Saman Mohammadi
October 21, 2012
TheExcavator Website

"I have sworn upon the altar of God
eternal hostility against every form of tyranny
over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson
Totalitarian governments operate very
predictably and foolishly.
Their propaganda is so over-the-top absurd that
even the most gullible and uneducated members of their permanently
indoctrinated populations start becoming more and more skeptical of official
government accounts of reality.
The Fascist Bureau of Intimidation, the institution that was responsible for
the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and other American political
reformers in the 1960s, is in the habit of abusing its authority in the
post-9/11 paranoid political environment in the United States.
Last week, the FBI arrested a young man from Bangladesh named Quazi Mohammad
Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis for planning to blow up the New York
Federal Reserve Bank.
It all sounds very scary, but the FBI had everything
under control.
Innocent lives were never at stake because the manipulative
FBI created the fake plot and supplied Nafis with a fake bomb.
Kurt Nimmo reported on October 17 in an article called,
"FBI Entraps Witless Patsy in Federal Reserve Bombing Plot":
Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis was
provided with “inert explosives” by federal agents and closely monitored
by the FBI as he tried to act out his plot, according to the
Associated Press.
Federal prosecutors said Nafis had proposed several spots for his
attack, including the New York Stock Exchange. In a letter claiming
responsibility for the Federal Reserve plot, he said he wanted to
“destroy America.”
Nafis also provided the feds with a videotaped statement in which he
said, “We will not stop until we attain victory or martyrdom.”
Federal authorities said the public was not in danger at any point
during its “sting” operation.
Alex Newman writes in his article, "FBI Celebrates Foiling Its Own Terror Plot, Again":
In reality, however, there was no al-Qaeda,
there was no threat, there were no bombs, and the only alleged “plot”
the FBI “foiled” was the one it helped hatch with its dupe, Quazi
Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis.
Like the vast majority of recent domestic
“terror” schemes against the United States, the latest supposed
“operation” was essentially run by authorities from start to finish.
There are very imaginative people working for
the FBI.
They must watch a lot of movies in their offices. Action and spy
films probably motivated them to join the FBI in the first place, rather
than any sense of patriotism or love for public service.
How can FBI officers justify making up fake threats to the U.S. while
covering up real threats?
There are no domestic or foreign security threats
to the United States government except London-Wall Street bankers, Mossad,
and the rogue shadow CIA.
Instead of catching the real bad guys, FBI
officials spend all their time finding Muslim dupes, give them fake bombs,
tell them what to say, and then stand back and let the magic happen.
After every one of its staged terror stunts, the FBI invites television
crews and issues grand public statements about how they prevented a great
This is really silly stuff. This is not something that sane adults
do. Sane adults do not create terror plots out of scratch and manufacture
fake emergencies. This is what failed states that have no political
legitimacy do.
Pakistan's security services is also neck-deep in this kind of
fear-mongering, stupidity, and nonsense. They use the fear of the Taliban,
an organization that
they created with the CIA, which they continue to fund and arm, in
order to justify the draconian use of state power.
Seriously, has the FBI no shame? Do FBI officials have self-respect? Are
there any patriots left in this insane institution?
We all know the answer.
The entire U.S. political establishment has become a total joke. The FBI's
invented case of a Jihadist aiming to blow up the Federal Reserve is part of
a larger government narrative, the purpose of which is to make the American
people believe that the Federal Reserve is a victim of a grand conspiracy
involving Jihadists, libertarians, Occupy Wall Street activists, and Tea
Party conservatives.
The conspiracy theorists in the totalitarian government in Washington are
pushing the paranoid view that Al-Qaeda and the Tea Party will form a
strategic, political, and ideological alliance and take revenge on America.
So, we're supposed to believe that drugged up Muslim dupes in Al-Qaeda and
anti-Muslim, hardcore American patriots in the Tea Party will team up and
fight America? Okaaay. The hijacked U.S. government has officially gone
batshit crazy.
It has entered tin-foil hat territory.
The fanciful link between Al-Qaeda and the Tea Party is manufactured through
internal government planning papers and staged terror events.
The U.S. army
wrote about the "insurrectionist" tendencies of the Tea Party in a document
Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland - A “Vision” of the Future.
Paul Joseph Watson
wrote an article about the bizarre paper, here is an excerpt:
An academic study about the future use of
the military as a peacekeeping force within the United States written by
a retired Army Colonel depicts a shocking scenario in which the U.S.
Army is used to restore order to a town that has been seized by Tea
Party “insurrectionists”.
Citing the Declaration of Independence and the fact that the federal
government is not deriving its “just powers from the consent of the
governed,” the Tea Party rebels draw support from, “other tea party
groups, militias, racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan,
anti-immigrant associations such as the Minutemen, and other right-wing
The paper goes on to add how Al-Qaeda terrorists also may
hijack the crisis outlined in the scenario or join forces with the Tea
Party rebels.
It is no secret that one of the biggest
political targets of populist anger in the United States is the privately
managed Federal Reserve cartel, which has protected the big banks at the
cost of impoverishing America's national infrastructure and economic health.
Basically, the criminal
Federal Reserve has financially raped the United
Watch this interview of Lew
Rockwell on Russia Today (below video) to learn how the Federal Reserve has
been responsible for the growth of the war state and the decline of the
American middle class:
By stimulating fake terror cases in which the Federal Reserve is presented
as the victim of global Islamic Jihadists, the FBI is masking the political
corruption of this criminal and
vampiric institution that has aided and abetted financial treason
against the United States.
The idea that idiotic Jihadists and Al-Qaeda would want to target the
Federal Reserve is ridiculous. They don't even know what the Federal Reserve
is, who created it, and when it was created, so how can they be angry at
what it is doing?
Al-Qaeda only targets what the CIA tells it to target
because it is
controlled by the CIA. If
the CIA ordered Al-Qaeda to target
Mecca and burn down the Kaaba, Al-Qaeda would do it.
This guy Nafis is a joke. There is no Islamic Jihad against the Federal
The real and true "Jihad" against the Federal Reserve began in 1776
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
James Madison
John Adams
...and the other great founding fathers of America.
They declared a
war on private central banks and gross financial speculation, and
Washington fought against what the Federal Reserve represents, and here
is the FBI betraying Washington's legacy by defending the Federal Reserve.
It is pitiful and outrageous. Taking the side of financial tyranny is
morally wrong and politically unjustifiable.
It must always be remembered that the Federal Reserve is NOT America. It is
a leech upon America. There is nothing federal about it. Ron Paul is a
bigger national institution than the FED.
This illegitimate, illegal,
unnecessary, treasonous, and corrupt institution was not around when America
was created.
A hundred years of economic data has proven what a monstrous institution the
FED is and that the founders were right about the ills of private central
banking. A private central bank should've never been created in America. The
FED steals and destroys the wealth of the American people. That is all it
If Thomas Jefferson was alive in our time he would write a Declaration of
Independence from the Federal Reserve and declare an eternal jihad against
it. And, in turn, the treacherous FBI would label him a domestic terrorist.
That is how crazy, moronic, deceitful, and corrupt the FBI has become.
Anything it says is propaganda and must be rejected at face value.