Anomalies Website
In the April, 1991 issue of FATE
magazine, there appeared the following article written by Ann Druffel, titled: 'UFOLOGY'S "MR. CONTROVERSY"?' Following are some
excerpts from this lengthy article:
"William L. Moore has admitted
passing disinformation to ufologists. Here is the rest of the
story along with some startling NEW information---Do you believe
it...? "(William Moore) made the startling announcement at the
35th MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Annual Symposium in Las Vegas,
Nevada, that he and his associate, Jaime Shandera, had been part
of a disinformation scheme launched by the government against
Paul Bennewitz, a scientist who had set out to prove that there
was ongoing UFO activity at a military base adjacent to
Bennewitz' New Mexico home...
"WHY HE COOPERATED - Moore asked the forum audience the
'If an individual, flashing credentials of an agency
of your government, invited you to cooperate with him in
studying UFOs, what would you do?'
He admitted that he jumped
in, he felt he had to find out what there was to find out. He
found himself in the midst of a widespread effort on the part of
several government agencies to collect data, to send this data
up to higher agencies, and to disseminate DISINFORMATION among
the public.
"Moore differentiated between 'disinformation' and
'misinformation.' Disinformation is a diversion away from the
truth; it necessarily has some truth sprinkled in.
Misinformation is lies, or phony information.
"At this point,
Moore made it plain that the disclosures he and Jaime Shandera
planned to make at this forum were with the express permission
of the government agents with whom they had been cooperating for
assured the audience he and Shandera had tried to sort out fact
from fiction in order to share it with them...
"According to Moore... the official government policy for the
past 21 years--ever since the 'close' of
Project Blue Book,
which ostensibly disseminated public information about UFO
sightings-- is that UFOs do not exist. Why is the government,
through the '80s and up to present, still spreading falsified
"Perhaps the most blatant example of this concerns the Roswell,
New Mexico, crash of 1947. In that situation, Moore is sure that
something did crash on an isolated ranch near Roswell and that
the air force put out a bulletin that they had recovered a
'flying saucer.' However, the next day this was denied and a
cover story about a 'balloon' was disseminated as a cover-up, a
story the government has stuck by for over 40 years.
"To date, after years of investigation by Moore, Stanton
Friedman and others, 130 people have been contacted and
interviewed in connection with the Roswell crash. More than 36
claim to have been first-hand witnesses to the situation, and
some claim to have actually held the wreckage in their hands.
"Some reported that dead alien bodies were recovered from parts
of the wreckage which came down a few miles from the main
object. These 130 source stories do not include numerous other
statements made by persons whom the investigators judged to be
less than honest and reliable.
"Moore thinks that writing
THE ROSWELL INCIDENT opened a can of
worms. In September 1980, shortly after the book was published,
a source to which he gave the pseudonym 'Falcon' contacted him
with the offer to participate in government UFO studies. To this
day, Moore is not sure what the government people's motives were
or what they continue to be. Other government sources continued
to contact him, and he and Shandera continued to give each
source the name of a bird. In this way, the two could discuss
the activities in which Moore was involved without having to
worry about telephones being bugged or being overheard in public
"Bill Moore stated with a grin,
'There are now 12 in the aviary,' [Not to be confused with
or Majestic 12. It is merely a coincidence that the 'aviary' and
the alleged Majestic 12 high-level government UFO study group
each have 12 members.] (Note: Moore stated that some of his
information may be misleading. For instance, other sources
stated that 'MJ-12' has more than just 12 members - Branton) all
credible people, well-placed as employees, scientific
consultants, or intelligence agents.
They hold a variety of 'need to know'
security clearances, and seem to know each other. Falcon's identity
still remains a mystery, but Bill describes him as very
knowledgeable about UFOs. (There is an ongoing controversy in the
UFO field about Falcon's true identity as demonstrated by recent
letters to the editor of Fate by such UFO notables as Jerome Clark
and Linda Moulton Howe.)
"He went on to describe the main
characteristic of each aviary member:
'Hawk is a person
well-connected in areas of study in ESP since the 1960s, with
impressive credentials. Blue Jay is a person close to the
President of the United States, capable of checking on
information to determine its reliability. Partridge is a
scientist privy to UFO information collected by the government.
Chickadee is well-placed in the Pentagon and versed in
scientific data. Heron is enigmatic and puzzling; he seems to
'speak in riddles.' Sparrow is the code name for Richard Doty, a
former agent for the Air Force's Office of Scientific
Information (AFOSI), and was the original go-between between
Falcon and myself, and so on.'
"Later, Moore stated that
Doty was a small man in the operation.
The process, in his opinion, started 'originally from the
National Security Agency (NSA) and high levels of the AFOSI.
"According to Moore's assessment, AFOSI holds prime
responsibility for UFO data collection in the government. It is
also responsible for planting information and disinformation on
the subject. Why are they doing this if UFOs don't even exist?
If it is a case of national security, why is this so? How could
UFOs jeopardize the national security of the U.S.?
"Of one thing
Moore is sure. Government agents are faster at
planting 'data' than civilians can check and verify it. Civilian
UFO research finds itself in a pitiful state. Moore pinpointed
the case of Paul Bennewitz as an example. The Department of
Energy, the National Security Agency (NSA) and other government
agencies were interested in Bennewitz' claim that he had
intercepted low-frequency electromagnetic signals which he
believed originated from UFOs.
"Bennewitz was a reputable scientist; his only crime, according
to Moore, was his claim that he was receiving signals from UFOs.
To this date it is UNCLEAR whether or not the strange signals Bennewitz was picking up actually originated from secret
government projects, and had no connection with UFOs...
"According to Moore, he tried to
diffuse all disinformation schemes containing references to,
underground alien bases
UFO involvement in cattle mutilations
genetic research by aliens and government
(so-called) 'hybrid'
rumors of 'aliens among us.
He recognizes such
incredible rumors--as the sort of thing that was fed to Paul Bennewitz and others. Disinformation, but even more so
(Note: If such things as
subterranean 'alien' activity, cattle mutilations, abductions,
secret government-grey interaction, genetic experimentation, and
alien infiltration do exist as many claim, and the reality of which
Moore denies, could this attempt to label such ideas as 'government
disinformation' be a form of disinformation tactic itself,
explaining why the 'Aviary' and the NSA, etc., so readily allowed
Moore to speak openly when this would not seem consistent with a
group of intelligence agencies involved in DECADES-OLD coverups?
Remember Moore's words to the effect that anything he might tell the
public may be DISINFORMATION.
Veteran aviator John Lear believes this to be the case, and suggests
that such denials are part of a secret government-grey 'agreement'
wherein the elite 'secret' government (not the U.S. Constitutional
government) receives 'technology' in exchange for their promise to
keep hidden from the public such activities as those listed above,
including the malevolent nature of the 'greys' itself - Branton).
"At the 1989 MUFON symposium in Las
Vegas, Moore tried to defuse such stories, but they are still
believed by some in the UFO community and by many members of the
'unsuspecting' public...
"(Moore) has come to believe that
ETs are more than one race. Whether they are extraterrestrial or
intradimensional... they have some stake in our existence. Their
agenda is their own, and to date not even the government has
been advised of it. When Moore asks the aviary about this, he
receives short and enigmatic answers. He has asked them about the question of
UFO abductions, reports of which are flooding the UFO research
field. The short answer by the aviary? 'Abductions are not
(Note: According to 'abduction' expert
Bud Hopkins, he
was approached by the CIA and asked if he would be willing to work
for them, and be their 'abduction' expert. Strange that the
intelligence community would hire someone to work with abductees
when 'abduction', according to them, do not exist - Branton).
"...Whatever aliens are doing on
Earth, they are actively manipulating us as a race. They are
also manipulating our awareness of them, and this is responsible
for the various groups of humans in the UFO research field who
are manipulating each other! But evidently some conditioning
process is at work...
"(Moore) learned that government agents had tested 20 people,
all civilian researchers, to see what they would do with limited
information, and Moore and he were chosen as a result of their
reaction to the test...
"During the past decade, there have been four or five 'summit
meetings' of the aviary with Shandera and Moore. Once the
meetings began, information flowed quite freely. Specific
questions had to be asked of the right person, and the questions
had to be carefully phrased. Other contacts are with just one of
the aviary.
"...Although the U.S. Presidents from 1947 onward have been
advised of
MJ-12's existence, they DO NOT control its
activities. It is an INDEPENDENT entity, responsible for
policies regarding UFOs and alien contact..."