OpenYourEyes Website
The Illuminati
The Illuminati are a group of individuals who at the higher levels
share the same bloodline and call themselves 'The Elite'. The are
also known as 'The Black Nobility'. They are in league with
The Freemasons and other
occult groups and secret societies
where there are initiation grades, or stages of progression to the
top of the pyramid.
The Illuminati go back a long, long time in
The whole goal of The Illuminati is to create a one world
government, known as
The New World Order, which can be seen today in
The United Nations and NATO. The goal? To control the world.
members include George W. Bush, senior and junior, Tony Blair and
England's Queen.

The below videos will give you an introduction to who
Illuminati are, their history, and why you should be concerned about
The videos give a brief insight into The Illuminati and
New World Order.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4