9. Rapid
Collapses and Conservation of Momentum and Energy
The NIST team fairly admits that their report,
“does not actually
include the structural behavior of the tower after the conditions
for collapse initiation were reached.”
(NIST, 2005, p. 80, fn. 12;
emphasis added.)
Quite a confession, since much of the external
evidence for explosive demolition typically comes after collapse
initiation, as seen in cases of acknowledged controlled demolition.
(Harris, 2000.) The NIST report could be called the official
“pre-collapse theory.”
The rapid fall of the Towers and WTC7 has been
analyzed by several
engineers/scientists (Griffin, 2004, chapter 2). The roof of WTC 7 (students and I are
observing the southwest corner as it commences its steady fall)
falls to earth in (6.5 +- 0.2) seconds, while an object dropped from
the roof (in a vacuum) would hit the ground in 6.0 seconds.
This follows from t = (2H/g)1/2.
Likewise, the Towers fall very rapidly to the ground, with the upper
falling nearly as rapidly as ejected debris which provide
free-fall references.
Where is the delay that must be expected
due to conservation of momentum – one of the foundational Laws of
Physics? That is, as upper-falling floors strike lower floors – and
intact steel support columns – the fall must be significantly
impeded by the impacted mass. If the central support columns
remained standing, then the effective resistive mass would be less,
but this is not the case – somehow the enormous support columns
failed/disintegrated along with the falling floor pans.
Peer-reviewed papers which further analyze the WTC skyscraper
collapses, by Dr. Frank Legge, Professor Kenneth Kuttler,
Ross and Kevin Ryan, are recommended and available
How do the upper floors fall so quickly,
then, and still conserve momentum and energy in the collapsing
buildings? The contradiction is ignored by FEMA, NIST and
Commission reports where conservation of energy and momentum and the
fall-times were not analyzed. Gordon Ross argues that when
conservation of energy and momentum are factored in, then a
gravity-driven collapse will be arrested, so that only a partial
collapse of the Tower would occur (see
Gordon Ross).
The paradox is easily resolved by the
explosive demolition hypothesis, whereby explosives quickly remove
lower-floor material including steel support columns and allow near
free-fall-speed collapses (Harris, 2000).
And these explosives also readily account for the turning of the
falling Towers to fine dust as the collapse ensues. Rather than a
piling up with shattering of concrete as we might expect from
non-explosive-caused progressive collapse (“official theory”), we
find that most of the Towers material (concrete, carpet, etc.) is
converted to flour-like powder WHILE the buildings are falling.
The Towers’ collapses are not typical
random collapses, but quite possibly a series of “shock-and-awe”
explosions coupled with the use of thermate-incendiaries – at least
the evidence points strongly in this direction. The hypothesis ought
to be explored further.
Those who wish to preserve fundamental physical laws as inviolate
may wish to take a closer look. Consider the collapse of the South
WTC Tower on 9-11:
click below image to watch video

Top ~ 30 floors of South Tower topple over.
What happens to the block and its angular momentum?
We observe that approximately 30 upper
floors begin to rotate as a block, to the south and east. They begin
to topple over, not fall straight down. The torque due to gravity on
this block is enormous, as is its angular momentum. But then – and
this I’m still puzzling over – this block turned mostly to powder in
mid-air! How can we understand this strange behavior, without
explosives? Remarkable, amazing – and demanding scrutiny since the
US government-funded reports failed to analyze this phenomenon. But,
of course, the Final NIST 9-11 report,
“does not actually include the
structural behavior of the tower after the conditions for collapse
initiation were reached.”
(NIST, 2005, p. 80, fn. 12; emphasis
Indeed, if we seek the truth of the matter, we must NOT ignore the
data to be observed during the actual collapses of the towers, as
the NIST team admits they did. But why did they follow such a
non-scientific procedure as to ignore highly-relevant data? The
business smacks of political constraints on what was supposed to be
an “open and thorough” investigation. (See Mooney, 2005.)
So I with others call for an open and thorough investigation. I hope
the international community will rise to the challenge. The field is
wide open for considering the alternative hypothesis outlined here,
due to its neglect in studies funded by the US government.
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10. Controlled
Demolition “Implosions” Require Skill
The occurrence of nearly
symmetrical, straight-down and complete collapses of the WTC 7 and
the Towers is particularly upsetting to the “official” theory that
random fires plus damage caused all these collapses. Even with
high-level cutting charges, achieving such results requires a great
deal of pre-planning and expertise.
As Tom Harris, an authority in
this field, has explained:
The main challenge in bringing a
building down is controlling which way it falls. Ideally, a
blasting crew will be able to tumble the building over on one
side, into a parking lot or other open area. This sort of blast
is the easiest to execute. Tipping a building over is something
like felling a tree. To topple the building to the north, the
blasters detonate explosives on the north side of the building
Sometimes, though, a building is
surrounded by structures that must be preserved. In this case, the
blasters proceed with a true implosion, demolishing the building so
that it collapses straight down into its own footprint (the total
area at the base of the building). This feat requires such skill
that only a handful of demolition companies in the world will
attempt it.
Blasters approach each project a little
differently... [A good] option is to detonate the columns at the
center of the building before the other columns so that the
building’s sides fall inward.... Generally speaking, blasters will
explode the major support columns on the lower floors first and then
a few upper stories… [nb: The upper floors then fall as a tamper,
resulting in “progressive collapse”—this is common in controlled
(Harris, 2000; emphasis added.)
Careful observation of the collapse of
WTC 7 (video clips above)
demonstrates a downward “kink” near the center of the building
first, suggesting “pulling” of the support columns, then the
building’s sides pull inward such that the building “collapses
straight down into its own footprint” (Harris, 2000).
The plumes of debris observed on upper
floors of WTC 7 as the collapse begins appear consistent with
explosive cutting of supports for “a few upper stories” as outlined
FEMA admitted that WTC 7 collapsed onto a well-confined
The collapse of WTC 7 had a small
debris field as the facade was pulled downward, suggesting an
internal failure and implosion… The average debris field radius
was approximately 70 feet.
(FEMA, 2002, chapter 5.)
Evidently we agree that this was a
beautifully done implosion in the collapse of WTC 7, and yet:
This feat requires such skill that
only a handful of demolition companies in the world will attempt
(Harris, 2000; emphasis added.)
Consider: Why would terrorists undertake
straight-down collapses of WTC7 and the Towers, when “toppling-over”
falls would require much less work and would do much more damage in
downtown Manhattan? And where would they obtain the necessary skills
and access to the buildings for a symmetrical implosion anyway?
These questions suggest the need for further investigation.
One of the people a thorough investigation should question would be
demolition expert Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition,
Inc. Speaking of the way the WTC buildings came down, he said in an
“If I were to bring the towers down,
I would put explosives in the basement to get the weight of the
building to help collapse the structure.”
(Bollyn, 2002; emphasis added.)
Just right – “explosives in the
basement” agrees with eyewitness reports of pre-collapse explosions
down low in the buildings (point 7 above). Also, this would be the
way to effectively sever the support columns, consistent with both
the apparent initial drop of the communication tower (WTC Tower 1)
and the “kink” in the middle of WTC 7 as its collapse began.
and as president of Controlled Demolition, Inc., Mr. Loizeaux would
know the,
“handful of demolition companies in the world [that] will
attempt” a symmetrical controlled demolition or “implosion”.
(Harris, 2000)
His company is certainly one of these and was hired
to help in the rapid clean-up work following the building collapses.
In summary, we have discovered substantial evidence supporting the
idea that thermites were used on the steel columns of the WTC Tower
to weaken the huge steel supports, not long before explosives
finished the demolition job. We can next estimate the amount of
explosives needed by comparing with a known controlled demolition:
the explosive demolition of the Landmark Tower.
“The explosive charges used to bring
down the Landmark Tower [380 ft tall, 30 stories] weighed only
364 pounds [165 kilograms], consisting of 198 pounds of
60-percent nitroglycerine-based gel in 1-1/4 inch sticks, and
166 pounds of RDX (a C-4 derivative).”
Scaling to the 110-story WTC Towers,
roughly 1300 pounds [590 kg] of explosives per Tower would suffice.
Scaling to the size of WTC 7, 570 pounds [260 kg] would be
indicated. The videos referenced above show WTC 7 falling top-down,
in conventional controlled demolition fashion. On the other hand,
the Towers were evidently demolished from the top downward, which
although unusual is certainly possible using explosives. Indeed, for
very tall towers such as these, top-down demolition seems be the
best approach, to avoid toppling over of the tower onto surrounding
Explosives such as RDX, or HMX, or superthermites, when
pre-positioned by a small team of operatives, would suffice to cut
the supports at key points such that these tall buildings would
completely collapse with little damage to surrounding buildings.
Radio-initiated firing of the charges is implicated here, perhaps
using superthermite matches. (See
Using computer-controlled radio signals,
it would be an easy matter to begin the explosive demolition near
the point of entry of the planes in the Towers (to make it appear
that the planes somehow initiated the collapse.) In this scenario,
linear cutter-charges would have been placed at numerous points in
the building, mostly on the critical core columns, since one would
not know beforehand exactly where the planes would enter.

Above: two men install a conventional cutter charge to steel column,
preparing for a controlled demolition of the building. Notice the
narrow width/size of the explosive cutter charge. From History
Channel: “Wrecking ball – Modern marvels” and thanks to Robert Moore
http://piratenews.org/911con.html .
If you still haven’t looked at the rapid symmetrical collapse of
WTC7 for yourself, why not do so now? Watch for the initial “kink”
or drop in the middle, and for the “squibs” blowing in sequence up
the side of the building, and notice the symmetrical, straight-down
collapse. Furthermore, the collapse is rapid and complete, with the
building falling quite neatly onto its own footprint. All of these
features are common in controlled demolitions.
See for yourself at:
http://911research.wtc7.net/talks/wtc/videos.html. A
great deal of further information is presented from a serious
scientific point-of-view at this site:
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11. Steel
Column Temperatures of 800°C Needed: A Problem in the Argument of
Bazant and Zhou
A Mechanical Engineering professor suggested that I review a paper
by Zedenek P. Bazant and Yong Zhou, which I did. Quoting:
The 110-story towers of the World
Trade Center were designed to withstand as a whole the forces
caused by a horizontal impact of a large commercial aircraft. So
why did a total collapse occur?
(Bazant and Zhou, 2002, p. 2.)
Correct – the WTC Towers were designed
to withstand forces caused by large commercial aircraft – we can
agree on that. MIT’s Thomas Eagar also concurs,
“because the number of columns lost
on the initial impact was not large and the loads were shifted
to remaining columns in this highly redundant structure”
(Eagar and Musso, 2001).
We continue with Bazant & Zhou:
The conflagration, caused by the
aircraft fuel spilled into the structure, causes the steel of
the columns to be exposed to sustained temperatures apparently
exceeding 800 oC… (Bazant and Zhou, 2002, p. 2.)
But here we note from the recent NIST
report that:
“The initial jet fuel fires
themselves lasted at most a few minutes” and office material
fires would burn out within about 20 minutes in a given
(NIST, 2005; p. 179, emphasis
Certainly jet fuel burning was not
enough to raise steel to sustained temperatures above 800 oC. But we
Once more than half of the columns
in the critical floor.. suffer buckling (stage 3), the weight of
the upper part of the structure above this floor can no longer
be supported, and so the upper part starts falling down onto the
lower part below…”
(Bazant and Zhou, 2002, p. 2.)
Bazant & Zhou do not explain how “more
than half of the columns in the critical floor [can] suffer
buckling” at the same time to precipitate the complete and nearly
symmetrical collapse observed. There were 47 huge steel core columns
in each Tower, and 24 such support columns in WTC 7 (NIST 2005;
NISTb, 2005).

The WTC towers were solidly constructed with 47 steel core columns
and 240 perimeter steel columns. 287 steel-columns total. Many doubt
that random fires/damage could cause them to collapse straight down
(official theory), and suspect explosives.

Steel-frame: Huge core (left) is an enormous heat sink. Notice
workers standing on floor pan which is firmly attached to the
interconnected core columns.
They do NOT explain how steel-column temperatures above 800 oC were
achieved near-simultaneously due to burning office materials. NIST
notes that office materials in an area burn for about 15-20 minutes,
then are consumed away (NIST, 2005, pp. 117, 179). This is evidently
not long enough to raise steel column temperatures above 800 oC as
required in the Bazant & Zhou model, given the enormous heat sinks
of the structures. And to have three buildings completely collapse
due to this unlikely mechanism on the same day strains credulity.
Moreover, the Final NIST report on the Towers admits:
Of the more than 170 areas examined
on 16 perimeter column panels, only three columns had evidence
that the steel reached temperatures above 250 ºC… Only two core
column specimens had sufficient paint remaining to make such an
analysis, and their temperatures did not reach 250 ºC. ... Using
metallographic analysis, NIST determined that there was no
evidence that any of the samples had reached temperatures above
600 ºC.
(NIST, 2005, pp. 176-177;
emphasis added.)
Relevant to this point, Eagar noted that,
“Factors such as flame volume and quantity of soot decrease the radiative heat loss in the fire, moving the temperature closer to
the maximum of 1,000 ºC.”
(Eagar and Musso, 2001)
While this is the
maximum air temperature possible in the WTC fires, this does not
mean that the structural steel reached this temperature in the time
the fires acted.
Indeed, NIST emphasizes that there was
no evidence that “any of the samples had reached temperatures above
600 ºC.” This statement is consistent with their data plots of
“predicted column temperatures”, which “shows maximum temperature
reached by each column” in that no temperature above 600 ºC is given
for any of the steel columns. (NIST, 2005.)
As for WTC 7, Bazant & Zhou say little but mention in a separate
“addendum” that burning natural gas might have been a source of the
needed heat (Bazant and Zhou, March 2002, p. 370).
The FEMA report (FEMA,
2002) addresses this issue:
Early news reports had indicated
that a high pressure, 24-inch gas main was located in the
vicinity of the building [WTC 7]; however, this proved not to be
(FEMA, 2002, chapter 5; emphasis
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12. Problems
in the NIST Report: Inadequate Steel Temperatures and Tweaked Models
I have read through the hundreds of pages of the Final NIST report
on the collapses of the WTC Towers. (NIST, 2005) It is interesting
to note that NIST “decoupled” and delayed their final report on WTC
7, which is overdue as of this writing (NIST, 2005; NISTb, 2005). I
agree with some of the NIST report; for example:
Both WTC 1 and WTC 2 were stable
after the aircraft impact, standing for 102 min and 56 min,
respectively. The global analyses with structural impact damage
showed that both towers had considerable reserve capacity. This
was confirmed by analysis of the post-impact vibration of WTC 2…
where the damaged tower oscillated at a period nearly equal to
the first mode period calculated for the undamaged structure.
(NIST, 2005, p. 144; emphasis
At any given location, the duration
of [air, not steel] temperatures near 1,000 oC was about 15 min
to 20 min. The rest of the time, the calculated temperatures
were near 500 oC or below.”
(NIST, 2005, p. 127, emphasis
NIST contracted with Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc. to conduct tests to obtain information on the
fire endurance of trusses like those in the WTC towers… All four
test specimens sustained the maximum design load for
approximately 2 hours without collapsing.”
(NIST, 2005, p. 140, emphasis
However, I along with others challenge NIST’s collapse theory.
NIST maintains that all three building
collapses were fire-initiated despite the observations above,
particularly the fact that fire endurance tests with actual models
did not result in collapse. In a paper by fire-engineering experts
in the UK, we find:
The basis of NIST’s collapse theory
is… column behaviour in fire... However, we believe that a
considerable difference in downward displace between the [47]
core and [240] perimeter columns, much greater than the 300 mm
proposed, is required for the collapse theory to hold true…
[Our] lower reliance on passive fire protection is in contrast
to the NIST work where the amount of fire protection on the
truss elements is believed to be a significant factor in
defining the time to collapse… The [proposed effect] is swamped
by thermal expansion … Thermal expansion and the response of the
whole frame to this effect has NOT been described as yet [by
(Lane and Lamont, 2005.)
I agree with these pointed
objections, particularly that the “response of the whole frame”
of each building should be considered, especially heat transport
to the whole frame from localized fires, and that the “core
columns cannot pull the exterior columns in via the floor.”
(Lane and Lamont, 2005)
The computerized models of the Towers in
the NIST study, which incorporate many features of the buildings and
the fires on 9-11-01, are less than convincing. The Final report
The Investigation Team then defined
three cases for each building by combining the middle, less
severe, and more severe values of the influential variables.
Upon a preliminary examination of the middle cases, it became
clear that the towers would likely remain standing. The less
severe cases were discarded after the aircraft impact results
were compared to observed events. The middle cases (which became
Case A for WTC 1 and Case C for WTC 2) were discarded after the
structural response analysis of major subsystems were compared
to observed events.
(NIST, 2005, p. 142; emphasis
The NIST report makes for interesting
reading. The less severe cases based on empirical data were
discarded because they did not result in building collapse. But ‘one
must save the hypothesis,’ so more severe cases were tried and the
simulations tweaked, as we read in the NIST report:
The more severe case (which became
Case B for WTC 1 and Case D for WTC 2) was used for the global
analysis of each tower. Complete sets of simulations were then
performed for Cases B and D. To the extent that the simulations
deviated from the photographic evidence or eyewitness reports
[e.g., complete collapse occurred], the investigators adjusted
the input, but only within the range of physical reality. Thus,
for instance,…the pulling forces on the perimeter columns by the
sagging floors were adjusted...
(NIST, 2005, p. 142; emphasis
The primary role of the floors in the collapse of the towers was
to provide inward pull forces that induced inward bowing of
perimeter columns.
(NIST, 2005, p. 180; emphasis
How fun (perhaps) to tweak the model like that, until the
building collapses—until one gets the desired result. But the
end result of such tweaked computer hypotheticals is not
compelling. Notice that the “the pulling forces on the perimeter
columns by the sagging floors were adjusted”
(NIST, 2005, p. 142; emphasis added)
to get the perimeter columns to yield sufficiently – one
suspects these were “adjusted” by hand quite a bit—even though
the UK experts complained that “the core columns cannot pull the
exterior [i.e., perimeter] columns in via the floor.”
(Lane and Lamont, 2005; emphasis
I also agree with Kevin Ryan’s
objections regarding the NIST study. Kevin Ryan, at the time a
manager at Underwriters Laboratories (UL), makes a point of the
non-collapse of actual WTC-based models in his letter to Frank Gayle
of NIST:
As I’m sure you know, the company I
work for certified the steel components used in the construction
of the WTC buildings. In requesting information from both our
CEO and Fire Protection business manager last year… they
suggested we all be patient and understand that UL was working
with your team… I’m aware of UL’s attempts to help, including
performing tests on models of the floor assemblies. But the
results of these tests… indicate that the buildings should have
easily withstood the thermal stress caused by… burning [jet
fuel, paper, etc.].
(Ryan, 2004)
That models of WTC trusses at
Underwriter Laboratories (UL) subjected to fires did NOT fail is
also admitted in the final NIST report:
NIST contracted with Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc. to conduct tests to obtain information on the
fire endurance of trusses like those in the WTC towers…. All
four test specimens sustained the maximum design load for
approximately 2 hours without collapsing… The Investigation Team
was cautious about using these results directly in the
formulation of collapse hypotheses. In addition to the scaling
issues raised by the test results, the fires in the towers on
September 11, and the resulting exposure of the floor systems,
were substantially different from the conditions in the test
furnaces. Nonetheless, the [empirical test] results established
that this type of assembly was capable of sustaining a large
gravity load, without collapsing, for a substantial period of
time relative to the duration of the fires in any given location
on September 11.
(NIST, 2005, p. 141; emphasis
So how does the NIST team justify the
WTC collapses, when actual models fail to collapse and there are
zero examples of fire-caused high-rise collapses? Easy, NIST
concocted computer-generated hypotheticals for very “severe” cases,
called cases B and D (NIST, 2005, pp. 124138). Of course, the
details are rather hidden to us. And they omit consideration of the
complete, rapid and symmetrical nature of the collapses.
Indeed, NIST makes the startling admission in a footnote on page 80
of their Final Report:
The focus of the Investigation was
on the sequence of events from the instant of aircraft impact to
the initiation of collapse for each tower. For brevity in this
report, this sequence is referred to as the “probable collapse
sequence,” although it does not actually include the structural
behavior of the tower after the conditions for collapse
initiation were reached...
(NIST, 2005, p. 80, fn. 12;
emphasis added.)
Again, on page 142, NIST admits that their computer simulation
only proceeds until the building is “poised for collapse”, thus
ignoring any data from that time on. The results were a
simulation of the structural deterioration of each tower from
the time of aircraft impact to the time at which the building
became unstable, i.e., was poised for collapse. ...
(NIST, 2005, p. 142; emphasis
What about the subsequent complete,
rapid and symmetrical collapse of the buildings?
What about the
observed squibs?
What about the antenna dropping first in the North
What about the molten metal observed in the basement areas in
large pools in both Towers and WTC 7 as well?
Never mind all that: NIST did not discuss at all any data after the buildings were
“poised for collapse.”
Well, some of us want to look at ALL the
data, without “black-box” computer simulations that are “adjusted,”
perhaps to make them fit the desired outcome. An hypothesis which is
non-refutable is non-scientific. On the other hand, Occam’s razor
suggests that the simplest explanation which addresses and satisfies
ALL the evidence is most probably correct.
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