siria - Main
Español |
El "Cementerio de Imperios"
reclama otra Víctima
Español |
El Vídeo Capaz de Socavar el Apoyo
Público a La Guerra en Afganistán
Expanding The Afghan War - The West's Insatiable
Appetite for Global Military Domination
Exopolitical Perspective on the Preemptive
War against Iraq
Español |
Fragmentar Irak - El Demencial
Plan Estadounidense
George Bush and Tony Blair
Secretly Plotted the Iraq War a Year before the Invasion
Horrifying US Secret Weapon
Unleashed In Baghdad
- "Hubris"
- New Documentary Reexamines The Iraq War "Hoax"
Español |
Irak - Bush bajo la Lupa
- por Alfredo Jalife Rahme
Iraq - 935 Lies - A Tyrant with "Weapons
of Mass Destruction"
Iraq - Order 81
- Re-engineering the Country's Traditional Farming
Iraq - Toppling a Country
Israel's Blitzkrieg on Middle East Oil
- Operation Shekhinah a.k.a. Operation Iraqi Freedom
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A
False Flag"?
Español |
La Carrera Secreta Para Controlar
La Herencia Extraterrestre De Irak
Italiano |
La Guerra Gaza-Israele è "Una
Falsa Bandiera?"
Español |
Las Ruinas de una Ciudad Oculta de
3.400 Años de Antigüedad emergen al secarse una Presa
Gigante en Irak
Law Suit Against 4 US Presidents
and 4 UK Prime Ministers
- For War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity...
Italiano |
Le Rovine di una Città Nascosta
Antica di 3.400 Anni emergono con la secca di una Diga
Gigante in Iraq
Español |
Los Anunnaki, Irak y Pearl Harbor
Microwaving Iraq
More American Troops to
Afghanistan to Keep the Chinese Out? - Lithium and the
Battle for Afghanistan Mineral
Paralyzed Iraq War Veteran's
Writes Last Words to Bush and Cheney
Español |
Querella de Irak en España
Presentado Contra 4 Presidentes de EE.UU. y 4 Primeros
Ministros del Reino...
Racism and U.S. War - Iraq Veteran
Reports Related to
Saddam Hussein
- Main File
Researchers Suggest Iraq War Was
Centrally Motivated From an Extraterrestrial-Inspired
Español |
Resistencia Iraquí, Guerra Sucia
Estadounidense y La Remodelación de Oriente Medio
- 2003-2013
Revealed - Bush Was Planning to Attack Iraq From The
Rise of Cancers and Birth Defects
in Iraq - World Health Organization Refuses to Release
Rise of the Climate Oligarchs |
Español |
Siete Mentiras sobre Afganistán
Star Wars In Iraq
The Actual Iran Case
- The Beginning of World War III?
- Main File
The Actual Syrian Case
- Main File
The Afghanistan Protocol
- Explosive Leaks Provide Image of War from Those
Fighting It
The Hawks Were Wrong - Iraq Is Worse Off Now
The History of the Islamic State
The Iraq October 2002 NIE on WMDs
The Midas Disease - Corruption has
Shaped History - Why do we still Ignore it?
The Nightmare
- The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities, Unearthing the
The Secret Race to Control Iraq's
Extraterrestrial Heritage
The U.S. Airstrikes in Northern
Iraq are All About Oil
- "The
War is Worth Waging"
- Afghanistan's Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural
Gas |
Tony Blair and George Bush's Phone
Conversation a Week Before Iraq Invasion 'Must Be
Threatening and Killing of
Scientists in Iraq
Two Births - A Gilded Arrival and
a Poisoned Legacy
Español |
Una Perspectiva Exopolitica en La
Guerra Preventiva Contra Irak
- Puertas Estelares Están Directamente...
U.S. and Israel - Two Governments
linked by Lies and Bloodshed
U.S. Military "Commemorates"
Its Iraq Massacre
U.S. Officials Guilty of War
Crimes for Using 9/11 as A False Justification for The
Iraq War
Español |
- "Vamos
a Invadir 5 Países en 7 Años - Empezaremos Con Irak"
- La Verdad Sobre Oriente Medio
War Comes to The Edin
When The U.S. Used Cancer as a
Weapon - Radioactive Warfare in
Iraq and The Balkans
White House, CIA Deny Faking Iraq-Al Qaeda Letter
WHO Refuses to Publish Report on
Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq Caused by Depleted
Wikileaks Publishes 1000+
of Hillary Clinton’s Iraq War Emails - Read Them Here
Wikileaks Releases Massive Set of
Afghan War Files
Will Iraq Be World's First
Electromagnetic 'Scalar' War? |
Multimedia: |
Bush's Hideous Legacy
- Baghdad, 5 Years On - City of Walls
Bush Was Planning to Attack Iraq
from The Start
Collateral Murder
- Wikileaks - Iraq |
Descubren Puerta Estelar en Irak
Causa de la Invasión de USA
Military Secret Tesla Weapon in
Star Wars In Iraq
Wikileaks Leaked Video of
Civilians Killed in Baghdad
Additional Information |
- "7
Countries in 5 Years" - Regime Change in Iran Coming
A Clean Break - A New Strategy for Securing
The Realm
A 'Holy' War
Albert Einstein Institution Manual for A Colored
Revolution in Egypt
Español |
Alejandro Magno y Gaza - Una
región en Histórico Cambio y Conflicto
Italiano |
Alessandro Magno e Gaza - Una
regione con un Cambiamento e Conflitto storico
Alex Jones on Arab Spring &
Globalism - An Exopolitics
Español |
Algunas Revelaciones de Los
Documentos de WikiLeaks
Alleged '9/11 Mastermind' could
blow Saudi Role Wide Open in Lawsuit Testimony
Español |
Al-Qaeda, Eterno Auxiliar de La
Al Qaeda to ET's - The Search for
Al-Qa'ida, The Second Act - Why
the Global 'War on Terror' Went Wrong
America - Death by Terminal Madness and Stupidity
America Is Falling Into An
Illuminati Trap
Americans and Northern Alliance "Friends"…
- False Flag Terror, Drugs, Staged "Taliban" Attacks
America's Chemical Weapons -
Hypocrisy, Conspiracy and a Forgotten History
America's Complicity in Evil
An Open Book... and The Pages Are
Another War Crime Surfaces - Expulsion and Massacre of
the Bedouins
- Ariel Sharon
A "Nuclear-Free Zone" in The
Middle East?
- Why Israel will not Join the Non-Proliferation Treaty
Apocalyptical Cult Groups Seek the
Destruction of New York City and Toronto
Arab Spring
- Revolutions, Lies, and Intervention
Are Tunisia and Egypt Facing Real
Unrest or A Manufactured Crisis?
A Return to Monarchy Could Solve
the Afghan Conflict
Are We Witnessing The Start of A
Global Revolution?
Automated Apartheid - Walking
through Hebron 'Smart City'
Baalbek - A Colossal Enigma - Main
a Brutal Ally
Bahrain - Is Washington Preparing
For 'Regime Change' in PR Disaster Kingdom?
Bahrain - Nailing The Lie in
Washington's Rhetoric on "The Arab Spring"
Bahrain - The Key to Saudi-Qatari
Blackwater Troopers Replacing
Emirati Forces in Yemen
Blackwater - War Mercenaries Inc.
- The Privatization of War - Main
Britain's May Eyes the
GCC as a Surer Bet for Trade Ties after Brexit
Español |
Brusco Cambio de La Situación
Estratégica en El Medio Oriente
Building Your Own Enemies
- from 'Order Out of Chaos' by Paul Joseph Watson
Cables Reveal Saudi Royals' Money
Grabs -
U.S. Messages Detail Royal Welfare Program and Royal...
Changing Course - A New
Direction for U.S. Relations with The Muslim World
Clinton and al-Qaeda
- The Propaganda Wars Continue
Clinton Sends Lackey to House Committee to Cover Her
Involvement in Benghazi Attack
CNN Accused of Forcing Journalist
to Censor Bahrain Brutality
Columbia a High Profile Victim of
Proxy Clandestine Government War?
Español |
Comienza el Juicio contra Israel
por Genocidio en el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia
Español |
Cómo los Houthis dieron Vuelta al
Tablero de Ajedrez - Ataque a las Instalaciones
Petroleras de Abqaiq
Connecting The Many Undersea Cut
Cable Dots...
Español |
'CST Global' Especializada en El Reclutamiento de Mercenarios
Declassified 28 Pages Reveal
Evidence of Saudi Govt. Involvement in 9/11
- "Democracy
Now" and The "Progressive" Alternative Media
- Valued Cheerleaders for Imperialism and War
- "Democracy
Uprising" in The U.S.A.?
Español |
Derrota Humillante de EE.UU. a
manos de Palestina al frente del G77
Español |
Descubren 400 "Puertas"
Misteriosas en un Campo de Volcanes de Arabia Saudita
Español |
Detalles del Escándalo de
Corrupción que pone contra las cuerdas al Parlamento
Europeo |
Document on Saudi Involvement in
9/11 Released Finally |
Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields
Discovery Leading to Battle for Wealth in Volatile
Middle East
Egyptian President Mubarak Steals
40 Billion Dollars
Español |
El Advenimiento de Ahriman
- Un Ensayo Sobre las Fuerzas Profundas Detrás de la
Crisis Mundial
Español |
El Antiuniverso Está Compuesto de
Energías en El Cubo Negro de La Meca...
Español |
El año 2024 - Gaza, Ucrania y
Eurasia en la Crisis del Declive Occidental
Español |
El Documental "Fuego Sobre El Marmara" Evidencia Abusos
del Ejército Israelí
- Franja de Gaza
Español |
El Final de Los Días
- de "El Fin De Los Días - Armagedon y Las Profecías Del
Español |
El Medio Oriente se libera de
Español |
El Mito del Ejército Moral™ -
Testimonios del 7 de Octubre revelan que el Ejército
Israelí mató a muchos de sus...
Español |
El Mundo reacciona a la Orden de
Arresto contra Netanyahu
Español |
El Mundo sin Qatar
Español |
El Posible Colapso Financiero del
Megaproyecto faraónico de Arabia Saudí
Español |
El Profeta
- Alberto Rivera
Español |
El Proyecto de "Nuevo Orden Mundial" Tropieza con Las
Realidades Geopolíticas
Español |
El Trabajo Sucio siempre consiste
en Provocar y Escalar la Guerra
Endless Wars Have Cost Americans
$1.6 Trillion - Report Finds
Español |
En Exclusiva RT Obtiene
Documentos que Explican cómo Funciona la 'Corporación'
Petrolera del Estado...
Español |
Estado Islámico - Una Operación
Europe's Long War with
Evil Only Comes where It's Invited
- Tracking Ponerogenesis in History and Israel-Palestine
Expediting The Grand Jihad
- The Muslim Brotherhood
Facebook Bans Pages Calling for
Palestinian Uprising
Fall of the Arab Spring - From
Revolution to Destruction
False Flag Operations, 9-11 and
the Exopolitical Perspective
Español |
FDI, Mossad y Shin Bet sabían del
Ataque de Hamas antes del 7 de Octubre - No Actuaron
para Evitarlo
Five Arab Countries That The
"Jasmine Revolution" May Spread to Next
Follow the Money - Senator John
McCain's Ties to Saudis and Rothschilds Exposed |
Español |
Fuera de Control - Cómo Occidente
Creó, Financió y Desató el Terror del Estado Islámico
sobre el Mundo
Gaddafi Was Killed by French
Secret Serviceman on Orders of Nicolas Sarkozy - Sources Claim
Geert Wilders's "Fitna - The Movie"
- A Review
- "Greater
Israel" - The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Guess What? Lots Of Oil, Natural
Gas In Gaza!
- A Secret Behind Israel's Siege of Gaza: Palestinians...
Global Banks Embrace Islam
HAMAS - Islamic Resistance
HAMAS History Tied to Israel
- International Intelligence Analysis
Hidden Intelligence Operation
Behind The Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents?
- The Real Story of...
History of US-NATO Military
Campaigns - 1991-2023
Holy Wars in Buddhism and Islam
Hoovid Branchings, Hebrew Roots
and The Crescent
- from 'The Only Planet of Choice'
How Islam Failed Me
How Palestine Became
- The Empire Files
How the Houthis Overturned the
Chessboard - Attack on Abqaiq Oil Installations
How War Fuels the 'March toward a
New World Order' - Is a New World War about to Begin?
Huge Geometric Shapes in Middle East May
Be Prehistoric
IAEA to Investigate Gaza Uranium
Ammunition Allegations
Italiano |
Il Piano per Destabilizzare La
Inside Iran's Sex Slave Industry
In Support of Arab Democracy - Why
and How
- Report of an Independent Task Force
Introducing The Gulf Despots
Supported by The West - 10 Facts About Saudi
Iran - Nuclear Intentions and
Irish Aid Vessel Plans to Pass Through Israel's Gaza
- 'Most Serious Consequences' Promised If...
Is Global War their Goal?
ISIS - An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert
ISIS is America's New Terror Brand
- Endless Propaganda Fuels "War on Terror"
Islamist Assault on The U.S.
Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet
Español |
Israel, Hamas y Netanyahu - Un
Coctel Explosivo
Español |
Israel quiere Extender la Guerra a todo Oriente Medio
Israel's 'Operation Protective
Edge' - Barbaric Human
Sacrifice Taking Place in Gaza's Real-Life 'Apocalypto'
Israel's Water Genocide
- "Is
this What We Destroy Lives for?" - Iraq, Afghanistan
Veterans' Guilt, Unanswered Questions Spike Suicide...
- "It's
Going to Take Years" - US Air Force Calls for Ground
Troops to "Occupy and Govern" Iraq and Syria
It's Over Chaps - It's Just A Matter of When |
Español |
Falsa Guerra de Obama contra El Estado Islámico (ISIS)
Español |
La Fuerza Bruta de Las Potencias
Neocoloniales del Siglo XXI
- Israel, el Miembro Número Veintinueve de...
Español |
La Guerra Está Materializando la
Israelización del Mundo - Dividir, Conquistar, Colonizar
Italiano |
La Nuova Alleanza in Medio Oriente
scuote i Poteri Mondiali
Español |
La Patagonia - ¿La Nueva Palestina?
- ¿Qué Están Haciendo Equipos de Reconocimiento del
Español |
La Plaga del Siglo XXI - Todo
sobre el Estado Islámico
Español |
La Podredumbre Moral del Estado Sionista
Español |
La Primera Guerra de la "OTAN-MO"
perturba el Orden Regional
Español |
Las Grandes Reservas de Gas en el
Español |
Las Raíces del Islam
Español |
- ¿La
Raíz de toda Maldad? - "El Engaño de Dios"
Italiano |
La Sorte di Mubarak è Segnata
Fidel Castro
Español |
La Suerte de Mubarak Está Echada
Fidel Castro
Español |
- "Lavender"
- Se Desenmascara la Aterradora Realidad de la Guerra
Español |
La Verdadera Razón por la que los
Propagandistas han estado Promoviendo la Histeria Anti-Rusa
Leaked 'Palestine Papers' Show Bad
Faith Negotiating by Israel and U.S.
Italiano |
Le Grandi Riserve di Gas nel Mondo
Español |
Los Dönmeh - El Secreto Más
Susurrado del Medio Oriente
Español |
Los Geoglifos Gigantes de Jordania - Más
Antiguos que las famosas Líneas de Nazca Peruanas
Español |
Socios Mesiánicos de Netanyahu quieren una Guerra Regional
Total - Gaza es sólo el Primer Paso
- de "Los
Dioses del Eden"
Mainstream Media Takes Money from
Foreign Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda
- CNN Exposed!
Many Nations Recognize a
Palestinian State - Only Obama Stands in the Way of Full
Global Recognition
Español |
de La OTAN en Trípoli
Español |
Mercenarios de Las Monarquías
Déspotas Contra La Democracia
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Middle East Madness
Middle East Undersea
- Cable Cutting A Zionist-NeoCon Covert Operation?
- from "The Gods Of Eden"
Monotheism, Inc.
- Chart
Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt
Mubarak's Fate is Sealed
- Reflections by Fidel Castro
Carnage in Tripoli
"Operation Gladio" - Sibel
Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running
Neom - Is Saudi Arabia
Constructing the future Babylon?
New Wineskins, Old Vinegar - Mankind Doomed to
Repeat Mistakes
No Time For Jihads or Crusades
Español |
Nueva Alianza de Oriente Medio
sacude a los Poderes Mundiales
Español |
- ¿Nueva
Guerra a la Vista? - Arabia Saudí cambia a EE.UU. por
Italiano |
Nuova Guerra in Vista? -
L'Arabia Saudita passa da Stati Uniti a Russia
Obama Gives Israel All-Out Support
Obama Moves to Make The 'War on Terror' Permanent
Obama's "Fake War" Against the Islamic State (ISIS) - The Islamic State is
Protected by the U.S. and its...
Obama's Gun-Running Operation - Weapons and Support for
"Islamic Terrorists" in Syria and Iraq...
Español |
- ¿Obama
y Putin Van a Repartirse El Medio Oriente?
Peace and Palestine: Energy Key to Holy Land's Past,
- World Energy Monthly Review
- Old
Religious Hegemony, NWO
- Jesus to the Palestinians: "Love One Another" / God to
the Jews: "Get...
Español |
Operación de Conquista de las
- "Operation
Justified Vengeance"
- Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of
A Broader Military...
Operation Orchard
Osama Bin Laden and 9-11
- Main File
Palestine and The Demise of
Political Ponerology - A Science
on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes
Ponerology' by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- Commentaries and Additional Quoted Material
Español |
Politica' por Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- Comentarios y Material Adicional Citados
Español |
Ponerología Política
- Una Ciencia Sobre la Naturaleza del Mal Adaptada a
Propósitos Políticos
Pope Calls Migrant Crisis
'Arab Invasion' - Says Europe Must 'Rediscover its
Cultural Roots'
Putin Reveals 40 Countries that are Funding ISIS at The
G20 Summit
Español |
Putin Revela en la Cumbre del G20 a 40 Países que Están
Financiando a ISIS
Español |
Qatar 2022 - El Mundial Maldito
Español |
Qatar, la Hermandad Musulmana, el
Hamas e Israel
Español |
- ¿Que
Hay de Esas Guerras en El Medio Oriente?
Quotes to "Illuminate" You
- A "Gift of Love" from Three Mayor Religions
Español |
Rabino Judío Habla La Verdad Sobre
El Genocidio Contra Los Palestinos y Gaza
Español |
Red Judía Anti-Sionista Internacional
Rothschild's Gaza Land Grab |
Español |
Rusia, EE.UU. y Francia Formarán
una Amplia Coalición que "Dará un Golpe Definitivo al EI"
- Dice Hollande
Español |
Rusia está Derrotando a EE.UU. en
el 'Juego del Petrolero en Oriente Medio'
Español |
Rusia Transporta el "Arca de Gabriel" que estaba Debajo
de la Gran Mezquita de La Meca a la Antártida
Russia begins Transport of Saudi Arabia's Mysterious
"Ark of Gabriel" to Antarctica
Russia is Defeating the U.S. in
the 'Middle East Oil Game'
Saudi Arabia Declares Oil War on
U.S. Fracking
- Hits Railroads, Tank-Car
Makers, Canada, Russia and...
Saudi Arabia is Building a
$500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal
Español |
Secretos Ocultos del Vaticano
Acerca de la Creación del Profeta Mahoma - Alberto Rivera, Ex
Secret Vatican Briefings on The
Creation of Prophet Muhammad
- Alberto Rivera, Former Jesuit Priest
Italiano |
Segreti Occulti del Vaticano su La
Creazione del Profeta Maometto
- Alberto Rivera, ex
Sacerdote Gesuita
Sex, Sharia and Women In The
History of Islam
Start Preparing for the
Collapse of the Saudi Kingdom
State of Israel Charged for "Crime
of Genocide and War Crimes"
- Kuala Lumpur Tribunal |
State Terrorism and The New World
Order -
"Man's Stupidity Has No Bounds"
Stopping ISIS - Follow the Money
Struggling With Pedophilia in
Sumer and The Anunnaki
- Main File
Supporting Genocide to Halt
Español |
Terrorismo de Estado
- Israel Incendia Con Fósforo la Sede de La ONU,
Bombardea Hospital, Dispara...
Español |
Terroristas Islamistas - ¿Títeres
Controlados por Occidente?
The Advent of Ahriman
- An Essay on the Deep Forces behind the World-Crisis
The American Empire Is Collapsing
Before Our Eyes in The Mideast
Benghazi Talking Points and How They Were Changed to
Obscure The Truth
CIA's Creation of "Islamic Terrorism" on American Soil
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
The Covenant
- from 'The Only Planet of Choice'
The "Demonization" of Muslims and
The Battle for Oil
The Drug Catastrophe in
The Egypt 'Revolution' - The
Manipulation of A Justified Rebellion…
The Emergence of Wahhabism and its
Historical Roots
The End of Days - from "The End of
Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return"
The Fallacy of 'Regime
Change' Strategies
The Invisible Entity Behind The
Global Uprising Taking Place
The Israel-Palestine
Jeremy R.
The Jet Fuel of Tyranny Hypocrisy
The Late Neolithic Colonization of the
Eastern Badia of Jordan
The Making of World Wars
The Master Race and The Family of
Light -
Conflict, Spiritual Purification and Bio-Political
Agendas in "Book...
The Middle East and Then The World - Globalist Blitzkrieg
Signals Largest Geopolitical Reordering Since...
The Middle East Policy Problem
- US, UK And Israel
The Muslim Brotherhood
- Main File
The Plans to Rebuild The Temple in Jerusalem Have Been
- The Dome of The Rock Will Remain...
The Politics of An Israeli Extermination Campaign
- Backers, Apologists and Arms Suppliers
The Prophet
- Alberto Rivera
The Protocols of The Learned
Elders of Zion
- Main File
The Redirection
- Is The Administration's New Policy Benefitting Our
Enemies in The War on Terrorism?
The Religion of Peace - Myths of
The Root of All Evil? - "The God
The Roots of Islam
The "Secret Society" Behind Osama
bin Laden and his al-Qaeda
True Obstacle to Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians
The Untold Story of The Deal That
Shocked The Middle East
- Revealed
The U.S. Colored Revolution User
Manual for Egypt
The U.S. is Supporting The Most
Violent Muslim Terrorists in Order to Wage War for Oil
The U.S.-NATO Preemptive Nuclear
- Trigger A Middle East Nuclear Holocaust To Defend 'The...
The U.S. Policy Coup Explained by
4-Star General Wesley Clark
The Western Alliance is Falling
a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World - Renewing Transatlantic Partnership
Español |
Trump cae en la Trampa de Aramco
Trump Falls Into the Aramco Trap
Español |
Trump reúne al Imperialismo, el Wahabismo y el Sionismo
Trump's Trip to Riyadh Offers Left and Right Common
Ground |
Tulsi Gabbard Slams Trump - Being
"Saudi Arabia's Bitch is Not America First" |
Turkey - A Criminal State, a NATO
Español |
Una Idea Loca y Peligrosa Salta a
la Luz Pública
Español |
Una Revelación Publica Impactante
sobre EE.UU. y el "Terrorismo Islámico"
United Nations Listing of
Terrorist Organizations
Español |
Uranio Empobrecido
- Una Extraña Forma de Proteger a Los Civiles Libios
Uranium Weapons - Does Anyone Care
About Our Planet?
U.S. Foreign Policy in Shambles -
NATO and the Middle East - How do You Wage War without
U.S. Presidents Charged With
Crimes Against Humanity as Universal Jurisdiction Dies
in Spain
U.S. Says NO to United Nations'
Anti-Free Speech Effort
Español |
- ¿Va
Israel a Provocar un Cataclismo?
Español |
Voy a la Guerra por Israel - Los
Palestinos No Son mi Enemigo
War and Natural Gas
- The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields
The Obama Administration Involved in The Planning of The
Israeli Attack on The Gaza Freedom Flotilla?
West Attempts to Trigger Clash of Civilizations
What About Those Wars in The
Middle East?
What are Israeli Army
Reconnaissance Teams Doing in Patagonia?
Which Path to Persia?
- "...Who
Masters those Technologies, in some way, will be the
Master of The World" - Klaus Schwab
Are Right-Wingers So Crazy In Love With Israel?
Why Does the "War on Terror" Serve
Western Policy?
Will Israel Fall in Five Years?
- "Wiping
Countries Off The Map"
- Who's Failing The "Failed States"
Español |
'Dios' creó a Hamas en el Séptimo Día
Yemen - The Covert Apparatus of
The American Empire
Español |
- ¿Yihad
Global Contra los BRICS?
- The Real Enemy of the Jews? - Why the Truth of History
Zionism vs. Islam - Which is More
Libya and North Africa |
America's Planned Nuclear Attack
on Libya
Italiano |
Come Al-Qaida è Riuscita a
Governare Tripoli
Italiano |
Come Gli Uomini di Al Qaida
Arrivarono al Potere in Libia
Español |
Cómo Llegó Al-Qaida a Gobernar en Trípoli
Cruise Missiles With Depleted
Uranium on Libya
Al Qaeda Men Came to Power in Libya
Español |
Impacto de Los Misiles Crucero de
Uranio Empobrecido en Libia
Español |
La Guerra Contra Libia es Una
Catástrofe Económica Para África y Para Europa
- Entrevista al Mini. de...
Italiano |
La Guerra Contro la Libia è Una
Catastrofe per l'Africa e per l'Europa
- Intervista con il Ministro per la...
Italiano |
La NATO di Fronte 'L'Ingratitudine'
Dei Libici
- Il Neocolonialismo per il Petrolio
Español |
La OTAN Ante la 'Ingratitud' de
los Libios
- Neocolonialismo por el Petróleo
Español |
Las Verdaderas Razones por las que
Gaddafi fue Asesinado - Si esto es "DICTADURA" ¿qué es
la Democracia?
Italiano |
Libia - La Vera Guerra Comincia
Adesso |
Español |
Libia - La Verdadera Guerra Comienza Ahora |
Español |
Libia - ¿Petróleo o Bancos
Libya and The End of Western
Libya - From Africa's Richest
State under Gaddafi, to Failed State after NATO
Libya in Anarchy Two Years after
NATO 'Humanitarian' Liberation |
Libya R.I.P. - The Rothschilds Own
You Now |
- The Real War Starts Now |
Planned Regime Change Throughout the Middle East and
North Africa 20 Years Ago
- "Operation
The Libyan War, American Power and
The Decline of The Petrodollar System
The Truth About The Situation in
Libya -
Cutting Through Government Propaganda and Media Lies
Who Are The Libyan Freedom
Fighters and Their Patrons?
Multimedia |
Al Jazeera Analyses Bush's Checkpoint Gaffe
- 10 January 2008
Amazing Speech by War Veteran
Español |
Asombroso Discurso de Un Veterano
de Guerra
Blood and Oil
Censored Images of War
Control Room
Dirty Wars
Español |
El Fin del Letargo |
Español |
El Virus de La Fe - The Virus of
Faith -
Richard Dawkins for Channel 4
Erased - Eliminados
- La Barbarie de Gaza
Gaddafi - Our Best Villain
Geert Wilders's "Fitna - The Movie"
Hubris - Selling The Iraq War
If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! - VIDEO WAS CENSORED!
Iran, Iraq, and Extraterrestrials
Español |
Israel - Desvelando un Misterio -
Documental de David Sorensen
Español |
La Ilusión de Dios
- The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
Map with Iraq's Threatened Heritage
Meet Benjamin Netanyahu -
Unconvicted War Criminal
Middle East History - Maps of War In Motion
- 3000 B.C.E to 2006 C.E.
Obsession - Radical Islam's War
Against the West
Origins of Israel and New Mono
World Order
- David Icke |
Pathocracy = DISEASE
Sala de Control
The Dangers of Idealism - How
America Destabilized the Middle East
The Fraud of "Humanitarian Wars"
The Isis Crisis - The Al-Sham Scam - David Icke
The Laughs of Hillary Clinton -
Expressions of A Psychopath?
Naked Truth -
Documentary by Jordan Maxwell
The Other Israel
The Power of Nightmares
- The Rise of The Politics of Fear
The Root of All Evil
- Richard
The Story of 'God'
This Could Have Been Done With The
Money Spent on Iraq War!!
When War BackFires!
- Delusions of A Maverick As President
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Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons
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Global Militarism
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Gods and Religions on Planet Earth -
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La Verdadera Historia del
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Libro del Conocimiento - Extractos
NATO - Powerful and Necessary, or
Costly and Obsolete?
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Oil Industry - Producers of Energy
and Disasters
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The 9-11 Events
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The Divine and The Manipulative
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The Robots' Rebellion
- The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance - by David Icke
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on Terror'
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Zecharia Sitchin, Sumeria, Los Anunnaki y Nibiru
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