June 2010
Arranged by publishing
dates on the Web
Bilderberg 2010
Agenda Leaked
Bilderberg 2010 - by
Charlie Skelton
Bilderberg 2010 - Between The Sword and The Wall
Bilderberg and Other Secretive Groups Intend to Plunge
Americans Into One World Socialism
Bilderberg 2010 - Final List of
Bilderberg - Global Cabal Pushes Agenda Before Meeting
in Sitges, Spain
Bilderberg 2010 - Help Us Identify The Delegates
Bilderberg 2010 - Who Are The delegates?
Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked
by Eyes For You
May 28, 2010
BeforeItsNews Website
According to the documents - which Daniel Estulin obtained from his sources
inside the secretive group - issues to be discussed in this year's formal
deliberations are:
Will the Euro Survive?
Development in Europe: Europe's Exit Strategy...On Hold?
Do We Have Institutions to Deal With the World Economy?
Greece: Lessons and Forward-looking Strategies
NATO and Afghanistan: The Practical Agenda for the Alliance
Iran and Russia: Economic and Financial Threats to the Alliance
The Consequences of War Against Terrorism
The Influence of Domestic Issues on American Foreign Policy
The Outlook for Japan's Economy
The Future of the U.S. Dollar: Alternative Scenarios
That the Bilderbergers - essentially a talking shop for European and North
American power players - are interested in discussing the current meltdown of
the European economy (below audio) should come as no surprise, especially as the group's
attendee list includes many of the key financiers and string pullers who
helped steer Europe into the crisis in the first place.
Past attendees of
the meeting include current EU President Herman von Rompuy who got the job
as the first non-elected head of the undemocratic European Union after a
special wine and dine session with Bilderberg steering committee members.
Last year he heralded the beginning of global government, praising the
increased role of G20 in dealing with the global financial crisis. Other key Bilderbergers include Jean-Claude Trichet, who, as head of the European
Central Bank, was instrumental in helping to craft the current European
bailout which itself is designed to incentivize the bankruptcy of Europe.
Trichet, too, also recently called for global government to regulate the
world economic meltdown that his fellow Bilderbergers helped to create.
Those familiar with the Bilderberg group's long-cherished dream of achieving
global government through the creation of an international financial
framework will be unsurprised to see that a debate on the question,
"Do We
Have Institutions to Deal With the World Economy?",
...is the third order of
business at this year's meeting.
Nor will it be a surprise when the question
is inevitably answered with the standard globalist line that international
institutions like the IMF and the World Bank need to be "strengthened" and
even given enhanced regulatory powers as a result of the crisis they have
brought about, exactly as Bilderberg observers have been predicting for
Indeed, as Estulin himself notes in his latest book, Shadow Masters,
former U.S. Undersecretary of State George Ball expressed the ambition of
the globalists in an address to the 1968 Bilderberg meeting in Mont
Tremblant when he stated that they were interested in developing a "world
company" to take over the "archaic political structure of nation states"
Other items on the agenda are exactly in line with the issues and plans made
at last year's Bilderberg and those ideas debated at last year's G20 Finance
Ministers meeting, both of which Estulin was able to infiltrate with his
inside sources.
The fact that the Iran-Russia alliance is on this year's
agenda is doubly telling, not only because a strike against Iran was on the
table at this year's Trilateral Commission meeting, but because, as Estulin
notes in today's interview, it indicates that the real object of the
Bilderbergers' aggression against Iran is the destabilization of Russia, a
country that has traditionally been a thorn in the side of the globalists.
Perhaps the only thing that is surprising about this year's leaked agenda is
that the secretive group, which has gone to great length to conceal itself
from media and public scrutiny, has failed to take precautions to prevent
Estulin and his sources from acquiring the information yet again.
"I'm a
little bit disappointed in the Bilderbergers," he said on the line from
Spain, where he currently resides. "I would think they would have taken
certain precautions and measures, especially coming to my part of the
While the agenda is only a guide for the larger group discussions and the
real decision-making takes place among the core members of the group behind
closed doors, it does serve as an indicator of the issues and events that
are preoccupying the globalists at this sensitive stage of their operation,
just as they begin to realize their dream of instituting global government
by manufacturing a global depression.
Even as these plans begin to come to
fruition, the people of Iceland, Greece, and other developed countries are
beginning to rise up en masse to throw off the yoke of financial oppression
and key Bilderbergers are openly talking of their fears of a global
political awakening.
This year's conference marks a new level of exposure and opposition to the
Bilderberg group itself.
Daniel Estulin will be making an
historic speech to
the European parliament on June 1st along with Mario Borghezio, Nigel Farage,
and other key MEPs.
Then Charlie Skelton (below audio), reporting once again for the UK's
Guardian newspaper, will be taking part in a mass counter-conference where
those opposed to the Bilderbergers and their secret proceedings will gather
to draw attention to the group.
Stay tuned to
corbettreport.com for all of the latest information on this
year's conference, including an update from Estulin about what his sources
are able to reveal about the meeting's proceedings.
Coverage starts this
Sunday with the release of Episode 131 of The Corbett Report podcast, "Bilderberg
Back to
Bilderberg 2010
by Charlie Skelton
Guardian Website
Part 1 - Plutocracy with palm trees
June 02, 2010
The shadowy global elite is meeting in Sitges - and Charlie Skelton is
there, hoping for a new spirit of CamCleggian openness.

Sitges in Catalonia, where a
Bilderburg beach party and 'awareness camp' are planned.
Photograph: Corbis
This is the first dispatch from Charlie
Skelton's Bilderblog. Read part two here.
Another year, another Bilderberg. The first "participants" (as the delegates
are known) won't be arriving until Thursday, but already the
Hotel Dolce in Sitges is buzzing with anticipation. This Catalan seaside town hasn't hosted
an event as large and politically sensitive as Bilderberg since the
legendary 2008 Foam Party at the Mr Gay Sitges awards night.
Last year, Bilderberg was held in Vouliagmeni, on the coast just south of
Athens. The Greek minister of finance attended, the minister of foreign
affairs, and the governor of the National Bank of Greece.
A few months
later, Greece was bankrupt and Athens was in flames. So… good luck, Madrid!
Police are already stretching their red stripy tape around the hotel, and
zipping up and around the local roads in their squad cars, sniffing for
trouble. I'm really hoping there's none to find. The Spanish are promising a
beach party and an "awareness camp", with political discussion forums and
meditation zones.
I plan to spend at least part of Friday sitting cross-legged in a campsite,
sending beams of white light up the hill and into the hotel. Feel my love,
Marcus Agius - Chairman of Barclays and senior non-executive director on the
BBC's new executive board. Let it surround you, Queen Sofia of Spain. Don't
fight it, president of the World Bank. You can't beat the love.
It would be nicer if the interface between Bilderberg and the world could be
softer - if it could turn an open face towards us, rather than the barrel of
a machine gun. What I'm hoping is that this year, in the all-new CamCleggian
spirit of openness and political transparency, any British elected official
who attends the meeting - and I'm talking to you, Kenneth Clarke and
Osborne - will tell us they attended, tell us what they spoke about, and
tell us what the next 12 months has in store. I don't think that's too much
to ask.
Not that anyone is really asking. I've come along again this year because I
had the horrible, nagging thought that no other journalists would.
Not that I'm a proper journalist. Hardly: consider me an interested citizen
of the world come to bear witness to a peculiar, important, and unsettling
For a long and luxurious weekend at the Dolce Sitges, relishing its "new and
creative buffet concepts" (a table with food on it), prime ministers will
mingle with European royalty, with various EU commissioners, with
representatives from:
Goldman Sachs
Deutsche Bank
Royal Dutch Shell
They'll clink glasses with President Obama's special envoy to Afghanistan
and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke (he is confirmed for this year). And join
the Friday night conga line behind the US treasury secretary (Tim Geithner
went last year; he goes a lot).
We can reasonably expect the head of the
Federal Reserve, the president of the
World Bank, the secretary general of
NATO… they've all attended in the past and many will attend again. So yes,
important it is; to think otherwise is painfully naive (see below for the
usual "just a big boys' club" comments …)
The conference hotel may be perched above a golf course, and boast two ping
pong tables, but this four-day event isn't about who is better at table
tennis, Ken Clarke or David Rockefeller (it's Rockefeller). This is about
big business, global financial strategy and the economic future of Europe …
if indeed it has one.
And most importantly, this four-day event doesn't start until tomorrow - and
continues all the way through the weekend - so if you're a PROPER journalist
reading this, or a blogger, or simply a curious citizen of a Europe
teetering on the edge, then come along. Please come. I'll buy you a Catalan
beer. I recommend the Rosita.
It's fruity but ballsy - not unlike the winner
of Mr Gay Sitges 2008.
Part 2 - The security lockdown begins
June 03, 2010
It's midday at the Bilderberg conference hotel - and that means helicopters,
riot police and angry staff.

Charlie Skelton at the Hotel
Dolce Sitges, before the Bilderberg conference began
Charlie Skelton relaxing at
the Hotel Dolce Sitges,
before the Bilderberg
conference began.
Photograph: Charlie Skelton
This is the second dispatch from Charlie
Skelton's Bilderblog.
"Congratulations!" grinned the man in charge
of this year's Bilderberg conference, mustering as much sarcasm as a
Dutchman could muster.
"You are the last guests here! You should have a banner!" he whooped,
punching the air, wanting us gone.
It's true - we had been dragging our
heels as we left the Hotel Dolce Sitges. The folding tables were already
being set up in the courtyard for participant lanyards and orientation
packs. It was well past the midday "lockdown" of the hotel.
"Lockdown" at Bilderberg means that security is
snapped securely shut - it means an unbreachable, Pentagon-like security
cordon is tightened around this seaside hotel.
It means that hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of police, in various states of
riot readiness, position themselves at every junction, every roundabout,
along every road, layby and dirt track within a mile of the building. And
every 15 minutes or so, ruining everyone's poolside naps, police choppers
circle in the perfect sky above.
The helicopters started yesterday. The day before, as we were checking in, a
couple of tourists in microlights came buzzing over the hotel before buzzing
off towards the beach.
For about two seconds, I thought:
"Brilliant! That's how we're going to get
photos! From the air!" Then I thought: "CIA snipers! Not so brilliant!".
We've made do with a few sneaky shots around the
hotel and some hushed chats with the barstaff.
We did a little undercover
work. And, as a result, we can confirm the following people will definitely
be attending this year's Bilderberg conference in Sitges.
I can't tell you how I know this. Let's just say we 'obtained' this
Step forward if you hear your name.
Marcus Agius:
The chairman of Barclays
and a senior non-executive director on the BBC's new executive
board. Married to Katherine, daughter of Edmund Leopold de
Rothschild (I don't know why I mention that. Just a bit of family
trivia - the sort of thing some people find interesting).
Josef Ackermann:
The CEO of Deutsche
Bank and a non-executive director of Shell.
General Jack Keane,
the former vice
chief of staff of the US army and on the board of the US defense
conglomerate General Dynamics.
Juan Luis Cebrián Echarri:
The CEO and
co-founder of El Pais; the CEO of Grupo Prisa (Spain's biggest
publisher); on the board of directors of Le Monde.
Richard Holbrooke:
Barack Obama's
special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan and a member of the board
of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Gustavo A. Cisneros Rendiles:
Venezuelan media mogul - one of the world's richest men.
Victor Halberstadt:
Professor of public
economics at Leiden University and international advisor to Goldman
Sachs. President of the International Institute of Public Finance.
Roger Altman:
The founder and chairman
of Evercore Partners, "the most active investment banking boutique
in the world" (their website says).
Joaquín Almunia:
Senior Spanish member
of the European commission.
W. Edmund Clark:
President and CEO of
the TD Bank Financial Group.
Jan H.M. Hommen:
Chairman of the ING
Jyrki Katainen:
Minster of finance in
Finland, chairman of the Finnish National Coalition party.
And they're just the tip of the Bilderberg.
More names will emerge as the weekend
progresses, and the long-lens snaps have started coming in. The police have
started pushing us further from the roundabouts. We've had the first
detentions and the first angry deletions of photographs by police.
Although quite why attending Bilderberg has to remain such a mystery remains
a mystery. The blackened windows of the limousines, the desperate
camera-dodging of the delegates.
Tony Blair attended in 1993, but lied about it in parliament. Why lie? Why
hide? If it's a long weekend of ping-pong, why the secrecy? If it's a long
weekend of global strategizing, why not simply behave like adults and talk
to the press about it?
The paranoia was riding high amongst the conference organizers.
A pair of them talked about the 2006 Bilderberg
conference in Ottawa, where the radio host Alex Jones led the protests with
his megaphone.
"They were very close to the hotel," said
one. Another looked shocked and asked: "Did they ever try to attack?" A
shake of the head and the answer: "No, but it was very scary." A third
leaned in: "This is the negative side of the welfare state. People have
enough income, so they can do this - it's like a permanent threat."
What threat?
That people concerned about the unfairness of
the world should drape a banner over a police cordon? That they should shout
their anger at the madness of asset-grabbing transnational corporations,
whose chairmen are sipping beers with our elected officials?
"It's like a permanent threat."
Don't make me spit.
My wife, Hannah, felt the hard edge of paranoia as we left the hotel at
lockdown. She decided she needed to do some last-minute printing (she
suddenly felt the urge to print out a history of Sitges from the internet).
The concierge ushered her into the business centre, where she found herself
in the middle of pulsing heart of Bilderberg. She sat down to print. She was
A stern Dutch lady shouted coldly:
"Take her to security!" and barked: "What is
your name?"
Startled, Hannah remarked:
"This isn't a very
friendly hotel." The lady replied: "No, it's not a very friendly hotel."
this week it isn't.
As we left finally left the unfriendly Dolce Sitges, as the plainclothes
police gathered, a pallet of watermelons was being rolled into the service
entrance alongside a lighting rig. The patio lights had been covered with
orange cellophane.
It's going to be quite a show later, the opening night of Bilderberg -
watermelons everywhere, greedy eyes glowing orange on the dance-floor.
"More watermelons!" shouts the CEO of
Deutsche Bank.
Twenty are rolled towards him in an instant.
stamps upon the first and hoots his joy into the orange air, as the DJ leans
into the microphone:
"And we have a request from Mr Kenneth
Clarke, it's Another One Bites the Dust!"
A happy Ken tosses his cigar over his shoulder
and takes to the disco floor. Not that Ken's been confirmed yet. He's
probably relaxing in his constituency. Maybe someone should find out.
On Tuesday night, when we were at the bar working our way through their
selection of Catalan beers, we asked the barman how big he reckoned the
Bilderbergers' hotel bill would be.
He rolled his eyes and said:
"You don't want to know how much they're
paying for this!"
He misunderstood. I really did.
If the cost of dinner at the Dolce is anything to go by, it'll be a whacking
great tab. My advice to David Rockefeller - avoid the 'award winning' trout
fillets. If you're hungry, try the black spaghetti with salmon meatballs to
What else…?
My top tips for Bilderberg 2010 participants
The gazpacho is good but thin.
The right-hand of the two ping-pong
tables (if you're standing with your back to the sun-loungers) has a
tricky camber. Better go for the left-hander.
If you're on a budget, go to breakfast
at 7am, then go again at half 10, so you can get breakfast and lunch
out of the same buffet.
Don't drink the tap-water in the
bedrooms. It's got more chlorine in it than the swimming pool.
The kiwifruit breakfast pastries are to
die for.
The artichoke soup needs black pepper.
Go to the spa, have an Ayurvedic
massage, and during it repeat the mantra: "It's ok if I don't own
everything, it's ok if I don't own everything." Then get drunk and
throw bread rolls at the stripper.
The staff are Catalan, not Spanish.
Apart from the Argentinean bellhop. He's Argentinean.
Cancel three-quarters of your police
protection. You don't need them, and they're costing other people
Back to
Bilderberg 2010 - Between The Sword and The
June 05, 2010
TheGuardian Website

The Catalan police are refreshingly friendly.
But if the time for action
whose side will they be on?
Catalan police Policing Bilderberg:
beneath the uniforms beat human hearts
Photograph: Charlie Skelton for the
The enormous bald detective in beach shorts took the camera from my wife.
"Let me see."
He scrolled through the photographs, just taken,
of me being detained at the campsite gates.
He scrolled past, to see a photo of a limousine
convoy, whooshing up the hill to Bilderberg.
"I don't like this," he said, and waved a
huge, disgruntled hand towards the conference hotel.
"Do you know how
much this is costing?" asked Hannah. "Do you think the Spanish economy can afford
all this?"
Grimly, the enormous bald detective started
deleting images of his comrades with his giant thumb.
"Your opinion," he growled, "is right."
He handed the camera back to Hannah.
"But you've deleted my best shots!"
The detective whistled to his comrades, who were
busy sniffing a jar of salted olives they had found in my car boot.
He had
them turn around, facing away from the camera.
"Go head," he rumbled. "Take photographs."
What a difference a year makes.
Last year in Vouliagmeni when I tried covering
the 2009 Bilderberg meeting, I had Greek policemen yelling "No fotografia!"
at me at every turn. I was arrested, tailed, harassed, rearrested, yelled
at, bundled into squad cars, lied to, intimidated, wrestled with and hounded
round Athens like I was John Dillinger.
This year, the police have been deployed in the same extraordinary numbers,
but they are smiling, rolling their eyes at the rigmarole; the riot police
are giving the thumbs-up to protesters and honking their horns as they come
round the "awareness roundabout" at the foot of the hotel.
"The police have been laughing and
chatting," says Daniel Turon, a Spanish psycho-sociologist, here in
Sitges to psycho-sociologise Bilderberg. "One of them said he had read a
book about Bilderberg; another said, 'Yes, we understand.'"
The Catalan police, he says,
"have a different sensibility" from what you
may expect. "They are Catalan. Their minds are independent."
Their minds, perhaps, have been focused by
recent pay disputes.
Two days ago, the police were on strike in Barcelona:
they are facing a pay cut next month, as part of Spain's "austerity
measures" (what the IMF calls "fiscal consolidation") - and disgruntlement
Yesterday, the Spanish newspaper Público quoted the Catalan police union's
estimate, that,
"the mere deployment of the Mossos
d'Esquadra entails costs of €150,000 for each of the four days of the
Bilderberg meeting".
This union has lodged a formal complaint about
the misuse of resources in guarding Bilderberg.
Público shares the union's concern:
"The members of the Bilderberg club have not
been elected by the citizens [of this country] in a democratic process,
but the costs of the meeting is being met by them."
Ageing Bilderberg sleuth, Jim Tucker, says the Bilderberg group always reimburses the host nation for costs incurred. But
if that's the case, the police are simply an army for hire.
Turon is keen to humanize the officers facing him:
"Look at the eyes of the police," he says.
"Look at the person who is there. They want to be with us."
"Your position is hyper-naive," laughs his friend, one of the
of the Spanish protests, Dídac S.-Costa. "They are puppets. They are
nothing. They are a distraction. They are the cashiers at the
supermarket; we need to confront the supermarket itself. This is a
systemic problem." Dídac is a sociologist.
"We need to use the tools of the system against it. We need a brave
judge, a brave lawyer. We need another Garzón" (Baltasar Garzón is the
Spanish judge who issued the extradition request for General Pinochet).
"We need to use the legal weapons at our disposal; to find a way, as the
Spanish say, between the sword and the wall."
Ivan Torres, from Maresme (whom we met
yesterday, near his roundabout bed), found himself caught last night between
the sword and the wall, up in the hills above the Hotel Dolce Sitges.
He was out with Rafa Palacios, the founder of
the Stop Secrets Movement, trying to stop some secrets. A spotter on the
hotel roof saw them crawling along; minutes later a police helicopter
arrived, and officers swarmed the hills to arrest them. The policemen looked
at the cameras, looked at the footage, then handed it back undeleted.
Ivan and Rafa were brought before the comisario of the Sitges police.
The comisario told them frankly what he thought of them.
"We admire you," he said. "We are really sad
because we don't want to have a confrontation here."
And, like his giant bald underling from earlier,
he gestured to the hotel.
"I don't like these people. All I want is a
smooth operation in Sitges. The people up there," said the comisario, "I
really don't like."
Rafa says that on Thursday, as police and
activists squared off for the first time and as Rafa took the megaphone, it
was this same comisario who stood in front of the cordon.
"You have a heart under your badge", cried
Rafa, "you have a brain under your hat. You are the ones we will be
drinking with after the football, not the ones up the hill!"
Rafa reached out his hands towards the cordon.
People who witnessed his speech say this moment defined the subsequent
dynamic between the protesters and the police.
"You should be protecting us, not them!"
Rafa implored. "We are the people. You are the people. You are one of
Rafa says he spoke directly to the comisario
when he said:
"A time is coming when you may be asked to
use violence against us. A time is coming when you will have to choose
sides. You will have to decide."
And Rafa says he saw tears in the eyes of the
"I think, my friend, that I touched his heart."
Back to Contents
Bilderberg and Other Secretive Groups Intend
to Plunge Americans Into One World Socialism
by Suzanne Eovaldi
staff writer
June 06, 2010
BeforeItsNews Website
Our borders will never be secure as long as the Marxists Democrats in
Congress and
Barack Obama follow the “One World” model promoted by the
Bilderberg Group and several other secret global societies whose aim is to
plunge American into chaos.
Having a secure southern border that really keeps our citizens safe from the
ravages of illegal immigration and the crime and drug violence that comes
along with it is antithetical to the Bilderbergers’ desire for an American
Union composed of Mexico, U.S. Canada and the Caribbean Islands including
The Bilderbergers are meeting this weekend in Spain. They are secreted
behind a heavily fortified resort about 20 miles from Barcelona, but their
attempt at remaining secluded has failed given the work of
video on their “hidden hand.”
Icke reveals the group’s plans for a,
one world
one world central bank
one world army
a microchip
...all under the imprimatur of the
United Nations.
The Tri-Lateral Commission started it
The Tri-Lateral Commission was co-founded in l973 by
Zbigniew Brzezinski,
Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.
Along with the
Council on Foreign
Relations, these secret societies seek to keep America ruled by eastern
seaboard wealthy liberal elites who seek to rule by bloodlines, not ballots,
according to Icke.
At this weekend’s confab in Spain, one the European Union’s threatened PIGS
economies (Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain), the Bilderberg’s 2010 agenda
centers around grooming political candidates, the future collapse of the
Euro and a potential military strike against Iran says as reported by
journalist Paul Joseph Watson.
Their aim of a World Bank is already is in
the works with Deutsche Bank acting as brokers for the US government’s
bailout money.
Obama’s faux meeting with AZ Governor Jan Brewer in Washington give us a
fairly clear picture of why both political parties have let us, US citizens
suffer from 30 years of un-enforced illegal immigration hell.
passage under Clinton presaged our march to an American Union even though
the EU is collapsing around the globalists.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy
told audiences at Columbia College,
“We should invent a new global monetary
Senator Jim DeMint told Congress we don’t even have our own fiscal house in
order and,
“this is the worst time to ask taxpayers to borrow more from China
to bail out foreign nations.”
Stop and consider what America would be if the Marxists in Congress are not
Consider the dreary lives people live in Socialist countries. That
misery is real.
The dangers too our American freedoms are real. Do something.
Decide if you
want to make history or be history.
Do you deserve to live in America?
Plan or fighting or plan on being a slave.
What did you do to support and defend American freedoms yesterday?
What will
you do today and tomorrow?
Back to
Bilderberg 2010 - Final List of Participants
June 6, 2010
PrisonPlanet Website
Final List of Participants - Sitges, Spain 3-6
June 2010
Honorary Chairman
BEL Davignon, Etienne Vice Chairman,
DEU Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the
Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
GBR Agius, Marcus Chairman, Barclays
Bank PLC
ESP Alierta, César Chairman and CEO,
INT Almunia, Joaquín Commissioner,
European Commission
USA Altman, Roger C. Chairman, Evercore
Partners Inc.
USA Arrison, Sonia Author and policy
SWE Bäckström, Urban Director General,
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
PRT Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman
and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
ITA Bernabè, Franco CEO, Telecom Italia
SWE Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign
FIN Blåfield, Antti Senior Editorial
Writer, Helsingin Sanomat
ESP Botín, Ana P. Executive Chairman,
NOR Brandtzæg, Svein Richard CEO, Norsk
Hydro ASA
AUT Bronner, Oscar Publisher and Editor,
Der Standard
TUR Çakir, Ruşen Journalist
CAN Campbell, Gordon Premier of British
ESP Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime Managing
Director, Advent International
FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman of the
Management Board and CEO, AXA
ESP Cebrián, Juan Luis CEO, PRISA
ESP Cisneros, Gustavo A. Chairman and
CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies
CAN Clark, W. Edmund President and CEO,
TD Bank Financial Group
USA Collins, Timothy C. Senior Managing
Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
ITA Conti, Fulvio CEO and General
Manager, Enel SpA
GRC David, George A. Chairman, Coca-Cola
H.B.C. S.A.
DNK Eldrup, Anders CEO, DONG Energy
ITA Elkann, John Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
DEU Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus SAS
ESP Entrecanales, José M. Chairman,
DNK Federspiel, Ulrik Vice President
Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
USA Feldstein, Martin S. George F. Baker
Professor of Economics, Harvard University
USA Ferguson, Niall Laurence A. Tisch
Professor of History, Harvard University
AUT Fischer, Heinz Federal President
IRL Gallagher, Paul Attorney General
USA Gates, William H. Co-chair, Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation and Chairman, Microsoft Corporation
USA Gordon, Philip H. Assistant
Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
USA Graham, Donald E. Chairman and CEO,
The Washington Post Company
INT Gucht, Karel de Commissioner,
European Commission
TUR Gürel, Z. Damla Special Adviser to
the President on EU Affairs
NLD Halberstadt, Victor Professor of
Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of
Bilderberg Meetings
USA Holbrooke, Richard C. Special
Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
NLD Hommen, Jan H.M. Chairman, ING Group
USA Hormats, Robert D. Under Secretary
for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs
BEL Huyghebaert, Jan Chairman of the
Board of Directors, KBC Group
USA Johnson, James A. Vice Chairman,
Perseus, LLC
FIN Katainen, Jyrki Minister of Finance
USA Keane, John M. Senior Partner, SCP
GBR Kerr, John Member, House of Lords;
Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
USA Kissinger, Henry A. Chairman,
Kissinger Associates, Inc.
USA Kleinfeld, Klaus Chairman and CEO,
TUR Koç, Mustafa V. Chairman, Koç
Holding A.Ş.
USA Kravis, Henry R. Founding Partner,
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow,
Hudson Institute, Inc.
INT Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European
USA Lander, Eric S. President and
Director, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
FRA Lauvergeon, Anne Chairman of the
Executive Board, AREVA
ESP León Gross, Bernardino Secretary
General, Office of the Prime Minister
DEU Löscher, Peter Chairman of the Board
of Management, Siemens AG
NOR Magnus, Birger Chairman, Storebrand
CAN Mansbridge, Peter Chief
Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
USA Mathews, Jessica T. President,
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
CAN McKenna, Frank Deputy Chair, TD Bank
Financial Group
GBR Micklethwait, John Editor-in-Chief,
The Economist
FRA Montbrial, Thierry de President,
French Institute for International Relations
ITA Monti, Mario President, Universita
Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
INT Moyo, Dambisa F. Economist and
USA Mundie, Craig J. Chief Research and
Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
NOR Myklebust, Egil Former Chairman of
the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA
USA Naím, Moisés Editor-in-Chief,
Foreign Policy
NLD Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the
ESP Nin Génova, Juan María President and
CEO, La Caixa
DNK Nyrup Rasmussen, Poul Former Prime
GBR Oldham, John National Clinical Lead
for Quality and Productivity
FIN Ollila, Jorma Chairman, Royal Dutch
Shell plc
USA Orszag, Peter R. Director, Office of
Management and Budget
TUR Özilhan, Tuncay Chairman, Anadolu
ITA Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso Former
Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe
GRC Papaconstantinou, George Minister of
USA Parker, Sean Managing Partner,
Founders Fund
USA Pearl, Frank H. Chairman and CEO,
Perseus, LLC
USA Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow,
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
ESP Polanco, Ignacio Chairman, Grupo
CAN Prichard, J. Robert S. President and
CEO, Metrolinx
FRA Ramanantsoa, Bernard Dean, HEC Paris
PRT Rangel, Paulo Member, European
CAN Reisman, Heather M. Chair and CEO,
Indigo Books & Music Inc.
SWE Renström, Lars President and CEO,
Alfa Laval
NLD Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G.
Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)
ITA Rocca, Gianfelice Chairman, Techint
ESP Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías Executive
Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander
USA Rose, Charlie Producer, Rose
USA Rubin, Robert E. Co-Chairman,
Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
TUR Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan Chairman,
ITA Scaroni, Paolo CEO, Eni S.p.A.
USA Schmidt, Eric CEO and Chairman of
the Board, Google
AUT Scholten, Rudolf Member of the Board
of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
DEU Scholz, Olaf Vice Chairman, SPD
INT Sheeran, Josette Executive Director,
United Nations World Food Program
INT Solana Madariaga, Javier Former
Secretary General, Council of the European Union
ESP Spain, H.M. the Queen of
USA Steinberg, James B. Deputy Secretary
of State
INT Stigson, Björn President, World
Business Council for Sustainable Development
USA Summers, Lawrence H. Director,
National Economic Council
IRL Sutherland, Peter D. Chairman,
Goldman Sachs International
GBR Taylor, J. Martin Chairman, Syngenta
International AG
PRT Teixeira dos Santos, Fernando
Minister of State and Finance
USA Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium
Capital Management, LLC
GRC Tsoukalis, Loukas President, ELIAMEP
INT Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude Member of
the Executive Board, European Central Bank
USA Varney, Christine A. Assistant
Attorney General for Antitrust
CHE Vasella, Daniel L. Chairman,
Novartis AG
USA Volcker, Paul A. Chairman, Economic
Recovery Advisory Board
CHE Voser, Peter CEO, Royal Dutch Shell
FIN Wahlroos, Björn Chairman, Sampo plc
CHE Waldvogel, Francis A. Chairman,
Novartis Venture Fund
SWE Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor
NLD Wellink, Nout President, De
Nederlandsche Bank
USA West, F.J. Bing Author
GBR Williams, Shirley Member, House of
USA Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman,
Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
ESP Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez Prime
DEU Zetsche, Dieter Chairman, Daimler AG
INT Zoellick, Robert B. President, The
World Bank Group
GBR Bredow, Vendeline von Business
Correspondent, The Economist
GBR Wooldridge, Adrian D. Business
Correspondent, The Economist
Editor comment: This is
the official participant list direct from Bilderberg. We have to remember
that many participants request that their names not be added, as we covered
in 2008 when
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama attended the
Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly Virginia under a cloak of
secrecy, so there are likely to be more attendees who were not included on
the list.
The fact that Bilderberg has gone from attempting to hide the very existence
of their meetings to now being forced to issue an official participant list
shows how far we have come in bringing their activities to light.
Find out more information about Bilderberg by visiting the
Bilderberg Master Page or watch Alex Jones’
expose of Bilderberg’s agenda in his documentary film
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Bilderberg - Global Cabal Pushes Agenda
Before Meeting in Sitges, Spain
by James P. Tucker, Jr.
June 7, 2010
AmericanFreePress Website
Bilderberg-controlled news outlets in Europe and the Western Hemisphere are
conditioning the public to accept two of the super-secret elite’s major
goals in advance of its meeting June 4-7 in Sitges, Spain: a U.S. attack on
Iran and a financial bailout of Greece and other European Union (EU)
But even before the Bilderberg group gathered behind the sealed-off, guarded
Dolce Hotel in Sitges, a resort community 12 miles from Barcelona,
resistance to throwing more tax dollars at the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
to bail out Europe sprang up in Congress.
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) introduced legislation to require the Treasury
Department to oppose further IMF “loans” to stricken European countries
until all EU members are in compliance with their own constitutional limits
on debt - and very few of them are. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) introduced
companion legislation in the Senate.
Just the threat of the legislation prompted Senate Democratic leaders to
agree to an amendment to financial legislation that would prohibit the
United States from participating in bailouts that are unlikely to be repaid.
It requires the IMF to certify to the Treasury Department that it expects
its loans to Europe to be repaid.
It passed 94-0.
“America isn’t even close to getting our own
fiscal house in order, and this is the worst time to ask taxpayers to
borrow more from China to bail out foreign nations,” DeMint said.
The Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post called
for making the IMF a “global overseer” on May 20.
Bilderberg is exploiting
the financial crisis in Greece and other EU countries to advance efforts to
make the IMF a world Treasury Department under the UN.
“It may take a global agency like the IMF”
to address the problem, The Post said, attributing the view to Liliana
Rojas-Suarez, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.
Bilderberg warmongering continues.
instructions from Russian Mikhail Slobodinsky (at the
Trilateralist meeting
[AFP May 24, 2010]), Russia and China joined in supporting a resolution
condemning Iran’s imaginary “nuclear weapons program.”
Israel restated that air strikes are not “off
the table.”
The Bilderberg-Trilateral goal is for the U.S. to conduct air strikes on
Iran, paid for with American taxpayer dollars and blood. Israel has had
nuclear weapons since at least 1962, is not a signatory to the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty and refuses on-site inspections.
Obama continued calling for a new “international order” in a commencement
address at West Point, addressing cadets, some of whom will probably die in
the Middle East.
“The international order we seek is one that
can resolve the challenges of our times,” Obama said.
The president, who
is owned by Bilderberg, never wore America’s uniform.
“We are not defined by our borders,” Obama said while standing beside
Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
Eliminating national borders and creating an
“American Union” to include Mexico and Canada is a major Bilderberg goal.
Bilderberg is grimly aware that gas prices will drop this summer despite
ordering oil-producing nations to pump at only 81 percent capacity. But
Bilderberg is demanding significantly higher costs in the fall, looking for
$3 to $4 a gallon in the U.S. This is entangled, too, with the huge
Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
BP is among the several oil
producers that are major Bilderberg players, and the brotherhood is
intact - and embarrassed.
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Bilderberg 2010 - Help Us Identify The
June 08, 2010
TheGuardian Website
Take a look at
our gallery and see whether you can pinpoint the identities
of attendees at the world's most secure conference.

Dutch Queen Beatrix
on a
minibus at the Bilderberg conference in Sitges, Spain.
But who's there with her?
Photograph: Nero Angelo
They've crouched on limousine floors, held their
handbags to their faces and spent four long, luxurious days - with the press
held at gunpoint - at the world's most secure conference.
I mean, no wonder the Bilderberg delegates are embarrassed. They're
strategizing to make the world a better place - who'd want to be seen doing
But a few interested souls have slipped past police patrols, clambered up
cliffs, fallen off walls, dodged heat-seeking helicopters and managed to
capture, on film, the richest of the rich and the shyest of the shy.
Have a flick through our below gallery of hard-won mug-shots and see whether you
can spot anyone you know.
Post your guesses in the comments field below, making sure you include the
number of the photograph you're talking about, and which person in the
picture you think you can identify.
Please note: if you're getting stuck, you might want to think about using
the list on
bilderbergmeetings.org, a site which seems to have appeared from
nowhere overnight and is either the closest Bilderberg has ever come to a
relationship with the press, or a very clever (and accurate) spoof.
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Bilderberg 2010 - Who Are The delegates?
June 08, 2010
Guardian Website
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