June 19, 2005
IlluminatiNews Website
One New Age channeling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge - very disturbing influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees worldwide. Known as ’The Nine’, its disciples include cutting edge scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians.
This exclusive extract based on The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince looks at the sinister origins of The Nine.
The declaration above is typical of the channeled pronouncements of the Council of Nine - or just ’The Nine’.
They contain all the usual New Age ingredients of grandiose statements, shaky grammar and unprovable predictions. But unlike all the other channeling cults, that of The Nine has serious clout. Perhaps the reason for this is that they claim to be the Ennead, or the nine major gods of ancient Egypt. Or could there be another reason, one that owes more to The X-Files than the Pyramid Texts?
Although The Nine may
appear to be quintessentially a modern phenomenon, our research
uncovered its
Set up in 1948 to research the
paranormal, among the noted psychics studied at the Foundation were
the famous Irish medium Eileen Garrett and the Dutch clairvoyant
Peter Hurkos (Pieter van de Hirk). Prominent members included the
influential philosopher and inventor Arthur M Young and the
socialite Alice Bouverie (née Astor).
In the months before Vinod returned to India, a
group met regularly to hear The Nine’s channeled wisdom. Never
known for their modesty, The Nine proclaimed themselves to be
stating "God is nobody else than we together, the Nine Principles of
(For a description of their involvement in the Dorothy Martin circle, see Jerome Clark’s ’When Prophecy Failed’).
Back in the States
a few weeks later, Puharich received a letter from the Laugheads
containing messages received by their group’s channeller. This
message also claimed to come from the Nine Principles, even -
amazingly - including references to the earlier communications
transmitted through Dr Vinod. Could The Nine possibly be for real?
But all that was to pale into insignificance because, in 1971, Puharich discovered
Uri Geller.
However, Puharich suggested to him that there might be a connection
with the Nine Principles, and Spectra readily agreed that there was.
The Nine claimed that they had programmed Geller with his powers as
a young child.
However, Geller - by now an international psychic superstar - bowed out in 1973 and has resolutely turned his back on The Nine ever since.
Puharich had to find other channels. He joined up with aristocratic former racing driver Sir John Whitmore and Florida-based psychic and healer Phyllis Schlemmer.
They found a new channeller - a Daytona cook known to history only by the pseudonym ’Bobby Horne’ - who lived to regret his dealings with The Nine. Driven to the brink of suicide by their constant demands, he too dropped out of the scene - his despair being dismissed by Whitmore as "signs of instability".
After this, Phyllis Schlemmer was
appointed the authorized spokesperson for the entity - known simply
as ’Tom’ - who represented The Nine.
The Nine’s disciples included,
We also know that Lyall Watson (then the darling of the alternative
scene because of his seminal 1973 book
Supernature) was involved, as
was the influential counter-culture guru Ira Einhorn - and Gene
Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek.
But, of course, we don’t get an eclipse every New Moon.
This is because the Moon has an
elliptical orbit: sometimes it passes above the Sun when it
overtakes it, sometimes below. But the Moon’s elliptical orbit has
its own cycle: it returns to the same place it started from every 18
years or so. Thus - if seen from the same place on Earth - an
eclipse will be followed by another one just over 18 years later.
How much he was
influenced by them is unknown, although it is said that some of
their concepts found their way into the early Star Trek movies, and
The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine (what a giveaway!) series.
Another key player in Lab Nine was Dr James J Hurtak, who was appointed Puharich’s second-in-command by The Nine. In fact, Hurtak had been independently channeling The Nine since 1973.
Puharich and
Whitmore commissioned British writer Stuart Holroyd to write an
account of their adventures, which appeared in 1977 as Prelude to
the Landing on Planet Earth (re-titled
Briefings for the Landing on
Planet Earth in paperback.)
Far from being the chummy character that
his rather avuncular name suggests, Tom is actually Atum, the
creator-god of the ancient Egyptian religion of Heliopolis, and
Uncle Tom with his eight mates are none other than the Great Ennead
of Heliopolis.
Lab Nine broke up in 1978 after a series of mysterious events that culminated in an arson attack on the Ossining estate, and he fled to Mexico, claiming that he was being persecuted by the CIA. He returned to the USA two years later, and appears to have played no further part in The Nine story. He died in 1995 after falling down the stairs in his South Carolina home.
However, The Nine continued...
Not only did Schlemmer and Whitmore continue their mission, but Dr Hurtak has also moved on. He has become a major player in the unfolding millennial drama currently being played out at Giza, but perhaps more importantly he has established himself as a New Age guru par excellence, travelling the world giving workshops on his book of channeled revelations from The Nine, The Keys of Enoch.
Written and laid out in classic Biblical style, its darkly
apocalyptic vision has huge numbers of influential devotees. This we
find very worrying.
She and The Nine became so influential there that
they held seminars and - unbelievably - were actually listed on the
Institute’s staff, even successfully ordering the sacking of its
chief finance officer and the reorganization of its entire
management structure..
One of their recent channels, who is also in contact with Tom, is the American writer David M Myers. He is co-author with Britain’s David S Percy of that extraordinary tome Two-Thirds, a history of the galaxy and the human race according to Myer’s other-worldly contacts (who clearly have no sense of the absurd).
Percy - best known as a champion of the ’Face on Mars’ and the ’hoaxing’ of the Apollo moon landings - was at one time part of the Schlemmer circle. Among the other major proponents of the ’monuments’ of Mars and their alleged connection with ancient Egypt is none other than Dr James Hurtak - The Nine’s great prophet - who has promoted this idea since as long ago as 1973.
Richard C. Hoagland - familiar to FT readers as another unrepentant ’Mars Face’ enthusiast - is also clearly under The Nine’s spell.
David Myers and David Percy were, respectively, American and European Director of Operations for Hoagland’s Mars Mission. In fact, his interpretation of the ’monuments’ of Mars comes directly from The Nine. Flake though he may appear (increasingly in these hallowed pages), but his influence over huge swathes of the hungrier mystery seekers is undeniable.
This is the man who addresses rapt audiences at
the United Nations.
Anything The Nine say must be sweetness and light, right? But an
objective reading of their divine pronouncements reveal the first
stirrings of something very nasty in Paradise.
According to Palden Jenkins (editor of an earlier edition of Only Planet) more and more New Age channeling groups are ’realizing’ that the real source of their wisdom is The Nine. In fact, we have discerned what amounts to a campaign by The Nine - or their adherents - to ’take over’ the New Age.
It would be a mistake to underestimate the economic or even political potential of this vast subculture - rich pickings indeed. But The Nine’s influence does not extend merely to New Age channeling circles.
Andrija Puharich, James Hurtak and Richard Hoagland have all lectured at the United Nations in New York. And individuals connected with The Nine are also known to have influence with Vice-President Al Gore.
Of course, if The Nine really are the ancient gods of Egypt, then surely there could be fewer more significant events than their return.
One may be justified in thinking that the more leading politicians who fall under their influence the better.
Tom, in The Only Planet of Choice, chooses his words carefully as he explains that all the races of the Earth were seeded from space-gods - except one, the "indigenous race", the blacks.
He is very careful
to urge us not to make an issue out of this. After all, it’s not the
black race’s fault that they have no divine spark like the rest of
As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA mind control project.
He - together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb - experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes. even to creating the impression of voices in the head.
These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject’s brain.
And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research.
Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel.
Puharich’s use of hypnosis is particularly
interesting in The Nine circle. In the case of Uri Geller and
Horne, he first hypnotized them and then suggested that they were in
touch with The Nine - and so, they were! Ira Einhorn - a close
associate of Puharich’s during the 1970s - confirmed to us that he
believed that Puharich was "humanly directing" The Nine
Of course, that depends very much on what the CIA had in mind.
With their subtle racist propaganda, perhaps the flaky New Age Nine should worry the hell out of us.