Posted by benjamin
January 25, 2010
BenjaminFulford Website
We will learn this week if the
Federal Reserve Board will be disbanded
forever or if it will be allowed to survive in a highly regulated and
restricted form.
There is a January 30th accounting deadline
coming up and no clear sign of how they will be able to pay what they owe.
They were caught sending gold-plated tungsten to China in October and have
until that time to come up with real gold which they are unlikely to obtain.
Their latest scam was to have the head of the Bundesbank steal large sums of
money and then try to launder the funds through the Haitian central bank.
The problem is that any money that is transferred electronically by them is
immediately detected and stopped. There was film on Fox TV showing two tanks
breaking into a Haitian Bank and soldiers seizing two objects for purposes
unknown but clearly connected with the Bundesbank scandal.
In a related development, people connected to
Deutschebank contacted a member of the Black Dragon Society and tried to buy
gold. They were told to buzz off.
There are many signs now, even in the corporate propaganda media that
Federal Reserve Board rule of the United States and terrorization of the
world is coming to an end:
For example, the Venezuelan government, Iranian government TV, Fox News and
many other outlets mentioned the possibility that
Haiti was attacked with an
earthquake weapon. This sort of open accusation was unthinkable, for
example, when Indonesia was attacked with the earthquake weapon that caused
the tsunami there.
In both cases US forces were pre-positioned with “aid”
before the earthquakes struck.
The names of the people who ordered the attack
have been made public and there will be consequences. The days of mass
murder with impunity are coming to an end.
Another sign is open attacks on the Federal Reserve Board on US Network TV,
and not just on internet truth sites.
The sudden decision by Obama to start listening to former Federal Reserve
Board Chairman Paul Volcker’s advice to restore the Glass-Steagal act is yet
another sign. Having personally met Volcker many times, I can vouch for his
integrity. However, this attempted death-bed conversion by the Federal
Reserve Board is too little, too late.
It appears to be a move by the,
...faction to separate themselves from the
Bush/Clinton faction.
This group is also engaged in mass murder and
plunder and will receive no funding so long as the killing continues.
The other open sign of change is the public call by Senator Ron Paul
for the overthrow of the
drug-dealing CIA secret government. He
would have been killed for making such a statement even a year ago. The
take-down of the CIA appears to be happening via an investigation into why
the Federal Reserve Board secretly funneled hundreds of billions of
dollars to CIA-linked insurance giant AIG.
The fact that the corporate media and the
justice department are looking into it is a clear sign of open warfare
against that rogue agency by other government agencies.
The Pentagon is sending a representative to talk with the
Black Dragon
Society this week.
At our previous meeting, the Black Dragon Society
made the following proposals to the Pentagon:
First of all, all US dollars not created
through fraud such as “derivatives” will be backed by the Renminbi
and gold and renamed, possibly as Hong Kong dollars.
After that the US can issue its own
local currency, hopefully Kennedy/Lincoln style greenbacks.
Third, US external debt will be written
off in exchange for an agreement by the Pentagon to oversee a
swords-to-plowshares transition.
Fourth, the Japanese, Chinese and other
countries will help the US rebuild its industrial base.
Fifth, the US should convene a South
African-style truth and reconciliation committee so that the people
of the world may learn the truth and move on.
We will see what the Pentagon response to our
proposals will be.
Also, the Chinese Politburo will be sending a representative this week to
talk to the Black Dragon Society. Discussions are expected to focus
on the development of a new economic zone North of Tokyo in Chiba
Prefecture. We will also discuss the possible uses of a specially prepared
uninhabited island with a 2.5 kilometer runway. This can be made available
to Taiwanese interests but for security reasons the BDS does not want the
island to come under direct mainland control.
Related to this, there was a meeting last week at the Black Dragon Society
headquarters last week to discuss future plans. Here it was decided to go
full-speed ahead with the development of suppressed technologies and not
wait for the Western world to sort out its financial troubles.
The BDS will also contact Japanese Finance Minister Naoto Kan with proposals
for an overhaul of the Japanese financial system. One proposal will be to
sell 1000 trillion yen worth of Japanese government held real estate and
other property in order to write down Japanese government debt.
proposal will be a redenomination of the yen so that, for example one new
yen would be worth something like 10,000 old yen. There would be an amnesty
during the conversion to the new currency in order to bring all the savings
stuffed under mattresses or hidden for other reasons back into circulation.
A revamp of the Japanese financial bureaucracy and a return of something
similar to the system used until 1985 will also be put on the table. Since
Kan is expected to become Prime Minister after Ozawa and Hatoyama are
removed, we hope he will listen to these ideas with an open mind.
We can now mention that the new head of the Black Dragon Society is
We will issue a statement by him on U-tube shortly. Daikaku heads
the Japanese martial arts societies worldwide including Judo, Karate and
Ju-Jutsu (with it subsidiary Nin-Jutsu). This writer is a spokesperson for
the BDS and a conduit between Western and Asian members of the BDS. A third,
unnamed individual, is the deputy head.
In any case, it is expected to be a very eventful week and we hope to have
good news to report new week.