by Clifford E. Carnicom
July 2003
Carnicom.com Website
A meeting has taken place recently between an investigative
researcher and a well placed military source. The identity of both
parties is to be protected. The source has intimate knowledge of at
least one aspect of the aerosol operations, and asserts the
1. The operation is a joint
project between the Pentagon and the pharmaceutical industry.
2. The Pentagon wishes to test biological diseases for
war purposes on unsuspecting populations. It was stated that
SARS is a failure as the expected rate of mortality was intended
to be 80%.
3. The pharmaceutical industry is making trillions on
medications designed to treat both fatal and non-fatal diseases
given to populations.
4. The bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and then
placed on fine filaments for release.
5. The metals released along with the diseases heat up
from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria
and viruses to thrive in the air supply.
6. Most countries being sprayed are unaware of the
activities and they have not consented to the activities. He
states that commercial aircraft flying are one of the delivery
7. Most of the "players" are old friends and business
partners of the senior Bush.
8. The ultimate goal is the control of all populations
through directed and accurate spraying of drugs, diseases, etc.
9. People who have tried to reveal the truth have been
imprisoned and killed.
10. This is the most dangerous and dark time that I have
experienced in all of my years of serving this country.
This information is relayed without
qualification, as I am knowledgeable in the level of integrity of
the researcher that has made this information available to the
public. There is both risk and restraint that has been exercised in
the preparation of this statement.
Clifford E Carnicom
Jul 26 2003
Additional Notes Aug 17 2003:
The following personal and observations have been relayed to me by
the investigative researcher referred to above:
I am the researcher that relayed
information to Carnicom and I can tell you that the meeting
occurred as stated. I see that my meeting opened up some
dialogue. I have to ask: why are so many intelligent people
debating the "tail of the dog"? Does it have fleas, long or
short hair, or no tail at all. Look at the DOG. See the big
picture here. Do you question that people are dying in record
numbers from the aerosol operations? It is a fact that an
increase in particulate matter increases mortality.
A top respiratory doctor has just written a book about the
"breathing crisis." On the Today Show, not in some secret
meeting place, he tells us that respiratory disease has gone
from eighth to fourth place as a leading cause of death, soon to
be third, in only FIVE years. The doctor says the increase in
respiratory death is because of smoking. Now that seems a little
off, since many people have stopped smoking, and yet in FIVE
years dying from breathing is the major cause of death behind
heart failure and cancer. It is also a fact that when oxygen is
reduced, cardiac arrest goes up. He also advises "not to
exercise outdoors". What does exercising outdoors have to do
with smoking? Any chance that breathing heavy metals could be
the cause of not only increasing death from respiratory disease,
but also contributes to cardiac arrest and cancer? Go back to
the DOG. Look at the bigger picture of what's going on with our
health; stop debating the biological contents of an already
deadly, efficient operation. Incidentally, "culling" was never
mentioned in my report.
Give Carnicom some credit for his integrity in presenting this
material. I risked my safety and the safety of others to get
this information. I wanted the information for myself; I didn't
get it for Carnicom or his
website, but I did want to share it with
others as a confirmation, not as a revelation, of what is going
on. Many of you saw this and I appreciate your intelligence and
wisdom. My thanks, also, to those of you who have followed up
with some good research.
Posted Aug 17 2003